
Vol 5 Chapter 1080: Happy autumn

The submarine sound competition among the major powers of the Seven Worlds is more fierce than familiar, after seeing the four Hongguo build smart-class nuclear submarines. Russia can't sit still.

As early as five years ago. The North Shipyard in Severodvinsk, Russia, held the keel installation ceremony of the Yuri Dolgoruky, the fourth-generation nuclear submarine of Russia.

However, the fate of the new generation of Russian nuclear submarines seems destined to be uneven. Because of the bad weather, the actual time for the keel laying ceremony was a full week later than the originally selected Huang Daoji. Rykokokin, Moscow Mayor Luzhkov, and President of the Office of the President Chubais did not attend the ceremony.

For the Mayor of Moscow Luzhkov, the construction of the fourth-generation nuclear submarine is of special significance, because the name of the boat Yuri Dolgoruky is derived from Prince Ergoruky of the Moscow city, and the city of Moscow promised that once the Russian Federation If the government's funding is not available in time, the Moscow city government will pay for the workers of the shipyard and the salaries of the new submarine officers and soldiers in the future.

This promise sounds weird, but in fact, there was such a tradition during the Patriotic Battle of the Soviet Union. Factory workers, urban residents, and civil servants could all adopt a tank or an airplane. These were handed over to the Soviet Red Army to bathe on the front lines. Weapons and equipment for fighting will also be named after individuals, units, or cities.

According to the plan, the Yuri Dolgoruky should join active service this year.

However, it hit the first hurdle when it started construction, and the Russian Navy decided to replace other missiles originally designed with more advanced round hammer missiles. This means that the Ruby Center Design Bureau must redesign the weapon system and space on the boat. Therefore, the construction of submarines had to be slowed down.

What's worse. The round hammer missiles all exploded in mid-air and failed to hit the target during the three test firings and failed. All parties are full of doubts about this type of missile, which once again delayed the submarine construction process.

In the millennium, due to the failure of the federal government to allocate funds in time, the Moscow city government was unable to bear the huge construction costs except for paying workers' wages, and the construction of the Yuri Dolgoruky almost fell to a standstill. At this time, disappointing news from the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that if the money can no longer be obtained, the launch time of the boat may be extended to the old year to four years. In the next period of time, construction funding continued to be in place like squeezing toothpaste, and the progress of submarine construction was not optimistic.

This year, because of the British Royal Navy’s start of building smart-class nuclear submarines, the Russian Navy specifically took an inventory of its country’s underwater nuclear power. The result was very shocking. At present, there are only 25 nuclear submarines in Russia that are still in service and carry nuclear warheads. Two thousand two hundred, far below the national strategic demand.

At this moment, the officials of the Russian State Duma’s Defense Budget Appropriation Committee told the navy in an official manner that there was no money in any case, which put Yuri and Dolgoruky’s construction into a predicament.

Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin learned of the construction difficulties of the Yuri Dolgoruky at a high-level government meeting. Very furious, he immediately said that even if the Kremlin is sold, a new generation of nuclear submarines must be built in time, because this is related to the future of Russia.

Under the urging of the President of Beijing, funding for the construction of the Yuri Dolgoruky was soon in place, and construction of the second new strategic nuclear missile submarine was also started.

President Vladimir Putin personally interviewed the submarine construction degree from time to time, and raised wages for the workers of the northern shipyard. He would send congratulations and encouragement on holidays, which greatly improved the morale of the workers.

After this twists and turns. The construction of the new generation of nuclear submarines in Russia has reached ten in the past few years.

"Therefore, the subjective initiative of people is very important. What has not been done in the past ten years, or can be done in one year now. This is not a wishful thinking. The key is whether you can let everyone go and do it." Fan Wuyi Said further to Fan Heng.

Fan Heng thought for a while and said, "Since you are so interested, I might as well mention this matter at an appropriate time to see what other people's opinions are, and then make plans."

This year has been a disaster for Americans, mouth. The incident, the Enron and WorldCom scandals, and the aftermath of the Nasdaq stock market crash made the diplomatic politics and domestic economy of the world's largest country suddenly become turbulent.

At the same time. In faraway China, it presents a completely different scene. There are also several important and far-reaching events happening here, but they are much more festive and bright.

On July 13th, at 22:00 Beijing time, the highly anticipated city for hosting the Olympic Games was finally announced at the 112th Plenary Session of the International Olympic Committee in Moscow. Beijing of China, Toronto of Canada, Paris of France and Istanbul of Turkey entered the final competition.

In an episode of silence. The President of the Olympic Committee Samaranch announced the final elected city. He only said one word in a powerful voice: Du Ming Sizhao! The land of China, thousands of miles away, was suddenly covered with fireworks and fireworks. Beijing Danbu Shige invested 280 billion yuan in infrastructure and venue construction. …

On October 7, the Chinese men’s football team defeated Oman 1-0 at Wulihe Stadium in Shenyang and rushed into the World Cup finals in a historic way. It was another sleepless night of incomparable joy, and it was the number one in China. In sports, the men's football qualifying has realized the dream of "breaking out of Asia and going to the world" that has been shouted by the Chinese for many years. It is considered to be one of the symbols of China's rise.

November 10 is another historic time.

This afternoon, at the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization held in Doha, Qatar, the participating countries deliberated and passed the decision of China to join the WTO by consensus. The Minister of China’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation signed the protocol on behalf of the Chinese government.

one. Months later, China will officially become a member of the World Trade Organization.

The successful bid for the Olympics, the qualifying of the men’s football team, and the entry into the WTO, this series of great joys squeezed together for four years, giving the Chinese a sense of "rising" at the beginning of the new century, an unprecedented excitement, happiness and satisfaction. feel. Precisely because of this, the saying "is the Chinese New Year" spread like wildfire.

Just before and after China joined the "o", the predicted future and direction of the target became the hottest topic in the global economic circle.

The Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan mentioned in a white paper that China has become the world's factory. Among products such as color TVs, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, microwave ovens, and motorcycles, Chinese manufacturing has ranked first in the world market share. one. Economists further believe that Chinese companies will begin their journey to conquer the world, just like Japan in the 1980s.

Related to this, the China threat theory has also quietly emerged.

Of course, voices completely different from the above viewpoints also appeared.

Some scholars predict that with the opening of the market and the influx of multinational capital, the already shaky state-owned economic system will be vulnerable, and those old and lacking vitality state-owned enterprises will soon be driven out of the market, which will affect the Chinese economy The macroscopic stability and continuous development of the country.

An American Huayu lawyer named Zhang Jiadun also published the book "China is about to collapse", claiming that China's economic prosperity is false, and under the strong impact after joining, China's current political and economic system can only persist at best. Five years.

Investment bank Solomon Smith Barney predicted that 40 million people will be unemployed in the first five years of China’s accession... and that severe employment pressure will sooner or later crush the country.

A similar argument also believes that China’s economic growth model characterized by high input and low output and the development model based on cheap labor and huge energy consumption are entering a dead end. China has maintained this for nearly two decades. The high growth of China will be unsustainable.

In this regard, Wei Qi once asked Fan Wuyao's view?

"The Chinese themselves don't know things about China. Where can foreigners find out?" Fan Wubing smiled.

"What does this mean?" Zhang Qi felt a little confused, and didn't understand what Fan Wubing really meant.

Fan Wubing explained, "The reason is very simple. Our exhibition does not have a mature reference plan that Deng said before when he was alive. Cross the river by feeling the stones, and wading where the water is shallow, and where the water is deep. Just go around, we are not a dead brain, we can only look for one direction and go forward, things are always changing."

Having said that, Fan Wubing was also a little bit emotional. "In the Chinese people's bones, they are still heavily influenced by the doctrine of the mean ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ So you don't expect the principles of foreigners to influence the Chinese. Even if we cross the river by feeling the stones, we will know where The water is deep and shallow, where it is impossible to touch. No one is so stupid as to drown in the mud like people from outside the county."

"Oh, that's it." Cui Qi understood what Fan Wuyi meant.

China’s special system of government guarantees the continuity of policies. At the same time, the special nature of China’s system of government can ensure that the government can correct problems in a timely and effective manner when there are problems. Understand the result, so their predictions are always ridiculously wrong.

As long as you don’t get involved, you don’t actually enter China, you just analyze the situation in China based on some data concocted by some international news media from an unobjective standpoint, and the conclusions you draw are naturally very absurd.

In fact, in recent decades, many foreigners have tried to predict China's exhibitions, but without exception, no one can predict success. This is a manifestation of the unpredictability of exhibitions in a special country. .

"If economists can predict the development trend, do I still need to be born again?" Fan Wuyi's heart was a little dismissive of this.

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