Facing the rat's rainbow fart, Qin Feng just smiled.

Promoted to Star Warrior.

Moreover, the cosmic energy he controls is still higher than the "Power of Starlight". It comes from the "Power of Ziyin" from a god's corpse, plus some trump cards.

Qin Feng estimated that his true combat power in head-to-head combat was roughly between the top star warriors and the ordinary Yaojiang warriors.


Qin Feng would only go to a head-on confrontation if he was stupid.

No matter the anatomy skills.

Still a hidden skill.

Or the powerful "Call of R'lyeh".

His many abilities.

They are all very suitable for tricking people in the dark, acting as an old yinbi, or deceiving people, acting as an old charlatan.

It can kill people.

Even tricked into becoming his own servant.

Why take the risk and go head-to-head?

Qin Feng has always been a cautious pragmatist and doesn't care about so-called martial ethics.

"Tell me about Lu Shenran."

Qin Feng looked at Mouse.

"Yes, Master."

The mouse lowered his head and said respectfully:

"Lu Shenran is the most outstanding college entrance examination winner in our Canglang City in recent years. His achievements in flesh and blood technology are extremely high. According to the judgment of the Pope of the Goddess Sect, he is not weaker than the former 'Father of Flesh Punk', Xia Qingchuan ”


Comparable to Xia Qingchuan?

Rated so highly?

You must know that Xia Qingchuan has ascended to the gods and become the orange light in the world's "spiritual layer", in charge of "knowledge and scientific authority."

Comparable to Xia Qingchuan.

It means...

Given the right time and luck, Lu Shenran would also be qualified to become Orange Light.

"It's a pity that Lu Shenran, like Xia Qingchuan, was born in Xiacheng."

Mouse said:

"In the eyes of the Goddess Cult, people who live in the lower city will never be able to reach the palace of elegance."


"The people in the lower city are born with fatal flaws. This flaw does not come from their contaminated genes or blood, but... from their spiritual bodies, from their souls!"

"Since the time they were born, their souls have been infected with pollution diseases from ancient times."

"And this ancient pollution disease is the real culprit that caused all the super-ancient gods to fall and be buried."


Qin Feng heard this.

Can't help but be very surprised.

Pollution disease from ancient times?

The real culprit who buried an ultra-ancient god?

Qin Feng frowned deeply:

"Are you saying that the main reason why people from the upper city discriminate against those from the lower city is because of this so-called ancient pollution disease?"

"That's how it started."

Mouse replied, "But as it has evolved to this day, only the insiders of the Goddess Cult, at least the warrior deacons, can know this information, while the rest of the people in the city... don't know anything about it. They just do it because of their own sense of superiority. It’s just discriminating against people from the lower city.”

"This ancient pollution disease has only left its filth now. Although it has infected the mental bodies and souls of the people in the lower city, it will not cause infection. On the contrary... there is a relatively high probability that it will cause various births among the people in the lower city. All kinds of genius.”

"However, there is only a fine line between genius and madness."

"Those geniuses in the lower city are more likely to detonate the ancient pollution disease latent in the spiritual body, making it serious, resulting in all kinds of weird and uncontrolled changes."

"So the Goddess Cult will only use the various geniuses from the lower city, but will not truly absorb them. This ancient pollution disease is an unstable bomb that may explode at any time."

Qin Feng was thoughtful.

No wonder.

For the many talents coming from downtown.

The Goddess Church has been suppressing.

They just use these talents without truly accepting them as their own.

The Goddess Cult was not as corrupt and fatuous as he imagined. Instead, it was very shrewd, cautious, and had deep plans.


Qin Feng said:

"Then what Lu Shenran is suffering from right now is the so-called ancient pollution disease?"

"The reason why the Goddess Sect does not dare to use force against him is because he is afraid that his ancient pollution disease will break out and have a terrible impact?"

The mouse nodded and said:


He sighed a little:

"In fact, Lu Shenran's ancient pollution disease is much more terrifying than ordinary people in the lower city. Once he breaks out... he will become a terrifying monster."

"Even a star warrior might be torn to pieces by it. It would be difficult for Yao to deal with a warrior."

"More importantly, he cannot die and is difficult to kill."

"In addition, we have tried to deduce precognition using occult methods and found that if we use coercion on him or threaten his family, not only will we not be able to control him, but it will also lead to more terrifying consequences."

"Therefore, under the Pope's prohibition, we now only dare to secretly monitor this Lu Shenran."

That’s how it turns out…

After hearing these words.

Some of Qin Feng's doubts were solved.

at the same time.

I couldn't help but be a little curious.

What kind of terrifying monster would Lu Shenran turn into, causing such a headache to the Goddess Cult that even the Pope wouldn't want to offend him easily?

"Xia Qingchuan is also a genius from Lower City. Theoretically, he should also be suffering from the ancient pollution disease..."

"But Xia Qingchuan doesn't seem to have mentioned it before..."

"There is no relevant information mentioned in his notes..."

When thoughts flashed in my mind.

Qin Feng continued to ask the mouse:

"What about the information about the sealed-level flesh-and-blood weapons that Lu Shenran knows?"

Haozi answered:

"Lu Shenran has a high level of attainment in flesh-and-blood technology, but he is not interested in researching general flesh-and-blood technology products, and has only casually come into contact with some flesh-and-blood punk technology."

"What he is really interested in, and where he can best display his talents, is actually... forging flesh-and-blood weapons!"

"The sealed-level flesh-and-blood weapon we have been looking for was actually made by Lu Shenran himself."

"According to the Pope's judgment..."

"The sealed-level flesh-and-blood weapon he made can be ranked in the top ten of the sealed level!"

"In fact."

"The reason why Lu Shenran suddenly broke out with the ancient pollution disease is because he made that flesh-and-blood weapon that is enough to rank in the top ten of the sealed level, and... it is a newly born original product! Not a replica!"

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