
Vol 5 Chapter 1089: Material

Kou Fan has read the recent investment statement of Southeast Heavy Industry Group. It's still two..."; it hurts, less than a year. I actually invested more than 60 million yuan in a few laboratory projects, which is really a bit too much.

However, from the current projects, Fan Wubiao feels that it is more necessary, especially this topic of electromagnetic armor or composite equipment, which is more important, and will be used in a wider range in the future, so there is no need to worry about collection. Does not return the cost.

In fact, these projects are the largest investment in the initial stage of construction. Once they are on the right track, the consumption of funds will be relatively small. Next, the Southeast Heavy Industry Group will ask Fan Wubing to approve the next year’s research. The project budget is probably more than 3 billion, which is relatively small.

"Of course, if there are new projects to be established, or if additional investment is required, the main leadership of the Southeast Heavy Industry Group emphasized this point when reporting to Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing looked at the budget statement, signed it, and handed it to them before saying, "Soon our large aircraft project will enter the operational stage, but some of the supporting items have not kept up. If we want to If a large aircraft is converted into an airborne early warning aircraft, the required platform should also be prepared in advance."

The design plan for the large aircraft project led by Fan Investment Group has long been out. The digestion and absorption of the motivation samples and some key technical data obtained from Russia has also been completed, and some key materials have also been implemented. At this time, the overall design and project refinement work is steadily proceeding. If nothing unexpected happens, the actual operation can be started as soon as the new year is over, and everyone is still confident that this work will be completed within three years.

Once there are mature large aircraft models. Then, using this as a platform to build his own practical large aircraft of various types, it seems much easier. At this time, Fan Wu’s mind is basically given by airborne early warning aircraft, air tankers, large strategic transport aircraft, etc. Full.

Combining his various ideas, things like stealth technology and anti-stealth technology, composite armor technology and electromagnetic armor technology, which should now be included in the research topic, will greatly stimulate Fan Wuyi. He hopes that after the big plane is released, You can immediately connect to these platforms and quickly enter the actual combat exercise.

In this case. The experts from the Southeast Heavy Industry Group have been busy working for a while, and they can be regarded as straightening out Fan Wuyi’s requirements. Naturally, one of the biggest advantages in China is that there is no need to worry about lack of manpower, even for professionals. There is no shortage. What is lacking is just input and determination.

In the past, it was under the leadership of the government because of excessive investment and some internal reasons. Some projects have been unable to stand up, just like large aircraft projects. Many people have clearly seen the problems in them. However, because of the constraints of various interest groups, the senior management can never decide whether to approve the project.

Now Fan Wuyao integrates this part of the technical force to realize each project in his personal capacity. Whether to establish a project depends only on his personal opinion, so these things have become very simple, a system change. The most difficult thing to solve was immediately settled, because several major companies actually do not have a board of directors. Fan Wuyi is the only major shareholder, and the government's shareholding is only a part of the shareholding in a technical way. Therefore, what Fan Wubing said is the direction of the enterprise's efforts. "Fan Wuyao added another 2 billion yuan to the Southeast Heavy Industry Group's budget. He finally sorted out the clues here.

After finishing his work here, Fan Wubiao also found a very important problem, that is, the importance of his material application research institute became more prominent.

People always regard new material technology as the basis of high technology. Major countries have placed the development of new material technology in a special strategic position of the country. Since the 1980s, the United States has spent one billion US dollars each year dedicated to research and development. The focus of new materials is metal composite materials, alloys, high-temperature structural ceramics, and high-crystalline polymer materials. At present, the United States is already in a leading position in the two fields of composite materials and polymer materials.

After Japan was naturally unwilling to be reluctant, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry formulated and implemented the industrial basic technology research and development plan, which included a total of twelve research and development projects, of which new materials accounted for half, focusing on precision ceramics and high conductivity. Molecular materials, composite materials, photoreactive materials, electronic information materials, etc. Japan currently leads the world in the fields of precision ceramics, optical fiber materials, and electronic information materials.

The European Union has also specially formulated a new material development plan. In the Eureka Plan alone, there are as many as 30 research projects belonging to new materials.

A common focus of research in various countries is high-performance structural materials. It is those new materials with high strength, high toughness, high temperature resistance, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance, such as the research and development of high-efficiency ceramics.

Using a ceramic motive, the working temperature of the motive can be increased from 1,000 degrees to 1,300 degrees, and the thermal efficiency can be increased from 30% to 50%. Weight Fanxian two twentieth. Dye saving is 30-50%.

According to forecasts by experts from the Ford Motor Company in the United States, if all cars in the United States are powered by Beverly Porcelain, at least 500 million barrels of oil can be saved each year.

In recent years, the United States has invested more than one billion U.S. dollars and organized dozens of companies to engage in research and development of Taoguan motives. Among them, General Motors, Ford Motor Company, Knowlton and other large enterprises have successively established specialized production centers for new ceramics. .

Japan also regards structural ceramics as another new field that can bring huge benefits to enterprises after microelectronics, so its competitors in the United States do not hesitate to pay. There are currently thousands of companies engaged in the development of new ceramics. At present, the introduction and reformation of Japan...ceramic motives have taken shape, and some cars have been equipped.

Germany's research on ceramic motives is also at the forefront of the world, among the new cars of Mercedes-Benz. The ceramic motive was used, and the effect was good. In the Eureka Plan, France, Germany, and Sweden have been jointly developing ceramic motives since the 1980s. The work stability can reach 1,600 Baidu, which is six times higher than ordinary motives. It is conceivable. How much can its efficiency be improved.

As for the composite material, it is composed of matrix materials including resin, metal, ceramics, etc. and reinforcing agents. The mechanical properties and functions of composite materials can be based on actual needs. Obtained through appropriate material selection and optimized design.

Composite materials are widely used in many fields such as aerospace, automobiles, transportation, bridges, civil buildings and national defense construction. The current focus of composite materials is metal-based, ceramic-based, and carbon-based composite materials.

In fact, although the domestic response to this has been a little slower, it is not unaware of its importance. The competition in alloy technology has been very fierce over the years. It is mainly carried out between the United States and Japan. For example, after the Americans appropriately add some ceramic powder to the alloy, the wear resistance of this alloy can be increased by 35 times. Based on memory alloy, it can replace the expensive titanium-based memory alloy, which can reduce the cost by 9%.

As for the so-called plastic alloys, they are also extraordinary.

At the right temperature, the plastic alloy can be stretched ten times, tens of times or even hundreds of times, without shrinkage. It will not break. It is originally a hard and brittle alloy. People can use its plasticity to blow it into a thin shell like a balloon.

For example, titanium alloy is originally an alloy that is difficult to repay. Its maximum elongation at room temperature is only about 30%. In the past, when titanium alloys were used to process parts with complex shapes, creep processing methods were often used. , The deformation process takes more than one hour, and now plastic forming is used, and it generally takes less than eight minutes to manufacture any alloy parts that are responsible for the shape.

Titanium alloys are used a lot in airplanes, missiles and space shuttles. In order to solve the problem of difficult parts processing, in addition to plastic forming methods, plastic spreading connection methods can also be adopted. Specifically, the temperature is controlled below the melting point of the metal for welding, and under sufficient heat and pressure, the atoms and molecules on the contact surface of the two metals are diffused with each other, thereby connecting them as a whole.

For titanium alloys. The temperatures of these two technologies are extremely similar. Therefore, it can carry out these two processes at the same time. That is to let it complete the task of diffusion bonding at the same time during the deformation process, so that large-scale components with quite complex shapes can be directly processed at one time~www.wuxiaspot.com~Compared with the previous suppression and welding, it can Reduce costs by 60%. Reduce weight by 50%.

In fact, countries in Europe, America and Japan have carried out extensive and in-depth research on the plasticity of metal materials. In addition to titanium alloys, there have been good research results on the plasticity of high-strength steel and superalloys.

The Materials Research Institute under the Fan Investment Group, mainly after receiving the Ukrainian experts from Fan Wuyao, started the research on this project under their suggestions. Although it started relatively late, this research has also been obtained. With the participation and support of the military, the exhibition is very fast. The current ceramic motive technology has made some breakthroughs. It is estimated that it will not take long before it can enter the practical stage.

In the past, the Soviets used emery to fill the young armor. Although the effect is very good, it is really a bit too prodigal. If it is filled with special ceramics of new materials, the cost will be much lower, but the effect will be better.

Today's Fan Wubing deeply feels that as a big person who has a comprehensive view, there are indeed many things that need to be considered, if the various industries under his own do not work together. Probably the income and exhibition of each industry will be greatly reduced.

Probably, the ultimate meaning of the information age is actually here.

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