
Vol 5 Chapter 1082: war

Why doesn't the Forbes ranking list have your Mingzi" Zhang Qi once asked Zhewuer a question.

"Because I threatened them and dared to make my name on the list, be careful that they can't live their lives." Fan Wuyao replied.

In fact, the Forbes ranking list looks like an honor list to foreigners. Everyone is proud to be on the ranking list, but it is obviously very different in China. Everyone avoids it for fear, because a principle that the Chinese adhere to is People are afraid of famous pigs and they are afraid of being strong. Pigs must be slaughtered when they are fattened.

Under the current domestic system, people who can get rich in just a few decades or more than ten years basically get rich when there are loopholes in the system. It can be said that basically all the money they make is Not very clean, coupled with the interference of some local government officials, often there are some shady things here.

Therefore, this has also caused the confidence of the wealthy in China to be weak. After all, the first pot of gold is a bit unclear. Once someone investigates this matter, it must be the end of a mother locked in jail, and hundreds of millions of wealth have been confiscated. The confiscation is also expected.

That being the case, everyone must hate the Forbes rankings made by Hurun. In fact, when many people are notified that they are about to be on the list, they want to hire someone to kill those good people directly. This is not the case. Harmful!

Fan Wubing's ability to keep a low profile is mainly related to his business strategy, because of the companies and industries he owns. All are not publicly listed, so outsiders can't find out, and no one knows how much money he has. If only relying on estimates, this result would be very different, and Forbes did not dare to take the risk to offend Fan Wuyi.

After all, if a billionaire at the grassroots level wants to kill a person, as long as he shows his attitude, there will be a large number of international killers willing to do it. It is a joke to track down the killer.

Up to now, no one has dared to ignore the warnings issued by the intelligence department of the Fan Investment Group.

Another important topic in the second half of this year was that the United States finally started a war against Afghanistan.

The U.S. military's most important military operation in Afghanistan, "Enduring Freedom," officially started on October 7. At this time, the terrorist attack survived less than a month. The US military launched a new type of war in Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban regime and destroy al Qaeda.

Because Afghanistan is located in the depths of Inner Sixth, it is obviously impossible to rely on ground forces to conduct large-scale offensive operations. Therefore, the US military mainly relies on cruise missiles and various combat aircraft (including Chuanblade, strategic bombers and fighters equipped with precision guidance devices) to carry out the enemy. For precision strikes in the air, the marking of ground targets is completed by special forces using satellite devices, laser equipment, and defense systems in conjunction with the "Predator" UAV. The new type of airborne precision strikes and the use of information networks to conduct surface-to-face offensive operations jointly with the Afghan Northern Alliance forces have paved the way for the upcoming follow-up operations.

At first, the US military's combat operations progressed slowly. This is because it takes a lot of time to deploy troops in the war zone, establish appropriate logistics support bases, and strive for the cooperation of friendly neighboring countries, including Uzbekistan and Pakistan.

As of October 19, U.S. special forces and CIA agents have successfully contacted the Northern Alliance. The number of combat aircraft and warships available to the Central Command has reached 400 and 32, including two aircraft carriers.

In the time that followed, they achieved major victories.

U.S. forces quickly destroyed the Taliban bases, headquarters, and air defense facilities through air strikes, and cut off their logistical supplies. The Northern Alliance forces on the ground lacked heavy equipment, and the number of soldiers was only half of that of the enemy. However, with the support of US airstrikes, they steadily thwarted the resistance of the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Major cities in northern Afghanistan, including Talokan, Kunduz, Colt and Mazar-e-Sharif, were captured within three weeks. On November 9th, Kandahar, the last fortress city in southern Afghanistan, was captured by the enemy. On November 13, the enemy voluntarily gave up Kabul.

On December 22nd, U.S. government officials participated in the Victory Ceremony of Goble, and the pro-American regime led by Hamid Karzai was established on the same day.

Although the enemy has withdrawn from the main battlefield and the Taliban regime has collapsed, the war has not ended.

Intelligence shows that the Taliban and the remnants of al-Qaeda militants are gathering in the White Mountains on the border between northern Afghanistan and Pakistan. especially. Numerous enemy forces, including military forces and other key members of al-Qaeda, gathered in the Tora Bora area.

On November 30, the ground forces formed by the increasingly tacit understanding of the US Army Rangers and the Afghan Allied Forces combined air strikes to launch a large-scale attack on Torabo. The Afghan allied forces participating in the war are the Pushton Self-Defense Forces under the command of the Zaet warlord, not the Northern Alliance forces with rich combat experience.

The U.S. airstrikes were fierce, but the Pushton Self-Defense Forces performed poorly.

As a result, although hundreds of enemy troops were killed and defeated in this battle, more enemy troops were absconded to Pakistan.

There are reports that the Communist Party and his comrades also escaped.

The failure of the Allied forces to effectively cut off all escape routes is the main reason for the huge number of fleeing enemies. At the same time, the size of the ground forces in the territory of the rich Khan was too large in the many combat operations in the Afghan battlefield. The defeat of the Battle of Torabo and the loss of fighters caused the US military to realize that if similar operations are carried out here in the future. , It is bound to expand the size of the ground forces.

If it were more than ten or twenty years ago, the centralized air-to-ground strike model like today would not have been adopted.

After the Vietnam War, the US Air Force and the Navy abandoned the air-to-ground fire support approach and began to emphasize air interception, blockade, and strategic bombing. Although the Air Force was equipped with old air-to-ground support, the number was small, and jet fighters were the main ones. War equipment.

However, in recent years, air-to-ground support capabilities have made great progress. The biggest improvement lies in the advanced avionics system, which allows jet fighters to guide air-to-ground support fighters to conduct precise ground strikes. This is the war with Vietnam. The biggest difference between the fighters used in the game.

The advent of precision-guided weapons such as joint direct attack ammunition has led to tremendous changes in air-to-ground operations. The development of laser guidance and defense technology is equally important. When air-ground coordinated operations, these equipment can accurately determine the location of ground and air targets.

The use of modern information networks enables high-level communications between air force commanders, early warning aircraft, fighter jets, and ground forces. therefore. Even if the original combat plan of some operations did not require air firepower, the air force can still quickly

The US military is currently launching a cleanup operation in Afghanistan. The total number of aircraft available for the mountain task force exceeds two hundred, including bombers, fighters, and other combat support aircraft jointly provided by the Air Force, Navy, and Navy six teams. Old, blade and many other aircraft began to fly to the combat area to support ground operations.

Additional Apache gunships and helicopters from Navy Team 6 have also entered the theater. In the next few days, an average of more than 60 combat aircraft were dispatched every day, and a total of 900 combat aircraft were dispatched to attack the ground during the entire combat operation. The U.S. aircrew accomplished the task with skill and courage.

Due to the establishment of the air-to-ground information network, U.S. combat aircraft can use a variety of weapons to attack the enemy, including precision-guided weapons such as joint direct attack ammunition, conventional iron bombs, rockets, and cannons. Most air strikes are directed high. When necessary, it will also fire at air-to-ground targets. A large amount of ammunition poured into the canyon, effectively suppressing the enemy's firepower, and at the same time annihilating a large number of enemy forces.

In the first few days, the air-to-ground fire support operations encountered some troubles, mainly due to the temporary nature of the mission and the uncertainty of the combat scope. These problems are still waiting to be resolved.

Under normal circumstances, the 6th Army can use artillery, mortars and other weapons to achieve large-scale fire support, and saturated artillery strikes can effectively suppress most of the enemy's counter-attack fire. In this way, the Air Force can carry out operations in accordance with its conventional intentions and carry out precision strikes against enemy targets that cannot be reached by ground artillery. In some operations, ground forces did not have artillery, and heavy mortars were rare. Therefore, the use of aerial firepower could not be done as usual. They must replace ground artillery and mortars. Regardless of the circumstances, the ability of the air force to complete the mission is unquestionable, but the adjustment and adaptation of combat procedures requires a process.

Of course, the US military's operations in Afghanistan are not all smooth sailing. On the contrary, it is indeed very brainy to deal with these local armed forces who are already familiar with mountain warfare.

An outstanding problem is the command relationship in near ground support operations. Although work. The ground task force and its subordinate units are the main demanders of near-air fire support. But the right to dispatch combat aircraft was initially in the hands of the joint command. Therefore, the air support request of the ground forces to the joint command, at least first to give the early warning aircraft hovering in the air, and then obtain the permission.

Generally speaking, all emergency air-to-ground fire support requests will be approved immediately, and most support operations will be implemented within a few minutes after the request is issued.

But for some less urgent support requests, the response time will occasionally be delayed to about half an hour.

There are many reasons for the time delay, including target identification, lure exposure of the enemy, determination of the types of combat aircraft and weapons used, determination of the course of action, and management of a large number of requests for information from the ground. These requests are sometimes even more than the aircraft on standby.

Combat aircraft can be deployed in cycles, but the geographical environment of the canyon is not conducive to the development of air-to-ground fire support. The depth of the canyon is only about five miles, so the number of aircraft performing missions at the same time is limited by the area of ​​the airspace. The enemy's target in the mountains is small and difficult to distinguish. Flying in the air can only perform precision strikes after the plane relies on the ground forces to accurately mark the target.

Although some air force liaison officers and more than 30 air traffic controllers were assigned to ground forces, their equipment was very limited. Some people do not have a laser marker, so they cannot use the concave to determine the precise coordinates of the target. They had to use tactical drawings to complete the task, but many drawings were not detailed enough to determine the precise coordinates of the target. Pilots sometimes find it difficult to find the designated target based on the drawings, and have to talk to the ground forces.

In some cases, air force commanders will veto some less urgent requests for air-to-ground fire support from ground forces. In their opinion, these requests do not meet the standards for dispatching aircraft.

On the other hand, the air force commander believed that the ground forces did not completely lure the enemy out and were unable to conduct accurate strikes. On the ground side, the command layer sometimes feels that it is in order to better create fighters. They had to take the initiative to lure the enemy to appear.

sometimes. Because of radio frequency control, ground forces are prohibited from talking directly with the aircraft overhead. Once the troops carrying line-of-sight shortwave radio stations are blocked by regions, it is difficult to communicate. This brings inconvenience to them calling air strikes.

sometimes. The well-trained special forces were equipped with satellite communication facilities to guide air-to-ground fire support, but their voices were drowned out by the mountain task force’s call for air strikes. In the first few days, these The friction has caused a lot of trouble for the open-ground cooperation.

also. Due to the cover of the mountains, it is very difficult to carry out air strikes on enemy targets. The usual method is usually to carry out precision strikes, but even if the precision strikes are successfully implemented, they often destroy only the heavy machine gun strongholds guarded by two or three people. Large numbers of enemy troops are hiding in the mountains and ridges. There are countless small targets that must be hit one by one.

To make matters worse, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the enemy always hides in the cave before the air attack is about to come, and after the sound of the artillery is far away, they ran out to continue to resist. Relying on aerial firepower to eliminate enemy forces is time-consuming and laborious, and efficiency is greatly compromised. Therefore, the air strike must continue for many days to achieve the goal of mass killing the enemy.

For various reasons, the joint command realized that it was a mistake to conduct command, so they quickly handed over the designation of combat aircraft to the mountain task force, which made the target designation and bombing sequence closer. The needs of ground forces.

The arrival of the additional old, blade and Apache attack helicopters also made the number of combat aircraft far exceed the requirements of the combat plan, and at the same time reduced the dependence on high-altitude fighters and bombers, pilots, ground commanders and The collaboration capability between the 6th Army has also been steadily improved.

In recent days, air strikes that lasted for a week have greatly weakened the enemy's strength. By destroying a large number of enemy targets, forcing the enemy to give up resistance, the ground combat situation has also opened up a good situation. Some medium and heavy mortars were airlifted to ground forces, allowing them to strike at enemy targets at a distance.

The US army finally blocked the last exit to the east of the canyon, and the Afghan Allied forces have returned to the battlefield for six consecutive times. The Northern Alliance forces used a combination of infantry and tanks to sweep the canyon.

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