
Vol 5 Chapter 1108: Can't be secretive to others

Hand Lan Shangfan’s disease-free heart is now more contradictory, and it is difficult to get a whistle at all times."

The chip industry is the focus of future development. This does not need to be questioned. As far as the chip industry under the Fan Investment Group is concerned, Fan Wuyao invested a lot of time, energy and money in it to create the huge scale of the industry today. It is necessary to say that he is right It's impossible if you don't care about it.

It’s just that Fan Wubing has seen another point. Because of his sudden emergence, the wafer industry in the mainland is the only one manufacturer. Fan’s position is firmly in the leading position, while other existing companies can only drink soup. The move has aroused the jealousy of many companies.

After more than ten years of rapid development. Some large domestic enterprises have completed the primitive accumulation of capital, and have the capital and the ability to use their spare money to enter the lucrative high-tech industry.

Large-scale entry into the wafer manufacturing industry is actually a way for these companies to make their own voices. Although it is not explicitly stated, the meaning of challenging the Fan Investment Group is self-evident.

In fact, practitioners in mainland fabs now have different views on production expansion. One is that they advocate large-scale expansion of production capacity, and the other is that excessive expansion will hinder industrial development.

Experience has shown that many industries in the mainland are developing in a swarm. When the industry is optimistic about the market but blindly expanding production, the industry will fall into a vicious circle, and eventually everyone will not be able to make money.

For example, among the top ten four suppliers in the mainland, the deletion of Samsung Electronics and Texas Instruments will cover nearly 50% of the market. Even the big design companies such as Qualcomm and Broadcom are not in the front. Therefore, how can these market opportunities be? Whether it succeeds, it will be transformed into a business opportunity for the mainland design industry to further support the production capacity of the fab, or it needs to be carefully considered.

As for the future development advantages of the mainland fab and the challenges it will face, it can be based on four aspects: market, capital, talents, and technology. Look at it in terms of aspects. From the perspective of the market, the demand in the northern mainland market is expected to reach 120 billion U.S. dollars by 2010, but the supply capacity of mainland companies is only about 13 billion U.S. dollars, and there is a huge gap between them. Obviously it is a very attractive opportunity, and after three years, 70% of the more than three million university graduates in mainland China have a science and engineering background, which is enough to provide a huge resource of scientific and technological talents.

However, from the perspective of capital, the semiconductor market today is also facing fullness. When technology enters advanced manufacturing processes, the investment amount is high and recovery is even more difficult. Therefore, although many wafer manufacturers have expressed their intention to enter the mainland market. , But it is not easy for them to get the support of international funds.

Capital is profit-oriented, but capital must also consider the issue of risk.

Especially after the Internet market encounters a cold snap, international financial capital has become very sensitive, so Fan Wuyao can basically guess that although local governments are very keen to introduce wafer manufacturing, whether it is Thailand's CP Group or not , Or TSMC, will not invest too much capital in the mainland. This part of the capital is estimated to be obtained more from the bank channels in the mainland.

In fact, for some local government leaders in the mainland, it is not that these unfavorable situations are not invisible, and they are also very clear about the channels through which these funds are obtained after the project is implemented. I understand that although the chip industry looks beautiful, it is impossible to draw a certain conclusion whether it can make a profit, whether it can lead local companies out of the siege, build a local chip industry circle, and become a leader in the development of local economy and high-tech industries. s answer;

With the construction of such a large number of wafer fabs, can the gap between wafer fabs in Europe, America, Taiwan and the mainland continue to be shortened? This is a question of location.

From a technical point of view, the R&D amount of Taiwanese investment in the mainland's largest wafer fab currently under construction is one-fifth of TSMC and one-third of UMC. There is indeed a big gap in investment.

Another figure is that, based on the current investment of 2.5 billion U.S. dollars in the 12-inch wafer fab, with a monthly production capacity of 30,000 wafers, at least one will have to sell for $2,500 to make a profit.

It is difficult for new practitioners to compete. This is the entry barrier that the forerunner has set up.

Even if the mainland partners do not have to bear the cost of building the factory, they only have a new competitive model of manpower management. However, who will pay for the cost of building the factory is obviously the local government. Therefore, returning to the most fundamental problem, we must carefully consider the expansion plan. At the same time, it finds new special application fields and reduces costs. Even TSMC has to find a way to fill up its production capacity before it can be confident to invest in mainland China?

The reason why local governments are eager to introduce wafer fab projects. It is nothing more than thinking about one's own political achievements, which has a lot to do with the country's policy to encourage the development of the integrated circuit industry.

Because according to the industrial policy formulated by the central government, before the end of 2010, the profits of integrated circuit manufacturing companies, including packaging companies, after paying corporate income tax, will be directly invested in the company, which will increase the capital, and the operating period will be more than five hours. For the year, the income tax paid on the investment part will be refunded at a rate of 40%.

80% of the income tax paid by domestic and foreign economic organizations that are reinvested in integrated circuit or software production enterprises in the western region of the profits obtained in China by domestic and foreign economic organizations.

In order to encourage the development of the software industry and the integrated circuit industry, the central government agreed to establish a venture capital fund and actively attract domestic and foreign capital.

For general value-added taxpayers selling their self-produced integrated circuit products, including monocrystalline silicon wafers, before 2010, the part of the actual tax burden exceeding 3% will be refunded immediately and used by enterprises for research and development of new products. Integrated circuits and expanded reproduction.

Software companies with an annual export value of more than 5 million U.S. dollars and integrated circuit companies with an annual export value of more than 50 million U.S. dollars can clear customs in advance, online customs declaration, rapid customs clearance, on-site inspection and acceptance, and expedited customs clearance in accordance with relevant regulations. Convenient import and export customs clearance procedures such as guarantee acceptance.

At the same time, the import and export of goods of the above-mentioned enterprises may be subject to inspection and quarantine according to the principle of special affairs and urgent affairs, and convenient inspection and quarantine procedures shall be applied.

For integrated circuit manufacturers with integrated circuit line widths less than 0.8 micron, they will enjoy the preferential policy of two exemptions and three halves of income tax from the profit-making year, and their own production raw materials and consumables that cannot be produced in the country are exempt from tariffs and import links. VAT.

Such a policy is obviously very attractive to overseas investors and also very attractive to local governments.

Nowadays, one of the main criteria for measuring the performance of officials is the ability to attract investment. Just imagine that for any fab to land, its investment is measured in the order of hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, plus other supporting directions. The construction investment is very important for the local recession figures.

And there is another point. The significance of developing high-tech is quite different from that of large-scale construction of civil engineering and infrastructure. It is adapted to the development direction of the country's overall policy, and it is easier to obtain the approval and promotion of higher-level leaders.

Therefore, it is the biggest wish of many local officials to get the wafer manufacturing project to land as soon as possible and to land within their term of office. As for the future development, will it cause unfinished projects? That is not something that I can anticipate, nor is it something I should be concerned about. The future will naturally have a headache for the successor, at least their official career will become brighter due to the implementation of the project.

Because of this, Fan Xiubing has kept a low profile on this issue, even if he has realized that after the rapid development of the wafer manufacturing industry, the domestic wafer industry will become a mess. Inconvenience to this. The problem expresses its stance and raises objections, because this will offend a large number of people.

When a large group of officials who are eager to take this opportunity to achieve high positions because of Fan Wu's cold water poured down, leading to the correct response to the mainland's fab construction boom, Fan Wu's will obviously become Fan Hyung’s position and influence at the top has also been shaken due to the popular ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which is a very unfavorable situation.

A few more. In September, the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be convened. Some domestic situations will need to be adjusted, and a new collective leadership will be formed. Next year, the government will be re-elected. By that time, there will be great adjustments in personnel matters.

For Fan Hyung, who is only sixty-one years old, he has been at the national level for several years. His age, physical condition, and work ability are among the leaders at the same level. He is the best choice, and he takes over. The reform of state-owned enterprises in the past few years has also come to an end. It can be said that the prestige is growing.

Although Fan Heng himself and Fan Wubing have not considered making Fan Heng the number one figure or succeeding Zhu’s boss, it is logical to continue to serve as the executive vice premier. A state-level leader who has a calm mind and can hold his ground in the government as the Dinghai Shenzhen in the transitional period, this is the most suitable for Fan Heng;

Although Fan Wuyao has a sense of justice and a high sense of responsibility for the country and the people, considering the overall situation and considering the overall interests, he is really not suitable for offending too many people, so as not to affect the overall situation.

You must know that if it goes well, Fan Hyung can serve as a leader of the country for two more terms. It is not too late to retire at the age of 70. If this goal can be achieved, the overall benefits he has produced during his tenure will be. But it is much larger than stopping the disorderly commissioning of a batch of fabs.

With this. After weighing it, Fan Wuyao can hardly clearly state his position on this issue.

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