
Vol 5 Chapter 892: Whose fault is it?

Pao Xin did not directly return to Binzhou City, the provincial capital of Donghai Province. But directly on the tangerine sun... Listen to reports from local leaders on gas station incidents.

In fact, senior leaders generally do not pay much attention to the handling of these basic-level affairs, but because this matter is relatively subtle, Fan Heng has the mind to standardize the two major oil companies, so this matter has become a problem for him. The best fuse for oil companies is difficult.

The leaders of Linzhou City have been in the conference room for an entire hour, and the room was filled with thick smoke, so that when the door was opened, it felt like a fire.

Wu Fukuan frowned immediately after a bunch of doors, then stopped outside the door and shouted inside, "Is Zuo Qinghuai there? Come out and speak!"

The people inside were in a meeting and saw that the door was pushed open and someone yelled outside. When they were about to yell in annoyance, it turned out that the governor Wu Lukuan had arrived, and they were immediately frightened.

Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Zuo Qing Huaili Yuan ran out. Seeing that the conference room here was unable to treat people, he led Wu Fukuan to his office.

"Wait a minute, Comrade Fan Heng is here too, and he is heading here." Wu Fukuan said sternly.

"Vice Premier Fan is here too?!" Zuo Qinghuai was shocked. At this time, why Fan Heng came to Donghai Province and Linzhou City. What's more terrible is the Linzhou City Association. My son is having something big.

Wu Fukuan said with some dissatisfaction. "In the scheduled itinerary, there was no plan to be here. Who told you that the people in your place were too sturdy. The trouble was so loud, we were all disturbed in the air.

"Vice Premier Fan also saw it?" Zuo Qinghuai's face paled after hearing this, and his heart said that since it is about the gas station, then Governor Wu, instead of calling the mayor over, you are looking for my secretary. This is not for me to sit.


Wu Fukuan glared at Zuo Qingzhun and said in a low voice, "Comrade Fan Heng is a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, and then the Deputy Prime Minister. Who do you think should be the first to see this matter? Explain later, what is the job? You must be brave enough to admit the omissions you make, and correct them carefully. It is estimated that there will not be too many things."

Zuo Qinghuai repeatedly nodded and said, "This is a fight between central enterprises and we are suffering. In order to compete for gas station resources, the two major oil companies will not hesitate to provoke a local fight. In fact, we can't stop it.

"Comrade Fan Heng naturally knows the matter. You do your own work and you leave." Wu Fukuan waved his hand, but he thought in his heart that Zuo Qinghuai was working at the grassroots level after all. Whenever he encountered a problem, he wanted to shirk responsibility. , In fact, this is the most stupid way, like this is actually not caused by the omission of the local government, first take the responsibility, and then solve it slowly, it is the most responsible way, and it is easy to get Affirmation of the leaders.

You are not responsible, and he is not responsible. Whose responsibility is it, let the leader carry it alone? That is obviously impossible!

After a glance, Fan Heng followed the staff and was invited into the office by Zuo Qinghuai and Wu Fukuan. They sat down first, and everyone was busy getting him some hot water, making tea, and then Zuo Qing Huai stood a little awkwardly and reported to him about his work.

Fan Heng held a tea cup, drank two sips of tea, and looked at Zuo Qingzhun's office. The place was big enough, and the decoration was just ordinary standards. One wall in the office is occupied by filing cabinets. There are still a pile of official documents on the table. Obviously, they are still dealing with government affairs just now. A Gree air-conditioning cabinet is installed in the corner of the room, which is working at this time.

Donghai Province is considered to be south of the Yangtze River, so there is no saying about heating in winter. Although the temperature is not very low, it is wet and cold, which can easily cause frostbite. In recent years, it has been much better with air conditioning. Electric heaters are needed for heating, and it is difficult to grasp the degree of dryness and wetness.

As for Zuo Qinghuai, who is about forty-five years old, he seems to be only a Chinese person, and he is more prosperous, but he doesn't know how he can do things?

"Vice Premier Fan, this matter of birth. Our work is not in place." Zuo Qinghuai said with a sad expression. "Sit down and talk." Fan Xiang was already quite familiar with this kind of thing, and didn't say anything. He just pointed to the sand beside Zuo Qinghuai, "I'm not very familiar with the situation here, you Please report to Comrade Wu Fukuan."


Zuo Qinghuai glanced at Wu Fukuan, then sat down on the sand next to her buttocks cautiously and reported, "The cause of this incident is the suspected gasoline quality at Lincheng gas station."

Beginning in the middle and late January, many automobile sales agents in Linzhou City, East China Sea suddenly received a large number of vehicles sent for repair. These faulty vehicles all have the same symptoms, and they may experience poor refueling, black smoke, and exhaust gas punctures. The condition of the nose. In severe cases, the exhaust pipe continuously sprays red or black liquid and cannot be started. In the worst case, some parts may be damaged.

According to statistics, only the number accepted by a car dealer in Linzhou City of this type of malfunctioning car has passed more than 1,000 in half a month.

"After the above-mentioned problems occurred, the after-sales department of Qianzhou corpses will direct the spearhead at the number of oil dispersants sold by Lincheng gas station; the vehicle failure is caused by the quality of the oil. Xiao, Zuo Qinghuai explained, "according to the damage The data submitted by the owners of serious Toyota series for inspection indicated that the gasoline content in the samples submitted for inspection was significantly higher. The manganese content in the sample gasoline submitted for inspection was one hundred times the normal content. Severe target manganese causes severe corrosion of piston connecting rods, piston rings and other parts in the motive. "

"The gas station is only responsible for the sale of refined oil, and it must be held accountable. I am afraid that the source of the supply must be found. Where is the supplier?" Wu Fukuan is not a fool, and Li Jian pointed out the crux of the problem.

Zuo Qinghuai Lixian replied, "We found out yesterday that the oil at Lincheng gas station was mainly purchased from PetroChina. However, when investigating the local sales department of PetroChina, they said that it is impossible for PetroChina to sell. Gasoline, and believes that this is an accident caused by the Lincheng gas station purchasing products from a private petrochemical company, and has nothing to do with PetroChina."

"What did the gas station say?" Fan Heng interjected.

"The gas station resolutely does not admit that this batch of oil was purchased from other places, and insisted that it was purchased from the PetroChina sales department." Zuo Qinghuai replied.

Because the two sides insisted on their own opinions, neither admitted that it was their own mistakes, and the stalemate came down, but it was unexpected that there was an incident of blocking the gas station in Zhongren County this morning.

Fortunately, the city government's actions were relatively timely. They immediately dispatched police to maintain order on the scene, requesting both sides to exercise restraint and not to escalate the incident. For the time being, apart from the more serious scolding between the two sides, there has been no bloodshed.

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Fukuan asked Fan Heng for instructions, "Comrade Fan Heng, should I go to the scene to appease me first, so as to save trouble?

"Yeah. Be careful." Fan Heng nodded. Agreed to Wu Fukuan's opinion.

For things like this, the success rate of local leaders' interventions to appease is not high, because the interests of local leaders and local forces are more entangled, and it is difficult to handle it impartially, and the governor of the province has come forward to resolve the matter. It is easier to win the trust of others.

After a while, Wu Fukuan came back. He said that the confronting crowd had dispersed. At the same time, he also brought back the head of the local PetroChina sales department and the head of the gas station, and he is under investigation outside. .

Fan Heng said he wanted to see it in person, so Wu Fukuan accompanied him to the reception room next to him. After Heng appeared. Everyone is a little surprised. After all, this is a leader at the national level, and it is rare to see it, even if it is the two opponents who are being questioned. At this time, they all stood up in surprise, extremely excited.

"This time, everyone can talk about it." Fan Heng's attitude is very kind.

So the two separately stated their opinions, said the head of the local sales department of PetroChina. In the storage, transportation and custody of petroleum products, quality changes are indeed frequent. Oil products will also oxidize during long-term storage, which will deteriorate the oil quality. For example, the gum quality of gasoline and diesel increases.

He also said that in terms of oil storage, the longer the storage time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the more deposits produced by oxidation, the more serious the impact on oil quality. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the bottom of the oil tank and clean the oil storage container. The bottom of the tank must be inspected once a year. To determine whether it needs to be cleaned. The cleaning cycle of various oil tanks is: light oil and lubricating oil storage tanks are cleaned once every three years; heavy diesel storage tanks are cleaned every two and a half years. In addition, regular sampling and testing of stock oil products are also required.

“Oil products of different natures should not be mixed, otherwise the quality of the oil will decrease, and the oil will deteriorate in severe cases,” said the person in charge of the local sales department of PetroChina. "In the transportation link, in order to prevent the bulk oil from being polluted during unloading, transferring, filling, transportation, etc., according to the different nature of the oil, each pipeline, oil and mercury should be grouped for exclusive use. Mixed use, if it is necessary to use, clean the remaining oil in the pipeline. At the same time, when tanks, tank cars, tanks, tankers and other containers are refitted with other types of oil, they should be scrubbed and dried; the filling is the same as the original remaining in the container. The oil and ears should be cleaned according to the specific conditions. However, the container must be confirmed to meet the requirements. The filling can be repeated to ensure the quality of the oil. As far as we know, the Lincheng gas station has not cleaned the oil tank in the past few years, and the oil is too dirty. This accident was caused, so we have been purchasing and renovating private gas stations, mainly to ensure the rights and interests of consumers, so that everyone can use quality-guaranteed oil.

"You nonsense! This batch of oil is purchased from you, and I have all the bills here! You are so bloody, isn't it just to buy my gas station at a low price?" The gas station listening next to me The person in charge protested indignantly.

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