
Vol 5 Chapter 1110: Education leads to poverty

Naturally, the position of Fan Investment Group in the chip manufacturing industry should not be underestimated. The word "to be free from disease" immediately attracted the attention of the domestic business community.

In the column "Daily Financial Interview" hosted by Zhang Qi, several experts also talked about the deep meaning of Fan Wu's speech. It is generally believed that Wang Rongchang's withdrawal is probably not in line with the current fab investment boom. It doesn't matter. Because once so many competitors are introduced, the advantage of Fan's eight-inch wafer production line will no longer be.

Merchants are profiting in business, and the cooperation between Wang Rongchang and Fan Wubing was originally due to the combination of interests. At this time, the separation of interests is also inevitable, which also reflects from the side, probably Fan's efforts on the 12-inch wafer production line. Far from reaching the expected goal, Wang Rongchang chose to retreat.

While Fan's 8-inch wafer production line is still making money, Fan Wubing will not complain too much about Wang Rongchang on the issue of stock withdrawal, and it is said that the two will continue to maintain cooperative relations in other areas.

But in any case, Fan's most important partner in wafer production, Wang Rongchang's withdrawal, shows that Fan's previous remarks were insincere, and Fan's competitiveness in this regard. Make people have to have strong doubts.

Some people also think that there is probably something wrong with the cooperation between Fan Wubing and Wang Rongchang. Although they both strongly deny it now, it can be seen. Knowing that so far, Wang Rongchang has not decided to continue to cooperate with Fan in a certain aspect, which has also become one of the collapse of the two cooperative relations.


It's just that all of this is speculation. The industry has expressed great respect for where Fan's chip manufacturing industry will go after losing his important partner, Wang Rongchang.

"The prince really broke off with you?" Zhang Qi, who finished the show, asked very curiously when meeting with Fan Wuyi. Fan Wuyao nodded and admitted.

"In the face of the surging number of electronics manufacturers, do you feel very stressed?" Zhang Qi asked again.

"Pressure is inevitable," Fan Wuyao replied, "It turned out to be your own exclusive business. Now a dozen or so suddenly appeared. Competitors, how can you be happy?"

The appearance of more than a dozen competitors means that market competition has become fierce, although the current domestic and foreign capacity for chip manufacturing is still large. The room for value-added is also vast, but after more than a dozen companies rushed in, the impact on this market would be a fool's imagination.

Two people are sitting in a tea house drinking tea. Although it is relatively quiet here, there are still a lot of regular customers in the open space. It seems that some people have recognized Cui Qi and have come to ask for autographs, regarding Fan Wuyi’s identity. , But no one can recognize it. It can be seen that financial figures are actually much worse than the celebrities in the entertainment industry. If they are compared with CCTV hosts, they are far worse.

But compared with celebrities, the life of the host is relatively free, at least not because of the fans’ reasons to be afraid to expose their private living space. On the contrary, the host of CCTV never has to worry about this, because they or Their job opportunities are given by the TV station, not from fans.

For the host of CCTV, it is good to have more supporters, but it is harmless without them. For the entertainment stars, fans are very important, just like someone who has sang and loved you for ten thousand years. The same as the Uranus superstar. I have never dared to talk about my affairs positively.

"In a few days, we will go to Hangzhou to participate in a live event" Zhang Qi said to Fan Wuyao while drinking tea.

"Hangzhou, okay, Fan Wuyao nodded and said, "The beautiful scenery of West Lake is March, and the spring rain is like wine and willow. Xu Xian first met the White Lady, but it was in this season. "

"Yes, I don't know if you have time to go?" Cui Qi asked expectantly.

Fan Wubing thought about it for a while and said, "The prince's new house in Hangzhou has been installed, and he is about to go over to express his congratulations. If I want to come, I can go with you. This season is a good time to visit the West Lake."

"Then it's settled!" When Wei Qi heard Fan Wuyao's agreement, she naturally felt more happy.

The two chatted, talking about Fan's actions in helping students this year.

"This year's investment is relatively large, and the development of the domestic education industry also makes me feel more worried. The proportion of personal investment in education has become larger and larger." Fan Wuyao frowned and said.

Zhang Qi is not very clear about this, but she said, “The platform is going to organize an event for the host to experience the study and life of impoverished students in remote mountainous areas, and serve as a teacher for a day in order to increase the importance of education in the whole society. Especially for the importance of poor students, I have already signed up, and it is estimated that I will be out next month."

"Oh, this kind of activity should be attended." Fan Wubing nodded affirmatively.

Previous. During the period, Fan Investment Group conducted a general survey on the investment in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, and the current situation is not optimistic. Increasing personal input has caused greater pressure on the family.

As far as high school investment is concerned, personal investment has accounted for more than 70%. Although the increase in high school education investment is second only to universities, the state's investment is much smaller, and its sources of funding are more dependent on individuals.

In response to the expansion of university enrollment, the number of high school students has increased rapidly by an average of 10% every year. This year there are 22 million high school students, an increase of more than 60% from five years ago. Although the state investment has increased. However, the school's fee standard is increasing by close to 20% every year. This year, the average personal investment of high school students is close to 5,000 yao. Become the main source of high school input.

It can be said that high school has become the second focus of personal education investment in addition to universities.

As for the investment in junior high schools, it can be said that there is only a name for compulsory education, and there is no such thing as compulsory education. According to the provisions of the Compulsory Education Law, the cost of compulsory education is mainly borne by governments at all levels, especially accounting for the total. Three-quarters of personnel expenditures and infrastructure expenditures should all be borne by finances, and public expenditures should also be mainly financed. Only a small amount of miscellaneous fees will be charged to the students to supplement the shortcomings.

However, the reality is that the average national investment for junior high school students this year is only about 1,000 yuan, which is less than half of the more than 2,000 yuan invested by individuals. The word "duty" has long existed in its name.

The situation in elementary schools is slightly better than that in junior high schools, although personal investment is also higher than that of the state. However, the increase was relatively slow, and it was the slowest increase in personal investment among all school levels. As a result, there was a gratifying phenomenon that the proportion of national investment increased and the proportion of personal investment decreased.

Strictly speaking, early childhood education should not be included in the education series. The state does not require children under six to enter nursery schools. In fact, most rural children do not enter nursery schools. All children in kindergartens across the country account for only about half of all school-age children. .

Based on this, the state only invests in about 20% of kindergartens, and about 80% of children in kindergartens do not enjoy it, so personal expenses always account for more than 90%.

However, urban families regard early childhood education as a substantial education stage and are willing to spend a lot of money. On the other hand, in order to survive, kindergartens have to make decisions on children, so the various fees are very expensive, and the personal investment amounts to more than two thousand yuan.

"We have made a statistics. From kindergarten to university graduation, the standard school system is 19 years. According to the actual level of this year, the training of children to university requires a total investment of more than 130,000, of which the state invested 45,000. , The social investment is more than 5,000, and the personal investment has reached more than 80,000. For most families, this burden is still relatively heavy." Fan Wubing said to Zhang Qi.

This burden is indeed heavy. In terms of the previous income of ordinary urban workers. That is more than five hundred yuan a month. The income is only 6,000 yuan a year. Except for the daily necessities, there is very little left. Even if you are a dual worker, it is more difficult to save 80,000 yuan for children’s education expenses, not to mention. When it comes to this, there may be various unexpected situations.

"Education should help people get rid of poverty and get rich. But in some respects, education has become a new trend, which is obviously abnormal." Fan Wubing said to Zhang Qi, "I always think of this problem. , It makes me feel very frustrated."

After Zhang Qi listened to Fan Wuyi's words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the tea cup she held in her hand stopped moving, and she said for a long time. "Oh, our meal of tea is probably enough to help a poor elementary school student in a mountainous area complete a year of school."

Fan Wubing smiled when he heard the words, “That’s not what we say. After all, our money is not brought by the wind. Charity is to be done, and we must do it with our heart, but we don’t need to have anything because of it. Psychological burden, after all, only when we have created value can we be able to help others. At this point, we have a clear conscience. Therefore, we should eat as we should, and play as we should, and don’t make ourselves unhappy. "

Zhang Qi nodded and continued to drink tea.

After a few days, Zhao Qi and the others went out to Hangzhou. Fan Wuyin took Zhang Qi on his private jet and went out first, to Hangzhou, and then settled in his house by the West Lake.

Tong Xiaoyun and others in Shanghai also rushed over when they heard the news, and suddenly there was a lively scene here.

CCTV also wants to hold a large party here, always preparing for two days. Just in time, when Wang Rongchang learned that Fan Wuyi had arrived, he kindly invited them to come together in his new house and have fun together.

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