
Vol 5 Chapter 920: Call "Ask a monthly pass" again

A small-scale briefing meeting is held in the senior management to communicate on the company's development issues, so that problems can be found and resolved.

So he opened the video, contacted Davis, Wuzhi Xiaoji and Maximus, and raised this issue. "I'm going to have a meeting, what do you think?" Fan Wuyao said. "Yes, we have never had such a large-scale high-level meeting. It's good to meet everyone." Wu Zhi's small machine responded most quickly and immediately expressed support. "I'm very busy these days," the old Jewish man Maximus said with a stern gesture.

"Let's have a meeting, but how many candidates should be selected for the meeting?" Davis was more pragmatic, and directly asked this beautiful lady.

"Tentatively decide on the senior management of each company, depending on the scale of the company's management. There are more than a dozen people, and one or two people less. You take the plan yourself, the people at the headquarters arrange it, and then let me see the draft. "Fan Wuyao said. Dai Xiang{! Si agreed, took out the list within two minutes, and sent it to Fan Wuyao from the Internet. So fast? "Fan Wuyi was surprised.

"Actually, there have been similar arrangements in the headquarters, and the corresponding lists are available. Now it is adjusted according to the ratio you requested. Probably, oh, there are 500 people attending the meeting." Davis replied. "Five hundred people?! Isn't it a bit more?" Fan Wubing was taken aback at once.

Is there so many people just at the top of the company? I really didn't care about these things too carefully. "Executives from overseas companies have not yet been counted," Davis replied. "In that case, let's have a meeting the day after tomorrow." Fan Wubing decided after thinking about it.

Although Fan’s investment group’s companies are spread all over the country, due to the very convenient traffic conditions, Fan Wubing is not worried that someone will not be able to catch up with the day after tomorrow’s meeting. In fact, a meeting like this is a head meeting or The briefing is rather retreat, but from the perspective of the overall situation, it is very important. It can at least let everyone understand the current economic situation and the issues that each need to pay attention to, or they can also mention the obstacles to development on the spot. Problem, and get a solution.

After arranging things here, Sheng Wei, the beauty reporter of "Oriental News Interview", contacted him, saying it was an exclusive interview, and invited him to have a meal by the way.

Fan Wubing looked at his schedule and found that there was nothing wrong, so he agreed. However, due to lack of exercise recently, with a mediocre appetite, he asked her to go to Hangzhou for a day and interview by the way.

The West Lake at the end of March was still good. No wonder that even the White Lady's Legend sang the beautiful scenery of the West Lake in March, and it was so.

Fan Wubing rented a relatively large painting boat, which spreads over the West Lake, and on the painting boat of Nuo Da. For the two of them, the rice wine was blanched on the bamboo and wood table, and some delicate dishes were served while chatting. Drinking is also very pleasant.

Shengwei mainly interviewed Fan Wuyao on the overall economic situation. In fact, after the problems of the new economy in the United States, that is, the continuous decline of the Nasdaq market, the country is full of doubts about the prospects of the new economy. Under the circumstances, Sheng Wei intends to ask Fan Wubing to talk about this matter.

"The first thing you have to understand is the product life cycle issue." Fan Wuyao said to Sheng Wei. "The so-called product life cycle, the first stage is innovation, and this stage is basically in the United States; In Germany and Japan; the third stage is the saturation period, and it has not reached China. The saturation period is characterized by lower costs and expansion of the market. It just so happens that China has cheap labor and cheap land prices, and environmental protection costs are not burdened by enterprises. It uses China. All kinds of low-cost production factors can keep costs down. This kind of product relies on price cuts. This is the third stage of the product life cycle."

"The saturation period is followed by the recession period. A substantial price cut only compensates for the current cost. The price drops below the cost, but the fixed assets have been depreciated. If the price is higher than the current cost, it can still be produced and sold. This is called the recession period. World investment is actually based on the product life cycle. Therefore, China’s economic growth in the past two decades has mainly relied on the US market. It may be long-term."

"What are the fourth-rate companies fighting for? The fourth-rate companies are fighting for quality, which means you are okay. Third-rate companies are fighting for service, second-rate companies are fighting for brands, and first-rate companies are fighting for standards." Fan Wuyao said to Shengyu, "Then I will be all day long. What are you fighting for? I am fighting for a right to speak! In fact, the core issue, we Chinese finally realize that the core of the true establishment of hegemony or leadership is the right to speak. It is not material power but spiritual power, spiritual power The core of this is the right to speak. "The quality of people is different, and the division of labor is also different. The top leaders rely on inspiration, genius, and adventure. The second and third leaders are scientists and experts who do feasibility studies, technology, finance, and personnel management. Their feasibility report has screened most of them, and in the end two or three options are left to be determined by the top leader. The top leader can no longer rely on rationality and science, because rationality is exhausted by this time. The final choice is often to rely on the personal qualities, experience, feelings, preferences, and brainstorming of the top leaders. It has nothing to do with science and control. "Fan Wubing said to Shengwei, "The corporate system is the same as before in investment decision-making. What I value is the personal qualities of entrepreneurs." Regardless of the system, his personal judgment plays a decisive role. If the system is decisive, what else do entrepreneurs do? When a mathematician engages in economy, it becomes a planned economy. Marx's ideal is to pinch a social calculation center and calculate the value of labor, replacing the blindness and anarchism of the market economy. Stalin's planned economic model relied on the input-output table to produce a large group of mathematicians. Now that they are engaged in a market economy, mainstream people use so many mathematical models to frighten people, who are they bluffing? Want to exhaust the market with mathematics? Uncertainty is never exhausted! The second one is fine, the first one just shoots his head. As for how the head is, I don't know if it's right or not. In fact, you don't know whether it's right or not. "

"Uncertainty is the market economy. Can it be calculated by mathematics? The planned economy can be calculated, and it can only be calculated as a basic ratio. It is called planned and proportional development. This kind of system can be used for primitive accumulation. At that time, the economy was relatively simple, all of which were heavy industries. Once the accumulation was completed, it would inevitably be transformed into a market economy. In the end, economic activities became complicated, and human rationality and calculations could not be controlled." Fan Wubing said to Sheng Jia, "So, you ask now What will happen to my world economy in the future, in fact, I am not sure. Even if it is said, it is only a simple inference. As for whether it is correct or not, it is God’s arrangement. Any uncertain factor may lead to a problem. Change in the real sense of the field."

"It's really good, you can enter the textbook." Sheng Zhen drank a little rice wine, and felt that doing it was a kind of enlightenment, but his mind was very active, and his slender fingers were constantly tapping on the laptop keyboard. , Wrote down Fan Wubing's words.

"China has a net outflow of capital, because domestic savings are greater than investment! $, capital can not be a net inflow, our exports are greater than imports for so many years, it is difficult to achieve a trade deficit. But the United States is inflows because it has no savings. How much capital outflows from China ? Unless gold and oil can be stored in the country, the other foreign exchange reserves are actually abroad. There are corporate foreign exchange deposits, personal foreign exchange deposits, and black ruthenium. These three plus one are definitely not a minority, and they are all net capital outflows. Under such circumstances, the government can naturally start domestic demand on a large scale, launching major projects, and launching railways, highways, and petrochemicals. It's just time." Fan added ill intentions. "So do you think the US economy will decline this time?" Sheng Shen asked.

"How is it possible? The Americans have kidnapped everyone in the world." Fan Wubing replied with a smile. "When did the United States engage in economic austerity? The U.S. economy has a cycle ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ an upward cycle to engage in the stock market, the Democratic Party Come up to pick freedom, human rights and democracy, Nasdaq to speculate on concepts, and to speculate on the Internet. This is American idealism. If you have any ideas, you will often speculate about it. Star Wars, future robots, and the stock market make everyone very happy and work hard. buy house.

When the economy is down, the Republican hawks will rise up and fight outside to stimulate military spending and raise the price of daytime oil, which will affect China, Europe, and Japan. It occupies a little more territory once it fights, and arms dealers make a fortune. "Sheng Wei Wenyan also laughed, and continued to crackle typing records at the laptop business.

"This is the hegemony of discourse. The Americans do one thing by themselves, and let others do another. After World War II, the Americans supervised Japan. As a result, Japan's economy fell sharply, a large number of workers were unemployed, and the Japanese economy suddenly fell. It collapsed. It was only after the Korean War broke out that Japan was saved. Japan served as a logistics service for the U.S. Army. It earned billions of dollars in the Pentagon in three years and supported Japan. What happened to the war? The war stimulated the economy. As soon as the cannon rang, the gold was ten thousand taels." Fan Wuyi drank twice as much, and immediately lost his interest. He couldn't help but say a few more words, "So, I think that in the past two years, the Americans will definitely be fighting. , Because of economic needs!"

"Really?" Sheng Wei was taken aback.

"According to my inference, this is the case. If you want to fight, you must fight Iraq!" Fan Wuyi said. "Why?" Sheng Wei asked back. "Because they have oil, and they have already played it once, naturally they don't mind playing it again." Fan Wuyao replied.

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