
Vol 5 Chapter 1093: Huge tax loophole

Fan Wubing has never liked to listen to tax experts fooling around, especially when it comes to all matters.

Naturally, this is also the same as Fan's vote! The main income of the group is still related to the overseas part. Although the domestic business volume is also extremely large and the income is substantial, it is still much worse than the overseas revenue. Therefore, for this part of the income, Fan has no problem at all. I didn't plan to use any tax avoidance methods.

In fact, Fan Wubing has long realized that absolute profiteering will easily lead the group on the road to extinction. Even if it is like Bill Gates or Buffy and his like abroad, he understands the truth. Therefore, everyone After accomplishing a career and reaching the peak of wealth, he will eventually turn his focus to philanthropy, and consciously use most of his wealth for the people.

On the other hand, these rich people in China are basically still in the low-level stage of amassing wealth. The desire for Jincheng is almost like a flies chasing the smell. Where there is **** smell, they will immediately rush to wherever they are, and they can trample on the world. Most of the laws of the People's Republic of China are to find all the ways to make money from minerals, low yields, and state-owned assets.

This kind of primitive accumulation is quite disapproved by Fan Wubing. No matter what the exhibition will be, the initial means of getting rich through this way will eventually be backlashed. As the saying goes, I spit out what I eat, and return it when I take mine. .

After all, as long as your foundation is in a big six, as long as you don’t exaggerate on your ass, as long as the government is not satisfied with you, then trying to clean up you is just between your intentions, and the entire system is pressured on a certain group. It's as simple as trying to crush a fly.

In fact, luck is not Fan Wuyao’s subjective conjecture, but the reality that has existed for so many years. How many people on the rich list of the year have been wiped out because of this, those are lessons from the past.

Generally speaking, there are only two ways to survive in the domestic system without flaws. One of them is like Fan Wubing, who has grown into a large group overseas to enter the mainland and has inexhaustible use! Jin, took root in an industry that no one else could afford to invest in, and acted upright. Although it made money, others were only jealous, and could not find the slightest reason for attack.

Another is that it is completely high-tech. The technology is very high but the initial start-up funds are very small. In this way, it can also take a path that others cannot copy, and people can't fault it.

As for the little tricks I want to use on tax issues, it's better not to have it.

Regardless of whether it is China or a foreign country, taxation is the lifeblood of the country. Although there are big problems and loopholes in the current domestic taxation system, it is a limitation of the system. If you have it yourself Contemptuousness, thinking that others can't grasp your handle, then it's a big mistake.

As long as you make mistakes, you are not afraid that no one can magnify your mistakes by a hundred thousand times, crush you from the moral commanding heights, and then step on one hundred thousand feet, so that you will never turn over. This is also a domestic one. This is the usual practice.

If you are overseas, tax avoidance can also be regarded as a non-illegal right of taxpayers.

However, tax avoidance is generally contrary to the legislative consciousness of the tax law. It is the use of the insufficiency of the tax law to conduct anti-restraint and anti-control behavior, but it does not affect or weaken the legal status of the tax law. Tax avoidance is essentially a means for taxpayers to use the rights conferred by tax and sell to protect their vested interests under the premise of fulfilling their legal obligations.

Therefore, tax avoidance does not, does not conform to, and cannot fail to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the law. Tax avoidance is not a resistance and confrontation of statutory obligations, but a right that taxpayers should enjoy, that is, taxpayers have the right to make choices and decisions in accordance with the law.

For example, many people use the insurance system to reasonably avoid taxes. This is contemptible from a logical point of view, but it is legitimate from a legal point of view. However, there is obviously also a degree problem. There is a problem.

In response to the incompleteness and unreasonableness of the tax law exposed by tax avoidance activities, it is also the basic power that the country has to adopt amendments and adjustments. This is the only correct way for the country to deal with tax avoidance. In this regard, some well-known cases and judgments have long given clear answers.

For example, the famous American Judge Hande once pointed out that it is understandable that people can reduce their tax burden by arranging their own activities. In order to avoid or reduce tax burden, people can make arrangements for their own activities in advance to achieve the goal of reducing or exempting tax burdens in accordance with the law.

British MPs also pointed out that in the case of "The Commissioner of Taxation v. Grand Duke Niest", anyone has the right to arrange his own business so that he can receive less tax payment in accordance with the law. He cannot be forced to pay more taxes. Tax avoidance is not It is tantamount to tax violations.

Therefore, there is basically a consensus among all countries that only tax evasion is a typical tax violation for taxpayers. The so-called tax violation refers to the behavior of the subject of taxation legal relationship in violation of the national tax law in the process of tax collection and management.

The existence of tax violations is the basic prerequisite for the pursuit of legally responsible persons. "

Tax violations include the violation of the taxpayer and withholding agent, and the violation of the taxation entity, that is, the tax authority and tax personnel. The illegal acts of taxpayers include acts that violate the tax management system, as well as tax evasion, tax resistance, tax fraud, tax owing, etc.

It is undeniable that in the current domestic economic life, a considerable part of the various tax avoidance activities of enterprises, especially multinational enterprises, may have crossed the border and entered the illegal field. That just shows that the focus of tax work should be to combat various tax violations, including tax avoidance.

According to research estimates on China’s tax loss problem, from 1995 to 2000, the absolute amount of tax loss in each year was more than 400 billion yuan. In 1995, the amount of domestic tax losses was 447.4 billion yuan, and the tax revenue that year was 603.8 billion yuan, and the tax loss rate was as high as 42%.

By the two thousand years, China’s tax loss was 444.7 billion, and the tax revenue that year was 12,58.2 billion, and the tax loss rate was 26%, a decrease of 16 percentage point.

This change also shows that in recent years, the effectiveness of strengthening tax monitoring and combating tax crimes has been remarkable.

According to incomplete statistics, China’s annual capital increase or evasion is probably more than 70 billion yuan, and the amount of tax evasion is at least 50 billion yuan.

No wonder ordinary people say that if you want to do business, you all rely on industry and commerce, if you want to get rich, you all rely on taxes, and if you want to get fat, you rely on tax evasion.

Judging from the recent exposing profits of some companies by the domestic media, tax evasion is still a magic weapon for certain companies. It can be seen that cracking down on tax violations is still a top priority!

In the game of tax avoidance and anti-tax avoidance between the government and enterprises, it is a good time to perfect tax laws and regulations. Official conservative figures estimate that multinational companies have lost more than 30 billion yuan in tax revenue every year by means of transfer pricing.

Since there is such a big loophole, it is obviously a problem in the system. If you do not review your own relevant laws and regulations in a timely manner, and quickly improve your tax management level, nothing else will be futile.

In fact, Fan Wubing still has a speculation that he did not say, that is, there is still a bureaucratic problem in the tax department. With the help of the control of legislative power, he deliberately left countless operational loopholes in the tax law system. , In order to achieve their own purpose of using the power of legal interpretation to profit for themselves.

It's just that, in this way, they are embezzling a lot of taxes, but the tax losses they have caused to the country are quite large.

At this time, it is naturally necessary to combat tax evasion, and it is also necessary to standardize tax avoidance methods, but it is meaningless if you do not clarify the relationship from the root and plug the loopholes in the system.

At the same time, the anti-tax avoidance storm may also have many negative effects. Firstly, it may cause theoretical confusion, which may despise or even denounce the non-illegal nature of tax avoidance; secondly, it may shift the focus of taxation work, and cause heavy anti-tax avoidance and lighter blows against tax evasion; thirdly, tax avoidance can ultimately be divided into two types. One type is reasonable tax avoidance, the other type is illegal tax avoidance. The two are very difficult to distinguish and difficult to judge. Therefore, general anti-tax avoidance may cause some confusion in actual work. According to a large number of facts revealed in recent years Tax evasion and tax evasion are often associated with **, and focusing on tax avoidance and lightly cracking down on tax evasion may be exactly what **’s expectation is. This shows that anti-tax avoidance is certainly important, and more important than anti-tax avoidance is to combat tax evasion.

Seeing Mang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ compiled by no disease =: Information and suggestions, Fan Heng put in immediately, spent a whole morning studying these issues, until it was almost lunch. Only then did he come back to his senses.

"Call Wuxian, call him over for dinner, and say I plan to ask Boss Zhu to discuss this matter. It should be better for him to accompany him." Fan Heng secreted himself.

The secretary responded and turned to contact Fan Wuyi.

Fan Heng himself leaned back and sat in his chair to meditate. The many examples that Fan Wubing put forward can prove that the current tax policy is riddled with flaws and loopholes. If you don’t rectify it as soon as possible, the consequences will be Very serious, after all, overall economic income is growing, and the absolute amount of tax losses is also growing.

I’m still in place and can speak, and Boss Zhu is also a hateful person. If the two people join forces to propose this motion, the entire Politburo will also need to consider carefully, and then shift the focus of work. Besides, now It will not be long before the term of this government is about to expire. If the problem cannot be resolved within the term of office, then no matter whether I will stay in the next term, I will leave some regrets.

Since speaking is still useful now, then we must do more to benefit the country and the people.

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