
Vol 5 Chapter 1041: Crack

Sixth, Fan Kangbing and others gathered at the Linghuo Airport to see the Lao Junyao and another reconnaissance plane. The crew members of the original four reconnaissance plane that have returned to the United States are still being accepted by the military special investigation team.


The captain of the Four Kings reconnaissance aircraft and Captain Hainian, who made a forced landing at Lingshui Airport in Hainan Province, gave the military a detailed description of the situation at that time.

On April 1st, the U.S. military said, "After a witch reconnaissance plane collided with the J-8 fighter jet over China’s seas, the J-8 quickly fell. Sizhi was also severely damaged, except that Shane Osborne followed the guessing system call" to activate. "Emergency Destroy Plan" prepares for an emergency landing and prepares all crew members to jump and parachute.

At that time, the cabin was in chaos. The operator and the technician were busy packing up their own confidential information, which was then collected by Lieutenant John Comerford and put into the confidential package. John is also responsible for eliminating all confidential digital information. Then Tajin used a fire axe to destroy all computers in accordance with the emergency landing procedure.

The last item in the program list is to take the confidential information and the smashed computer out of the right hatch. At that time, the reconnaissance plane had flown to the open sea. The concubine would sink into the sea after leaving the tip. All the books and confidential information would be very small. Dissolve quickly"

At this time, the aircraft hastily remonstrated after the collision and may lose humility. If this happens, the crew must be released as soon as possible. Then he only crashed into the plane. But Shane Osborne knew. The only hope of surviving is to find an airport to land, no matter which airport it is.

Now that the emergency destruction plan has been launched, Bi Zhibufang is in a state of war and if he can save the aircraft and the organization, he will naturally not die in vain.

So Shane Osmu used the BoP system to call the navigator to give him a position, and he needed to use a position that could land immediately.

The navigator replied that they would go westward in the direction they had been in danger of picking up. As long as they turned their noses, they would move towards the Lingshui Nian Airport on Hainan Island, China.

Shane Osborne used the international emergency frequency to call the Lingren military airport, indicating his teeth, and Ding Gou flashed to call for help. This is a severely damaged aircraft, about 70 nautical miles south of Le South Hainan Island, requesting permission to make an emergency landing.

He couldn't hear the answer from the roar of the engine and the noise caused by the strong and current. Call again. Still can't hear the answer.

At that time, the rear compartment had been scraped into a ball of Shanfish Spoon and let the co-pilot take the helm. From the dagger to prepare to put on the skydiving equipment. He has ordered everyone to prepare for parachuting. If he does not wear a parachute himself, it will affect the psychology of the crew members.

When he and the co-pilot changed their stomachs, put on the headset, and took control of the joystick the next year, they called Lingshui Airport directly through the emergency frequency. At this time, he felt the pressure change on the fuselage and knew that the crew members had turned on the right side. The cabin door discarded confidential information.

They poisoned the flat black computers one by one to a strong windskin. They were blown away like dead leaves on a net and plunged into the high seas. All items in the emergency destruction list have been processed.

Finally, the Qingsheng Mountain ridge on Hainan Island was deposited in a thick fog in front of it.

Shane Osborne was in charge of flying the plane. The co-pilot turned on the radio. He said twice in a slow and clear voice that Lingshuikou asked for an emergency landing. This is a badly damaged plane, located about five miles south of Hainan. Emergency landing.

However, the other party still did not answer until he found the location of Lingshui Airport. They also need to hover around. Very unrelenting. They did not damage the detailed arrival chart of the airport, otherwise they should be able to find out the direction of landing, the length of the runway, the communication frequency of the tower, and the navigation aids of Lingshui Airport.

Under normal circumstances. They will often carry the entry chart of the major airports in the area.

After they circled slowly for a few minutes, they finally saw the airport as they flew over the airport at an altitude of about seven hundred and a half feet. There are no planes and vehicles on the runway and there are no warplanes in Shenzhong. Shane Osborne saw a row of open-air aircraft nests on the right. Each aircraft nest had a J-8 fighter jet parked in it.

Due to machine breakage. The sound of the landing gear lowered was louder than usual.

But starting from the collision, the fear in Sha Xiyu Siben's heart was finally relieved, because he knew very well that they could survive.

Because he could not talk to the tower, Shane Osborne had no way of knowing the wind. The two prizes for the runway also had a sign indicating the length of the runway.

Shane Osborne was about to land with a Tomcat-like fighter plane on the deck of an aircraft carrier. The wide concrete runway was just below them. He slowly pulled the joystick back and lowered it.

This large plane landed gently and drifted down so that he could not feel the vibration of the landing gear staggering to touch the ground. Shane Osborn was relieved after hearing the screams and cheers of the crew members in the rear. But the next thought surprised him, although they were still alive. But now people are in the towel.

The U.S. military joint investigation team has no objection to the provisional decision of Dry Shanyu Siben, saying; because of his decision, the technician who estimated the coldness may leak the paint, but the old Beiju rescued 24 crews. It is a very remarkable thing to have members in a desert country that upholds human rights. Therefore, the joint investigation team believes that all crew members of the four reconnaissance planes, with Shane Osborne as the crew members, should be awarded the title of hero.

But how to retrieve the damaged Yang reconnaissance plane as soon as possible also made them feel very headache.

After all, the current initiative is not to manipulate the Nian Jia of the Lambs, but to control the reconnaissance planes that made an emergency landing at Lingshui Airport, and even in the agreement reached between the White House and China and Japan to transport the reconnaissance planes. Must be Russian. This makes the US military, which has always had no opponents around the Pacific Rim, feel very frustrated but powerless.

In order not to allow more intelligence to leak, the military law Yijing Xing dispatched a working group to Lingshui Airport to take charge of the dismantling work to prevent the Chinese people from continuing to crack the aircraft. "The U.S. Ambassador to China Jin Lihe, the former U.S. admiral said, "The Chinese have always been very concerned about territorial airspace and territorial waters. It is impossible for the U.S. military to board the Lingshui Airport. , There may be some opportunities

Prueher’s opinion can still be taken seriously by Lao Guochen. This retired Haiping general used to serve as the commander of the US Pacific Command during the Taiwan Strait crisis. I have experienced the most thrilling days of that period. Later, he served as the ambassador of the Benlinton government to China, and he has a deep understanding of China, so his words are very important.

In the end, the Yibei formed by the military and the State Council sent technicians to the Lingshui Airport to conduct the dismantling of the aircraft. By the way, monitoring these components will not be cracked by the country.

China has hurriedly agreed to this request. However, there are some other requirements, that is, Lingshui Airport itself is a military airport, which involves many confidential facilities, so China needs a certain amount of time to deal with it.

"Then how long does it take to make a sword?" Xu Luozhuan Sid Martin's technicians can enter? . Prueher had no choice but to ask the women countries for a timetable.

"It will take about a week, where our fighter jets are waiting very much. Many Chinese authorities have replied forgive me for the facilities that are to be kept secret."

After listening, Prueher rolled his eyes, and his heart was just your fighter jets. Old-fashioned technology, and technology that needs to be kept secret from us Americans, is placed in front of us, and not many people will take a second look!

However, this kind of remarks, of course, can't do the afternoon meditation. He can only urge the Chinese side to open the Lockheed Martin company's technical staff to 6 Lingshui Airport as soon as possible to make the United States' wealth return as soon as possible.

With the cooperation of everyone in the cracking work at Lingshui Airport, breakthrough progress was finally made.

After cracking. Now the Chinese side has known the letter and loss rate of all reconnaissance aircraft, has figured out the operating band of the receiver, and has exposed the secret communication rate used by the United States.

The tuner can track the change of the frequency of the frequency hopping cylinderless electric. The technical analysis of the tuner will reveal their instantaneous bandwidth, that is, the series of frequencies that the tuner can track. These data are mastered. Chinese engineers can design a radio with a higher frequency than these tuners.

Another important gain is to understand the antenna group and the new radio~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Some disconnected communication systems enable the unit to connect to the tactical data network used by the fighter jets, which is better than the old ones, such as the exchange of tactical reconnaissance information. System and so on.

The second is to basically clarify the latest anti-jamming high-frequency communication system. Words have replaced what was considered outdated, and the communication between the United States and its allies will be in the hands of China.

Basically know the range of the latest source of the same kind and the different physical characteristics of the target intercepted by the network and the distance.

There is also an unexpected discovery that the aircraft of the US military can activate the phone that has been turned off. This is very important now.

Because once an important meeting is held, the U.S. military’s aircraft will be able to activate the participant’s mobile phone through monitoring equipment and use the Chinese New Year’s machine to eavesdrop on the meeting. Therefore, after this situation occurred, the Military Commission issued an order to the entire army. Since then, when holding important meetings, no cellphones are allowed to be carried, or their batteries are removed, to avoid the loss of credit from being captured by the security staff.

After Fan Wubing learned of this situation, he immediately called his Noon Machine Research Department and asked them to thoroughly investigate whether this functional module was stored in the underlying chip in order to make corresponding changes. Continue, if you want to know what happened. How. Please log on to 6 extracts to download more. Support, support genuine reading!

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