
Vol 5 Chapter 760: The guise of paperless office "Quickly ask for monthly pass"

Meng Wuyi talked with Davis and Lan suddenly remembered that Russell was waiting for Jichuan... to reply. So he dialed her cell phone, "Sister Susu, are you still there?"

"Brother Cure, can you agree to me?" Russell said with a squeezing throat.

Ding Bing, who was browsing the Internet next to him, was drinking coffee. He sprayed the coffee out of his mouth as soon as he heard the words, leaving little traces on the screen. He quickly found facial tissues to wipe it, making him messy.

Fan Wubing glanced at Ding Bing, coughed, and sternly said to Russell into the microphone, "Regarding that question, I think I still have to give our lovely sister Susu a face, and I will take some time to talk to Sheng. Let’s do a phone interview with Wei Wei. You can arrange the time."

"No need for a telephone interview," Russell said to Fan Wuyao after a pause.

"Oh?" Fan Wubing was stunned, thinking that his own interviews were too expensive to find, and others would not be able to ask for them while waiting. It was just to give Shengwei a chance. How could Russell treat this opportunity the same. Where is the grass?

But Russell soon resolved the doubts in his heart. She said to Fan Wuyin, "Haha. Because sister Shengwei is already on the plane, she will be in the capital soon. Then you will invite her to dinner and make a meal by the way. The interview is over!"

"Doesn't that mean that I'm going to lose money again?" Fan Wuyao smiled.

"You can also ask her to invite you to dinner. As a little white face, you should be eligible for soft rice." Russell replied with a chuckle.

"Is my face very white? I didn't think that Fan Wubing touched his face. It seemed to be smoother, but when it came to being white, that might not be the case. He himself felt that it was an unbelievably healthy color.

After the two people talked about the matter, Ding Bing said to Fan Wuyao, "Aren't you going to accept interviews with others? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Fan Wubing replied, "Now that the general trend is set, Fan Investment Group's entry into the paper industry has become a foregone conclusion. Some things can begin to be laid out! This time I accept Shengwei's interview, but also to release a little smoke screen for people to touch. If we don’t know what we really think, or let a few foreign companies know about this now, it will inevitably cause some obstacles. Although it will not affect our business, it will always be more troublesome."

"Oh, you want to create a fait accompli. If you show it to the public, the other party just wants to obstruct it. It's too late." Ding Bing said suddenly.

"It is the best to be able to disrupt the other party's deployment by surprise. As long as we are careful, this goal is not difficult to achieve." Fan Wushou said.

At dinner, Sheng Wei rushed to the capital. Fan Wuyi asked her to eat in a more lively place, and the two sisters Ding Bing and Dingxue followed. Make up another one with Russell and other three people


Because of the summer, it was not dark at this time, and the two were sitting opposite each other. Randomly ordered a few dishes, drank beer while chatting, Sheng Wei took the opportunity to eat. So Fan Wubing was interviewed.

"The main reason why we will stop all orders for office paper is to vigorously promote paperless office." Fan Wuzhu said to Shengwei, but he quickly added to her, "Of course, this is publicity. The caliber of the truth, the true purpose still needs to be kept secret, and it will not be too late to tell you when it is implemented in a while."

"Understandable." Sheng Wei nodded and smiled.

She also knows very well that if these big groups want to do something, they often have some confidentiality measures. They do one thing internally, and they say one thing externally, so there is nothing surprising. Fan Wubing was able to accept her exclusive interview and talk about some external publicity topics, which was already very shameful.

The two talked for a while, and then they talked about Shengwei.

Fan Wubing remembered that the last time he was eating with her, he met her prospective ex-husband and fell on the stairs. If he didn’t stop him, it would be more than just twisting his ankle. Just asked, "How is your relationship with your prospective ex-husband?"

"The quasi word is removed." Sheng Wei was already free from the failed marriage at this time. Hearing this, he replied easily.

"Oh, the old ones won't go, and the new ones won't come. It's something worth celebrating." Fan Wuyi invited her to a toast.

Sheng Wei took a sip of beer and said to Fan Wubiao with some emotion, "In fact, in retrospect, we were able to tolerate each other and make sacrifices for each other, but then she became a fire and water, alas, I don’t know how. Coming?"

"Oh" Fan Wubing patted his head. Think of a pound. Story, so he said to her, "Have you heard of the Choudro effect?"

"The Choudro effect?" Sheng Wei shook his head.

Fan Wubing told her a story about the Choudro effect. Dennis Choudro was a French philosopher in the 18th century. Once a friend gave him a very luxurious burgundy nightgown, which he liked very much.

It's just that he never had the habit of wearing a nightgown. When he finished the bath one night and put on his beautiful nightgown, he found a

, Cannon, self-reading and dressing up. The curtains and bed sheets and quilt cover are too rough and shabby to be unworthy of the decoration of the whole house at noon. It is totally unworthy of this luxurious new nightgown.

"So, in order to be worthy of this nightgown, Choudro replaced all the old things at home with money. When he was done, he sat comfortably on a chair and looked around, suddenly realized that he was actually given a nightgown. It’s coerced.” Fan Wubing said to Sheng Wei, “The Qiudero effect is applied to the economy. It points out that after owning a new item, people will continue to purchase matching items, which has reached a psychological balance. Facts Come on, why isn’t love like this?"

Sheng tilted his head slightly, holding the wine glass in his hand, and listened to Fan Wuyao to clear her mind there. Suddenly, I felt that the results of Fan Wubing's statement were very reasonable.

Falling in love with people who are completely different from their living habits and growth environment is like suddenly getting the nightgown, in order to let the other party into their own life, in order to eliminate the feeling of incompatibility. People often constantly change other configurations in the environment in order to be worthy of this lover.

Sheng Wei remembers it very clearly, for his ex-husband. She will even change her previous habits, even dressing is different from before, trying hard to remember the names of every team and every catty and player he cares about, paying attention to the financial news, although she doesn’t want to, she can’t help but turn over. Those computer magazines and car publications even learned to drive or even move for him.

All this is just to make the surrounding environment match him, in the final analysis, it is also to make each other really comfortable and achieve a psychological balance.

However, now separated, the relationship is over. When the Sri Lankan left, only the clutter that felt so unfamiliar all over the house was left.

Sheng Wei suddenly reflected on why he was so stupid, changed so much, sacrificed so much, and only for that person in the first place? It's really worthless!

Seeing Shengwei's feelings, Fan Wubing said to her, "Socrates was encouraged by his disciples. He went to the most complete and best market at the time. After returning, the disciples asked him what he bought and what he thought of it. He said empty-handed that the biggest gain of my trip was to discover that there were so many things in this world that I didn't need at all."

After hearing this, Sheng Wei felt that he seemed to understand something, and it seemed that he was not very clear, and was a little confused for a while.

"In our love, there are actually a lot of things that we don’t really need, but we spend too much time and energy chasing them. I will forget the original intention, only get a bunch of unnecessary materials, but lose love." Fan Wubing said.

After listening to Fan Wuyao’s words, Sheng Wei suddenly felt that she hadn’t lived to understand it before. More than 20 years had been a waste of life. She couldn’t help but leaned her body over and put one hand around Fan Wuyao’s neck. I kissed him deeply, and then said with a flushed face, "Thank you, I think I will know what kind of life I will pursue in the future."

Fan Wubing was kissed suddenly, and he felt a little sudden, but he didn't feel much. He made an appointment with Sheng Wei this time. It is also hoped that through the media far away in Shanghai, the sound of the company's comprehensive promotion of paperless office will be released~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so as to interfere with the line of sight.

After all, even if your company has not yet moved the equipment and personnel required by the paper mill back to the country, it is necessary to suddenly stop purchasing office paper to make a more positive explanation. The topic of paperless office is obviously more suitable for the current market.

You know, since the Internet market has become popular, anything that has something to do with high-tech has strengthened the company's positive image!

Sheng Wei stayed in the capital for one night, and returned to Shanghai the next day, while on her journey. Her host "Oriental News Interview" published the full text of her interview with Fan Wuyao that she wrote overnight, and Fan Investment Group's report on the comprehensive promotion of the paperless office process has also begun to be reprinted by major media.

After hearing the news, the major media in Shanghai conducted on-site interviews with the headquarters of Fan Investment Group in Shanghai and visited their achievements in paperless office. Davis arranged some mature paperless offices. Cases of successful office work are for everyone's reference.

When Fan Wubing saw from the newspapers and the Internet that everyone praised Fan Investment Group’s achievements in paperless office, he wondered, when will the office paper in Indonesia be available? Ship to the country?

After all, there are no specific matters at the Shanghai headquarters. There is a basis for implementing a paperless office, but other domestic branches do not have that condition for the time being. Things always have to be done step by step, right?

At the moment, all paperless offices cannot be achieved, but Jin Guangyang's paper is determined not to be used anymore.

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