
Vol 5 Chapter 1109: Stance

In the near future, major manufacturers have rushed to the beach. With the large-scale construction of the fab Najiazhu, my father Fan Heng also expressed his concern and asked Fan Wuyi about the situation.

"This is a good thing, it's lively, and it can solve a lot of job opportunities for the mainland. It also has a very good role in cultivating skilled technicians." Fan Wubing said.

Fan Heng frowned and asked, "As far as I know, at least ten fab-related projects are going to start construction. Could it be said that the fourth market really has such a large capacity?"

What Fan Heng worries about is still a problem of market capacity. With such a large investment and the construction of so many fabs, the key is whether it can generate benefits. After all, the biggest obstacle in this area is Taiwan’s treatment of manufacturers such as TSMC. Because of the restriction on the investment quota, Taiwanese manufacturers can share both hands when they encounter financial obstacles, saying very innocently, you see, it’s not that I don’t have the money to invest in. The point is. It is the restrictions imposed by the authorities on the island, and it is impossible for us to invest more funds.

For this reason, when this happens, the big six manufacturers as joint venture partners will inevitably need to solve the problem of funding gaps, even as stated in TSMC’s announcement. They will build a fab project with sole proprietorship. But who can guarantee that there will be no one-and-a-half subprojects suddenly due to funding problems?

Once this happens, how will the local government react? Should we continue to support it with capital investment, or should we leave it alone and leave a regret?

Considering these circumstances, Fan Heng asked his son to ask carefully. After all, Fan Wuyi is a real person in the industry. The chip manufacturing plant under Fan Investment Group is also one of the largest domestic companies in the limelight. No difference.

Regarding the cross-examination of his father Fan Heng, Fan Wubing was too clear to say, so he just replied, "From the current situation, what everyone values ​​is that the labor cost in the mainland is relatively low, even if it is like Fan. For high-wage companies like Shih, the cost of production is much lower than that of Taiwan, so when their gross profit can reach 50%, our net profit can reach at least 70% or more."

"The chip manufacturing industry is so profitable?!" Fan Heng couldn't help being surprised after hearing this.

Fan Heng is obviously not difficult to understand what is the concept of 70% net profit compared with 50% gross profit. That's why he was so surprised. Of course he learned about this situation. There will also be a question, that is, once so many companies enter the Big Six, can they still maintain such profitability?

"Then it depends on how the market competition is, Fan Wuyi explained," Looking at it for now. Market demand is strong, but this is not absolute. After all, with the development of this market and the improvement of new wafer manufacturing technology, it is still difficult to judge how big the market for 8-inch wafer fabs is. . "

"If you say this, it means you didn't say it." nbsp;nbsp;" Fan Heng said after listening.

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't explain things about the market. I'm not a **** either."

Of course Fan Heng asked about Fan Wuyi. That’s just to be concerned. Although this is not the category he is in charge of personally, he always needs to know some information. After all, he is an executive vice premier, and sometimes he often attends some activities. If you don’t know about it, it’s a little bit. The child is too outdated.

From the current point of view, Shandong is the most enthusiastic about the construction of fabs.

When people in the industry describe the layout of China's integrated circuit industry, a very vivid statement is the swallow-shaped layout. The Yangtze River Delta has swallow heads, the Bohai Bay Area and the Pearl River Delta have double wings, and the west has swallow tails.

In this swallow-shaped layout, the Yangtze River Delta, which includes Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Xijiang at the head, has initially formed a complete four-industry chain including development, design, chip manufacturing, packaging and testing, and services, which is related to industry exhibitions. The agglomeration effect of the environment is prominent here.

In the Pearl River Delta, the North Design industry represented by companies such as ZTE, Huawei, Shenhu Guowei, and Actions in Zhuhai is relatively advanced. Relying on the huge market of electronic information industry in the Pearl River Delta, the integrated circuit industry in the Pearl River Delta has the wings to take off.

But Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning and Rang. Compared with the overall industrial advantages of the Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Bay area formed by the east is obviously only a geographical concept, and it cannot hold up a powerful wing. Even in the capital, it only has some reputation.

Perhaps it is these reasons that aroused Shandong's ambition to lead the wafer industry in the Bohai Rim region.

but. Without the presence of Thailand's Zhengda Group, Shandong's desire for wafer manufacturing can only stay at the stage of imagination. All they can do is wait, wait for technology, and wait for funds.

There are many well-known electronic product companies in Shandong, such as Haier, Hisense, Inspur, Aucma, Xiaoya, etc., which are veritable electronic industry bases, but most of the chips needed by these companies rely on imports to solve them.

Although Fan's Investment Group also has its own manufacturing base for the wafer industry, its own demand is very large. In addition, Fan Wubing has not rapidly expanded its production capacity, so the supply provided by Fan's can not fully meet the domestic demand. The needs of electronics companies.

It is precisely because of this that Thailand's CP Group realized that this is a huge business opportunity. The relevant parties in Shandong suggested that the two sides cooperated to build a fab, and the two sides naturally hit it off.

As a result, a foreign-funded alliance was formed instantaneously with interests as the link. Taiwan’s Milo will be mainly responsible for providing support for integrated circuit design and production technology, and South Korea’s Hyundai will provide advanced production equipment, technology, technology, and management. Thailand CP Group provides partial financial support.

But even in Shandong, some experts do not hold much hope for Qingdao to build an eight-inch wafer project. In their opinion, it is very difficult and difficult for Qingdao to build an eight-inch wafer project.


Now the eight-inch wafer projects in Beijing, Shanghai or Shenzhen are all at a loss, and Qingdao will inevitably repeat the same mistakes. The wafer project has a high technical content and requires a good industrial atmosphere, such as the connection of upstream and downstream industrial chains, which Qingdao does not possess.

The wafer industry needs three elements: team, capital, and atmosphere. Qingdao has no advantages in these aspects. It is not as good as Jinan, because there is now a four-inch wafer factory under the Jinan Semiconductor Research Institute. The technicians have been trained. Six inches should be no problem.

In addition, wafer production traces require a large amount of nitrogen, which is available in steel plants. Jinan High-tech Zone is far away from Jinan Iron and Steel. The public said "It is easy to solve.

Although Qingdao is a base for electronic products, these are not necessarily the natural customer base of the Qingdao fab in the future, because in the end, which product these potential customers choose depends on the market. Quality and price are the most fundamental. There is no guarantee that Yuanchang has a comparative advantage in these two aspects.

According to this line of thinking, Shandong has another idea, that is, Jinan will also compete with Qingdao to develop its own wafer industry.

Obviously, such a conclusion came out of the competition for political achievements. However, Jinan's thinking is also very strange. They believe that the current trend of eight-inch wafers should not be caught up, and should be based on the actual situation and choose six inches as a breakthrough.

Experts in Jinan said that because Jinan now has a four-inch wafer production line in the economic development zone itself, the technology is very mature, and the transition to six-inch wafers can be relatively smooth. According to their calculations, it is now possible to buy an old six-inch wafer production line at a cost of about 20 million yuan, and there is still market demand for six-inch wafers, which is very suitable for Jinan.

When Fan Wubing heard the news. The first feeling is that there must be something tricky in it. This statement is more like a public opinion propaganda in a certain action. How can a six-inch production line have more market prospects than an eight-inch production line? This is simply nonsense. It's almost the same for a layman who doesn't understand it. It's simply untenable.

In fact, the next situation is exactly like this.

There was news that Jinan High-tech Zone and Taiwan Huahui Holdings Co., Ltd. signed a 200 million U.S. dollars agreement. Huahui will invest 200 million U.S. dollars to build a wafer fab in the high-tech zone. The short-term goal is six inches. The long-term plan is Eight inches.

However, when the media talked about the matter with relevant people in the Jinan High-tech Zone, they all kept secret and refused to involve too much.

Fan Wubing was more interested in this, so he asked Fan's people over there to inquire carefully. Sure enough, some clues appeared. It turned out that a few young people today learned that Jinan might have the idea of ​​competing with Qingdao and want to enter the fab project. Just improvised a piece of imaginary company called Huahui, and wanted to take this business. According to the speculation of the parties in Jinan, this group had a second-hand six-inch wafer production line in their hands and wanted to sell it to Jinan at a high price, and its actual value could not be worth 200 million US dollars.

With such a large investment and a production line that is seriously unequal, there is nothing tricky about it. Obviously, don't ask.

In fact, according to more and more intelligence. This time, whether it is policy or capital. Or the Taiwanese businessmen who are actively cooperating to enter the Big 6 market have come for a good job. Behind these big projects, there are some relatively large interest groups that are controlling, and several of them are hidden in the government. Be in control of the overall situation behind the scenes.

After Fan Wubing learned about this situation. He is even more reluctant to intervene. After all, a bachelor is not a way of making money. A hero is a good one, and a sense of justice is never lacking. But because of this matter, it is really not worth it.

In fact, he is also better able to understand the minds of these people, because the term is about to change. If you don't take advantage of the current words to help, make some money for the old age. After stepping down, life will not be easy. Now this era is the era of money. If there is no money in their hands, people will look down on it, especially those in the office are even more anxious. If the last train can't catch up, there will be no hope for the happy life in the future.

In a word, power cannot always be in your own hands, but money can really benefit future generations. Everyone already thinks about this very well.

Fan Wubing has considered it very clearly. Although the major electronic companies are currently on the move, they are still a little unsure, because they don't know what Fan's actions will be or what targeted actions will be taken.

Someone had previously suspected that Fan already had the strength to put the 12-inch wafer production technology into production, but it has always been disturbed. The main thing is to fully display the benefits of the 8-inch wafer production line. After all, the construction of a production line is It takes a lot of money to spend a lot of money, and Fan Wubing cannot squander wantonly.

However, Fan Investment Group has never made a positive statement on this issue. The company's executives are even more secretive about this issue and refuse to make a clear statement. Therefore, the media has generally doubted Fan Investment Group's latest technology. There are even many media speculations that Fan's technology is not as advanced as they advertised. It is just the result of the exchange of interests with some foreign chip companies that have led to the current 8-inch wafer production line.

In response to this issue, Fan Wubing made some explanations in an interview with a CCTV reporter. He said that Fan Investment Group did not rely on technology exchange to achieve its current achievements. In the chip manufacturing industry, Fan has its own. The independent intellectual property research team, and the design and production capacity are equally excellent, the eight-inch production line has been completely self-manufactured.

Questions about 12-inch wafer production technology ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He also said that his technical team has been making unremitting efforts to this end. If there is good news, he will definitely report the good news to everyone as soon as possible. At the same time, he also explained some of the obstacles that Fan has encountered. After all, it is not easy to develop a new 12-inch wafer production line. Fan's start in this industry was relatively late. From the perspective of qualifications and technological accumulation, there is a relatively large gap with Taiwan's electronics manufacturers.

"Although we face many obstacles. At the same time, we will encounter more competitors in the manufacture of eight-inch wafers. However, as an international conglomerate, Fan's efforts will not give up in this regard. This is certain. "Fan Wuyao said to the CCTV reporter.

Just after Fan Wubing made a statement to CCTV reporters, the media also noticed a detail. The Taiwanese businessman Wang Rongchang, who cooperated with Fan Wubing, had already sold his equity in Fan's chip manufacturing company. And invest in other areas of exhibition.

This signal made many people feel that although Fan Wubing said that he would continue to adhere to the efforts in wafer manufacturing, Fan's apparently did not make a breakthrough in the manufacturing of 12-inch wafers. Otherwise, Wang Rongchang would not resolutely choose to launch it.

In this way, those people who had scruples in the first place were really relieved.

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