
Vol 5 Chapter 882: 1 fire changed the entire market

Hanzhe Ban Lei is very busy. Since he is determined to talk about the military online game industry, the preparation work is definitely indispensable. The most important thing now is to talk about some agency matters with foreign game companies.

Two thousand years can be called the first year of online games in China. Because in this year. "The King of Kings", which is represented by Huacai Software, was officially launched in Mainland China and achieved market success. At the same time, Zhiguan’s "Three Kingdoms" and "Stone Age" of Huayi have successively joined the mainland online game market. The Lianzhong game platform also officially started charging this year, which indicates that online games have successfully built their earliest business model and have begun to conquer the city in the domestic market.

The previous mainstream market stand-alone game. However, under the impact of online games and piracy, the breath is getting weaker and weaker, and it is in a state of dying. After that, except for some agency companies relying on the introduction of famous foreign works to make single-player games have a short glimpse, mainland China games The market completed the process of networking in a short period of time.

Within three years from the beginning of this year, the Chinese online game market has been a period when agents are the mainstay and operation is king, while the original online games in the mainland have not yet formed a climate at that time. In this era, a number of large-scale game listed companies represented by Shanda have grown up by relying on agent operation of online games. After relying on agent operation of online games to accumulate Dazi funds, most of them turned to independent research and development, thus becoming a pivotal role in China's original online game field in the future. the power of.

At this time, game original companies that grew up in the stand-alone era represented by Kingsoft and Target Software are transforming online game development in a timely manner. As a result, it successfully transitioned to the era of online games and became another force of China's original re-network game production company.

NetEase and "Westward Journey" represent the third force in the development of online games in China in the future: Internet companies and capital from other fields, after seeing the huge market for online games, rely on strong financial power to attract talents and even directly incorporate games. R & D team, so as to be able to launch mature products in a relatively short period of time.

After more than two years of rapid growth, Lianzhong World has become the world's number one online game website with 100,000 simultaneous online users and tens of millions of registered users. With Lianzhongran, the Asian Union Games, which is a Chinese listed company Haihong Holdings, also has a certain share of the Chinese game market through online games such as "Millennium".

By the end of next year, the South Korean online game "Legend" that Shanghai Shanda represents will be officially launched. One year later, the highest number of simultaneous online users of "Legend" will exceed 500,000, making it the world's number one online game with the largest number of users. Tianqiao and Tang Jun, the most successful entrepreneurs and professional managers in China's online game industry, will be created.

Two years later, Asia’s first relaxing online game, "Swordsman Online" produced by Taiwan Yuquan International, will be officially launched in the mainland. At the same time, Taiwan's online game stock Wangyi Game Kuozi officially established a Beijing company. So far, seven listed game companies in Taiwan have gathered


Following NetEase's launch of "Westward Journey" and "Elf", Sina will also set up a joint venture to operate "Paradise". Dial Fox will also announce the operation of the online game "Knight Snake", and the three major domestic portals will fully deploy online games.

According to Fan Wubing’s memory, from the start of the online game market this year to next year’s 500 million yuan market share in China’s computer game market, online games account for more than 300 million yuan. For the first time, it surpassed the scale of the stand-alone computer game market. This was only a year.

In the next year, the domestic online game market will exceed 900 million yuan. In just two years, China's mainstream game market will be completely occupied by online games. However, the online games operated by the market during this period were basically games imported from overseas. Among them, the Korean copyrighted products called kimchi were the main ones. Chinese original online games are still in the stage of gaining momentum. Yin?’ The rise of advertising online games has led to rapid growth in the overall market size of the game industry. And it will attract the attention of relevant national departments, so as to gradually make the game industry mature in China.

Of course, Fan Wubing unintentionally changes the overall market layout too much, which will cause various unpredictable and serious consequences, which will affect the entire economic situation and affect his ability to control the situation.

What he did was nothing more than to give Shen Ying some suggestions, such as choosing the types of agency games in order to find online games that were more in line with the tastes of netizens.

As the newly established Brahma Chuangshi online game company, Shen Ying’s advantages in all aspects are unmatched by others. First of all, she has sufficient funds. Although she has put out 500 million yuan in start-up capital in her own hands, In fact, she owns more than 2 billion private money, not to mention that she has a 30% stake in the merged Fenjiu Group and Kongfuyan Winery, and secondly, she has a broad publicity platform. Several major portal websites have a good cooperative relationship with Huafeng.com, so this part of the publicity page has an advantage that ordinary people cannot. Another is that the employees she can recruit at present are all experts in the industry. Fan Wubing’s influence in colleges and universities, he wanted to recruit a large number of high-quality employees, but also light.


In this situation, the only thing that is lacking is a large-scale online game with independent intellectual property rights, as well as a proxy game that needs to be pulled out to gain a reputation.

However, while they were studying this matter, a sudden incident occurred in Beijing, which greatly affected the basic Internet cafe industry of the entire online game industry.

A fire broke out in the Blue Bird Internet Cafe on the outskirts of Xiaojing on 26th.

The cause of the fire in the Bluebird Internet cafe was deliberate arson. At that time, two 13- or 14-year-old children wanted to go in and were rejected by the administrator. Li Ran was a minor who was not allowed to enter.

two. The angry child was discussing this with his sister Zhang's house. Zhang didn't think that they were really young, only that they were friends, they had to be loyal and help each other. At night, three. People go to Internet cafes as usual. The two boys took away the unfinished Sprite bottle on the table in Zhang's house. The gas station of Sinopec in the district bought gasoline for five yuan, that is, this bottle! A litre of gasoline ignited the Bluebird Internet cafe.

After the fire broke out, the small fire brigade dispatched two firefighting squadrons and the squadrons and detachments to command a total of twelve fire engines. Nearly a hundred firefighters rushed to the scene to fight the fire. After an hour of fighting and fighting by all officers and soldiers, the fire was finally brought under control. Two hours later, the fire was completely extinguished. However, the fire still killed 25 people, injured 15 others, burned more than 100 square meters, and burned down computers. Fifty sets.

Although the direct cause of the fire was man-made arson, it also exposed many problems in the management of Internet cafes. The fire department pointed out that the owner of this Internet cafe opened his business without any approval without any fire protection measures. The exterior windows of the building were installed with anti-theft guardrails and welded to death, making it impossible for the trapped people to escape. At the same time, it also brings great difficulties to firefighters in rescuing trapped persons and extinguishing fires.

Moreover, the Internet cafe uses a lot of flammable and combustible materials in its decoration, and computers, tables and chairs are all combustible materials. The construction area of ​​the Internet cafe is only over 220 square meters, but the use space is divided into a 40-square-meter hall. There are 20 computers densely placed inside, and there are ten small rooms, of which five computer rooms are equipped with computers. More than sixty units.

Incomplete combustion produces a large amount of high-concentration toxic smoke. The dense smoke and high heat accumulate in the room and cannot spread out. It quickly fills the entire space. As a result, most of the people who died in the fire died of suffocation.


It was around two o'clock in the morning of the paint. During the fire, the lighting and power supply on the spot were interrupted, and the large amount of high-concentration smoke generated during the combustion process accumulated in the indoor space. The internal visibility was very low. The action increased the difficulty.

In response to this incident ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ fire protection experts pointed out that Internet cafes should frequently conduct comprehensive safety inspections of electrical circuits, computer networks, fire-fighting equipment and other facilities and equipment, and speed up maintenance of damaged facilities and equipment to keep them in good condition for a long time. The state of technology. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that no debris can be piled up around all exits, evacuation routes, and fire hydrants. Fire water sources must be sufficient. If the emergency broadcast and emergency lighting facilities are broken, they must be repaired in time, and effective safety measures and emergency production safety accidents should be formulated. The rescue plan is equipped with emergency rescue personnel, and the specific responsibility is to the individual. Also need to be reminded that people are relatively tired during the overnight business period, and the probability of danger is relatively high. The staff on duty should be more alert.

After the Blue Bird Internet cafe arson incident occurred, the government attached great importance to it. From top to bottom, the government began a vigorous rectification of Internet cafes, cracked down on black Internet cafes, decorated irregular Internet cafes, and focused on supervising existing Internet cafes.

All of the time, domestic Internet cafes have been under the pattern of multi-sector joint supervision, and they have entered a severe winter of policy supervision. Many Internet cafe operators cannot understand the current situation of multi-sectoral policy supervision and management, and they have expressed many complaints.

Plus the impact of a series of negative incidents about Internet cafes that happened before, the next half. Within a month, the government's rectification of Internet cafes has been wave after wave, and the Internet cafe operators who are living in the rectification storm are miserable.

Because Internet cafes are still a new thing. The government also lacks sufficient experience in the management of Internet cafes. In addition, the quality of law enforcement personnel is very problematic, and many people have their own pockets and are playing power tricks. Therefore, various drawbacks have gradually been exposed during the implementation process, which has caused public grievances. . Yin?’ Advertising is in this general environment. Many Internet cafe operators have already begun to retreat.

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