
Vol 5 Chapter 1087: Composite armor

The last workshop visited by Yifan. It is the armored technology workshop. "In Quer" special alloy armor technology research room for tanks and ships.

Regarding the confrontation between armor and shells. Bows and armors can be traced back to the cold weapon era. After the start of the firearms era, with the flying of artillery shells, armor in the original sense gradually withdrew from the stage of history. This period. The destruction of firearms to personnel can only be described as terror.

In this period, from the beginning of the firearm era to the appearance of tanks, it can be said that the armor is at an absolute disadvantage. Infantry soldiers have only steel helmets that can provide limited protection for their heads, while armored vehicles cannot be used on a large scale due to insufficient power and poor off-road performance. As a result, infantry soldiers have almost no protection during the charge in the field, and the casualties are shocking.

It came to the time of the First World War. A major turning point began to occur on the old day of the 6th year in Zhou. On this day, forty-nine diamond-shaped steel monsters were thrown into the deadlocked Soyao River front line. The rolling track crushed the German defense line. The weapon of the Ge era in the history of the 6th war was born. In order to keep it secret, the British named this weapon, the original meaning is the water tank, and later became the name of this weapon, the tank, a modern war history, the weapon of the era was born.

In the early days, the defense of tanks was based on riveted high-carbon steel plates. Before World War II, more solid and reliable armor connection methods such as welding and casting began to be put into use on tanks. In addition, the application of alloy steel and the theory of inclined armor were put forward. , So that the protection level of the tank has been continuously improved by leaps and bounds.

However, during this period, the increase in protection was mainly achieved by increasing the thickness of the armor. However, the idea of ​​simply increasing the thickness has great limitations. Because of the limitations of the technical level and passability of the power system, the tank is not It may be too heavy to build, and the tilted armor severely restricts the interior space of the vehicle, and at the same time does not save weight. Therefore, the threat of artillery shells makes engineers have to find a way to find ways to change the armor material. Ingredients, etc. to improve protection.

The breakthrough was first found on the battleships of the sea hegemony at the time. In order to improve protection, the battleships at that time generally used surface-hardened steel, so German engineers thought of applying surface-hardened steel on the tank to improve the protection of the tank.

Of course, this is also related to the poor quality of German steel. German-made steel plates of the same thickness are often much lower than those produced in the Soviet Union in some key parameters. Although this method requires a lot of time, the effect is good, so it is used in German tanks. Surface-treated alloy steel is commonly used on the market.

In the beginning, the effect of this treated armor was quite good. In the battle against the Soviet Union, the Tiger tank, which used 100mm case-hardened steel as the front armor, withstood the attack of many Soviet armor-piercing projectiles, and the warheads of many armor-piercing projectiles were surfaced It smashed directly, leaving only a very shallow mark on the hi armor, while the ordinary shells were directly bounced off.

However, there is a crisis behind the splendor of the surface, because the basic principle of surface hardened armor is to rely on high hardness to cause fatal damage to the incoming warhead to prevent penetration. After the warhead is hard enough or some protective measures are taken, the surface hardens. The advantage of the armor is nullified.

The new type of armor-piercing projectile relies on its high-initiality, high-hardness and high-density heavy metal core, which makes the hardened layer formed by the surface hardened armor, which takes a lot of man-hours, become useless. The surface hardened armor completely loses the advantage of its survival, and its complexity The time-consuming processing technology makes its cost too high, and the loss of efficiency and high cost make the surface hardened armor withdraw from the stage of history. However, surface hardened armor should be said to be the first armor manufactured using two materials with different physical properties, although it was not very successful. But its status in the history of the tank show still needs to be affirmed.

In the years after the war, the world did not emerge from the shadow of war, and the shadow of the Cold War once again enveloped the entire earth. The fierce arms race has once again kicked off. As the king of the 6th war, the tank has naturally continued to improve with the flight of the two huge military machines of NATO and the Warsaw Pact.

In the early post-war period, the internal structure of the tank became more reasonable, allowing the tank to thicken the main armor as much as possible without a significant increase in weight. The physical thickness of the front armor of the turret of mainstream medium tanks in various countries has generally increased, and cast armor has become the mainstream. For example, the United States uses a fully cast car body turret, the British Centurion uses a semi-cast car body with a cast turret, and the Soviet Union uses a welded car body with a cast turret.

At this time, the shaped energy armor-piercing projectile appeared, the principle of which is to penetrate the armor by the energy of the charge itself. Mainly by making the charge into a hollow cylindrical charge with a tapered hole, and adding a metal cover on the surface of the tapered hole charge, so that when exploding, it will converge into a jet of metal energy with high temperature and pressure. , That is, the energy-gathering effect, destroying the armor.

At that time, the space for tanks to increase their physical thickness to strengthen their defenses was not saturated. It was almost impossible to increase the thickness of armor to fight armor-piercing projectiles, especially the emergence of anti-tank missiles, which made some people wonder whether the tanks were already At the end, the status of the king of tank 6 battles is facing an unprecedented crisis.

But the tank did not sit still. A new tank that came out in 1964 responded to the threat of armor-piercing bombs in a brand new way. This tank is an epoch-making gram.

The body of this tank uses a multi-layer composite structure armor plate, the structure from the outside to the inside is respectively forged steel plate, ceramic material, high-hardness forged steel plate, glass fiber, ceramic material and anti-neutron material layer. Although the physical thickness is only about two hundred millimeters, its protective ability has reached 500 millimeters of ordinary surface-hardened steel, and the weight has not increased significantly. The tank finally did not leave the stage of history under the attack of anti-tank weapons. On the contrary, the performance of the tank is improved, which makes the performance of the tank more perfect.

"A simple example can prove the excellent defensive capabilities of the Shikou turret. In an experiment at the Smolensk shooting range, the Soviets used what they obtained from defected Americans for the experiment. The first was to homogenize. The armored target was shot, and the result was that it could penetrate a 500 mm thick target. Later, Tao Xiao was used to shoot a scrapped full of ammunition and put the rabbit on the driver’s seat with low cost The armor kit was loaded with 6 fats. As a result, after a loud noise, the missile accurately hit the left front of the turret, but it did not penetrate, and the rabbit in the tank was unharmed. After measurement, the missile only dug a hole in the tank. , And in the tanks that were later produced, the front of the turret was filled with gold sand, and its defensive ability can be imagined." The person in charge of the armored technology laboratory introduced Fan Wuyao.

Having tasted the sweetness of composite armor, the Soviet Union Xun has fully replaced this advanced armor on its production tanks, including retrofit kits for old tanks. However, due to cost constraints, the expensive and powerful ceramic composite armor did not eventually become popular among the huge Soviet tanks. For example, it was used as a low-end slashing tank in the Soviet tanks. In the use of simplified composite armor, its structure is that the outer layer is steel armor, and the middle layer is glass fiber. The inner layer is steel armor, the cost of this composite armor is relatively low, and the overall protection effect is not bad.

However, during this period, the power of anti-tank missiles was greatly increased due to technological advancement, which in turn posed serious challenges to the tank protection system, and at this time, Western countries finally came up with their own Own composite armor, that is, the famous Chobham composite armor.

The Chobham armor is composed of high-hardness steel, ceramic tiles inside the aluminum sleeve, and flexible composite materials. In terms of ballistic resistance, its biggest highlight is that it focuses on the different effects of different materials on the ballistics, so that when the armor-piercing projectile is incident, When passing through different materials, the ballistic trajectory is deviated, and the flexible material used therein enables the material to produce a strong displacement, thereby breaking the elastic body and achieving the effect of preventing penetration. This is similar to the effect of Tai Chi taking advantage of strength.

New challenges forced the Soviets to adopt new measures to maintain their superiority in the armor field, so they used a new type of ceramic composite armor on the juvenile tanks, using titanium alloys to confine the ceramics to a rod-like structure~www. wuxiaspot.com~ and then cast these into the turret of the tank. As for the car body, the same may be true. Of course, the cost is also very high.

"In fact, we have very little information in this area. Regarding the latest model, the tank, obviously uses more advanced technology, but the Russians are very close to it, and there is no way to get it." The person in charge of the laboratory said to Fan. No disease said, "But the overall idea is also very enlightening for us."

Fan Wu was sick and nodded, he had no doubt about this. As long as the Chinese people know a little bit of the principle, they can make products that are better than the original creators.

Soon, Fan Wubing was accompanied by the person in charge of the laboratory to the design room, where many employees were designing composite armor, such as adjusting the ratio of materials, selecting ingredients of different materials for filling, etc. The design is done in the computer.

However, domestic technology in special alloy steel did start a bit late, although it has been catching up in recent years. However, due to raw materials and other reasons, it has not been able to make relatively satisfactory progress.

Although the steel companies under the Fan Investment Group have special alloy research laboratories, the time is still short and they have not been able to develop any exciting products.

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