
Vol 5 Chapter 1079: The ultimate nuclear deterrent

After returning home. Fan Wubing told the old man Fan Heng about the time when Guan Qian Buci was poisoned.

"This kind of thing one" Fan Heng felt a little breathless after hearing this.

To say that the pastry chef himself has no responsibility and is not objective. Even if you are sad because of your son's throwing into the river, there is no need to retaliate against the society, right? Moreover, such a bad method of poisoning was used. Even if the director does have a problem, you have to consider first, does he really need to be responsible for this, and how much responsibility he bears?

In a word, impulse is the devil!

In any case, even if this matter is uncovered, as for the outcome of the final judgment, it is no longer a matter of their concern. Naturally, the relevant departments will solve these matters, and they don't need to worry about them at all.

However, when referring to the Kursk, Van Heng said that he knew a little bit about this matter. After all, he is the person directly responsible for managing large state-owned enterprises, and military production is still under his leadership. In addition, Fan Heng had previously emerged from a military industry enterprise and was engaged in torpedo manufacturing. Naturally, he was more concerned about nuclear submarines, a strategic deterrent weapon.

Standing at their leadership level, they are obviously exposed to many more things than ordinary leading cadres.

"The military is indeed very anxious, and there is a reason for this." Fan Heng said to his son Fan Wuyi.

Although China’s existing nuclear submarines are performing tasks to protect the country’s security and are an ultimate strategic nuclear deterrent, compared with other nuclear powers, they always feel that they are relatively backward, especially the noise problem. Insurmountable obstacles.

"Although the Americans' evaluation of Chinese nuclear submarines is a bit harsh, the actual situation is similar. Our submarines always need to stay silent on the seabed to avoid the other party's search. If this problem cannot be solved, we will not be able to establish our status as a major power. "Fan Xiang said to Fan Wuyi.

In other words, the noise of nuclear submarines must be controlled below ninety decibels in order to be close to ocean noise, and will not be easily detected by the enemy's monitoring equipment, to have the prerequisite for free movement.

Otherwise, as the Americans have said, Chinese nuclear submarines will have nowhere to hide in the oceans of the world.

What concerns Fan Heng most is that the British have recently begun to build smart-class nuclear submarines.

According to the British Royal Navy's submarine commander, for many years to come, the agile nuclear submarine will be unparalleled in the world; the agile nuclear submarine has the ability to put the Royal Navy in the leading position of the world navy and become the Manchester United football team in the submarine competition.

The construction of the Smart-class nuclear submarine surfaced during the sinking of the British navy. Since the end of the Cold War, Britain’s defense spending has fallen sharply, and the scale of defense procurement has also shrunk. Although several high-ranking navy officials have called out to protect the interests of their country and allies, the British Navy must be able to operate in any region of the world other than the allies, but the naval power has shrunk. It is an indisputable fact. For the Royal Navy’s submarine force, the seven Trafalgar-class attack nuclear submarines that have gradually joined active service 20 years ago are still the main underwater strike force.

The cost of the Smart-class nuclear submarine is estimated to be more than one billion British pounds. Such a sky-high price is an important reason for its bumpy road. Ranshi is also a powerful guarantee for the Smart-class to truly meet the requirements of a larger, stronger, and more concealed design.

The smart-class nuclear submarine has a length of 97 meters and an underwater displacement of 7,800 tons. Although it has a depth of 500 meters, the underwater navigation is 32 knots. It has six torpedo tubes and can carry 38 sailfish. Heavy torpedoes, Tomahawk cruise missiles, and whaling fork anti-ship missiles are 50% more powerful than active Trafalgar-class nuclear submarines. Due to the installation of a water jet propulsion device, the elimination of propeller noise brings unprecedented quiet performance and greatly improves its anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

Although the displacement is only half of that of the U.S.-Russian-Russian nuclear submarine, the Smart-class nuclear submarine contains at least one million parts and components. The structure is more complicated than that of the space shuttle. The fully-computer-controlled, highly-automated, smart-class nuclear submarine is worthy of the name. Underwater elf.

As Britain’s first stealth submarine, the HMS Smart is covered with a thick rubber layer, which can effectively absorb most of the noise inside the submarine. The Royal Navy has also formulated strict rules and regulations for the officers and soldiers on board. When the submarine is traveling, it is never allowed to drop the items in the hands on the floor. The officers and soldiers cannot even watch DVDs or watch TV without permission. Silence has become an important system for the submarine when it performs its mission.

In fact, the navigating noise of the Smart-class nuclear submarine is weaker than that of a little dolphin, and the possibility of the enemy ship finding it is very

Of course, in order to adjust the life of the crew, the Smart-class nuclear submarine is designed to prepare a small comfort zone for each crew member. Everyone can watch movies through a plasma TV alone while wearing headphones.

At the end of last year, the Royal Navy spent 3.5 billion pounds to order three Smart-class nuclear submarines, namely Smart, Ambush and Alert. The Smart-class nuclear submarine is known as the largest, quietest, fastest and most powerful nuclear-powered attack submarine in the history of the British navy.

At the groundbreaking ceremony of the Smart-class nuclear submarine at the beginning of this year, Baron Simmons, the procurement secretary of the British Ministry of Defense, made a comment. The laying of agile keel marks the entry of the Royal Navy's underwater power into the new century. At that time, many people disagreed with his statement, thinking that it was just a compliment on a specific occasion. However, as time evolves, Simmons's conclusion has been fully confirmed.

Of course, if a submarine wants to play a full role in naval battles, in addition to its own advanced technical performance indicators, it must also be well equipped with weapons platforms, electronic reconnaissance systems and other aspects. The Royal Navy hopes to take the Smart Class as the leader to drive the overall progress of its related technical facilities, and ultimately lay the hardware and software foundation for the British submarine force to be at the forefront of the world.

According to information recently obtained. The British Ministry of Defence plans to invest 400 million British pounds in the next ten years to obtain underwater weapons that can replace sailfish torpedoes as one of the main combat weapons of submarines. The British Navy hopes to equip the new generation of torpedoes with more advanced torpedoes to make up for the lack of heavy torpedo capabilities in the future when the British Navy responds to the littoral combat environment.

Considering that future maritime threats are more likely to come from terrorists, the smart-class nuclear submarine was given the ability to sit on the coast without being noticed, and the sonar of the Jiang Min, who is responsible for monitoring mobile phone communications, is very cool, even if it is potentially in the English Channel. It is still possible to trace a ship leaving New York Harbor a thousand miles away.

Of course, the realization technology of this powerful monitoring function is also strictly kept secret by the Royal Navy.

Another thing worth noting is that Smartisan was also the first British submarine without a conventional periscope. Instead, it was replaced by two fiber optic imaging transmission tubes equipped with low-light cameras and thermal imaging cameras. They can suddenly appear on the surface of the water and complete a rotation within three seconds. It only takes three seconds for the captain to observe the surrounding three hundred and sixty degrees on the water, and then these fiber optic tubes carry out the detection of the surrounding situation. With color imaging, the crew can study and analyze these pictures in their leisure time.

The heart nuclear reactor of Smartisan can work continuously for 25 years, during which there is no need to add fuel. The nuclear submarine can sail at 20 knots underwater, and the air and water conversion chamber of the nuclear submarine can extract oxygen from seawater through high-tech equipment. And drinking water, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the air inside the submarine will be effectively purified. This means that as long as there is enough food in the submarine and the sailors can bear it psychologically, then the Smart nuclear submarine can stay underwater for 25 years, that is, a quarter of a century without the need to surface.

"Because of the relatively small area of ​​the six areas, the United Kingdom has difficulty deploying a large-scale ballistic missile defense system on the ground. Therefore, it has embarked on a different path to develop its strategic nuclear submarine deterrence capabilities. Now it seems that they have indeed achieved relatively fruitful results." Fan Heng said to his son Fan Wuyin, "On the contrary, our situation is not optimistic. In many cases, the living conditions on nuclear submarines are quite poor. Considering the problem of future development and the problem of not being able to display the aircraft carrier in a short period of time, maintain Advanced technology in nuclear submarine technology is imperative. The senior management is considering investing about 10 billion in independent research, so as to be able to come up with our own Dinghai Shenzhen." Fan Wuyao immediately agreed, "Advanced. China's nuclear submarines plus Shanghai-based ballistic nuclear missiles and snowstorm torpedoes are bound to become a powerful deterrent undersea nuclear security platform. As long as there are six nuclear submarines in service, China's position in the world will be more stable. "

Fan Wubing really welcomes this decision. In fact, the current level of nuclear submarine technology has become the killer steel among several nuclear powers. The confrontation at the bottom of the ocean is obviously more intense than on the ground. Ordinary people can't access this kind of inside information, but Fan Wuyao learned through his intelligence network that in the past ten years, the conflicts between several nuclear powers on the seabed have never stopped.

Just like the sinking of the Kursk, the real reason remains to be verified. As long as the Russians do not explain the inside story, or the hostile party remains silent, then this matter will only continue to exist as a mystery. It wasn't until the time for deciphering came one day that everyone suddenly realized that it was such a thing.

Fan Wuyi had also contacted people from the navy in the past, and he had seen some officers and soldiers serving on nuclear submarines. With the conditions on board at the time, if they were carried on the seabed for a few months, the whole person would be pale after they came up. Obviously this is the case. The condition is more serious to the crew’s bodily harm. If the nuclear submarine technology can be further improved and the conditions can be improved in all aspects, then the situation will become better.


Fan Wuyao always believes that when the technology and financial resources can meet the requirements, we need to pay more attention to the situation of people. After all, these officers and soldiers are all existing as the ultimate nuclear deterrent force of the whole country, and they should enjoy something better. Treatment.

And he also has reason to believe. Domestic technicians can solve these problems. After all, the ingenuity of Chinese people is not what ordinary people can imagine. As long as sufficient financial support is given and some guidance in the general direction, the best solution can be come up in a short time.

"Have the military or high-level officials considered introducing private capital in this area?" Fan Wubing asked.

Fan Hyung gave his son a very weird look, and then asked, "You are also interested in this

"As long as it is profitable or cash technology, I am interested." Fan Wuyao replied.

In fact, there are still some aspects in the country that cannot be let go, just like the Southeast Heavy Industry Group, the first domestic private military industry company established by Fan Wuyao, and it has achieved fruitful results soon after its completion. Because there are no common problems in state-owned enterprises. The work efficiency here is higher, and because of the high reward system for scientific research and technical personnel, everyone is very motivated to work. Any technical innovation or improvement may bring substantial benefits to the staff. Under this reward system, all employees burst out with amazing creativity. Several projects that hadn’t made a breakthrough for many years before came up with perfect solutions, which not only greatly improved the performance of the product, but also Reduced manufacturing costs for enterprises.

With the example of Southeast Heavy Industry Group in front of us ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fan Wuyao has already tasted the sweetness. Now that the Navy is also considering developing a new generation of nuclear submarine technology, Fan Wuyao certainly hopes to be able to participate. It’s just that it’s not easy for the top executives to agree to their suggestions.

"This question is still difficult to clarify, but if you refer to the foreign military industry enterprise system, or it is a feasible one. Fan Heng is also uncertain about this matter, just pondered. "In that case, you can only be An investor, or the owner of a business, obviously has no right to intervene in technology that is not independently researched. Even the self-developed technology must strictly abide by the confidentiality agreement. For those sensitive technologies or products, they can only be sold domestically, otherwise they will only be hidden forever. "

Fan Wubing nodded, indicating that he was aware of this matter.

In fact, when he contacted Lockheed Martin and other arms companies and made transactions, he already understood how they operate. If the country can imitate such a model and open up the military industry, it will cause the country The strong potential in military production has been released, quickly catching up with international strong players.

For this, Fan Wubing is quite looking forward to it.

One one today, the first update will be sent to one one... one one (to be continued)

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