
Vol 5 Chapter 1042: Crooked mouth

week! Later, the technicians of Loschhid Martin were finally allowed to board the No. 2 viewing field.

At this time, China's cracking process of the four reconnaissance planes has basically ended. After the technicians from Lockheed Martin came over, they began to disassemble the aircraft. The disassembly process lasted for about half a month. It was not until July that the Russian Anyi regiment of long-range heavy transport aircraft flew to Lingshui for military use. Airport.

Obviously, it is impossible to pull such a large pile of parts at a time. It took a total of four rounds for the long-range heavy transport aircraft to complete the work.

A large Russian Anyi transport plane carrying the parts and dismantling equipment of the disassembled US Army Siyi Dazhao aircraft departed from Hainan Lingshui Airport and flew to the Siyi Dazhao aircraft manufacturer via Manila and Honolulu. Georgia, USA, where Lockheed Martin is located.

The dismantled four reconnaissance planes are scheduled to arrive at the Lockheed Martin factory in Georgia on July 5th, and it will take about eight to twelve to reassemble them. Months later, it will take several months to install a new and improved avionics for the aircraft. The US Navy and Lockheed Martin are still negotiating the cost of reassembling the reconnaissance aircraft.

Prior to this, on July 1st, the Russian safety transport aircraft had transported some equipment of the dismantled reconnaissance aircraft from Hainan Island to the Kadena Air Force Base in Ryukyu, Japan, without any parts of the reconnaissance aircraft itself.

Since China and the United States reached an agreement to dismantle and transport the 41 aircraft in early June, the 41 manufacturer Lockheed Martin has sent twelve technicians to reduce the 41 aircraft into several pieces, including flattening the two wings of the aircraft, Horizontal tail and four propellers.

Except that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still conducting some follow-up negotiations with the US, even if this matter is completely understood, Fan Wuyao returned to the capital to take this opportunity to have a good rest.

While having dinner with Minister Zhang, Fan Wuyao learned that the military’s gains this time were not small. In addition to obtaining various information and technical details of the four U.S. reconnaissance planes, he also obtained the “Orion” "Some important technical data of the anti-submarine patrol aircraft.

The pilot sample is also produced by Lockheed Martin, a maritime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft developed at the request of the US Navy. In addition to being equipped with the U.S. Navy, the aircraft is also exported to Canada, Iran, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Norway, the Netherlands and other countries. It is expected that the aircraft will be in service until 2015.

The most important of these is the acquisition of technical data such as the airborne spider anomaly detector, under-gun anomaly detector, four-knife sonar receiver, data link, and electronic countermeasure equipment.

The main onboard electronic equipment of the "Orion" is powerful and has Wangyi. Omnidirectional radar one-shot inertial navigation and Gang-knife Doppler navigation system, Omega long-range navigation system,...flight control system, old general-purpose data computer, Gangname data processing equipment and computer control display system, magnetic anomaly detector, Several anomaly detectors, sonar receivers, data links, and old countermeasure equipment.

There is a weapon bay in the belly of the tile, and there are ten pylons under the wings, which can carry torpedoes, depth bombs, bombs, sinking mines, mines, rocket nests, anti-ship missiles, air-to-air missiles, etc., and can also carry various Sonar buoys, water buoys and flares, etc.

This new set of technical equipment materials has made the military feel very excited, which is useful for understanding the anti-submarine technology of the United States and its allies. There are great benefits, and it is of great significance for the domestic anti-submarine technology, especially the ability to fully understand some military working methods and habits of the United States and its allies, which is of great significance.

"Then you can count it this time. You have a very clear understanding of the US military's combat methods, Li Xuan.

Fan Wubing knew that the greatest significance of this was not in the amount of technical information he had obtained, but in having a relatively intuitive understanding of the overall operational arrangements and coordinated operations of the US military.

It is important to know that similar reconnaissance planes of the US military were highly confidential, and most people have no way of knowing the details. At this time, we can see clearly and plainly. This is of great benefit to the targeted counterattack strategy. of.

Especially for some technologies that are by analogy, you can also try China's own research on similar technologies to avoid a lot of detours.

Another very important factor is that this technical data also introduces improved extended-range echo ranging and flexible active receiver systems, advanced magnetic anomaly detectors and advanced periscope detection radar technology. Later, the anti-submarine warfare capabilities in shallow waters and coastal waters were significantly enhanced. This technology has also fallen into the hands of China.

Minister Zhang said to Fan Wuyao with a smile on his face, "Although it is said that on the plane

The computer that records the secrets of the US military was destroyed by them or thrown into the sea. Some of the Jen aircraft itself cannot be destroyed. This time we have gained a lot, and it is estimated that we will have to digest it.

Fan Wuyao nodded and replied, "Speaking of which, it is also unfortunate for the Americans. It's okay to send the most advanced electronic reconnaissance plane here, and it's cheap for us. At present, the Japan-U.S. alliance and some American allies in Europe. They all seem very nervous, and they are changing the combat passwords one after another. Obviously, they are worried that we have cracked the core intelligence and pose a threat to their integrated defense operations."

The two talked and talked about the big airplane project.

"The progress of the project is pretty good. The overall blueprint has been taken out, and with the motivation samples and technical information provided by Russia, plus some of the technologies we have accumulated before, if we want to come up with new motivations, it will probably be shortened. In some time, I estimate that Fan Wubing will be able to fix it in two years. Minister Zhang said, “At present, there are some problems in the selection of some materials for the fuselage. We are considering using a new type of composite material to make the machine. The body will be better than the original materials, and it will have great advantages in terms of tensile strength or anti-aging. Or, in less than ten years, we will be able to see our own big plane

After Minister Zhang mentioned this topic, he also felt a little excited. After all, this result can be seen within his tenure. I am very happy when I think about it. He also said to Fan Wuyao, "This is very good. Waiting for your good news

But instead, Fan Wubing moved the topic to the civil aviation system.

"The civil aviation system has a very serious problem, which is very detrimental to the large aircraft project... Fan Wuyao said.

"What's your basis for this?" Minister Zhang was a little surprised, wondering if Fan Wubing pointed out.

The topic that Fan Wubing said was mainly from the perspective of Fan Airlines. At this time, the civil aviation industry was in chaos, and the combination of power and capital became a common practice.

Similar to the telecommunications system, the civil aviation system still retains a relatively strong planned economy and is a highly monopolistic department. Under various monopolies, there are a large number of administrative examination and approval mechanisms. If these examination and approval mechanisms or links lack supervision, It is easy to become a black hole of power rent-seeking. In the civil aviation system, even a small department, because it has a specific power, will produce a rent-seeking space with good benefits.

In fact, different departments of the Civil Aviation Administration are involved in the approval of different links, such as domestic airline business licenses, foreign air transport companies' airline business licenses, civil aviation companies and airports joint, reorganization, participation and restructuring review, civil airport special equipment use licenses and so on.

The most typical of these is the issue of domestic airline operating permits and the purchase of airport equipment.

In the era of planned economy, airlines needed approval to open any route, which gave the Civil Aviation Administration the supreme power.

Generally speaking, the starting station of the route belongs to the two regional administrations, and they have to be reported to the regional administrations separately, and some need to be reported to the general administration for approval. In the case of non-airline operating seasons, aviation companies need to report to the Civil Aviation Administration of China or the relevant civil aviation regional administrations in accordance with the jurisdiction of the airline operating licenses they have applied for.

Routes and flight schedules are the lifeblood of airlines, but they are ultimately in the hands of a few people. In order to achieve the goal, the means used can be described as the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea. Among them, the charter business is particularly the case. Because there is no restriction of the airline, the charter company is more blatantly bribing relevant people.

The original intention of the Civil Aviation Administration to approve routes is to approve airline qualifications ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to ensure passenger safety to the utmost extent and make appropriate adjustments to avoid vicious competition between airlines.

In addition to strictly implementing the examination and approval system, the Civil Aviation Administration also stipulates that non-base airlines are not allowed to apply for an originating route from a base other than their base. This means that China Eastern Airlines, which uses Shanghai as a base airline, cannot obtain an originating route from a base in Beijing.

This situation is obviously very detrimental to Fan's Airline. Therefore, he doesn't mind turning his mouth to some powerful people at his convenience to add a bit of blockage to them.

In fact, Fan Wuyi doesn't have much control in his hands, otherwise, it would have been difficult to deal with civil aviation through formal channels.

As for now, I can only use the guise of the large aircraft project to express a little bit of dissatisfaction with the Civil Aviation Administration of China. This is better than nothing.

But Fan Wubing also firmly believes that as the so-called three people become tigers, once he speaks too much, everyone will always form a consensus, especially those people who listen to him are all big figures with respect to their status.

Tomorrow, I will go to Boss Zhu to talk about it again. This is what Fan Wuyao thought when he left Minister Zhang's office. Version to read!

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