
Vol 5 Chapter 1083: Inspect

Fan Wuyi is very concerned about the US military's battle in Afghanistan. This is not really popular... he is ready to conduct research on military command, but because he is now a major arms dealer and it is necessary to understand the modern combat model of the US military. In order to be able to develop all kinds of weapons that can compete with the equipment of the U.S. military.

So on Christmas Eve. Fan Wuyao inspected Zhunan Heavy Industry Group.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to meet Ouyang Xiaowei, who is responsible for important information liaison work in the Southeast Heavy Industry Group. Unfortunately, he only learned after the past. Because of some things in the General Armament Department, there were some judgments from the military, and Ouyang Xiaowei just left. I went to the capital when I got here.

"It's a blunder, which makes Fan Wubing feel a little regretful.

Among the technical personnel of Southeast Heavy Industry Group, apart from some of their own people, there are more experts supported by the military. There are also professional soldiers who specialize in modern warfare weapons, but these people have now taken off their military uniforms and have appeared in the Southeast Heavy Industry Group as civilians. Everyone has turned into engineers.

Overall. The paramilitary management in the Southeast Heavy Industry Group still made Fan Wubing feel some of the atmosphere of being in the barracks, at least the factory guards with guns and live ammunition, the bright and dark outposts cleverly hidden in various positions of the factory, and the ubiquitous electronic eye monitoring system. It made Fan Wubing feel that this place is really not an ordinary factory.

In fact, Fan Wuyao suddenly came to inspect. Southeast Heavy Industries is still a little uncomfortable here. Because of the establishment of the factory, no one has ever inspected the key departments here. The external publicity is also saying that Southeast Heavy Industries is a company. A private enterprise that mainly produces auto parts is a very common key enterprise that provides services to several large domestic auto companies.

Therefore, the previous inspections by the leaders of Fang just led them to the peripheral links that were not important. At this time, Fan Wuyin came over in person, so naturally he would not look at those insignificant things. He is directly going to look at the most core production research link.

In this way, it poses a huge challenge to the company's secrecy system. Because according to the current situation, Fan Wubing has been operating behind the scenes. Although the chairman of the Southeast Heavy Industry Group is also the chairman, he has never appeared in the factory area. Don't let them in.

"The boss can't enter either?" Fan Wubing felt a little entangled, and said that this system is a bit overdone, and no one can restrict himself.

The company leaders who accompanied him said that because there are some military projects, it is only necessary to get the military's approval to visit these laboratories and production workshops.

"Originally, when Miss Ouyang was here, she was in charge of this area of ​​work, and she was able to directly approve the admission of visitors on behalf of the military. Now she happens to be absent, so it's troublesome nbsp;nbsp;" Fan Wubing explained.

Fan Wubing patted his forehead. He smiled and said, "If this happened, please contact Ouyang."

Contacted Ouyang Xiaowei. Fan Wubing chatted with her a few words, and then explained the current situation

"Hehe, who told you to never come to see me in the factory, of course you can't come in now." Ouyang Xiaowei smiled. Then he said that he would add Fan Wuyi to the safety management system of Southeast Heavy Industries to be exempt from inspection so that he can inspect the work of the company at any time.

After making a look like this. Fan Wuyi finally added to the company's safety network. Human information, this security level is the highest level, you can visit any laboratory and production workshop, and there are some corresponding temporary disposal permissions.

Of course, if you want to exercise the chairman's authority on some major issues, you still have to go through the proper procedures. After all, although Southeast Heavy Industry is a private enterprise, it has to be stricter because it involves top secrets in military production.

During the visit, Fan Wubing saw the domestically-made infantry self-propelled artillery and the fire control system, laser guidance system and computer self-positioning system on the new tank that were already in formal production, and saw the actual effect demonstration. The advanced technology opened his eyes and expressed his high praise.

In several laboratories. I also saw several projects that are being researched, such as fighter stealth and anti-stealth technology, laser-guided bomb devices, and some airborne early warning system decomposition equipment used on large aircraft, etc. All in all, you can see all of them here. High-end technology urgently needed by the domestic military.

The stealth technology and anti-stealth technology seen this time are actually not unrelated to the last time the Americans bombed the embassy.

At that time, because of the acquisition of some important components and external materials of the stealth aircraft of the US military, these materials were sent to several military research institutes for anti-editing, and some results were achieved. Later, the Southeast Heavy Industry Group was successfully formed. Provided some experts and skills: six members. At the same time, it also provided some related materials for the external structure of the fighter plane to let him stretch the river.

"This work is also very important." Fan Wuyao watched through the floor-to-ceiling glass compartment as the staff were busy doing various branch tests inside. The people who accompanied the visitors during the meeting said road.

Fighter stealth is a big problem. At the same time, this technology can also be used in other ways. For example, the stealth technology of naval ships is mainly aimed at the detection of aircraft or radar for stealth, which is very useful.

In anti-stealth technology. The laboratory is conducting actual combat tests of passive radars.

In fact, in the face of the continuous proliferation of stealth technology in the US military, countries all over the world are seeking solutions to combat stealth technology. One of the technologies is low-cost and efficient passive radar.

Passive radar is a pure receiving system that uses external radiation sources. The passive radar receiver is in a mesh layout. After forming a comprehensive system, it can detect, track and target manned and unmanned stealth systems, and guide the air defense weapon system to They attack. Passive radar does not emit radio signals and can be camouflaged densely in urban and rural terrain. The offensive system cannot receive any passive radar reconnaissance signals from the friendly radar early warning aircraft, so it is difficult to determine the position of this radar and attack it.

Face the threat of passive radar. Although the U.S. military possesses advanced stealth technology, it will now be difficult to seize air superiority at an acceptable cost.

At present, the rapid development of passive radar technology has prevented the US military from using traditional means to destroy the opponent's air defense system. Therefore, when facing opponents equipped with passive radar, it will become more difficult for the US military to seize air supremacy.

In the Second World War. The crushing offensive power of aircraft has been severely weakened by radar and modern air defense systems. Air power is not an invincible all-powerful offensive weapon. Bombers often cannot break through the enemy’s air defense system. The air defense systems of both the Axis and the Allies are advanced. And it is very flexible. Combat aircraft can only obtain partial air supremacy by destroying the enemy's air defense system at a high price. This situation lasted from World War II to the Cold War.

Although a technological breakthrough was made in passive radar tests at that time, there were still some problems, including the fact that the signal strength was sometimes strong and sometimes weak. The location of the target could not be determined due to the geometric arrangement of the passive radar, and the tracking of the target was uncertain. Passive radar is a kind of separate radar, which means that there is a certain distance between the receiver and the transmitter. Scientists configure the receiver and the transmitter by sharing antennas, thereby solving the geometric arrangement problem, that is, monostatic radar. Later, common conventional radars all adopted this configuration.

Radar is the basis of air defense combat systems. For example, during the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese army used air defense radars to target U.S. fighter planes, while U.S. fighter planes interfered with the North Vietnamese radar and fired anti-radiation missiles. Since North Vietnam successfully organized air defense, the United States could only temporarily establish air supremacy in some parts of North Vietnam. During the Vietnam War, North Vietnam used Russian surface-to-air missiles in the 1950s to shoot down nearly two hundred U.S. fighters.

But after the seventies. Lockheed Martin’s Smelly Factory began to develop “stealth fighter jets.” Kanmen assumed combat missions in 1983, and later participated in combat operations in Panama and participated in the Gulf War. During the Gulf War, the U.S. Air Force used Attacking Iraq’s most closely guarded target ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although Iraq is equipped with a strong air defense system, the US Air Force did not lose a single fighter jet in the Gulf War.

In contrast, thirty-two non-stealth fighters of the US military were shot down by Iraqi anti-aircraft artillery or surface-to-air missiles.

In fact, in the wars conducted in recent years, including the Allied operations in 1999 and the recent U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, the stealth aircraft of the U.S. military maintained an overwhelming advantage.

Despite the overall success of the US stealth plan, it was the year before last. A U.S. Air Force plane was shot down by a Serbian surface-to-air missile over the Balkans. Although some people think that the aircraft was shot down by accident, the incident has caused controversy. Some people believe that this is a proof of the defeat of stealth technology. This event shows that stealth technology does not make the aircraft invisible. , It is just a technical game.

But in fact, Fan Wubing is quite clear about this, but a raster-type information feedback system used on the ground is actually very passive. If it weren’t for the U.S. fighter planes to be too overwhelmed and the trajectory of the ground troops to see through, or This mount is unlikely to be shot down.

If you want to completely break the stealth technology of US military fighters, it is obviously not enough to rely on this passive raster scanning system.

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