
Vol 5 Chapter 1069: Emergencies

At the age of seventeen, I really went to college. But I am a stupid one. A school almost as expensive as Stanford University. My parents are still in the blue-collar class. They spend almost all their savings on my tuition.

After six months, I can no longer see the value in it. I don't know what I really want to do, and I don't know how the university can help me find the answer. But here, I almost spent all my parents' savings in this life. So I decided to drop out. I think this is a correct decision. I can’t deny that I was really scared at the time, but looking back now, it was indeed the best decision in my life. "Jobs talked freely on stage.

It’s also very interesting. Whether it’s Bill Gates, who founded Microsoft, or Jobs, who founded Apple, both of them learned from college to start their own businesses. From this point of view, it seems that it’s okay. To come to a conclusion, that is four, this industry is only geniuses.

But Jobs turned to laugh, "It is said that Mr. Fan of the Fan Investment Group did not even go to high school, and later went straight to the university, and he did not take the courses in the university. It looks like Mr. Fan. , I, Bill Gates, the three of us basically belong to the same category."

Fan Wubing smiled slightly, and didn't say anything. As Jobs said, his four universities are indeed in hustle and bustle. As for the courses for graduate students, they have not seen it at all. They have gone back several times. It's just giving a report to the younger students.

"I'm very lucky because I found something I love very early. Woz and I started Apple in our parents' garage when we were twenty. We worked very hard, ten years later. , This company has grown from poor boys in those two garages to a large company with more than 4,000 employees and a value of more than 2 billion. In the ninth year of the company’s establishment, we just launched the best product, that is, the heart . I’m almost 30 years old. In that year, I was fired Xiaoyu.” Jobs said with a wry smile after seeing the surprised eyes of many people in the audience. "How could you be fired abalone by the company you founded? Well, when Apple was about to grow, we hired a talented guy to manage this company with me. In the first few years, the company was running. It was great. But then we had differences in our views on the future, and finally we quarreled. When the quarrel was too difficult, the board of directors was on his side. So when I was thirty, I was fired. All the pillars of my life are far away from me. This is really a devastating blow."

"In the next five years, I founded a company named "", and another company named "", and then I met an elegant woman who would become my wife in the future. I made the world's first oral composition with a computer. The animated film, Toy Story, is also the most successful computer production studio in the world. In a series of subsequent operations, Apple acquired "and then I returned to Apple." We, Zhan's technology played a key role in Apple's revival. Moreover, I also built a happy and perfect family with my wife. "

"It's pretty sure if I don't get fired by Apple. One of these things will not happen. This, the taste of good medicine is too bitter, but I think patients need this medicine. Sometimes. Life will pick up. Slap a brick on your head and don’t lose your faith. I know that the only thing that keeps me going is the things I do that I love. You need to find what you love. This is true for work. , The same is true for your lover. Your work will occupy a large part of your life. You can only feel at ease if you believe that what you are doing is a great job. If you haven’t found it yet, then continue to look for it, don’t Stop, just look for it wholeheartedly, and your heart will tell you when you find it. Just like any sincere relationship, it will only get closer as the years go by. So keep searching until you find it. , Don't stop!"

Without any suspense, Jobs' speech at Peking University was a great success, and the enthusiastic students also asked him all kinds of tricky and weird questions. Jobs answered one by one in his unique humorous way, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Fan Wubing watched with cold eyes. Now everyone's most concern is still on Steve Jobs's rough learning and entrepreneurship. Obviously, the current impetuous atmosphere brought about by the Internet boom still lingers on the campus for a long time.

This made Fan Wubing feel a little emotional. There are always young people who refuse to do things down-to-earth, always thinking about flying into the sky. In fact, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. If there is no right person, For the fanatical pursuit of the human computer career, it is likely that Jobs and Bill Gates are unlikely to choose to study.

In fact, after losing a student, he became a character who created his own business empire. When the choice is pressed, the entrepreneurial enthusiasm and the spark of inspiration can no longer be controlled. It is a self-explanatory burst, an inevitable choice that comes naturally.

If there is no such thing as a basis, Lou Xue can only be a rough one. Unfortunately, many people can't see this clearly.

Jobs came to China at just the right time. It happened to be the beginning of the university. In particular, freshmen have more visions for university life, so they are very interested in this kind of activity. If it is a different time, or it is also overcrowded. , But there may not be such a hot scene now.

The government also paid full attention to Jobs' visit to China. The news in the evening also specifically mentioned this matter. On the next day, Fan Wuyi hosted a banquet for Jobs and discussed relevant cooperation projects with him.

I have to say that both of them are people who do great things, so the negotiation is just a matter of words.

As far as Apple is concerned, it is extremely tempted by the huge market in mainland China. As far as Fan Investment Group is concerned, it does not want this piece of cake to fall into the hands of others. Therefore, both parties are more restrained when negotiating terms. The fierce confrontation quickly reached a cooperation agreement.

But Jobs showed a very strange phenomenon. Fan Wubing seemed to be a little uneasy.

"Why doesn't Mr. Fan stay away from home?" Jobs asked directly.

Fan Wubing scratched his head and said, "I just feel that there seems to be something very bad and serious about to give birth. This is really a very strange feeling.

"Is it the intuition of a genius?" Jobs said jokingly.

Fan Wubing shook his head, and said seriously, "Very bad feeling, very bad, a feeling I have never had before."

"Could it be because of the cooperation between Fan's and Apple? The relevant conditions we put forward are all" Jobs said.

"You know I didn't mean that. Fan Wuyao said very cautiously, "My feeling comes from outside. "

In the evening, Fan Wubing hosted a dinner for Steve Jobs. He invited some famous figures in the capital to participate. He also invited a band to join in the fun. Some well-to-do Chinese nationals' dazzling performances were also put on the stage. In short, Jobs had a great time. Happy, I am very grateful to Fan Wubing, claiming that this is the happiest life in recent years.

That is to say, during the banquet, Fan Wuyi's cell phone and Jobs' cell phone rang almost at the same time. The two people looked at each other and smiled, and then they picked them up separately.

After listening to the other party's words, Jobs's face immediately changed. Fan Wubing was also a little excited. At this time, more and more people started to notice that their mobile phones were ringing. At the same time, Fan Investment Group also received the latest news and immediately switched the TV signal over. , Directly projected onto the large screen projection that was originally used to play the music background.

"New York was attacked!" Jobs said to Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing nodded and replied, "The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center have encountered small plane collisions. The situation is critical. We have an office building not far away. We can see clearly that there is thick smoke on the scene, and both buildings are there at any time. The danger of collapse."

"Your feeling is really efficacious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ New York has never encountered such an attack." Jobs said.

It is impossible to say that there is no shock in Jobs' heart. For many years, the United States has never encountered this kind of thing. When I was shaded by the Japanese, it was only Pearl Harbor on the Pacific Ocean. It was quite far away from the mainland. It was impossible to give the little Japan ten courage. Going to the United States, there is really no such strength.

The geographical position of the United States is quite superior. The sparsely populated Canada on the back is not an opponent. It is inevitable that Mexico does not have the strength to confront. As for the countries in Latin America, to be honest, can they be called a country? It's nothing more than a few small island nations.

But under this circumstance, the continental United States was actually attacked! And it directly crashed the two buildings of the World Trade Center! What does this show? It shows that the iron and copper air defense system that the Americans have always boasted is just wishful thinking!

At this time, everyone couldn't sit still a little bit, and the venue broke up. Jobs was about to rush back to the hotel, planning to find out what happened as soon as possible, and when he returned to the United States, new news came.

The Pentagon in the direction of Washington was also attacked!

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