We agreed to practice martial arts, why the hell can you explode stars with one punch?

Chapter 324: The battle breaks out, and the conspiracy behind it

"This...what did you say?"

"What ambush? Did you misunderstand something?"

Mr. Tu’s pupils shrank slightly.

There was a flash of panic.

But soon, the panic was replaced by an innocent expression. Mr. Tu quickly waved his hand and said:

"I'm just an ordinary person. At most, I have some flesh and blood prosthetics implanted. How dare I ambush a powerful warrior like you?"

"Oh, is it so?"

Xiao Li squinted his eyes.

He looked deeply at Mr. Tu.

Immediately, an innocent and harmless smile suddenly appeared on his face:


"you're right."


"I never believed what the goddess taught the lackeys."


The words have not yet fallen.


A long, sharp, translucent, strange sword appeared in Xiao Li's hand.

The sword edge waved.


A member of the Flesh Ascension Gang who followed Xiao Li quietly and had a high-end camouflage invisibility prosthetic implanted all over his body, his head flew up, and the blood from the aorta sputtered and swirled, mixed with the thick, blue ether fluid, and sprinkled All around people.


Mr. Tu was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, a ferocious look burst out from his eyes:

"Warriors are indeed difficult to deal with!"

"Forget it! Brothers! Give me all your strength! Kill this little brat!"

"He's just a newly promoted warrior! Unscrew his head! We'll be done with it!"

"Open the occult barrier taught to us by the goddess!"


between words.

The surrounding space suddenly twisted and squirmed.

I don’t know if it’s reality or an illusion.

Bursts of red mist filled the depths of the twisted and squirming space.

In the red mist, sticky tentacles were intertwined and entangled, like complex tree roots that had been intertwined underground for thousands of years. The intricate entanglements formed a towering, disgusting "wall of tentacles."

For a moment.

All around the food store.

Everything is sealed by this "wall of tentacles".

"Hmph, you don't overestimate your capabilities."

Xiao Li narrowed his eyes.

The translucent, glass-like long sword in his hand.

Cold light flickered.

As he raised his hand, he stabbed directly at Mr. Tu's head like a ghost.

at the same time.

In the inner ring area of ​​the upper city.

Different from the outer ring, the inner ring area is extremely spacious, typically vast and sparsely populated. Buildings with religious characteristics are located on it, and there is a touch of sacredness in the grand atmosphere.


Located in a group of villas in the east.

This is the residence of the powerful disciples such as the warrior deacons and priests of the Goddess Sect.

Usually when I have nothing to do.

Members of the Warrior Guard of the Goddess Religion will live here, either for leisure or training.

at this time.

In a Gothic style villa manor.

Several members of the Goddess Cult are gathering.

"Oh? Those prosthetic transformation madmen from the Flesh Ascension Gang are fighting with warriors from the next life?"

"Haha, what a waste. I asked them to arrest him secretly, but then he made such a big noise. I will definitely crush his head."

"Forget it, anyway, the information about the remnants of this next life was also contributed to us by this guy named Tu. He has some credit. He is a good dog and can be kept useful."

"What do we do next?"

"With such a big movement, the rest of the Warrior Guard will definitely be attracted. If so, I'm afraid our credit will be taken away. If people from the 'Special Guard' are attracted, we probably won't even be able to drink soup. "

"Since the Flesh Ascension Gang has opened the barrier, we will use this barrier to open the passage, go directly there, and then grab the heads!"


"Mr. Tu, although he has some strategy, he still underestimates the warrior's 'spiritual warning' ability."

at this time.

Qin Feng is in a secretive state.

Watch the battle leisurely.

When Mr. Natu planned to ambush the warriors of the "Afterlife" organization, he became extremely interested in seeing what it would be like if a group of flesh and blood prosthetic transformation addicts fought with a warrior.


the most important is.

He felt that this guy Mr. Tu.

After all, he is just a dog under the Goddess Cult.

Even if this dog jumps again.

If the master behind it hasn't shown up yet.

Qin Feng was in no hurry to take action.

"Speaking of which, although this young man named 'Xiao Li' is still a student, as a warrior, why are people aware that he belongs to the 'Afterlife' organization that resists the goddess' family?"

Qin Feng touched his chin.

Staring at the young warrior named Xiao Li.

He felt something wasn't right.


This young man looks like he has just been promoted to a warrior.

But after having lurked in Canglang City for so long, and even successfully admitted to Canglang City's highest institution, Canglang Academy, at least he was able to hide himself.

Why did Mr. Tu, an ordinary person, find clues and investigate that he is a person from the "afterlife"?

"Isn't it...not simple behind this?"

"Is there any deeper conspiracy?"

Don't blame Qin Feng for overthinking.

he thinks.

Since this "Afterlife" organization was once the number one resister of the Goddess Cult.


There is also the ability to invite an incarnation of a god to sit here.

Three goddesses who fought against the Goddess Cult for them.

Strength and background.

Definitely not weak.

Although they were once crushed by the Goddess Cult, and even that god seemed to have fallen, after so many years of recuperation, they should have recovered to about 70% or 80%.

Not to mention other things.

At least.

They have been hiding for so long, but suddenly burst into thunder at this time.

Three members of the "Next Life" organization were suddenly found out by a "cargo carrier" in the sleepless singing and dancing street.

Moreover, there is also a warrior among them.


No matter how you look at it, it's not normal.

"Could it be... that the "Next Life" organization deliberately exposed the information?"

"What are they trying to do?"


Qin Feng's current strategy.

Still plan to observe more.

If the water behind this matter is too deep, then he will not be involved in it for the time being, and he must remain cautious enough, otherwise... he will be caught in the middle and embarrassed on both sides.


In the private box inside the food restaurant.

Honglian and Qiangwei sat on the soft leather sofa in the box.

In front of them.

was the bottle of "Ancient God Red Wine" that had been opened.

Beside them, there were four members of the Flesh and Blood Ascension Gang, each holding an exaggerated flesh and blood gun that was integrated with their arms.



The box was shaking faintly.

In the wine glass.

The wine of the "Ancient God Red Wine" kept ripples.


At this moment, a bloody battle was taking place outside the box.

The muzzle of the gun, which was a bit bloody, pointed at the heads of Qiangwei and Honglian.

A member of the Flesh and Blood Ascension Gang sneered and said:

"Hmph, be honest."

"Don't make any rash moves."

"Otherwise, I don't mind opening the heads of you two women first!"

Qiangwei's eyes suddenly turned.

She looked at the member of the Flesh and Blood Ascension Gang.


Her red lips bloomed.

For a moment, she was somewhat charming.

She put her head close to the gun:

"Oh? Really? That's what I want!"

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