
Vol 5 Chapter 1025: Technology corruption emerging

Born at the gate of the exhibition and planning committee. It quickly spread to the ears of today’s senior executives. Regarding this kind of thing, everyone felt a little dissatisfied. After all, this was a time when the guards in the capital were the most stringent, and it was actually possible for a petition group of hundreds of people to easily invade. Now, what can this explain?

At least, there is a big arsenic in the police work from the local area to the capital.

Then everyone noticed another problem. The origin of the incident was that Fan Investment Group had planned to acquire Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group. As a result, the matter was jointly vetoed by the Exhibition and Planning Committee and several other parties, resulting in Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group. The employees of the group are angry, and only then have today's things happened.

"Why is it related to the disease-free company again?" The number one looked at Fan Hengdao in surprise.

Fan Heng didn’t know the inside story either, and shook his head, “I usually don’t ask about him. I only ask a couple of sentences when I can relate to him at work. Besides, I haven’t seen him recently. ."

Boss Zhu guessed on the side, “I’ve heard about the Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group. The profitability of an enterprise group with an annual output value of more than 10 billion yuan is less than 200 million yuan. After the salary, it is difficult to even purchase new equipment. Life is even more difficult. Maybe they saw that the treatment after being acquired by Fan Investment Group was better, so after the acquisition was stopped, they looked anxious, right?"

"However, for such a big case, the relevant ministries and commissions have not reported the relevant situation." Fan Heng expressed doubts.

Everyone stopped talking for a while. Obviously, this matter should be dealt with carefully, but what we have to deal with at the moment is of course the petitioners of the Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group of more than 100 people, and they will not be settled. Follow-up troubles will emerge in endlessly.

Especially the media is more troublesome. In recent meetings, we have been talking about human rights and dignity. If the methods used are too drastic, I am afraid that foreign forces will be caught in pain.

Thought of this. No. One could not help but mumbled, "What do these people in the ministries think all day long? Is there any problem in this acquisition case?"

"I've been to ask about it." Boss Zhu said immediately.

After Boss Zhu made a few phone calls, several committee leaders rushed over and gathered together to report to the Standing Committee members.

Boss Zhu asked directly, “The Fan Investment Group’s acquisition of Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group was stopped. What happened? Now the public opinion is boiling, and the petitioning group has all rushed to the capital. What is your work? How is it done?!"

"I don't know anything about this." The director of the Exhibition and Planning Committee replied immediately, "I also heard that the gate was blocked, and only then did I know that there was such a thing. I have not received any information about this before. Work report on the acquisition."

"Lao Zhang, you are being emptied" another ministerial leader said to him, "Although I know about this, what I got directly is your development and plan, the committee's opinion, and asked to stop the matter. In addition, the specific staff in our unit also stated that there were serious problems with this acquisition, so they agreed to postpone it."

What he meant was that your development and planning committee had too much power, and you couldn't say it. Naturally, we, the relevant ministries and commissions, wouldn't be able to openly contradict the tune. Besides, it's just a temporary stop, it's not just a stick.

"You have seen the opinions of our unit, but I don't know?" Zhan and Ji, the director of the committee suddenly felt that the matter was a bit wrong after listening to it. Could it be that as the other party said, he really Is it being emptied by his subordinates? Otherwise, everyone knew about the exhibition and plan, and the committee's opinions on such a big matter, but the director of myself hadn't heard anything about it. If it weren't for Boss Zhu to ask in person, I would continue to be kept in the dark!

This incident made people feel very angry, so he said to everyone, "Leaders, I will investigate this matter immediately to see who is doing the trick. Once it is found out, it will not be forgiving!"

Once serious. This kind of thing is actually unchecked.

Within a short period of time, the inside of the Exhibition and Planning Committee had already figured out the ins and outs of the matter. The origin of this case was the conspiracy of one of their internal directors and colleagues in other positions with comparable positions.

The persons involved in the case included a director of the Exhibition and Planning Commission, an inspector of the Ministry of Foreign Trade Regulations and Law Department, a deputy director of the Foreign Investment Department, a deputy director of the Foreign Investment Enterprise Registration Bureau of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce, and a director of the Administration and Inspection Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. Director Xu, Director of the Department of Capital, and two well-known lawyers Zhang who were once political colleagues and later became the link between the public.

This case. It is the director of the Exhibition and Planning Committee. He used his power to bypass the director and put forward an objection, but the opinion went down in the name of the director. At the same time, this opinion was also passed through the hands of their small group and circled in various ministries and commissions. This made the opposition to Fan Investment Group's acquisition of Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group a common cause.

"What are the benefits of doing this?" When the director asked his subordinates, he felt a little distressed.

The director is also in his thirties, and his betrayal makes the director feel very much.

In fact, the most inconspicuous but most powerful in the entire structure of the various ministries and commissions of the State Council are actually these cadres at the level of directors and directors. The ministers and directors above are basically under the same name, and the power of the directors They are too small and numerous. The main force that really formulates policies and regulations in all aspects is the directors of these departments.

This time, the officials involved in the case are different from ordinary government officials. They are a group of technocrats. These technocrats know the law well and have a smooth career. In the future, they will be the pillars of the ruling authority and even the country.

However, they did not expect that they did not cherish this dominant position, and they actually did a deception. Self-destruct future.

"We need money, and someone gave this opportunity." The director was also honest. The matter has reached this point. Obviously there is no room for reversal, so he answered the director's question very bachelor. The acquisition of the Investment Group is mainly for the collection of benefits from some foreign interest groups. We are required to make sure that this matter is disturbed."

These officials supposedly have a bright future. It was the time when the country joined. On the eve of the country’s entry, the government began to clean up foreign economic and trade laws, administrative regulations, departmental regulations, and regulatory documents on a large scale. Enterprises are involved in related legal issues... At that time, the two parties formed an interest relationship. With their participation. For many projects that need to be in a hurry, they can help companies speed up the approval process, seize the opportunity, and make arrangements in advance.

For example, in the last two years, the Economic and Trade Commission printed the interim regulations on asset reorganization of state-owned enterprises using foreign investment. The purpose is to safeguard the rights and interests of state-owned assets and promote the reform of state-owned enterprises. However, the regulations are too simple and there are no clear implementation rules.

Coinciding with the first wave of foreign acquisitions of state-owned enterprises in the Mainland, in the eyes of some people, the withdrawal of state-owned shares and the entry of foreign capital seem to have become a pattern of state-owned enterprise reform and have been followed. However, this sign is also quite controversial. The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation is reviewing and approving. At the same time, they are becoming more and more cautious. Approvers have more room for discretion due to imperfect laws and regulations.

In this way, these people finally formed a rare approval pipeline around the listing of joint ventures, foreign investment approvals, corporate mergers and acquisitions, and counter-attack review committees, etc., using legislative rent establishment, approval lobbying, and consulting agencies to form a rare approval pipeline. Rent-seeking is clever. In addition to selling out public power for profit, it also applies the discretionary rulings in areas where the law is ambiguous.

It can be said that this is a small group of government officials who eat technical food, and it is also an unprecedented anti-corruption new phenomenon.

Among the foreign investors who attacked the Fan Investment Group this time, there are many familiar names, such as Hutchison Whampoa. For example, the Temasek consortium, the Evergreen Industries, and the appearance of some American consortiums are very surprising. Huo Ran now has so many foreign investors who have begun to use their brains on the domestic state-owned enterprise cakes.

Actually think about it carefully. This reason is also very simple. At present, some industries, especially state-owned enterprises, are still within the three-year reform period. The possibility of large-scale low-price sales to foreign companies is very small, because overall results must be seen, rather than a single sale. After this year, those state-owned enterprises that are about to fail to save will probably be abandoned. A bankrupt Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group will obviously be easier to acquire by foreign capital, and the price paid by foreign capital. It will be more. This is the reason why they colluded with these various ministries and commissions to send them together to obstruct Fan Investment Group's acquisition of Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group.

"Everyone hopes that their approval is the last pass, otherwise the projects they approve may be rejected, and the rent-seeking value will fall in vain." The director said to the leader, "Departments usually compete for power. However, the long-term interactions between a few of us have tied us into a rare community of interests in the system. Unfortunately, the nest is overwhelmed, and there are no eggs. Once one of them falls, the entire circle will be subverted. What circle will be the last All are wreaths."

The members of the Standing Committee who received the detailed report all looked at each other for a while and felt very speechless. As the backbone of the department, the directors and directors collectively showed corruption. The blow was really big enough, especially in the formulation of business and trade policies. It is true that not many people can play around. In the policies and regulations mainly drawn up by them, how many loopholes are preset in advance? It's hard to say now.

It is still unknown how much damage these loopholes may cause to the country.

"What do you say about Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group?" Boss Zhu asked.

Fan Heng didn't suffocate. Regarding this kind of thing, no matter who was right or wrong, everyone was clear at a glance. Because of the father-son relationship with Fan Wuyi, it was inconvenient for him to say anything.

The number one leader also rubbed his forehead with a very headache, and then said, "You need to tie the bell to untie the bell. I think it's better to invite Mr. Fan to solve this problem in person."

After listening, everyone nodded and said yes. If you want to completely solve the Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group's problems, you still have to call Fan Wuyao over. After all, the acquisition conditions he gave are relatively generous. If you abandon Fan's and switch to another company, you may not have such good conditions. , And without such good conditions, the workers still want to scold their mothers.

And now there are few companies capable of solving the Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group.

Soon, Fan Wubing was invited over.

At this time, Fan Wubing had already guessed what would happen, but he was also prepared. After coming in, his uncle shouted aloud, Fan Wubing gave everyone a very detailed information. one time.

After reading it, everyone was surprised and suspicious, and the eyes between each other were full of worries and doubts, as well as some shock.

"How did you get these things?" Boss Zhu raised his hand and asked Fan Wubing.

These information. It involved detailed information about the officials involved in the case that Fan’s acquisition of Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group was blocked. Including the recent bribes and compensations received by foreign companies, they are clearly written, far more detailed than what they confessed.

Fan Wubing replied. "Oh, it's nothing. I am very puzzled about the suspension of this acquisition case. I am afraid that the preferential terms given by me will no longer be found. Why did the ministries reject them all? So I hired an independent The intelligence investigation agency came to investigate this matter, and it really gained some results.

"If these facts are true, a member of the Standing Committee said half of them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and did not continue.

The meaning in his words is very clear. If the information is true, then the fate of these bureau-level cadres can be predicted, and it is impossible to let it go lightly.

"It's a pity, these are all talents, No.1 Chief shook his head.

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Obviously, the more professional talents are, the greater the harm they will cause once they fall. Fortunately, this matter happened earlier. If you let it continue, Can you imagine what will happen after the ten rounds? So this time, it should be said that a bad thing turns into a good thing. It is a wake-up call for you! It also allows us to avoid the possibility of being led by technocrats. Great risk to come!"

No. 1 Commander nodded after listening. Xiao Fan said very well. I used to regret them a little bit. Now it seems that this evil spirit must be stopped severely. This will last forever. The country will not be a country! "

Everyone nodded in agreement, and the fate of this group of people was finalized. When it was normal, Little Wolf tried his best to update the word count and left, but he didn't dare to give out ruthless words and it would be done. It’s really a cup” one by one (to be continued)

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