
Vol 5 Chapter 1043: Legislative corruption

※Many sacrifices. The high-level officials did not clarify how to worry about a business. Like Yuan Shikai at the time, he actually thought that the people of the whole country supported him as emperor. As a result, all the people were rebellious and depressed and died.

In the handling of some specific matters, high-level officials can only rely on these departmental and bureau-level leaders to do so. This has led to the formation of a large number of collusive police circles in the worst-hit areas among the departmental and bureau-level leadership.

The most important point is that the bureau-level ** is not just equivalent to its own **, but it is possible to form an institutional **, that is, legislative **.

Generally speaking, the level of department and bureau refers to the subordinate departments and bureaus of national ministries and commissions, the subordinate bureaus of municipalities directly under the Central Government, and provincial departments.

Among the many acts of **, legislation ** is quietly appearing. In recent years, especially the bureau-level officials who were stabbed by Fan Wuyi not long ago have formed interest groups for suspected legislation **. Either being subjected to double regulations, or being detained by criminal punishment, has sounded the alarm for punishment and prevention of legislation.

Legislation is different from the general behavior of **, it not only has the general characteristics of general ** cases, but also has its own characteristics.

Most of the suspected legislators are officials with professional standards. In the early days, some corrupt people violated the law and discipline because they did not understand the law and discipline. Later, some corrupt people violated the law and discipline because they understood the law and discipline.

To this day of the market economy development, some corrupt officials have a high degree of education, and have become experts in the industry, and even have an expert level. They not only understand the law, but also can be called professional masters. They use their unique legal expertise to open the back door and stay in the legislative field, hiding their ears and stealing the bells to infiltrate the law into some obscure and difficult-to-detect aspects of the legislation.

Secondly, most legislators are officials in key departments or departments.

These legislative corrupters are mostly people who occupy a large amount of information, have a huge platform to dominate a certain industry, and have the power to draft or interpret laws, regulations, and rules in a certain field. When drafting and interpreting laws, regulations, and rules, they often take measures and block procedures and information. A variety of methods such as oversights in the procedures or links of the previous use of procedures or links have caused loopholes in the law.

Now some corrupt people have stepped out of pure power and entered the legislative field.

Corruption in the past was mostly higher than that of groups with power, more precisely, it was more than those with real power, and it was often more common at the level of law enforcement.

In the past, the legislative level seemed to be a Qingshui yamen, and the probability of ** was very low, and it was often ignored. However, the current legislation ** has broken people's past concepts and made ** move toward the legislative field in a more concealed manner.

Legislation** covers a wider range and is more harmful. The fields covered by laws, regulations and rules will be covered, and the rights and interests of law-abiding persons in this field will be eroded to varying degrees.

In the past, the employment of human rights was often regarded as a deep-seated sex, but now the harm of legislation is even greater. Corruptors use high-sounding methods from the source of legislation to the depths of law enforcement and law-abiding to corrupt the state apparatus and infringe the interests of citizens.

For example, in Western countries, there are interest groups lobbying legislators to varying degrees, and this has created a situation where legislation may be out of balance.

To this end, many countries have successively formulated laws and regulations to prevent this phenomenon.

Taking the United States as an example, the U.S. Congress has passed laws and regulations such as the Lobbying Information Disclosure Act, the Foreign Agent Registration Act, the Federal Extra-hospital Activity Management Act, and the Extra-hospital Activity Disclosure Act to regulate legislative lobbying.

These laws require that information on lobbying legislation must be made public. Both lobbyists and parliamentarians must disclose information at any time. Lobbying behaviors must be exposed to the sun, otherwise high fines of varying degrees will be imposed.

at the same time. Some lobbying groups or individuals are prohibited from using improper means, and even lure legislators in the name of political donations.

Western countries not only pay great attention to the monitoring and restriction of the process and procedures of legislative formation, but also strictly supervise the legislators themselves and their families, and at the same time strengthen the behavioral norms of interest groups.

In China, the precautions regarding this area have basically tended to zero.

Generally speaking, in the current domestic politics, there are more times when the will of leadership is needed to solve problems, especially after the bureau-level cadres control the legislation, it is easy to come up with some specious policies, which seem to be beneficial to everyone. Yes, but after careful consideration, I feel that I have been smashed.

With the intensification of domestic legislation, this phenomenon has become more serious. Sometimes there will even be some inexplicable policies and regulations, which are obviously contrary to common sense, but they have been formulated. This can only show that the bureau-level ** has entered a high-risk period.

Directors and bureau-level leading cadres are basically in a key link between the previous and the next. Therefore, how the above policies are implemented and how the following situations are reacted are all in their hands. Once there is a problem in this link, the following public sentiments Failure to reflect the above and the failure to implement the above-mentioned policies for benefiting the people will cause major problems for the entire political system.

Fan Wubing compiled a very detailed information about the bureau-level leading cadres and legislation, and gave it to his father Fan Heng. After Fan Heng's careful review, he added his personal information. Some viewpoints and opinions were finally compiled into an anti-democratic monograph with a detailed content of about 200,000 words and submitted to the Politburo for deliberation.

This book immediately attracted the attention of members of the Politburo Standing Committee and members. Although there have been anti-** monographs that have been continuously launched in recent years, most of them are mere tastings and general discussions, without fundamental explanations and conclusions. This time When Fan Heng's anti-democracy monograph came out, it immediately made everyone's eyes brightened, and it was indeed very meaningful.

Therefore, after the Politburo deliberated and approved it, it was published nationwide under the name of "Comrade Fan Heng Talks on the Prevention of Concubine Law**."

Although it is published nationwide, everyone knows the amount of coverage. Books like this are generally underwritten by various units and then thrown into the library for storage. Basically, not many people will look at it, but they are like Jin Yong. Things like ancient dragons, or the emerging Huang Yi, are more popular.

However, after the publication of this book, the response from the domestic scholars circle was quite large. Scholars from several colleges and universities conducted research on this book, and made some probes on some of the questions raised by Fan Heng. Sexual research has put forward some solutions, and these contents have also been collected and put together in the party newspapers and journals for everyone to learn.

"In fact, there is something two: I don't know, but I refuse to say it." Brother Xing, who was talking about technical matters, said to Fan Wuyao with some emotion.

"It's not that I didn't refuse to say, but I didn't dare to say it. If you tell such a fact, you will actually get it," Fan Wuyao replied. Quite a lot, tens of thousands. If the power of these officials with real power is twisted into a rope, it is quite amazing. No one dares to take this risk to tell the truth."

"But there are some things that can’t be said. Since I have the right to speak, these things cannot be said clearly. At least ordinary people can understand that the focus of anti-** is not only at the grassroots level, but also from The system starts from the legislative, otherwise it will only be headless flies, without a rule." Fan Heng said.

In fact, since the last time Fan Wuyao debunked the case of the bureau-level officials for the acquisition of Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group, Fan Heng has begun to seriously consider the issue of this legislation. The problem of * has been mentioned, and it has made Fan Heng feel that the problem of ** at the departmental level must be paid attention to and must be resolved, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

During the period of economic system transition, the so-called period of social transformation, the chances of having **** are very high. There is no doubt about this. The government officials at the bureau level with real power have many convenient conditions and more. Concealment is not easy to be perceived. Their confession is often a mode of killing people without seeing blood. They can achieve their goals through policy interpretation power without direct contact with actual people and things, which in turn leads to the exchange of benefits, and easily disguise money. Into the pocket.

If it is not consciously and specifically to investigate and deal with some of the projects they deal with, it is generally difficult to realize the role they played in these projects and the benefits they have embezzled. This can be regarded as an anti-** blind spot.

Now Fan Heng immediately exposed this issue, tore through the cellophane covering this blind spot, and letting the bureau-level officials' ** mechanism become clear to the world. Obviously, it will have a lot of unexpected social repercussions. This led to a targeted wave of anti-epidemic.

From this point of view, Fan Heng's writings this time can be said to be of great significance and far-reaching influence.

While the two were talking, Fan Wuyi's cell phone rang again, and when he picked it up, he was looking for himself than the old club.

"Boss, the evidence that Dashi asked us to find is now available," the other party said.

"Really? Okay, I'll go there right away." Fan Wuyao nodded and put down the phone.

Fan Heng asked, "What happened again?"

"Oh, little things city," Fan Wuyi said with a prevarication.

After Fan Wuyao passed, I saw the senior executive I met before. He was already waiting for him. When he entered the office, he turned on his laptop and asked Fan Wuyao to look at the files stored in it. A few pieces of video information.

When Fan Wuyao visited the old club earlier, it was the executive who mentioned to him that some company sales staff had paid bribes to government procurement officials to rob the old club’s product market.

The task given to him by Fan Wubing is to obtain tangible evidence so that he can file anti-commercial bribery lawsuits against those companies and put a stop to this unhealthy trend. Now they are really turning the opponent to government officials. Evidence of bribery was obtained.

In a few videos, two senior salespeople from a company with a lot of limelight were involved, and at least five officials in charge of centralized government procurement projects were involved. Among them, not only money transactions, but also sexual bribery were involved.

"How did you get this thing, is it reliable?" Fan Wu Bingxian was most concerned about the reliability of the evidence, so he asked the executive.

In fact, if Fan Wubing’s own intelligence department took the initiative to handle such Zhuoqing, there would not be so much trouble, but Fan Wubing didn’t take this kind of thing too seriously at the time, so he would They were arranged for non-professionals to do this, but they did not expect them to implement the matter so quickly. It was indeed a bit unexpected.

The executive immediately replied, "It is completely reliable. We have implemented the people in the video, and the sound quality is also very good. It can be distinguished that it is indeed the person. Except for a part of the bed scene in the hotel room, which is a bit vague, Everything else is clear."

After all, the Bigang Club specializes in electronic products and computer products. Of course, there are many good things that can be used first, and now the other company’s commercial bribery compensation is basically blatant, so we have to take these things. It's all very convenient, and it doesn't take much effort.

"Can you sue them for unfair competition and commercial bribery as soon as possible?" the executive asked.

Fan Wubing shook his head, and then said, "Of course not. You should first contact the media with good relations to formally interview the people involved in the video."

"Ah?!" The executive suddenly felt astonished. He didn't know what Fan Wubing meant

"Stupid!" Fan Wubing pointed out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to verify the identity of the other party, and save you from doing it. When they were, the other party's company suddenly said that this person is no longer an employee of our company, or said Some departments suddenly say that this person is a temporary worker, so what should you do? "

"Oh" the executive suddenly realized, "Mr. Fan meant that when something good happens, the other party's company or unit will take care of everything, and when something bad happens, we will shirk it. We just want to Let them have nothing to say, can the rogue resist?"

"Yes, that's what it means." Fan Wubing nodded and smiled at him.

To deal with the temporary labor phenomenon that may occur, Fan Wuyi has too many ways to cure them. Since he wants to deal with them, he naturally has to consider various factors. As for the court procedure, it is only a formality.

"Your two relatives, it's not appropriate to arrange for our company now. After the rumors, let's arrange to go overseas for further study." After a pause, Fan Wubing said to the executive.

"Thank you boss!" The other party was overjoyed. If you know what's going on, please go to the 6th muscle chapter for more, support the author, and support genuine reading!

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