
Mr. Tu snorted coldly.

But he did not dodge or avoid.

The bullet roared with the wind, shaking the air, and the smell of gunpowder instantly filled the surroundings, as if a missile was about to explode. Being hit in the cheek by such a large-caliber bullet would definitely cause the head to burst and the brain to splatter.

But Mr. Tu actually raised the corners of his mouth and showed a grim smile.

The skin on his face.

It suddenly moved.

It gave rise to a silver texture similar to metal.


The revolver bullet hit Mr. Tu's cheek.

The air.

It instantly shook and rippled.


Two bullets that had been deflated into flat rounds fell to the ground and were crushed into powder by Mr. Tu's foot.

"Mad man!"

"You bloody lunatic!"

"You implanted the bone marrow fluid of a highly polluted giant beast, the 'skeleton witch beast', under the skin as a layer of armor. Aren't you afraid that your face will be deformed into a pool of abscesses and rotten flesh one day?"

Qiangwei saw this scene.

She seemed to recognize something.

The corners of her mouth twitched a little.

The "skeleton witch beast" is a quasi-Titan-class giant beast, a relatively rare giant beast with little blood and flesh.

The whole body.

It is full of silver bones.

And it is a highly polluted skeleton.

The bone marrow fluid of this skeleton can become a very hard material after being smelted and forged at high temperature and finally cooled. Whether it is hardness, toughness, or sharpness, it is stronger than metal.


The bone marrow fluid of the "skeleton witch beast" is usually used to make weapons.

Of course.

It can also be used to make flesh and blood prostheses.

But only a small number of them are used.

Even after the purification method of the Goddess Church, the bone marrow fluid of the "skeleton witch beast" is extremely polluted, and it is not suitable for large-scale use on the body as subcutaneous armor.

However, this Mr. Tu...

Not only used it.

He used it on his face, the closest to the brain!

This guy...

is simply a lunatic!

He can already be called half a flesh punk psychopath!

"Oh? Flesh lunatic?"

"Ms. Qiangwei, please be careful when you speak. Flesh lunatics are all mentally ill, and look at me, how can I be like those mentally ill people who yell and kill?"

Mr. Tu raised his finger.

Pointing to his head:

"My mental state is fine!"

He waved his hand:

"Okay, I won't say anything more to the two wanted ladies of the "Next Life" organization. If you are smart, please sit down now and don't think about using force with our Flesh Ascension Gang."

"Be honest and wait in the box."

"I have another guest coming next."


Honglian and Qiangwei are both smart people.

They looked at each other.

They all sat down silently.

The Flesh Ascension Gang has a large number of people.

More importantly.

They are all flesh and blood addicts equipped with advanced flesh and blood prostheses.

Once the fight starts, even if a warrior arrives, he will suffer a great loss.

There are only two of them.

They can't break out at all.

Honglian looked at Mr. Tu, her face still calm, and said:

"Is it a guest from the Goddess Church?"

Mr. Tu smiled leisurely:

"You two, I naturally contacted the Goddess Church to pick up people."

"But the next guest is not from the Goddess Church, but... your acquaintance."

"Since I caught you two."

"Then, I naturally have to make good use of you all, as bait, to attract a few more valuable remnants of the next life, so that I will not waste such a perfect game."


Honglian frowned tightly.

Next life.

It is an organization dedicated to resisting the Goddess Church.

There are more than one or two lurking personnel.

And her identity...

is a bit special.

Using her as bait to attract people in the next life to fall into the trap can be said to be an unsolvable game.

"Don't even think about sending messages to your people in the next life."

Mr. Tu poured himself another glass of "Ancient God Red Wine".

Take a sip:

"I have shielded the signal around here. Information cannot be transmitted outside the box."


"It seems that our guest is about to arrive."

"I have to go to greet him."

"This guest is extraordinary. He... is one of the few warriors in your next life organization. His head is worth 1.5 billion Yanxia coins. I dare not neglect him at all."

Put down the wine glass.

Mr. Tu straightened his clothes.

He smiled at Honglian and Qiangwei in a very provocative way, showing his shining white teeth.


He walked out of the box surrounded by several blood and flesh helpers.


Outside the Peng Peng Pit Food Store.

"Miss, is it here?"

A teenager who seemed to be underage walked slowly to the tea street.

He had a delicate face.

There was a strange teardrop mole at the corner of his eye.

At first glance.

She looked as beautiful as a girl, not a boy.

He was wearing a clean and simple student uniform with the words "Canglang Academy" painted on it.

Such a student boy who looks like a little boy should normally be in the "Goddess Avenue", where there are many schools and students.

However, at this moment.

He ran to the tea-tasting street full of charming and debauched atmosphere.

Under those ambiguous pink neon lights.

This student boy who looks clean and beautiful.

It can be said to be out of place.

"Oh, where did this boy come from, so white and clean. Sister, I have been longing for this kind of high-quality protein for a long time."

"Tsk tsk, there are such people in the tea-tasting street these days? Dressed like a little boy, I like this kind of style, how much does it cost to play once?"

"Come over, it's fun here, sisters..."


The tea-tasting street is not a serious place.

In an instant.

All kinds of dirty words kept ringing in the boy's ears.

The boy frowned.

But he didn't care about anyone at all.

He strode forward.


He came to the door of the Peng Peng Pi Food Store.

And just at this moment.

Mr. Tu arrived.

As soon as he saw the boy, a happy smile appeared on his face as if he had seen an old friend:

"Little brother Xiao Li, you are finally here."

"Your eldest daughter is waiting for you in the box, hurry up, otherwise if those people from the Goddess Church find out, all of us will be in trouble."

He took a step forward.

He made an invitation gesture.

At the same time, he showed a look of emotion and said:

"I have to say, it's true that heroes come from young people. When your eldest daughter asked me to contact you at first, I couldn't believe that a young boy like you would be a powerful warrior."

The boy named "Xiao Li" heard this.

He didn't say much.

He nodded.

He looked cold and arrogant.

He raised his feet at the same time.

He was about to step into the food store.


His footsteps paused.

His feet were suspended in the air, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He looked at Mr. Tu:

"You, want to ambush me, right?"

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