
Vol 5 Chapter 1040: The sample "Monthly Pass for the End of Guarantee" developed for the

In the second half of the first month, the Central Poverty Alleviation and Development Work Conference was held in Beijing

After the poverty alleviation and development work conference entered the new century, a very important conference convened by the Central Committee and the State Council. The main task of the meeting is to implement the spirit of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 5th Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee. Summarize the achievements and experience since the implementation of the National August 7 Poverty Alleviation Plan, and discuss the deployment of poverty alleviation and development work for the next ten years.

So far, the national eight-seven poverty alleviation plan has been basically completed, and the strategic goal of basically solving the problem of food and clothing for the rural poor at the end of the last century set by the Central Committee and the State Council has been basically achieved.

In such a short period of time, so many poor people have solved the problem of food and clothing, which is unprecedented in the history of the world. A great achievement.

At the same time, the meeting also determined the goal of poverty alleviation and development in the next ten years, and asked everyone to work together. Help the poor areas develop their economy and culture, and help the people in poor areas and the people of the whole country gradually walk the road of common prosperity.

The August 7th Poverty Alleviation Plan is the first poverty alleviation and development action plan in domestic history with clear targets, clear targets, clear measures, and clear deadlines.

In the past seven years, the whole party has mobilized, the whole society has been mobilized, and all parties have supported and worked together to tackle tough problems. The poverty alleviation and development have achieved remarkable results, and the appearance of poverty-stricken areas has undergone great changes. After seven years of poverty alleviation. The poverty-stricken population in rural areas across the country who have not had enough food and clothing has been reduced to 30 million, except for a small number of social security objects, the extremely poor living in areas with harsh natural conditions, and some disabled people. The problem of food and clothing for the poor in rural areas across the country has been basically solved. The poverty alleviation goals set by the central government have basically been achieved.

With limited financial resources, the central government has increased its investment in poverty alleviation year by year, and has invested a total of 112.7 billion yuan in central poverty alleviation, which is equivalent to three times the total investment in poverty alleviation in the previous year.

During the implementation of the 1987 poverty alleviation plan, the production and living conditions of 592 nationally impoverished counties in the country have been significantly improved. A total of 601.2 million mu of basic farmland has been built, and 320,000 kilometers of roads have been added. 360,000 kilometers of power transmission and transformation lines have solved the drinking water problem of 53.51 million people, and the proportion of administrative villages that have access to electricity, roads, mail, and telephones has also increased significantly.

At present, the general schooling rate of school-age children in poverty-stricken counties in the country has dropped to 6.5 percent, and 15 percent of administrative villages can listen to and watch radio and television programs. The rapid population growth in poverty-stricken areas has been initially controlled. The condition of lack of medicine has also improved.

"It's not easy." Fan Wubing couldn't help sighing after seeing the digital propaganda on the TV news.

In fact, no matter what, the lives of domestic farmers have been improved. This is beyond doubt. From the perspective of the living conditions of some school-age children in poverty-stricken mountainous areas that Fan's investment group has been funding. Great changes have taken place. Some previous shortages of food and clothing have been improved. Under the guidance and support of the government, many places have begun to carry out industrial self-help according to local conditions, and the effect has been good.

Actually a few years ago. The government is already embarking on immigration, moving some residents from areas that are not suitable for human habitation and development to areas with better natural conditions for development. On the one hand, it saves the poverty alleviation by going up the mountains year after year, on the other hand, with a good natural environment, the residents can also use their own hands and hard work to obtain the conditions for survival.

To be honest, the natural environment in some mountainous areas or poor areas in the Northwest is too bad. As far as the local area is concerned, there is no foundation for sustainable development. Therefore, the country can only help the poor in places where it can only help the poor year after year. There is no effect at all. After knowing the immigration, it can be regarded as completely out of the country. Poverty in the valley, live a normal life.

Because of some project cooperation problems of Jiangnan Heavy Industry, Fan Wuyao went to Minister Zhang for a trip.

In the past, I found that Minister Zhang's staff here were very busy, as if there was a major project rushing to complete.

After entering Minister Zhang's office, I saw him talking with several military generals. So Fan Wubing planned to quit first, but Minister Zhang just happened to see him, and greeted him quickly, "Don't hide, just come in and talk."

Fan Wubing walked in with a grin, and asked, "There are no military secrets involved, right? If there is anything that shouldn't be heard, I will wait outside the door first."

"Don't be poor, come in and sit down, just to discuss something," Minister Zhang said.

After sitting down, I heard them talking before knowing it. Recently, they have been cracking down on various systems on the four US reconnaissance planes. As a result, some problems were encountered, and the General Armament Department is working with relevant departments to tackle technical problems.

"I know that you have several Ukrainian experts who used to be engaged in technical cracking of the United States. Can they be transferred to help first?" Minister Zhang asked Fan Wuyao.

"Yes, I will arrange for them to go there immediately." Fan Wuyao nodded in agreement.

Fan Wubing must support the things that Minister Zhang is focusing on. There can be no other words about this. However, Fan Wubing also has some interest appeals for Minister Zhang, especially for some projects of Jiangnan Heavy Industry Group. It is necessary to confirm the orders of the General Equipment Department. These are the reference numbers that Minister Zhang will give him roughly in order to carry out the work. .

After all, once the formal order is placed, the military will definitely urge it very tightly, and the workload will be crowded together, which is not good for the health of the company's employees, and the company's expenditure will also increase suddenly.

Fan Wubing now has this convenient condition. Naturally, it is necessary to make use of it in advance to relieve the pressure of the enterprise.

On the second day, Fan Wuyao, together with his Ukrainian experts and the Internet crackers such as Kevin, took a special plane to Hainan Lingshui Airport. It was directly at the location of the fourth reconnaissance plane.

At this time, the weather in Hainan is already very hot, and the four reconnaissance planes have been properly protected. Shelving was set up outside to cover it. From the air, there was no trace, and necessary air control measures were taken here. To ensure that no aircraft in either direction can approach without permission.

After getting off the plane, Ukrainian technical experts jumped into the reconnaissance plane ecstatically and never came out again. It was Kevin and others who were surprised when they saw such a big guy at first sight, but they quickly recovered, and they methodically connected the computer system according to their own strengths, and performed data recovery and sorting.

It is also the first time that Fan Wubing has seen this big guy in person. The main task of the electronic reconnaissance aircraft is to fly alone or with other aircraft in international missions, providing the commander of the flying team with real-time information about the tactical situation of the enemy’s military forces. . Provide relevant intelligence to our personnel on the high seas. Through the analysis of intelligence data, the crew can determine the tactical environment of the reconnaissance area, and transmit relevant information to the higher-level leadership as soon as possible, so that decision makers at all levels can target critical progress Make a decision.

There are two types of US Army’s Siyi Wu electronic reconnaissance aircraft. According to the requirements of the U.S. Navy, Lockheed is an anti-submarine patrol aircraft designed on the basis of the Ilectra aircraft. The main purpose of the aircraft is to carry out operations at sea. Anti-submarine, patrol and reconnaissance missions.

In 1969. The first four reconnaissance aircraft appeared in the U.S. Army, the concave witch-type electronic reconnaissance aircraft. "Four" was modified by the U.S. Navy by installing electronic reconnaissance equipment on the Shiheliang anti-submarine patrol in order to replace the original Lockheed Martin electronic reconnaissance aircraft. The reconnaissance equipment is installed on the rear section of the aircraft. In the fairing, there is a disc-shaped radar antenna fairing under the front fuselage.

In the mid-eighth era, the U.S. Navy converted twelve mouth-type anti-submarine patrol aircraft into Siwu (stove... and type electronic reconnaissance aircraft. To replace the early modified Sizhijiuchuan type. The first test type Siyi Liji) …) The Japanese-type electronic reconnaissance aircraft carried out a test flight at the Paterson River Naval Test Center in the United States in 1990, and was delivered to the U.S. Navy the following year.

Type IV electronic reconnaissance aircraft owned by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. It was modified by Kawasaki Heavy Industries of Japan with the U.S. Navy. Due to the collision between Chinese and U.S. military aircraft, Japan is worried that China will investigate and disassemble and analyze the airborne equipment of the U.S. Navy’s four-spot electronic reconnaissance aircraft. The Defense Agency of Japan has begun. Urgent action, starting to change part of the cryptographic devices used by the Self-Defense Forces. The devices and equipment used to study the changes are the same as the airborne equipment used by the U.S. military, including the identification friend or foe device and to make the detected information available to all units for common use. Encrypted data sending and receiving communication system, etc., even considering the replacement of the entire device.

The U.S. Army’s electronic reconnaissance aircraft is also the only land-based signal intelligence reconnaissance aircraft of the U.S. Navy. It is larger in size and therefore less concealed. It is similar in size to the Boeing Blade, with a wingspan of about 30 meters and a length of 32 meters. With 24 seats, its maximum flight altitude can reach more than 8,000 meters, the endurance time is twelve hours, the endurance capacity is 3,000 nautical miles, and the flight cost is about two thousand US dollars per flight.

The aircraft is equipped with a named concave. The data link system and the central computer named Geng Yijiu are equipped with a sophisticated electronic information interception system that can detect and track radar, radio and other electronic communication signals. The reconnaissance plane uses sensors, receivers, and dish-shaped satellite wires to monitor electronic information over a large area, and can intercept radar and other communication signals from more than 700 kilometers away.

According to the latest domestic intelligence, this aircraft belonging to the U.S. Navy's Biyi and Electronic Warfare Squadron, which landed at Lingshui Airport, is likely to undergo a major upgrade. The upgrade plan is called a sensor. The system improvement plan, the fourth after the upgrade is the most advanced electronic reconnaissance aircraft of the US Navy. Is the true crown jewel.

The new modification adds three key systems that are already very advanced. The newly upgraded data comparison, related analysis and reporting system can transmit important data through spy satellites; the improved signal ordering, integration and utilization system can link the signal electronic reconnaissance data with the communications data center, including communications with NATO Link; communication monitoring system, with the ability to search and intercept low-frequency signals.

Most importantly, the Siyi Witch, which has been upgraded by the sensor system improvement plan, can directly and in real time connect with other reconnaissance platforms and combat platforms of the US military. The connection objects include the US Air Force's airborne early warning aircraft and other aircraft, and naval submarines.

Because of Fan Wuyi's special status, he was able to obtain permission. Accompanied by the temporary person in charge of the military airport, he boarded the Siyi Wu electronic reconnaissance plane to check the situation here.

Someone told Fan Wubing that the unconfirmed workstation was located at the head of the aircraft's main cabin and was handled by a flight maintenance technician. The artificial electronic signal intelligence workstation is located at the head of the electronic support cabin, and the whole is located in the middle of the aircraft main cabin ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The main responsibility of the operator is to perform signal intelligence analysis and receiver control. When the backbone computer system on the aircraft fails, the workstation will serve as the main operating platform for the electronic support radar.

The low-band signal collection workstation is located next to the artificial electronic signal intelligence workstation. Its tasks include early warning, flight altitude determination, and collection of information sent by weather radars.

The high-band analysis workstation is located next to the low-band signal collection workstation. Its responsibilities include analyzing the signals emitted by the high-band radar and sending the analysis results to the central computer system.

Others include electronic warfare coordination workstations, special mission monitoring of communications intelligence, and supervisory collection workstations. The main responsibilities include the management of aircraft communications intelligence.

The communication information cabin is located at the rear of the main engine cabin on the starboard side of the aircraft. It can provide accommodation for five operators. Its responsibilities are to collect, analyze and compile communication information. The rear of the main engine cabin can also provide operating space for the sixth operator.

The military general who accompanied Fan Wuyin on the plane inspection introduced, "At present, we do not have our own electronic reconnaissance plane of the same level. After this time, we dismantled and analyzed the most advanced recessed reconnaissance plane of the US military. I believe I can have my own similar products soon."

Fan Wubing nodded, agreeing with the other party's statement that the Chinese have strong imitation capabilities and their secondary development capabilities are unmatched. He believes that once his large aircraft project is successfully developed, it will be the task of developing China's electronic reconnaissance aircraft. , Is about to fall on his own head.

"Speaking of which, the Americans have suffered a lot this time," Fan Wuyao touched his chin and said.

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