
Vol 5 Chapter 1026: Wait and see

The people from the State Pharmaceutical Group were not delayed, but Ran Chuan from Fan’s Investment Group took them around and took them around the major attractions in Beijing, which took a full week.

According to Fan Wubing's statement. That's how it can dilute contradictions and calm people's hearts. But Fan Wubing’s real thoughts are due to the contributions of these people. Although they did not act according to their own intentions, their self-appealing behavior not only allowed Fan Investment Group to acquire Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group. It has become a reality, and at the same time a large number of technocrats have been picked out. It can be said that the credit is great.

Therefore, Fan Wubing did not hesitate to spend nearly one million more money to let them travel. This made the outsiders see that Fan Wubing had a kind heart and helped the government eliminate the adverse effects. In Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group, it seems that even the new boss still loves his subordinates, and can achieve the effect of buying people's hearts.

Next, Fan’s investment group’s acquisition of Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group continued, and the directors involved in the case were also subject to double regulations, asking them to continue to confess what happened during their tenure, especially when foreign capital bought some of their targets for state-owned enterprises. The other thing is the loopholes in the various policies and regulations formulated by their hands.

However, whether it is the Fan's acquisition or the double regulations, they are all underway in a relatively low-key manner, because the senior management hopes that through the recent review work, they can dig deeper into the cases of the technical officials and find out which ones they are. Foreign investors make small actions against state-owned enterprises, and only after they have these evidences, can friends take corresponding countermeasures to solve them, so that it will not be the time when others bully the door. I still don't know.

When his father Fan Heng returned home to rest, he also talked to Fan Wuyao about this matter.

"Speaking of it, this is all caused by bureaucracy." Dad Fan Heng said with some emotion, "From the perspective of appearance. Today's bureaucracy can be divided into two types, traditional bureaucracy and technical bureaucracy. Traditional bureaucracy. Bureaucrats do not have any professional background, they are purely clever, and they have climbed up level by level from the start. They are well versed in the mysteries of power, and they love anything in the world where power is more powerful. Technocrats generally refer to After the resumption of the college entrance examination, the bureaucrats who have received formal university education and started their careers in their work units. They are generally relatively clean and honest, and they have culture and professionalism."

Fan Wubing nodded in agreement. With the development of the times, in about twenty years, there may be no purely traditional bureaucrats, but only technical bureaucrats.

However, this classification is based only on birth, and does not involve techniques.

In fact, technocrats are just as comfortable with traditional bureaucratic methods. And it may be more vicious. Traditional bureaucrats may not know whether you are watching news online or checking information online, but playing this kind of sloppy look in front of technocrats is looking for death. For example, some company managers use mobile phones to locate employees. The post, through various new technical means to achieve his various goals, shows that people with a technical background are even more terrible to be evil.

Look at it from a certain angle. It’s better to have a technical approach, because at least it has rules to follow and rules to follow. And it has to embody the principle of fairness, and traditional style of play is not the same thing, because power is a kind of spell in it, and spells should not have any rules to follow, let alone you can infer and predict. The most important effect is that you are completely dizzy and feel that you can hit the stick anytime and anywhere. Then the effect will come out. What you want is absolute fear and the resulting absolute obedience.

Technical bureaucrats are superstitious about knowledge because they have studied. They feel that they can complete management tasks in accordance with Harvard's management tutorial. They like to establish systems, determine goals, and other noun games. It's harder to work under them, because it will give you a certain degree of freedom and allow you to do some swings. But they will also easily slip to the other extreme, which is to make you responsible for getting things done, and there is nothing else to say.

Traditional bureaucrats like absolute control and require that nothing happens outside of his field of vision. Therefore, he requires frequent reports and instructions for everything, and he makes a series of decisions. This method eventually leads to each other's position. Because when you are doing something, you can come back and report any obstacles, and the other party will come forward to solve them.

"The most typical example of a traditional bureaucracy is Emperor Yongzheng. This person can not only read all the memorials every day, but also read various small reports sent by the secretaries and reply to the posts. It can be said that everything is fine, all inquiries, and full control. In the end, he became the emperor working for all his courtiers. If you say one thing, everyone will do one thing. If you don’t say it, everyone will be happy.” Fan Wuyao said to his father, “but no matter what kind of bureaucracy it is, once It is very scary, especially for the technocrats who are now gradually occupying leadership positions. They are well-educated and handsome talents or elites with old rules of the game, "Once they play with power. It's a big deal to sit back and feel regretful. Because they can reasonably and legally manipulate the economy, control finance, play with policies and regulations, and achieve their ultimate goals with ease. "

The reason why this problem occurs. Fan Wubing first thought of the lack of education in those famous universities and the inadequate supervision of the social system, especially the lack of a social supervision mechanism in the system is too prominent.

In fact, it is not difficult to see from many cases. If it weren't for hitting the gun, there would be many similar cases. It was all because of the life style of one of the members of a small group that caused the jealousy of the women around him to expose it. It was only interrogated by the discipline inspection department.

If this jealous woman does not bring out their closed power rent-seeking alliance, then the small group built by these technocrats is afraid that it will continue to expand and cause worse effects.

"Social officials' affair, system loopholes, and social morality have become more and more serious. The officials who are not big or small in power today have basically learned from prestigious universities in the early stages of reform and opening up. "The knowledge and skills of the people." Fan Heng said, "The university education they received at that time was still the tuition paid by the state. They grew up in an environment where talents were urgently needed in the early stage of reform and opening up. It stands to reason that they should have the idea of ​​serving the country. , But they have become rebels who dig the corner, which is really shameful and sad!"

"That can only mean that the anti-democracy work must not only be constant and unremitting, but also must be really hard work. It is not enough to just shout slogans. Now the technical authorities have come to the ministries and commissions." Fan Wuyao said with a smile.

"The government has been rebelling. How many ministerial cadres were killed last year. Didn't you not see?" Fan Heng still disagrees with his son's irony. "The most important thing now is the anti-corruption of the system, not Make temporary decisions artificially, but to solve this problem, I am afraid it is more difficult. After all, when you are used to controlling everything, decentralization is a very difficult choice."

"Then there is no way, selfishness is invincible in the world." Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders.

Fan Heng gave a hum, and then asked. "You collect information on officials from ministries and commissions. This approach is not very good, and it is easy to cause public outrage."

"What's the matter?" Fan Wubing shook his head and replied, "Now that big group does not have a special intelligence research department? In fact, all large foreign companies have their own intelligence departments in China, which are specialized in researching and dealing with them. The situation of the road officials, ranging from industry status to family background, and even whether there is a junior in the family, they are all clear. In fact, they are more competent than the Disciplinary Inspection Commission in this regard. We Fan Investment Group There are also similar internal institutions, which not only research domestic intelligence, but also conduct analysis and research on large foreign companies and major politicians. Even the international situation must be discussed, in order to stay invincible. Otherwise, what are you talking about establishing a multinational group? If you don't know them, you dare to go to their turf and get involved? That's not your own death!"

"What you are talking about. Well, it's not innocent." Fan Heng was speechless and said for a long time. "Officials, shopping malls, and battlefields are actually the same thing. Six roads, listen to all directions, you will definitely suffer if you don’t have your own intelligence network."

After Fan Wubing heard what his father said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he suddenly felt a little curious, so he asked, "Dad, have you encountered any difficulties? If necessary, my intelligence resources are available. Shared with you, don’t be polite!"

"What difficulties can I encounter?" Fan Heng shook his head. "It's just a feeling in my heart."

In fact, Fan Heng has not encountered any tricky things now. The three-year state-owned enterprise reform goal has basically been achieved. The most important task at present is about to end, and the focus of the next work will become much easier. In fact, he In the work of large state-owned enterprises in charge, there is a lot of decentralization. In the future, the government will basically let go of the operation and management of enterprises, and what needs to be grasped is the measurement problem of some major policies.

As long as the general direction is correct, Fan Heng will be sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Regarding the direction of work in the next few years, in fact, whether it is the Politburo or the State Council, there has been a clear statement that, under the background of joining... Get rid of the shadow of monopoly and become a truly big and strong enterprise.

Of course, want to do this. It's not that easy, and everything needs to be seen.

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