
Vol 5 Chapter 883: Very sudden news

1423 Chapter VIII Sudden News

Qi Shi has maintained sufficient attention to the fire incident in the Ganguniao Internet Cafe. Bi Yu Chuwa has produced a major event with considerable influence in an emerging industry, which is likely to be related to the policy direction of the domestic government for the Internet industry.

As a domestic media leader, CCTV’s high-level thoughts are sometimes very contradictory. It is necessary to maintain the stability of CCTV’s public opinion policy. At the same time, it is necessary to keep up with the pace of the times, so as not to be pointed by thousands of people. It is really very difficult because the mice in the bellows in life are not an exaggeration.

Since the fire incident in the Blue Bird Internet Cafe has led to strict policies by the supervisory authorities, it has led to a lot of discussion and opinions from the people. Therefore, as an important domestic media, CCTV has also carried out follow-up reports on this matter and has been in the recent "Focus Interview" program. A program to investigate the status quo of Internet cafes was broadcast. The program also allows Internet cafe operators to see the news about the recent changes in Internet cafe policies.

From the "Focus Interview" survey program that directly hits on the current situation of Internet cafes, it can be seen that the issue of prohibiting minors from entering Internet cafes is still the focus of government management, and it has not been completely eradicated.

The propaganda slogan of "Focus Interview" is of course consistent with the current policy. Most parents applaud this, thinking that it is best to keep their children out of Internet cafes, but as a practitioner We feel that the current policy is too strict, and it is not just to deny minors access to Internet cafes, but to consciously restrict the development of this emerging thing in Internet cafes. "'Xiao Yindang's segmentation said Yindang's advertisement "House". In this case, CCTV Economic Channel also added a review and discussion of recent Internet cafe incidents in the "Daily Financial Interview" hosted by Zhang Qi. Experts from the National People's Congress and the University of Political Science and Law, as well as several celebrities in the Internet industry, were invited to discuss this.

As a financial figure who has a major influence on the domestic Internet industry, Fan Wubing is naturally the choice of CCTV guests, and because of Cuiqi, he will probably not refuse these invitations. It can be said that Fan Wubing is now Become a trump card of "Daily Financial Interview".

The column team was quite satisfied with Fan Wubing's performance, because Fan Wubing looked at the problem from a very high level, and reached some conclusions that economists could not match. This also resulted in a very long period of time, as long as it was Fan Wuyao's point of view. Everyone dared not refute it easily, but deliberated carefully to verify it.

"Whether it is the small arson incident of the Blue Bird Internet cafe or the Internet cafe explosion that occurred in the previous eye, it is a disaster for minors. It is not difficult to see that if minors enter Internet cafes without restrictions, the Internet cafes will be minors. People bear too many social responsibilities.” Cui Qi said at the opening, “Today we invited experts from the National People’s Congress and the University of Political Science and Law, as well as industry insiders, to discuss this issue.”

An expert from the National People's Congress said first. "From the perspective of government management, it is also a good thing for the government to prohibit minors from entering Internet cafes. Because minors do not have a comprehensive understanding of the Internet, and their self-control ability is relatively poor, it is easy to become obsessed with the Internet and eventually waste their studies. It will also introduce a series of social instability factors. From the perspective of Internet cafe operators, prohibiting minors from entering Internet cafes also has more advantages than disadvantages. As we all know, minors, as social consumer groups, will not create any production value by themselves. Internet cafes are a place for consumption. If they rely too much on the consumer group of minors, the tariffs of the Internet cafes will also drop all the way, which is not conducive to the development of the Internet cafe industry."

An expert from the University of Political Science and Law said, “It is precisely in consideration of the influence of minors on the operation and management of Internet cafes that the government strictly prohibits minors from entering Internet cafes. However, after the implementation of the regulations for many years, minors have not stayed away from Internet cafes. In the "Focus Interview" survey program that directly hits on the status quo of Internet cafes, we can still see some Internet cafes taking the risk of violating regulations to accept minors, but it is gratifying that Internet cafes in many major cities have basically prevented minors from entering Internet cafes. Reception Internet cafes for minors are also being transferred to Internet cafes located in rural and urban-rural areas. In the past, in order to prevent minors from entering Internet cafes, the government took too strict measures against Internet cafes; it did not correctly guide Internet cafes to eliminate minors. The government has also changed the previous supervision of minors’ access to Internet cafes. Just as the director of the Municipal Bureau of Culture said, the governance of Internet cafes must be unblocked and integrated, and collectively managed. The government is also aware of the rectification of prohibiting minors from entering Internet cafes. To truly prevent minors from entering Internet cafes, not only government policy cooperation is needed, but also Internet cafe operators need to be aware of the adverse effects of accepting minors. At the same time, the government must also introduce various new policies. For example, in Wangtian Province. In Panshi City, the local cultural department uses the Internet cafe star rating system to restrict Internet cafes and guide Internet cafes to strengthen self-discipline. Really keep minors away from Internet cafes. For Internet cafes that have been selected as first-class Internet cafes for three consecutive months, the cultural department will also have certain Material rewards for being selected as"

…Bar. The small government departments of Internet cafes will also suspend business for rectification. "Fan Wubing answered the question in the video of the satellite connection. He was surprised to hear that there was such a new thing in his hometown, Panshi. In the recent past, he has had very little I’m going to pay attention to Panshi, but many entities of Fan Investment Group are exhibiting at Panshi. Although there are already many branches at this time. Even the headquarters have moved to Beijing or Shanghai. But the base of Panshi It still exists. Because of the rapid development of Rock in recent years, it has become a bridgehead for the rise of the Midwest at this time.

However, Fan Wubing did not express much praise for the introduction of this policy, and he considered it more deeply. "For a long time, the cultural department has always appeared in front of Internet cafe operators as a manager. This has also caused some operators to have a certain resistance to the Internet cafe management department. The cultural department and the Internet cafe operator It has become an antagonistic relationship. If there is no good communication, it is difficult for the cultural department to manage Internet cafes. I think that the Internet cafe industry is a new industry, and the management methods must keep up with the development of the times, rather than sitting in the usual way. Drink tea and chat in the office, and go out on a whim to catch black Internet cafes and illegal Internet cafes. The cultural department should have a fair dialogue with the operators of chain Internet cafes. Continuously improve management methods and use softer management strategies to make Internet cafes more friendly. Management has improved."

"In fact, what Mr. Fan said, there are also some pilot projects here in the capital." The expert from the University of Political Science and Law continued, "Recently, the cultural department has hired voluntary supervisors of Internet cafes to supervise Internet cafes for a long time. In addition to the effective supervision of Internet cafes, the cultural management department also actively guides Internet cafes with the help of Internet cafes, non-governmental organizations, Internet cafes. You can find some articles on Internet cafes’ management skills on the official website of the Internet Cafe Association in Beijing, through the guidance of the Internet Cafe Association The relationship between the cultural management department and the Internet cafe has been reconciled, and the management policy of the Internet cafe will also be supported by the Internet cafe operator. Small.

Another expert also said. "The management of Internet cafes is not just a matter of one party.

At present, the management of Internet cafes is the common responsibility and obligation of the cultural department and the operators of Internet cafes. Only when both parties work together can the management of Internet cafes be truly in place and the industry of Internet cafes will develop healthily. In order to promote the development of the Internet cafe industry, the government management department is also brewing a major adjustment to the Internet cafe policy. The Ministry of Culture has launched a pilot program of new policies for the Internet cafe industry in nine cities. Each city has formulated new policies based on the actual conditions of the local Internet cafe industry. The work has received a good social response. Internet cafes in some cities have been allowed to open overnight.

Fan Wubing nodded. Knowing that the change of concept cannot be completed in a day, this series of changes in government departments. It means that the policy of the Internet cafe industry will soon be improved, and the spring of the Internet cafe industry is also about to come.

The reason why the government has made this series of changes is mainly because the government realizes that there are big shortcomings in the current process of Internet cafe management. If the Internet cafe industry is to truly enter the spring, changes in government authorities are necessary. "’

It's just that the current series of policies have been a big blow, and they are indeed too harsh for the Internet cafe industry. Xiao Yindang’s segmentation said that Yindang’s advertisements "Houses' In fact ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ strict laws and regulations may not be able to play a very good role, compared to the means of handling, those who open black Internet cafes The owners don’t care about this at all. A large number of black Internet cafes opened in residential areas or in the countryside or suburbs are basically supported by insiders. They usually boldly open their doors to admit minors and wait until the cultural department. When I came to make a surprise investigation, the news had already arrived, and the door was locked.

On the contrary, it is the relatively standardized Internet cafes that have been hit the most. The owners have long felt sick about the troublesome inspections, and it is true that not many can persist. Especially now that the price of the Internet is so high, after several harassment by the inspection team, I am afraid that there are not many old customers left.

A few, people are chatting. Suddenly, Cui Qi received a message. She seemed to be listening to her earphones for a while, and then interrupted everyone's topic, and said with a serious expression, "Everyone, suddenly received the news. The US Nasdaq stock index plunged sharply. , Internet stocks plummeted across the board, and the Wall Street scene was bleak."

After she finished her remarks, all the guests were silent, and everyone's death was immediately focused on Fan Wuyi in the satellite video.

It all depends on what I do. Isn't it just a prediction of the sharp drop in the finger in advance! Fan Wubing rubbed his nose, be careful that there was nothing in it, thinking angrily.

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