
Vol 5 Chapter 1092: Killed the chicken for the monkey

Dian accounted for the lives of the wealthy in China. Americans know! Not many, who are willing to expose the hot-minded mobsters in the state, but they have stepped into the new rich class. It is not very clear what kind of life is the life of the rich. They also do their own things in terms of specific standards, but they have one thing in common. They are trying their best to use money to create a luxurious living environment.

Of course. The huge contrast between the rapid expansion of material wealth and the extreme lack of spiritual life will surely lead to some undesirable consequences.

Around New Year's Day, the author described the life of several wealthy Chinese people by name and name in the American Chinese special article. The drama of the words is similar to the lines in the movie "Big horn".

He described in the article that these people built luxurious and tacky White House offices and Rococo villas; they built villas in the suburbs but did not dare to turn on the luxurious chandeliers because they were afraid of tripping their neighbors' houses; their wives endured their husbands. Countless lovers, feeling lonely, can only kill their lives by raising expensive pets, going to the temple to burn incense, and having more children; they pour sprite into the most expensive wine. Gumbling down like drinking water. They eat fried eel, seaweed and stewed snake. Fully enjoy every minute of extravagance.

This lifelike and poor sketch of a Chinese mobster quickly spread on the Internet, causing endless troubles to the interviewees. It also seems to confirm the American business writer Connell’s "Big Dog: The Origin of the Rich Man". The sentence written in, "Imaginary wealth is difficult for anyone to adapt. Wealth is against nature, and the behavior of the rich often shows complete maladjustment."

Obviously, the widening gap between the rich and the poor is enticing a very dangerous social disease. A poll conducted by a well-known domestic university also showed that more than 60% of the respondents believe that the rich have made money through illegal means.

From this, critics mentioned the adage of the French writer Balzac that there is crime behind every great wealth.

Others compared the top 50 richest people in China selected by "Forbes" with the list of the top 50 taxpayers of private companies published by the State Administration of Taxation. There are only four overlapping names.

then. The topic of tax evasion by the rich has been discussed for a long time.

The dramatic thing about the banquet is that the first person who was caught as a street mouse was not the "Forbes" rich list, but a big sister in the entertainment industry. Liu Xiaoqing, a famous movie star who claims to be a billionaire sister, was arrested on suspicion of tax evasion.

Liu Xiaoqing is the most well-known actress in China in the 1980s. She is known for her aggressive personality and courage to speak up. The most widely circulated Liu family quote is that it is hard to be a man, it is even harder to be a woman, and it is even harder to be a famous woman. . Of course. This sentence has also been put on the screen many times, as a famous saying that can be arbitrarily ridiculed and abused countless times.

In a book similar to an autobiography, Liu Xiaoqing said that in fact, she already owns 26 or even more companies, and the total investment demand of these companies has exceeded 5 billion. She uses various methods of financing, introduces funds from overseas, cooperates with experienced and powerful groups at home and abroad, borrows money from banks, and at the same time invests the money she owns.

Such a swagger to show richness naturally attracts a lot of attention. When public opinion on tax evasion by the rich is becoming increasingly turbulent. She became the most suitable target.

According to an investigation by tax authorities, the Xiaoqing Culture and Art Co., Ltd. she founded has evaded more than 1,400 taxes within five years by adopting various methods such as non-listing or under-listing of income, over-listing of expenditures, and false declarations. ten thousand.

For this time, the tax authorities have positioned the target of the crackdown on the entertainment industry, which is also expected.

The entertainment industry has always been a place where darkness and light meet. In this place, it is like a cloud. Ordinary people see the sunlight refracted above the clouds, while some professionals and celebrities are hidden in the darkness of the clouds.

The ugliness of the entertainment industry is firstly due to its interest-centered axis of rotation. In this ***, fame is the first pursuit, and interest always comes first.

For some people to become famous, it can be said that they paid a price that ordinary people did not expect. This road in the entertainment industry. Just like learning from the West, all kinds of situations will arise, and after all kinds of hardships, you can get the right result. The famous star conceals a large number of people waiting in line to become famous, and their various kinds. Pay.

Even if you become famous, to become more famous or for other purposes. Some people are still unscrupulous, so they are willing to sell themselves for the sake of their own future. There are many people who do not hesitate to pay bribes to the director and producer in order to make a movie. It is difficult for ordinary people to understand these things.

Many people say a popular saying is to stir foul first, then stir fame, so it is obviously a matter of sneaking, but it has been repeatedly used for speculation. It is said that the status of female stars related to Lai Changxing is much higher. These... The contrast between the two Americans satisfies everyone's longevity. As a result, it also created a strange area of ​​endless entertainment groups.

There have been a lot of celebrity shady incidents exposed this year. The involvement of celebrities in the ranks of corrupt officials has also become a hot topic of discussion, which has caused extremely bad effects. Incidents such as Mao Ning's assassination, a female celebrity taking drugs, and Zhao Wei wearing military flag skirts are also entertainment. The circle was overshadowed.

There are often rumors that a certain female celebrity has signed a sales contract again, and a certain male celebrity has been maintained by a rich woman. In the entertainment industry, female celebrities are generally the fastest to become famous. When male celebrities are still working hard, his female classmates may soon become famous because of a certain scandal.

Therefore, in the entertainment industry, it cannot be denied that some stars do not rely on acting skills, but rely on the reckless propaganda methods of Bao Yang Fang to become popular. The most used method of female stars is to talk about how they have a relationship with the director, and then it is best to open A news bulletin will clarify.

The relationship between men and women has become an endless network, but it has caught the entertainment circle that is full of ugliness, some modest gentlemen or fair ladies in front of the public. Behind the scenes may be drug taking, gambling, **** and other omnipotent actions. The private lives of mainland stars have not been supervised as in Hong Kong and other places. But the negative news about celebrities has never been less.

The director is like a teacher in life, but the actual director in the entertainment industry is far from the teacher in life. First of all, the relationship between male directors and actresses will never be counted and explained. Secondly, some directors often make appointments with female celebrities under the name of Tanxi. Of course, such a thing. The final success should also be related to the actress.

All in all, this is an impetuous age. Without a clear understanding of where China is headed by the high-level leaders, it is obviously an extravagant talk to let ordinary people figure out their own position, and they want to fully understand this idea. It only exists as an idea.

Back when I talked about tax evasion and tax evasion. Shen Ying asked Fan Wuyi, how strong will it be this time?

"The degree of appearance is mostly a little nbsp;nbsp;" Fan Wuyao unabashedly exposed the bottom line of the tax department's actions this time.

In fact, the domestic economy is booming at the same time. Many problems have also appeared. According to current conservative estimates, the money collected by corrupt officials is as high as more than 200 billion yuan, while tens of billions of dollars have been transferred abroad. In terms of tax violations, it is even more shocking. The tax evasion black hole devours about 400 billion funds every year.

Recently, some experts have said that China is becoming a haven for tax avoidance. And proposed that an anti-tax avoidance system should be established. For a time, anti-tax avoidance has become an important topic in the financial world, the business world, and even the economy and society.

The government also stated that China will further increase its anti-tax avoidance efforts, actively implement an advance pricing management system for business transactions between affiliated companies, promote joint tax audits, strengthen international tax information exchange, improve the ability to supervise cross-border tax sources, and strengthen foreign-related enterprises and foreign personal income tax. Daily management. Do a good job in the collection and administration of international taxation and foreign-related taxation.

However, in the face of taxation issues, anti-tax avoidance is of course important, but it is more important to combat tax violations. Combating tax evasion and tax evasion.

"The annual tax avoidance amounted to 30 billion, but tax evasion reached 400 billion! 30 billion to 400 billion. It is clear which is more important ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. What's more, only part of tax avoidance involves tax violations. A considerable part of the taxpayer’s reasonable right to avoid taxation. To solve the problem of tax avoidance, it is necessary to improve the level of domestic tax management and raise tax avoidance in general, which may cause confusion in theory." Fan Wuyao explained to Shen Ying, " Because tax avoidance is a neutral category in a certain sense, tax avoidance is the right of taxpayers. In actual economic life, various tax avoidance behaviors are between violation and non-violation, and between violation and non-violation. This kind of tightrope walking is a hot game between enterprises and the government, and cannot be directly defined as illegal."

Fan Wubing's words made Shen Ying feel a little puzzled. As a representative of a key enterprise that abides by the law and pays taxes reasonably, Zhuanying believes that tax is something that people say you should pay as much as you should pay. She has never considered where methods can be used to reduce or not pay, so this topic of tax avoidance let her Feeling a little confused.

"Or, should I find a tax expert and legal expert to study this matter?" Shen Ying asked Fan Wuyi.

"Forget it, save yourself time and put yourself in. Fan Wuyao smiled and shook his head.

Tax avoidance is a double-edged sword. Although it seems to be able to intercept a huge amount of profits, it is also prone to leaving hidden dangers. Once the policy changes, it will cause more trouble to the enterprise.

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