
Vol 5 Chapter 761: Unexpected gain

Because I am deeply dissatisfied with many foreign-funded paper companies such as Cotai App, and this time, Fan Investment Group took the lead in announcing the opportunity of paperless office work in China. Fan Heng used his status as an executive vice premier to promote the government in the State Council. We must vigorously promote the process of paperless office.

After the approval of boss Zhu, the State Council issued the document "Decision to Gradually Promote Paperless Office in Government Agencies, Enterprises and Institutions" in the form of an official document, and officially began to promote the paperless office of the whole society.

Of course, due to time issues and various factors in reality, paperless office is still basically on paper. However, the decision of the State Council in the form of a red-head document has a very large impact on the entire paper industry. At least the stocks of several domestic paper companies that have been listed have fallen into a limit-lowering state for several days.

Foreign-funded paper companies such as Jinshan App, which occupy a large share of the domestic office paper market, have also been greatly affected. The senior executives of various companies have discussed countermeasures, hoping to come up with a charter to solve this problem.

As we all know, government procurement has always been a very oily component. Although major paper companies do not necessarily deal directly with government departments, their distributors are basically masters of public relations, and companies are also good at public relations. A lot of support is given in this regard. For example, government departments purchase large amounts of paper and the price is high, but it takes a long time to pay back. As a foreign-funded paper-making enterprise with deep pockets, generally help dealers to advance the money for this part of the investment. , Wait until the end of the year before proceeding with the settlement.

It is precisely because of this that the price of office paper purchased by the government can reach more than several times the market price. Of course, there are still some rebates in the middle, but it is trivial. After all, this situation exists in many industries.

Being an official for thousands of miles is only for money, and there is no interest in things. Obviously, there is no attraction. Every time when recruiting civil servants, there are always crowds of people and Haiti. It does not mean that everyone is so enlightened and wants to serve the people. In fact, most people come to serve the renminbi.

But after everyone discussed it, they still couldn't figure it out, because the government issued this document is a bit too sudden, there was no wind before, and they were caught off guard, and there was no time for operation. It seems that at least this year The shipment volume is going to be greatly affected.

As for local governments, it feels a bit sudden. Many people know the meaning of paperless office, but everyone has not seen any local government or enterprise that has truly realized paperless office.

In fact, in China, paperless office has been tried for a period of time, but during this process, the most common question raised by people is that the means for enterprises to implement paperless office is the last set of office automation software, which can be implemented in the future. The paper has not been reduced, but has been used more.

There are many reasons for this situation. The leaders of some enterprises or government departments have limited computer application skills and are unwilling to use computers to handle some tasks. They are also willing to use paper forms and feel more reliable. There is even a phenomenon of comparison between departments to see who prints clearly and beautifully. If you use a stylus printer, I use a laser printer. If you use black and white, I use color. So sometimes the preferences of some leaders lead to a lot of paper. Waste.

The development of office automation provides the possibility of saving paper or even paperless office. For example, e-mail and the Internet can easily provide relevant information to all parties in need, and of course it can also be preserved instead of paper. As a carrier. But good wishes do not mean reality. The reality is that global office paper is still growing at an annual rate of about 7%. According to this rate, in another ten years, global office paper will double.

There are also some people who think that the increased use of paper in paperless office is temporary, just like punching. Before punching, the hand must be retracted, and then the punch can be more powerful. The large amount of paper used now is for the future of paperless change. This statement sounds reasonable, and when I taste it, I feel that people's understanding of paperlessness is still so limited.

In fact, whether it is a government department or an enterprise, everyone spends money to build a local area network and connect to the Internet, not just to save some paper. Of course, office costs can be continuously reduced through the establishment of an office automation system, and the point of establishing a system should be positioned to improve the level of office management.

It's just that the current standards for office automation are still being formed, and the contents of many manufacturers' products are also very different. Generally speaking, the ideal system in the minds of users should include document processing, e-mail, meeting management, file management, information distribution, electronic forums, work management, etc.

The domestic office automation system has been exhibited for more than a decade from the end of the 1980s to the present. From the initial provision of stand-alone auxiliary office, to today's large-scale collaborative work management for enterprise-level applications. The domestic office automation system started in the mid-1980s. The first-generation office system was marked by personal computers and office suites. It realized the digitalization of data statistics and document writing, and completed the transformation of office information carriers from original paper media to electronic bits. The leap.

Since the mid-1990s, with the emergence of workflow groupware technology represented by tes and the rapid development of network communication technology, the office automation system has undergone the first revolutionary evolution. The second generation of office automation system is based on the network Technology and collaborative work technology are the main features, which realizes the automation of the work process, and realizes the leap from the traditional manual method to the workflow automation method.

With the advent of the knowledge economy era, knowledge has become a key resource for economic growth, social development and corporate growth, and the maximum grasp and use of knowledge has increasingly become the core of the informatization construction of enterprises and institutions.

Although Fan Wubing created such a paperless office gimmick in order to cover his secret entry into the paper industry market and save the huge office expenses spent on foreign-invested companies such as Cotai App, this proposal is obviously It is endorsed by most experts and scholars in the society.

This is not to say how popular the Fan Investment Group is, but because of the recent impact of the Internet market, any idea connected with e-commerce or e-government will always be sought after by the most people, government departments, enterprises and institutions. Vigorously advancing the process of paperless office is obviously an important process for the entire country to enter the Internet age, and it is also a good opportunity for many people from all walks of life who are eager to make waves in the Internet tide to pan for gold.

At least computer manufacturers are extremely supportive of this matter, and major websites have also expressed very high enthusiasm. After all, the first step in advancing paperless office is to increase the number of computers that can access the Internet. For them, the same is true. It means a large increase in customers, and the increase in customers brings real money.

For several days of hot discussions about paperless office, the first huge benefit brought to Fan's Investment Group is that the order volume of the new version of the software package opened by the software development department skyrocketed within three days, hitting a hundred. The new record of 600,000 sets really made Fan Wubing feel a little dumbfounded.

When Fan Wubing’s brother-in-law, Han Chu, called to inform him of the good news, Fan Wubing really thought there was something wrong with his ears. He didn’t dare to be sure of the news until he asked Han Chu to repeat it twice. It is true, which is enough to explain the shocking strength of this news.

"I knew this, alas —" Fan Wubing wanted to say that if I knew this a long time ago, it would be better to announce the news as early as the launch.

But this is just wishful thinking. After all, the popularity of the Internet has mainly started this year, and this time the most noteworthy thing is that the government has promoted paperlessness in the form of red-head documents under the influence of its father, Fan Heng. Office opinions, under the two-phase effect, finally led to the opening of the market for paperless office systems.

Although many government departments or enterprises have not yet met the requirements of paperless office, the purchase of a set of genuine office software does not cost much, but it can reflect the full attention of their departments to the opinions of the State Council. This behavior is not true. It can be regarded as the traditional Chinese officialdom culture~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For every document you download, or you are unable to comply with it, or you disdain to comply with it, there is one thing that must be paid attention to, that is, you must follow the attitude Make a more correct response, and absolutely cannot ignore the request of the superior.

If you can't do it, it's a question of ability, but if you don't do it, it's a question of position.

Every dedicated official will not make such stupid mistakes, but if you want to invest in a paperless office, the cost will be very large. The investment in hardware equipment is not a small amount, but it is most common in the short term. Nothing is more effective than buying a software product, especially buying a cheap software product that can be called national software. This is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Damn, the officialdom really trains people!" Fan Wuyao couldn't help but cursed secretly when he thought of this.

In any case, this trick of my own has been effective. Although I have not seen any output from my paper industry, the East is not bright and the West is bright. The earliest benefit should be in software products. It's a very good start.

It's just that if such a thing is born several times a day, it will be even more perfect.

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