
Vol 5 Chapter 1088: Technology transfer

…The technical problem of Linghe armor is not something that can be solved overnight...

Fan Wubing did not expect the technical department to come up with a sheath solution in a short period of time, but at this time, within the scope of the entire Fan Investment Group, there is already a material application research institute that specializes in the application of various materials. Research has made some progress.

In fact. As an important part of composite armor in modern armored fighting vehicles, many materials are not metal. It is some synthetic materials or a combination of non-metal elements or ceramics. In summary, the reason is that the anti-strike degree of metal materials has limited its development prospects, and some non-metal materials are processed by various means. Can play more superior performance than metal materials.

However, after Fan Wubing entered the research room at the core level and met several electrical bumper technology application experts from the military and Southeast Heavy Industry Group, he saw the best result that Southeast Heavy Industry can achieve. Electric bumper armor.

"Electromagnetic armor?" Fan Wubing didn't know much about these things. After hearing this name, I felt a little surprised, and I don't know how it works.

In fact, the concept of electromagnetic armor was proposed in the 1970s.

The principle of electric shock armor is to install the charged spacer armor plate in front of the armor of the tank. When the high metal jet of the armor-piercing projectile contacts the electromagnetic armor, it will form a path with the charged spacer armor and generate powerful electricity. The collision field rotates, deflects, breaks or disperses the metal jet.

"Then the principle is almost the same as the electromagnetic gun, but if this is the case. The electrical load should be very large?" Fan Wubing probably understood after listening, and asked rhetorically.

"The problem that President Fan is concerned about is actually a problem raised by most people." The expert explained, "Take an example. Electromagnetic armor is used to resist the electric energy required by the Rib 7 rocket. It is better than winter morning. The electric energy required to start the motive is still small, and the improved electrical system and battery pack can provide electric energy for the electromagnetic armor

"Oh, in this case, there is still something to do." Fan Wuyao nodded and said.

Protection capability is the most basic and most critical factor in the survivability of a weapon system. Due to the rapid development of high technology, the development of anti-armor weapons is changing with each passing day. Regardless of the type, range, and space range, the armor protection of the tank has been formed. Azimuth attack.

With the continuous development of intelligent anti-armor weapons and the possibility of electromagnetic guns on the battlefield in the future, armored vehicles will be increasingly threatened on the battlefield. Therefore, only with adequate protection for modern anti-armor weapons can armored vehicles have survivability on the modern battlefield.

"At present, the main weapons used to attack tanks and armored vehicles are kinetic energy bombs and armor-piercing bombs. Kinetic energy bombs are also called armor-piercing bombs. They acquire huge kinetic energy during the high-fire process. When hitting the protective armor, they will be fast in a small area. Release its kinetic energy to achieve the purpose of penetrating the armor. The armor-piercing projectile penetrates the armor with a high metal jet to achieve the purpose of destroying the protective armor. With the continuous enhancement of the penetrating ability of the armor-piercing projectile and the armor-piercing projectile, only through It is impractical to increase the thickness of the armor to improve its protection... An expert explained to Fan Wuyao, "First, the increase in the thickness of the armor will inevitably lead to an increase in the volume and weight of the tank, which will relatively reduce the vehicle. Mobility and flexibility. Second, the current kinetic energy projectile is already greater than 1,800 meters per second, and the armor-piercing energy is greater than 900,000 joules. With such a powerful force, traditional armor is difficult to protect. Obviously, a very effective new protection technology is needed. Most of the threats lose their effect before they endanger the target. Therefore, a new armor protection technology, electromagnetic armor was born. "

In fact, electromagnetic armor technology is not a technology that is difficult to master. The difficulty is that the electrical energy required by electromagnetic armor must be provided by a bulky battery bank and capacitor bank, as far as the current technology is concerned. The size of the tank is smaller than the battery pack. Naturally, it cannot solve the problem of the battery pack. Therefore, the development of electromagnetic armor encountered a technical bottleneck, but with the advancement of science and technology. Electromagnetic armor technology with low power consumption is now available.

There are two main types of electromagnetic armor, one is active electromagnetic armor, which is a new active protection concept that uses electromagnetic energy radiation technology to combine with armored vehicles. Electromagnetic energy is used to protect the outer armor of the car body. Active interception on the trajectory of the shooting weapon will eliminate the threat from the tank.

This active electrophoretic armor is composed of a detection system, an identification system, a computer and control system, a power supply system and a launcher. Once the detection system has an incoming weapon within a certain range, it transmits the signal to the well computer control system to judge and identify the target. When it is a trajectory that poses a threat to the tank, the signal is immediately connected. The power switch transmits the high pulse current to the launcher, causing the capacitor bank to discharge the flat coil of the outer protective armor launcher, creating a strong collision field, ejecting the outer protective armor, and intercepting the incoming missiles from a safe distance. Destroy it or change its trajectory to achieve the purpose of active protection.

Another type of passive electric sea armor can be divided into contact electromagnetic armor and long-range electromagnetic armor according to the position it interacts with the incoming weapon.

"Contact type and long-range type?" Fan Wubing asked, "Is it one that works after the collision, and the other is to use the magnetic field to directly remove the shells?"

"It's almost like this, the expert replied.

When an incoming projectile attacks an armored vehicle, when the projectile contacts the electromagnetic armor, the electromagnetic armor will directly pass a large current to the incoming missile, destroying or interfering with the attacking projectile by electromagnetic energy. This type of armor is located on the outer side of the basic armor of the car body and consists of two steel plates and high-voltage capacitors separated by a certain distance. The outer steel plate is grounded, and the inner steel plate is connected to the high-voltage capacitor.

When it is attacked by a rocket projectile like the 7th, when the high metal jet of the cone-shaped charge passes through the two steel plates, a current path will be formed, causing the high-voltage capacitor to discharge instantaneously, and hundreds of thousands of amperes of current will flow through this path. The huge electromagnetic field rotates, deflects, breaks or disperses the metal jet to prevent the main armor from being penetrated, thereby providing protection.

Experimental results show that when the electromagnetic armor is energized with a current of 500,000 amperes, the high-metal jet of the cone-shaped charge is almost consumed, and the remaining jet no longer poses a threat to the basic armor of the tank. Treat the residual jet as a snack and eat it easily.

"This kind of electric armored armored anti-concave book is a different body clam." It is said that the lead system is composed of bullet-resistant metal plates, insulating layers, coil layers, and capacitors. Although Chuan weighs only more than three tons, its protective capacity is equivalent to the addition of twenty tons of homogeneous armor. "Experts asked Fan Wubing to look at the model under test, and said that this type of armor is currently undergoing trial production.

There is also a long-range electromagnetic armor in the design. This electromagnetic armor does not rely on any mechanical device to contact the incoming missile, but uses a strong electromagnetic field to act on the incoming missile at a long distance, causing it to generate electromagnetic eddy currents. Generates a magnetic field opposite to the original magnetic field, so that the metal projectile is subject to a repulsive resistance to slow down or deviate its trajectory to achieve the purpose of protecting the armored car body. The functioning principle of this electromagnetic armor is similar to that of active electromagnetic armor, but it does not require Install armor to intercept incoming projectiles.

"It seems that this kind of long-range electric shock armor seems to be more advanced." Fan Wubing felt that it would be safer not to let the projectile act on the tank.

Experts also said that these types of electromagnetic armor belong to additional electromagnetic armor, whose role is to destroy, interfere with, or consume the energy of the incoming projectile. To protect the main armor of the car body. Among these types of electromagnetic armors, contact electromagnetic armors are developed earlier and are technically easier to break through, while long-range electromagnetic armors are currently under research due to the larger electromagnetic field strength required and the limitation of the effective range of electromagnetic fields. Stage, and did not come up with examples.

Overall. The electromagnetic armor protection system is a new concept of defense with a good prospect. Compared with the reactive armor currently in use, electromagnetic armor has better operational safety and is safe for personnel before the current is turned on.

"At present, all major tank production countries in the world are studying electromagnetic armor. Among them, the United States is studying the addition of electromagnetic armor to Bradley tanks. It can be seen that electromagnetic armor will be the next generation of armor protection technology in the future. But it is extremely complicated to make these. It will take some time for the related technologies to be converted into usable products. The electromagnetic armor currently developed by the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries is mainly used to counter the threat of rockets such as fat. However, after the key technologies are overcome in the future, it is natural. It can improve the protection of electromagnetic armor against anti-tank missiles." The person in charge of the laboratory said to Fan Wuyao.

After Fan Wubing heard this, he couldn't help sighing with emotion.

From mechanization to electrification, it is the future development trend of main battle tanks, including propulsion systems, weapon systems, and protection systems. The future will be electrified. The development of electromagnetic armor is the core of the electrification of the protection system. Electromagnetic armor is used. The survivability of main battle tanks is five or six times that of ordinary main battle tanks.

"In fact, since the tanks were built, the type of warfare has undergone major changes, and all kinds of anti-armor weapons have continued to introduce new ones. The last century can be said to be an era of chasing armor and anti-armor, and a spear and shield have been launched. With the continuous improvement of the performance of anti-armor weapons, the armor protection from the early homogeneous armor to the currently used reactive armor and various types of composite armor shows that the traditional armor technology has come to an end, making the world Countries had to think about new protection technologies, and the concept of electric shock armor came into being.” The person in charge of the laboratory said to Fan Wuyao, “The concept of electromagnetic armor appeared in the 1970s. Technological capabilities cannot solve the problem of bulky capacitors. To this day, thanks to the gift of high technology, the concept of electromagnetic armor has finally been implemented. Electromagnetic armor has a good prospect, and the active electromagnetic armor protection system is a brand new defense. Thinking. Although the electromagnetic armor technology has shown good prospects for development. It is still a long way from the practical stage. But I think with the rapid development of electronic technology, I believe that electromagnetic armor technology will soon achieve breakthroughs."

Fan Wubing looked at the models in the experiment while he had some insights. In fact, the weapons in many science fiction novels of that year have already entered the battlefield. The fantasy in Verne's writings has already been realized one by one. For example, electromagnetic guns and electromagnetic armors, which used to be just thinking about them, now have practical models. It can be said that people's ideas will never feel too absurd.

There is also a good saying, how bold people are and how productive the land is. Although this is used in agricultural production, it is still a bit worthy of scrutiny. But when used in weapons and equipment, it's really not at all.

Before leaving, the laboratory specially arranged an electromagnetic armored defense rocket for Fan Wuyao. After the electric strong armor installed on the shooting range was prepared, some people here used the domestic red arrow rockets. Hebi 7 rockets were fired live.

After the dust settled, Fan Wubing and others personally inspected the results and found that the integrity of the electromagnetic armor was not damaged, and the rockets were basically eaten by the electromagnetic armor.

The weight of the battery pack that is currently intended to be installed on the tank to power the electromagnetic armor is still acceptable, and the laboratory has also come up with smart tricks in terms of energy charging and storage, for example, if it is fighting in an area with strong sunlight. , You can also use solar energy to store electricity, which is very convenient.

In order to improve the continuous anti-strike ability~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Timely charging is very important. Although the one-time consumption of energy is not a lot, in order to prevent accidents, the laboratory still considers the design of dual power supplies. System to prevent continuous anti-tank rockets from attacking and unable to respond.

After Fan Wubing watched it, he kept admiring. Through this inspection, he also found a problem, that is, the integration of various disciplines has become very important. Although Fan Investment Group has done the best in many industries, there are too few examples that can be used in a comprehensive manner. NS.

On the contrary, through the establishment of a military industry enterprise this time, many high-tech results in various industries have been combined, showing the important role of technology transforming into results.

It’s no wonder that all high-tech applications were first applied on the battlefield. Fan Wuyao felt the same in his heart. He also made a decision that no matter how much investment, this military industry enterprise would If it goes on, even if a small part of it is converted into civilian use, it will be worth the fare.

Not to mention, when these technical products are used in the military, they will themselves generate huge commercial value.

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