
Vol 5 Chapter 893: means

, "Don't make noise. When you have something to say, the truth is not necessarily in the voice of the mu..." Wu Fukuan said.

For a while, because I heard that Fan Heng had arrived in Linzhou City, the heads of the relevant departments were basically confused and ran over. Lest you don’t see yourself when something happens

According to the person in charge of the regulatory department, most of the gas stations in the cities and counties in the East China Sea are self-operated by PetroChina or Sinopec, and there are a small number of private gas stations. Among them, the situation in Linzhou is quite special, with private gas stations accounting for almost half.

The gas station that was besieged this time was a gas station under Hailong Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. The last time to purchase oil was January 26, and the direct supplier of oil products was this private enterprise, Hailong Trading Co., Ltd.

The person in charge of Hailong Trading Co., Ltd. stated that the company has three gas stations in Donghai Province. Lincheng gas station is the larger one. They are also engaged in intermediate trade in refined oil products. Their oil products are mainly purchased from PetroChina, some of which are Procurement from Sinopec, but the other two gas stations under this company have not been complained of quality problems.

"It is also possible that gas stations have received oil from non-Zhenghe channels, and the possibility of smuggling imported oil is not ruled out. These oils do not have purchase certificates and cannot be checked." The person in charge of Hailong Trading Company said.

The person in charge of the Quality Supervision Bureau said that because consumers are complaining about gas stations, if the test results show that there is a problem with the gas, it means that the gas station is not strictly controlled and is responsible. The relevant departments will punish the gas station in accordance with relevant regulations.

As for the supplier’s responsibility, the person in charge of the Quality Supervision Bureau stated that the gas station can only go to the manufacturer and supplier for compensation. The quality supervision department mainly supervises the manufacturers daily. However, there are many links from the manufacturer to the retail of oil products, and the responsibility determination in the circulation link is very complicated.

All in all, although the municipal party committee and the municipal government are willing to take responsibility, the grassroots departments are all pushing them. No one is willing to admit that this is their responsibility.

Wu Fukuan was very annoyed by this. If it hadn't been for Fan Hyung to be here, he might have already started to scold him.

Fan Heng is also very uncomfortable. Those who encounter such a thing during the Chinese New Year will not be very happy in their hearts, especially when they see them shirking responsibility like playing football, and they are even more angry.

Originally, he just wanted to get a brief understanding of what happened and come up with a clue. Now what he thinks is that he must be held accountable again.

However, this matter quickly came to light. While everyone was discussing here, several phone calls came to Wu Fukuan. There have been several cases of car breakdowns caused by fuel quality problems in Donghai Province. The incident is now full of discussions, especially since most of the severely damaged cars are Japanese cars. Japanese companies that have received repair requests have expressed protests, believing that the quality of gasoline in China is too poor, and refuse to repair cars for free for car owners.

After investigation, all the gas stations involved in the case produced purchase receipts, and this batch of oil was actually purchased from the PetroChina channel. At this moment, the head of the local sales department of PetroChina couldn't sit still.

If a gas station accuses them, then there is no need to worry. They have a big deal of heart, deny it completely, and leave, but now all gas stations that have been involved in the accident have come up with proofs to prove that the oil this time came from PetroChina. Channel, which prevents them from pushing Tan.

However, the people at PetroChina felt a little puzzled. Why haven't this problem been seen before?

After careful investigation, the problem was finally found in the middle ring. The Lincheng gas station has always been the focus of competition between the two major oil companies, PetroChina and Sinopec, due to its superior geographical location. However, the owner of the Lincheng gas station also has some strength and feels that he has a geographical advantage. This gas station is sure to make a profit. Business is prosperous, and she is an old hen who can lay golden eggs. Why should she sell it to others?

The price given by the two major oil companies has reached 20 million, six times the original investment. Drinking is so, the boss did not let go of agreeing to sell the gas station.

But people in PetroChina believe that. The Lincheng gas station is of great significance to its own occupation of the Linzhou market. Once it has occupied this position, it can overwhelm the dominant Sinopec in Linzhou, so their project manager came up with one. Something was artificially added to the oil provided to the other party.

"Why do you need to add ingredients?" someone asked. In this chapter, the four friends of Dingjiji collected the cloth. "So you need to ask?" Someone at Lixian replied, "This acquisition project is a budget of 25 million yuan. If 20 million can be taken down, the project manager can deduct it. It will cost five million, but if it succeeds through other pressures, the gas station may not be able to continue, and there are legitimate reasons to stop supplying at that time. The gas station is only relevant. If it is time to buy, I am afraid that it will be five A million won’t be used anymore!"

After Fan Heng heard this, of course he was a little bit emotional. I am afraid that Ibu in the purchase money will be greeted by the project managers. It is no wonder that so many people are rushing to work in the two major oil companies. The oil and fruits inside are very rich.

However, Fan Heng didn't stay here much, leaving a sentence when he left, to hear the final result of this case.

Although this year is the first year of the 21st century. It is also a year for everyone to look forward to the future, but many people have a cloud of mud in their minds, and they don't know what direction they will take in the days to come.

Just like this year's Spring Festival Gala, the whole scene was chaotic. Some people said that in the past, one person sang eight songs, but now eight people sing one song. This sentence was fully confirmed in this year's Spring Festival Gala.

Zhang Qi only showed her little face during this year’s Spring Festival Gala. She felt like a mess all night. Countless people got together and appeared on stage, sang a few words and then left, just like a horse lantern, the net is good. This year's Spring Festival Gala push newcomers, Zhang Qi is not very interested in these recently, and did not join in the excitement, she insisted on being the host.

After all, if you host a night's show, you have to worry about making mistakes. The pressure is relatively great. It is far from hosting a financial show yourself, sitting and chatting with experts and scholars comfortably.

But all in all, the feeling this year's Spring Festival Gala gave Zhang Qi is a mess.

Even the background music of the individual singing show is messy, which really reminds people of impetuousness. There is little confidence in the whole future. Or it is a kind of dazed restlessness, the confusion of not finding a goal.

This state has appeared in the early years of the new century, and it is indeed a bit abnormal. Fan Wubing suddenly felt that he was very busy, so he took the time to meet with his girlfriends one by one. One by one, I went to comfort them, gave gifts, went shopping, and went to the park. I was very busy. Fortunately, Shen Ying turned a blind eye to this matter, and she also had her own set of new businesses to be busy, and she couldn't care about being stuck with Fan Wubing for the time being, so she was happy that Fan Wubing had it. indivual. Where he went, at least I don’t worry about where he goes somewhere unclear.

Fan Xiang’s problem with the quality of fuel at the gas station in Linzhou City was finally reported through some channels. Even Yu Cuiqi heard about it within the first time, so she asked about Fan Wuyi. Things come.

"It's probably because the two major oil companies have been making trouble recently. Otherwise, it is unlikely that my father will suddenly go to Donghai Province to inspect some oil and gas field projects. There are obviously some situations in this, Fan Wubing thought about it, and he knew it. The strangeness here.

From a high-level standpoint, it is natural to hope that central enterprises will have stronger market competitiveness. After all, if international oil suppliers enter the Big 6 market in the future, they will definitely pose a great threat to domestic oil companies. , If the two major oil companies can occupy more markets and form a stronger market competitiveness, that is what the top executives are most willing to see.

It doesn't matter if you block, but you must have the ability to disrupt the market. Now the government has given them strong support from policy and finance. If this situation still fails to form a dominant position, unify the domestic oil supply market. So what will you use to compete with the international oil giants in the future?

Acts like these now that achieve their goals through almost rogue means are definitely disgusting.

"The most important point is probably that the senior executives have some opinions on the main leaders of the two major oil companies. If you take advantage of this opportunity, it will be easier for them to move. Fan Wuyao said to Weiqi, "But this is just my guess. It may not be accurate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, Dad usually doesn't talk about these things at home, unless it is some business issues, sometimes he will discuss with me, his The principle is still very strong

Zhang Qi nodded and said, "Oh, it seems that the high-level struggle is indeed incomprehensible to ordinary people. Even if it is a trivial matter, it may become a variable to reverse the situation.

The two were strolling outside. Looking at the people flying kites in the open space of the park, Fan Wuyi's cell phone suddenly rang, but Shen Manhua, who hadn't contacted him recently, could not help but feel a little strange.

Shen Manhua briefly said to Fan Wuyao on the phone that the situation in the soybean base in Northeast China is already very large. I hope Fan Wuyao can go to see the situation, and then decide whether to continue to expand the planting area.

If you want to continue to expand the planting area, you need more arable land, but if you want to get more arable land, then you need to continue to go the upper-level route. This matter, except Fan Wuyi, is really nothing. What one can do.

"It seems that I really have to go to the northeast. Fan Wubing said to Feng Qi.

Eleven, the third update arrives today, please ask for monthly ticket support, one one (to be continued)

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