
Vol 5 Chapter 1070: The building collapsed

: In the latter half of the night, more detailed information was passed back through Fan's investment collection six channels, making everyone speechless.

At 8:40 a.m. on September 11, 2001, US Eastern Time, four US domestic civil aviation flights were hijacked almost simultaneously, and two of them hit the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York. One attacked the Pentagon in Washington, where the U.S. Department of Defense is located.

The fourth hijacked plane crashed in Pennsylvania. According to subsequent investigations, the passengers on the plane tried to regain control of the plane from the hijacker. The target of the hijacked aircraft is unknown, but it is believed that the target of the hijacker’s impact was Capitol Hill or the White House. U.S. officials have always suspected that the target is the White House).

Two 110-story skyscrapers of the World Trade Center in New York collapsed after being attacked. In addition, five buildings near the World Trade Center also collapsed due to the earthquake; the Pentagon was partially damaged and part of the structure was destroyed. Collapse; the attack left Manhattan with dust and smoke.

Since it was at the peak of work at the time, it is still unknown how many people were trapped and how many people were killed in the World Trade Center. Phoenix TV and some other domestic media have reacted strongly to the incident. Everyone is speculating about this. Will the number of petitioners at one time really exceed the 50,000 people in the American media?

"It is unlikely that there will be 50,000 people, or at most a few thousand people," Fan Wuyao said to a somewhat disturbed Jobs.

In fact, it was just a guess by the media at this time. Everyone has made statistics on the number of people in the World Trade Center and estimated how many people should be working in the building at this time. But it also overlooked one point, that is, the number of direct casualties in the World Trade Center building is much smaller, after all, from the attack to the reaction of the people, and then to the arrival of the emergency rescue team. The main part of the building was damaged due to the influence of the fire, which caused the whole building to collapse. This time lasted for several hours.

Soon, a detailed list of events was passed on from all sides after dawn. The entire TV station was discussing this matter, from media anchors to emergency military experts all gathered together to analyze this matter.

At 8:19 a.m. on September 11, an attendant on the eleventh flight of American Airlines called and told American Airlines that there was no response from the cockpit and that a passenger in the business class was stabbed to death. We might be hijacked.

At 8:24 a.m., the direction of the first flight of American Airlines Fong turned to New York. Thirteen minutes later, the Boston Aviation Center of the US Federal Aviation Administration notified Northeast Air Defense Command, Northeast Air Defense Command, Northeast Air Defense Command, Northeast Air Defense Command. This is the second time that the U.S. government has contacted information about the hijacking. The Boston Aerospace Center asked the U.S. government to help intercept eleven American Airlines flights. Immediately afterwards, the 93rd flight and the 175th flight of United Airlines were hijacked one after another.

At 8:46 in the morning, two U.S. Air Force Occupy Eagle fighter jets rushed off from Massachusetts Air Force Base to intercept eleven American Airlines flights, but the Air Force pilots did not know about the eleven American Airlines flights. In the correct location, the Northeast Air Defense Command Shipbi managed to determine the location of the aircraft in the next few minutes.

At 8:46:40 in the morning, there were eleven American Airlines flights. A Boeing plane loaded with fuel crashed into the north building of the World Trade Center at approximately 490 miles per hour. The impact location was between the 94th and 98th floors in the north of the building. The building caught fire immediately, and 69 tons of aviation fuel from the plane was dumped into the building, which made the fire worse, and the structure of the entire building was destroyed.

People who were hit below the floor began to evacuate. However, all three stairs were smashed, so people who were hit above the floor could not escape. The staff of the South Building of the World Trade Center quickly notified all the staff of the South Building. Said that the South Building is still safe and can operate normally.

Some people ignored the announcement and evacuated, some continued to work, and some gathered in the sky lobby in the south building.

Three minutes later, CNN began to broadcast live on the World Trade Center. This was the first news media in the world to report on the attack.

Fourteen minutes later, the American Airlines plane was being hijacked.

At 9:02:54 in the morning, United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing plane full of fuel. It crashed into the 78th to 84th floors of the South Building of the World Trade Center at approximately 590 miles per hour and caused a huge explosion.

The plane hit the South Tower at an angle of almost 45 degrees to the left, indicating that the hijacker almost missed the target. Part of the wreckage of the plane penetrated from the east and north sides of the building. Fell six blocks away.

But at this time there is still a stairwell intact, so a small number of people above the impact point can still survive.

Some people at the scene heard multiple explosions, some thought it was two unrelated accidents, and more people immediately thought it was a terrorist attack.

Between nine o'clock and ten thirty, at least twenty people who were besieged by fire and smoke on the top floor of the building jumped from a high altitude. There is evidence that a large area in the middle of the North Building collapsed immediately after the attack. Perhaps this is to make these people think that the building is about to collapse soon and jump off the building to survive.

A firefighter on the ground floor was killed by a jumper who fell from the sky.

Due to the strong smoke and updraft, air rescue activities cannot be carried out, and New York City itself lacks helicopters dedicated to air rescue.

Nine o'clock. The US Federal Aviation Administration's Boston Air Traffic Control Center issued an order to suspend the takeoff of all aircraft in its jurisdiction. Immediately afterwards, the US Federal Aviation Administration banned any aircraft from entering the airspace of New York and nearby Boston, Cleveland, and Washington.

Two minutes later. The Federal Aviation Administration prohibits all aircraft flying to or through New York airspace from taking off across the United States. All roads and bridges in New York City are closed.

At 9:24, US President George W. Bush was visiting a classroom in an elementary school in Florida. Bush received the news that the second plane hit the World Trade Center. He placed a section in another classroom of the school immediately after the class. The short speech said. The United States is being attacked by terrorists. The US government will launch a full investigation into the cause of the plane crash. In addition, he called the incident a national tragedy.

At the same time, Tongdong Air Defense Department, American Airlines flight 77 has been hijacked, and they connected to discuss the company's 77th flight and United Airlines' flight 10 to Lan. Subsequently, the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States announced the prohibition of all civilian flights across the country from taking off.

At 9:37 am, on American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing-call plane crashed into the west wing of the Pentagon and burst into flames. The attacked part has just been renovated. It has not been fully put into use, but it still killed more than a hundred people in the west wing of the Pentagon.

At 9:45 in the morning, the United States closed its airspace and prohibited any civil aircraft from taking off. All flying flights must immediately land at the nearest airport, and all flights to the United States were immediately diverted to Canada.

After that, Yang announced a ban on flying, during which only military and rescue aircraft were allowed to take off. This is the fourth time in U.S. history that all commercial flights in the U.S. have been suspended, and it is the only unplanned emergency measure. All aircraft were grounded due to national defense needs.

The White House and Capitol Hill were closed, the surrounding area was under martial law, and President Bush left Florida.

At 9:59:04 in the morning, the South Building of the World Trade Center collapsed. Hundreds of millions of viewers around the world have witnessed the collapse of the building through live broadcasts on television.

At 10:03, a 93 United Airlines flight crashed southeast of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The police investigation report indicated that. No one survived on board. Further investigations later revealed that before the crash, some passengers had contacted the ground via mobile phones, and had learned that the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had been attacked.

After learning that he was about to become a suicide bomber, at least three passengers took the risk to fight back. Attempts to regain control of the aircraft from the hijackers are likely to be due to fierce resistance that caused the aircraft to crash before reaching its destination.

Personnel from the White House, Treasury Department, State Council and other major government agencies began to evacuate. Part of the Pentagon collapsed. The United Nations headquarters in New York began to evacuate, affecting tens of thousands of people.

At 10:28:01, the North Building of the World Trade Center collapsed from top to bottom. There was no survivor on the floor above the impact point.

There are three main reasons why the North Building collapsed later than the South Building: the impact point is higher, the plane is slower, and the fire protection system of the affected floors has been partially updated; the Marriott Hotel, US Customs, and Hilton Hotel located near the twin towers Other buildings were also damaged.

At 10:39 in the morning, US President Bush ordered that in an emergency. The Air Force can shoot down any aircraft that might carry out an attack.

Guide Washington and New York City have begun a full evacuation work, the United Nations headquarters has been emptied, a few minutes later, the Mayor of New York ordered the evacuation of the Manhattan area.

In the incident, 2998 people were killed, and a total of 411 rescuers died in the incident. The terrorist attack that day had a huge impact on the United States and the world. This incident was the second time in history that caused heavy casualties on the United States after the Pearl Harbor incident during World War II.

This incident is also the most serious terrorist attack so far in human history. The condemnation and position of the US government on this incident has also received sympathy and support from most countries. There are various mourning activities after the incident around the world. The clean-up work continued until the middle of the following year.

The cited incident caused a severe blow to the United States. People all over the world felt fear. Therefore, we resolutely oppose the rebirth of incidents similar to those in Sichuan, which has also led to multinational cooperation in anti-terrorism operations on an international scale.

The United States has just been born after the incident. The economy was once in a state of paralysis, which caused direct economic losses and impacts on some industries.

The World Trade Center on Manhattan Island, New York is a skyscraper built in the early 1970s. The cost is as high as 1.1 billion U.S. dollars. It is the gathering place of world business forces. There are a total of 1,200 companies from all over the world. As many as 50,000 people go to work in normal days, and about 150,000 business personnel and tourists come and go every day.

The two buildings that rushed into the sky suddenly vanished. The Pentagon's restoration work is at least several hundred million dollars, and the loss of talent is difficult to estimate with figures.

Regardless of US President Bush. To the American people or to American politicians, the terrorist attack on September 11 was a historic shock.

Within two hours, thousands of casualties were caused in the United States. Even the White House, the President's Air Force One plane, the Ministry of Defense building, and the World Trade Building in the financial and financial center have all become targets of terrorist attacks.

Moreover, the transportation and tourism industry caused serious losses. Four U.S. domestic flights were hijacked in one day and caused huge casualties and property damage. This is indeed a rare occurrence in history.

After the incident. Bush immediately took appropriate actions to resume normal government and social activities in order to show that he is not threatened by terror. On the evening of September 11, although the White House was still threatened by an attack, he still decided to return to the White House and speak to the nation at the White House to show that terrorists could not interrupt the operation of the US Administrative Center.

Jobs will return to the United States after the accident. Unfortunately, the U.S. government has issued a flight ban~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is anxious and useless, but Fan Wuyi comforted him and said that it was no matter how bad things were. It is impossible to affect Apple, after all, this blow will be more for the financial sector. For Apple, which is committed to high-tech products. The impact is not big. Moreover, the order and underwriting agreement signed between the two parties will not be affected by this matter.

"Even if Apple really encounters some difficulties due to this, don't worry. As a partner, Fan Investment Group can fully share part of the pressure, no matter it is economic," Fan Wubing expressed his attitude very responsibly. .

"Thank you very much." Jobs said.

In fact, Jobs didn’t want to really get to that point. After all, as a Fan Investment Group with extremely abundant cash flow, it is really easy to buy Apple if he finds a right time. He doesn’t want to start from The boss became a wage earner.

However, who can tell the things in this world clearly? It's like two World Trade Center buildings, but they collapsed in a blink of an eye.

This world is actually crazy.

One by one today, the first change is sent to one bid (to be continued)

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