
Vol 5 Chapter 921: The saving rule of life "seeking monthly pass"

However, from various perspectives at this time, the United States is still far from launching a second war against Iraq, and there is no reason to continue to use troops in this poor Middle Eastern country.

The current President Clinton’s term of office has less than one year left. He who has always advocated the development of a new economy does not approve of a big fight against Iraq, and his economic policy has indeed made the U.S. economy turn for the better, becoming the only one since the 1980s. During the golden development period, this made his prestige very high. If it were not for the impact of the zipper door incident, it is estimated that he would rise in the US presidential rankings.

Bush Jr., who launched the Second US-Iran War, was still governor of Texas at this time, dealing with his cows all day long, or nibbling on raw corn to show that he valued the planting industry.

Therefore, Sheng Gan didn't think that the threat of war would come again after more than a year, and he only regarded Fan Wubing casually saying a joke.

"I heard that you have a large-scale comprehensive supermarket in Hangzhou?" Sheng Wei asked suddenly.

".&, indeed." Fan Wubing nodded and replied, "I took a lot of land at the beginning, and other things were not easy to do, so I set up a large number of chain supermarkets, including specialized electrical supermarkets and general supermarkets. It was built according to the actual needs of the local area."

Probably women like to go to the supermarket, especially Weiwei heard that this supermarket in Hangzhou is very large, basically everything can be bought in it, so I moved my mind and wanted to go and take a look.

"Alright, I'll call and let them arrange someone to come and pick us up." Yu Wuyi immediately called the headquarters and asked Hangzhou to arrange the matter.

Within twenty minutes, the manager of the supermarket in Hangzhou drove over to pick Fan Wushen and them.

In fact, it takes only ten minutes from the supermarket to the West Lake. When Shengwei was picked up from the supermarket, he discovered that the supermarket is indeed very large. The floors are all boutiques, probably hundreds of stores, but the interior is very large, there are a dozen floors, each floor is as big as four football fields, and the content inside is also very rich. Colorful.

Basically, except for the things that are not allowed to be sold, everything can be found here, and the shopping guide function provided in the supermarket is also very powerful. It is completely computerized management, allowing you to use any computer terminal at the entrance and exit. Find out the specific location of the item you need, such as which floor, which area, and who the shopping guide is.

After seeing it, Sheng Che couldn't help but feel a little emotional, "The convenience brought by modern technology is indeed unexpected before."

"In fact, online shopping malls will become popular in the future. Recently, the major chain enterprises under Fan Investment Group are working hard in this regard, striving for convenient payment channels, and gradually entering the field of online shopping. Some achievements have been made in this regard." Fan Wubing said to Sheng Wei while walking along with the store manager.

In fact, it is not very troublesome to change supermarkets to online cities. The only thing worth considering is whether the payment and logistics channels are unblocked. Therefore, the current attempt is only to pilot in some large and medium-sized cities, and wait until the opportunity is ripe. After that, it will be extended to cities across the country.

"When can I go overseas?" Sheng Hui asked.

"I have already gone overseas," Fan Wubing replied with a smile. "In fact, overseas sales have already started. Overseas sales channels are more convenient and profitable."

Under the guidance of the store manager, the two entered the interior of the supermarket. Sure enough, it was crowded and overcrowded. Obviously, the people who came here were not only locals, but also the number of tourists.

As a large tourist city, there are a lot of floating population here, and it is also a large group of people with second expense.

Sheng Wei is very interested in the clothing area and jewelry area, while Fan Wubing pays attention to another issue. Although the children’s toy area is rich in variety, it seems a bit crowded. Due to the management regulations of the supermarket, it is impossible to do this after leaving, which has also caused complaints from many parents.

After seeing the situation, Fan Wubing said to the store manager, "This problem needs to be solved.

"It's not easy to solve!" The store manager replied with a scratching head. "Once you let go, it will be all messed up.

"You can think about it like this, vacate a floor alone and open up a children's play area." Fan Wubing thought for a while and replied, "Parents can spend a small portion of the fee, or use a shopping ticket to put children of the right age in it. Playing inside is managed by someone here to ensure safety. Parents can continue shopping during this period. In this way, it can solve the problem that adults cannot shop as much as they want because of their children."

"That requires a lot of investment! $ gold, in fact, it is not expensive, it just wastes an entire floor, and the price is too high." The store manager replied a little distressedly.

"Investment will always pay off," Fan Wuyao replied with a smile. "I remembered an example. Indonesian President Habibie told me one thing."

Habibi once told Fan Wuyao a story about his friend. This friend's name is Durham. This person has served as the president of a large bank in his thirties. Compared with those senior financiers and bankers in their 60s and 70s, he is an authentic junior. Although the bank he manages is well-known in the city, his superficial resume has been ridiculed by financial giants and bank leaders. It is an international joke that he is at the helm of the banking industry's flagship.

Sure enough, at the beginning of taking office, Durham made a laughable decision. He asked his subordinates to list all the newborns within 20 kilometers of the bank on a list.

The employees were baffled by his actions, but they complied.

Three days later, all the newborns on the list received a letter from the bank, congratulating them on coming to this wonderful world and coming to this beautiful new district at such a lucky moment.

Since then, at the right time each year, these children will receive a letter from Durham Bank reminding them that their birthday is approaching. When they are old enough to read stories, Durham's bank will send them a story book that tells them the benefits of saving in a story-telling way. If it is a little girl, she will receive a Barbie doll as a birthday gift with the full name of Durham Bank printed on the back. If it was a little boy, he would receive a baseball bat with the name of the bank on it.

Over the past few years, this expenditure alone has been substantial, but the benefits have not been obvious.

Durham also renovated the most important floor of the bank's office building into a children's playroom. There are a merry-go-round, a slide, a seesaw, a bumper car, a sand pile, and a capable administrator to guide the children to have a good time.

Durham has established the bank as the most popular place for children. Many young mothers seek to go to the bank in Durham for storage. Some mothers even leave their children here after completing the business and go shopping or visit friends with peace of mind. .

Durham's approach began to show some benefits, but compared with the previous investment, the benefits were not large. Some people began to question Durham's ability, thinking that a president who would only attract housewives would not do much.

However, during the difficult economic period in Indonesia, a large number of industrial and commercial enterprises went bankrupt, the banks were struggling to operate, and some major banks declared bankruptcy. Durham's bank was able to support it firmly by absorbing a large amount of family deposits. Only then did people discover that personal savings turned out to be a huge gold mine! After the economic difficulties, the good reputation of Durham's bank brought huge rewards to customers, and Durham once became famous.

Thirty years later, a financial crisis that swept across Asia once again pushed the banking industry to the precipice.

Durham, who is in his sixties, is once again favored by God. Many of the children who played in his bank have become famous entrepreneurs and social elites, and they have maintained good cooperation with Durham. They have injected capital into Durham's bank, making it once again a breeze. They said that they were just saving their childhood dreams. Durham’s bank had their golden childhood dreams. They learned about financial management from Durham's storybook.

Durham's savings that year finally received a handsome return.

"Dahram’s approach is indeed prescient. More importantly, we have a new and rational understanding of the principle of savings. "First, the principle of reciprocity in savings. Most people believe that banks are saved by others, but Dahram is the opposite. Thinking about it, thinking that banks should also save, that is, saving people’s trust and emotions in the bank, and the two sides save each other, forming a mutually dependent and mutually beneficial cooperative relationship; the second is the principle of accumulation of savings, that is, the bank’s income is more dependent on the depositor’s benefit Improve and develop, so investing in the future is also the essential demand for survival and development; the three-step saving principle of risk reduction, that is, savings often generate risks with changes in domestic and international policies, social and economic turbulence, and financial storms. "Banks should consider long-term risks, avoid risks, and resolve risks." Fan Wuyao explained to two people, "and for those of us in business, this principle is also applicable, or can be used for reference."

The shop manager listened very carefully, and it would be infinitely beneficial to be able to listen to the instructions of the big boss.

As for Shengwei, it is also earnestly recording everything that Yu Wuyi said, and intends to use it on the page as part of the interview, which can attract more people to initiate thinking.

"Generally speaking, business management and bank savings seem to be two indifferent fields, but if you think about it, you will find that there are many similarities. They are all done through the creation of intermediaries, service methods, and core value creation. Special functions endowed by society. Like Durham, we executives also need to predict risks, avoid risks, and resolve risks as the situation changes.” Fan Wuyao said, “Among the above three principles, the first two are easy for people. Understand, but the understanding of the principle of reducing the risk of savings is relatively vague. Our daily standard of management is to pursue the maximization of benefits, but predicting, avoiding and resolving risks are the key elements to ensure that we can develop smoothly, even to a certain extent In terms of the above, business management should pay more attention to the function of predicting, avoiding and resolving risks."

It can be said that learning to deal with business crises, turning risks into benefits and challenges into opportunities is the special wisdom of modern corporate executives who learn to use savings management to resolve risks. Because it is unlikely that everything goes well at work, but risks and crises often appear are very likely. Especially for some executives who are caught in the business stack, the management of enterprises is most prone to more serious risk behaviors, such as serious The credibility crises and conflicts of the company suddenly encountered capital turnover, and potential or major disputes occurred in the exchanges with other industries in the society. These crises will inevitably cause the energy of the executives to be dispersed. If they do not make timely adjustments and correct treatment, The small aspect affects the current business, and the big aspect affects the future development of the enterprise.

Therefore, Fan Wuyao expects them to always be prepared to deal with the crisis mentality, always have the opportunity to resolve the crisis, and constantly eliminate potential threats that affect the development of the school~www.wuxiaspot.com~Like the Indonesian bank manager Daram In the same way, we use savings-style forward-looking experience to finally resolve risks and achieve success.

"Being with you is really long knowledge." Sheng Hui said with some emotion.

"The boss is a talented person, unparalleled in the world," the store manager flattered.

Fan Wubing smiled and waved his hand. "There is no such exaggeration. It's just that there are more things to see, and there will be more natural insights. You can do it too. So my advice to you is that you must have more. Reading is good for unwinding."

But when he said that, the store manager had to fully consider how this matter should be handled, but such a big matter was decided by the Hangzhou branch, so the store manager asked Fan Wuyi to write a note or something. This matter is decided.

Fan Wubing was in a good mood, so he directly called the person in charge of the Hangzhou branch and expressed his attitude, and asked them to implement this matter as soon as possible, and set up a pilot in Hangzhou to see the effect. how.

"If things are done well, it can be promoted nationwide. Naturally, our company has to be different from others. This is very important." Fan Wubing said to them.

Sheng Wei strolled around in the women's clothing area and bought some clothes for herself and her sister. When Fan Wubing planned to pay for her, Sheng Wei refused. "My salary has risen a lot recently. It's all thanks to you. How can you spend any more money? Besides, this lunch meal must be arranged for you."

"Well, in that case, it's okay." Fan Wuyao nodded and agreed.

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