
Vol 5 Chapter 1107: The situation is grim

However, bad news always follows.

Only in mid-April, there was news that an 8-inch wafer fab with a total investment of 300 million US dollars was about to settle in Qingdao High-tech Development Zone. After the completion of the plant, it will have a monthly production capacity of 30,000 wafers. After that, the second large-scale 8-inch wafer production line in the Bohai Rim region.

It is said that the vice governor of Shandong Province in charge of economic affairs specially instructed the relevant persons in charge of the Information Industry Department of the province not to let this project run away.

At the same time, Fan Wubing got another news that Jinan is also planning to set up a wafer fab. The production specifications have not yet been determined. It may be six-inch wafers or eight-inch wafers.

The Planning Office of the Shandong Provincial Department of Information Industry told reporters that although Shandong Wafer is basically a blank, their goal is to be a leader in the Bohai Rim Economic Belt. Whether it is Jinan or Qingdao, they will give strong support.

The main investor, Thailand's Chia Tai Group, has positioned the eight-inch wafer fab to target integrated circuits for home appliances, quad-cards, smart cards, integrated circuits for display driving, integrated circuits for computer peripherals, and integrated circuits for multimedia applications.

CP Group hopes to locate its factory in Qingdao, the home appliance manufacturing center in the Bohai Sea Rim, and hopes to cooperate with Haier. Industry experts believe that. The target customers of this fab's products are major manufacturers such as "Shandong Four" home appliances.

However, some people believe that the main business of CP Group is agriculture and animal husbandry, food and large cities. The only thing that is related to the fourth is that there are 2.6 million telecommunications operations in Bangkok, which are basically out of the line with wafers. It was a bit awkward to enter the wafer industry suddenly. The industry questioned whether their technical capabilities were really competent in this new technology industry.

"I think these people are crazy!" Fan Wuyao couldn't help complaining even if he was Tambin.

"What's wrong, doesn't this mean that the domestic chip manufacturing industry is booming?" Shen Ying, who was doing beauty care at home, asked curiously.

As the top young rich female in China. Shen Ying has her own professional nurse. From skin care to nutrition and health to sports guidance and image design, she is supported by a strong team, even at home, from fitness to bathing to beauty services. Dragon supporting service equipment.

Fan Wubing glanced at Shen Ying, who was soaking in the flower petal bathtub, with a lot of weird things on her face, and said to her, "The key is to look at the object. The CP Group and Si, Karma are not bound up at all. This time, it is obvious that they took someone else’s second-hand production line and went to the big six to enclose the land, but it was given as a treasure by the short-sighted local government."

As Fan Wubing guessed, Thailand's Chia Tai Group’s sales revenue reached 10 billion U.S. dollars last year. The good revenue background made Chia Tai Group start the idea of ​​wafers. Although they have no technology and no experience, they have money. . So when Taiwan's electronics industry was gearing up to enter the large 6-wafer market, CP Group felt that an opportunity had come, so it non-stop hired Hyundai and Taiwan's Milo Technology Co., Ltd. as partners to enlist in Shandong.

In fact, the Shandong side really attached great importance to this project. The vice governor in charge of this aspect was in a banquet for the representatives of three foreign companies including Zhengda Group. On the spot, I called the leaders of Qingdao and Zhang Ruimin, president of Haier Group, hoping that they would attach great importance to and coordinate the joint venture cooperation of the project, which shows that Shandong officials attach great importance to the wafer project.

Local media in Shandong also disclosed the matter. However, there is no mention of whether CP is cooperating with Haier or Hisense. However, according to the information received by Fan Wuyi, the cooperation between CP and Haier is a foregone conclusion.

According to the preliminary agreement, this is a self-investment. Foreign capital will account for 60% of the shares, and Haier will account for 40% of the shares with land, factories and some funds. The first phase of the project plans to invest 160 million U.S. dollars, which will form a scale of 15,000 8-inch wafers per month, and the second phase will invest 110 million U.S. dollars, which will eventually form a monthly production scale of 30,000 wafers. The joint venture will import eight-inch monocrystalline silicon wafers from overseas as substrates for the design and production of integrated circuits.

As for the media mention whether CP chooses Haier or Hisense to cooperate, Fan Wuyi analyzed that it was just a smokescreen released by CP Group, lest Haier ask for too high a price.

In fact, the joint venture between Haier and Zhengda Group to enter the wafer industry this time is not enthusiastic, but is in line with Haier's exhibition ideas. As early as two years ago, Zhang Ruimin invested 50 million yuan in Beijing Zhongguancun High-tech Park to establish Beijing Haier Integrated Circuit Design Co., Ltd., using the internationally popular 10,000-micron and old-micron technology.

The entry into the Shandong wafer project this time is just a further extension of Haier in the wafer industry chain. A one-stop industrial pattern including design, production, packaging, and testing has been formed.

"Actually, look at how to say this. It's. It's not good news for me, but for the entire domestic industry, there is still a...knowledge. Fan Wuyao scratched his head. Under the current situation , And not all electronics companies believe that the prospects of the wafer industry must be bright. For example, steel plans to launch competition in the wafer industry.

It was established in 1991 as a joint venture by the Steel Corporation Electronics. The company currently mainly provides semiconductor wafer manufacturing and packaging and testing services, with a six-inch wafer production line and several packaging and testing lines.

At the time of the establishment of the company, the Steel Group and Japan respectively held shares of the joint venture company Yuming Hejian. According to industry insiders, when the company was founded, it mainly produced concave products, and the benefits were very good at the beginning. However, after experiencing the catastrophe of the sharp drop in the price of the concave ball in 1997, it fell into a desperate situation.

In the two thousand years of sequential capital increase and share expansion, the shareholding structure of the steel group has changed. Most won the controlling stake of Meng Gill. Steel Group's shares are reduced to Gangrui.

It is currently reported that Steel will transfer all its shares in the hospital and completely withdraw from the semiconductor industry.

The analysts under Fan Wubing believe that. There are two possible reasons for steel to withdraw from the semiconductor industry. First, the expansion has been slow over the years, and it has not created sustained and better returns for the steel group. The second reason is that if you want to continue to expand the company, it will inevitably mean more investment. Due to the huge capital required for the semiconductor manufacturing industry, steel with steel as the main industry lacks experience in the operation of semiconductor companies, and continuous investment is risky for the steel group. Too big.

In fact, it was planned to invest one billion US dollars to build an eight-inch wafer production line last year. However, this plan was abandoned shortly after the announcement. After the plan was stranded, the steel group had considered buying all the shares it held and developing it on its own. In the end, it was decided to sell the shares after the risk issue.

It is Wuxi China Resources Group that may take over the steel shares.

As China’s efforts to impact the semiconductor industry, both the Bianbi and Wuxi China Resources, which were established together in the late 1980s and early 1990s, once occupied an important position in the domestic semiconductor industry.

However, with the rapid changes in the global semiconductor market, the two companies have shown different fates. After introducing strategic investors, China Resources smoothly transformed into a foreign holding company through restructuring, realizing market-oriented operation, and showing a trend of rapid expansion in the context of the recovery of the global semiconductor industry.

After China loses controlling rights, it becomes a global foundry base for electronics. This model has led to a slow development in wafer manufacturing, and the source of profit mainly depends on the back-end packaging and testing business.

"It should be said that there is no accident in the acquisition of China Resources." Fan Wubing said, "China Resources' expansion has been very obvious since the beginning of this year. Although Gangqi has been slow to expand in the external foundry business. However, due to the continuous promotion of the chip business, the institutional operation has been relatively effective. At present, the six-inch production line assets owned by the company still have certain quality, and the steel also has vacant plants to facilitate expansion. In addition, the performance in the packaging and testing business is also good, I believe these are the reasons that China Resources is fancy. In addition. Ninety due to investment Large-size wafer manufacturing will not only face huge financial pressures, but also face cruel global competition. China Resources has long established the idea of ​​using second-hand equipment to save costs. Purchasing existing six-inch production line assets is the fastest method of capacity expansion~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After hearing Fan Wuyao's explanation of the current situation of the domestic wafer industry, Shen Ying also had some understanding of this, so she asked, "So, what do you mean? Continue to fight, or withdraw from the market? "

"The chip is rugged. We definitely can't give up. In fact, the current 8-inch wafer competition is not a threat to Fan's. It just reduces our profits in this part of the market. Fan Wubing said, "My focus is still on technical research and design. For specific production, it can be maintained."

Fan's current Inner wafer production line is mainly based on eight inches, so there is no need to worry about being squeezed out of the market share too seriously. Within at least two years, these wafer industry manufacturers who want to enter the domestic market Businessmen, they still cannot pose a serious threat to Fan.

And what will happen after two years is another scene, and no one can predict what will happen in the future.

So what else do you have to worry about? Shen Ying asked strangely.

"Be prepared for a rainy day, not to mention that there are actually some shortcomings in the wafer industry war this time," Fan Wubing replied.

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