
Vol 5 Chapter 1116: Telecom split

In fact, the authority of the rule of man has experienced the introduction of the market economy. Chuanwang seems to be dispelled by the diversified interest orientation in real life. in other words. That is, the authority of the superior leadership is long gone, replaced by pure money worship.

"It is precisely because of the relationship between the rule of man and the disrespect of the law from top to bottom that caused today's evil results." Fan Wubing said to Tong Xiaoyun. "Since most of the time you can spend money to find a relationship to settle things, then apart from the worship of money, who would be afraid of the law? The authority of the leader only exists in the use of the state apparatus through the scope of the law. Time, otherwise who would be afraid of him?"

Fan Wubing's words naturally meant something. In February last year, the National Security Supervision Bureau was established. It should be said that this is an effort towards the rule of law.

The Coal Management Bureau, which has always been responsible for the regulation and safety management of the coal industry, is about to face institutional reforms being cancelled. It seems that safety issues will be exclusively managed by the Safety Supervision Bureau and local offices, but there are only a dozen people in the safety supervision office in a city. There are three cars, and there are more than 600 coal mines in the whole city that have only obtained licenses. If you want to talk about supervision, you can't run or break your legs.

According to the regulations of the State Council, the small coal mines that have been suspended for rectification have not passed the acceptance check before the end of last year. All are regarded as illegal mines.

According to reports, it is only Shanxi Province, a major producer of media, that has only completed the inspection and acceptance of 900 coal mines since the beginning of the resumption of production. The coal mine decided to take a risk while waiting.

According to an insider, media mining is an industry that requires continuous operations. Such shutdowns are the most dangerous because gas will accumulate in large numbers. In particular, some coal mines are afraid of the sudden arrival of inspection teams and dare not even open large-scale fans. Terrible.

It is worth noting that safety supervision is directly under the leadership of the state and has no human, financial, or material relationship with the locality.

This raises a question. If you don't have the power to decide other people's personnel and financial rights, why should others listen to you? What can it do if you let it take care of things it can't control? Is it to condemn and appeal loudly?

Some people have also suggested that the Butterfly Charcoal Department should be restored. Every institutional reform involves the Ministry of Coal Mining. Such a complex and high-risk industry. Now there is no headquarters. Who will make industry plans and be responsible for daily safety management?

This is a natural way of thinking. In the chaos of deconstruction and structure, leaders and police can always find more urgent reasons for existence. But the same problem will arise again. Such an industry that is still holding a national coal production order meeting and has a strong plan for many years has retained its path to leadership and authority. This mechanism will inevitably continue to strengthen itself.

Almost anyone can predict the methods it might use, that is, meetings, files, and surprise inspections. But market behavior and socialized mass production have already been punished with the evil consequences of death. It doesn't matter whether the meeting or the issuing of documents three orders and five applications, surprise inspections or severe punishments, they are of no real use, because they are not serious.

Fan Wubing said to Tong Xiaoyun, “If B recognizes the legitimacy of A’s control of B, A has authority over B, or if B admits that he is obliged to obey A, then A has authority over B. But in China, it often happens. Faced with such pain, a good foreign system is often rejected or even killed by the powerful body slimming system before it has shown its superiority. The government security management department as a vested interest lacks The impetus for reforming management methods to promote the rule of law still hopes to expand administrative power through these unpredictable actions. Even if it is not for the purpose of power rent-seeking, the obedience to the leadership is endogenous, and the obedience to the system is external. For those who have died, we must find such a good institutional authority as quickly as possible and with as little cost as possible. For a society, the lack of authority is a more serious problem than **."

But Tong Xiaoyun said, "Doesn't that mean. My father provoked a dispute?"

"Rights and wrongs exist in the first place, it doesn't matter whether they are provoked or not," Fan Wubing replied.

In fact, the propaganda workers in Fan Wu's imagination must first get used to telling the truth. Only when credibility is established can someone believe what you say. Otherwise, just listen to the CCTV news every day. What about the Propaganda Department?

He is not very worried about Tong Yushan's affairs, in fact, as long as Fan Heng has a firm foothold. And if you can smoothly transition to the next government, it is easy to take care of Tong Yushan, not to mention that there is the entire Fan Investment Group behind it. Few people will ignore this.

After the time has entered May, things have become more numerous.

On May 16, China Telecom and China Netcom were formally established.

The establishment of China Telecom and China Netcom is a major event. As an important part of deepening the reform of the domestic telecommunications system, Ruguo Telecom Group Corporation and China Net Lexin Company were killed in Beijing on the same day": Letter from Fan Heng, Member of the Standing Committee of Ruzhi Bureau and Executive Vice Premier of the State Council Congratulations.

Fan Heng said in the letter that the formation of China Telecom Corporation and China Network Communications Corporation is an important measure to deepen the reform of the telecommunications system and further promote the development of China’s telecommunications industry. He hopes that the two groups will seize the opportunity of this reorganization. The country implements the historical opportunity of informatization-driven industrialization strategy, accelerates the establishment of a modern enterprise system, and strives to provide the masses of people with high-quality and efficient information and communication services.

At the establishment meeting of the two groups, the Minister of the Ministry of Information Industry pointed out that the guiding principles for the reform of the telecommunications system are to break monopoly, fair competition, optimize allocation, and strengthen supervision. Work in areas such as universal service promote fair competition in the market.

At the inaugural meeting, the general manager of China Telecom Group Corporation and the general manager of China Network Communications Corporation made a speech respectively.

The original China Telecom Group was split from north to south by region. The new China Telecom and Netcom Group were officially listed. The original intention of the North-South split of telecommunications was to break the fixed-line monopoly and promote effective competition. Small Netcom and Jitong merged to form New Netcom, which was later called Big Netcom. The total assets of New Netcom total more than 220 billion yuan.

After its establishment, the Netcom Group began a difficult integration. According to the opinions of the State Council, Netcom's development plan is a trilogy of integration, restructuring, and listing. Netcom Group spent a whole year, spending most of its time and resources on asset integration. However, because the small Netcom and Jitong are not purely state-owned, especially the small Netcom, the original complex shareholding structure makes the integration very difficult. Big Netcom does not control the equity of Little Netcom and Jitong. This determines that it is difficult for Netcom Group to achieve complete control over two independent telecom operators.

Because Netcom is imminent overseas. Integration must also serve the listing. They are also recently considering the establishment of Netcom International, which will become the three largest companies of Netcom together with Netcom South and Netcom North. In order to meet the needs of Netcom Group to go public, international companies, as part of the overall listing, will gradually be reorganized into international branches, making Netcom International a major selling point in the listing process of Netcom. The integration will not enter the substantive stage until after the successful listing of Netcom.

As we all know, at the end of the last century, the state implemented reforms to postal and telecommunications companies. From 1998 to the present, the paging split, the post and telecommunications division, the mobile separation in 1999, and the telecommunications fixed-line exhibition until the end of last year. Like the sun in the sky. The results are beyond doubt.

This time, the State Council once again reorganized China Telecom, implementing Southern China Telecom, Northern Netcom, and North-South Division. Govern across the river. In fact, after the rule of Gejiang, the North-South communications operators were faced with unprecedented confusion and difficulties. Only China Mobile exhibited rapid progress and formed a dominance in the future.

In fact, it is not difficult to see the arbitrariness of the leadership's decision-making from this time under the rule of Xiaojiang.

South Telecom and North Netcom were ruled across the river. Has it been exhibited? The answer is yes. Not only did it fail to develop, but it shrank. In the end, even the salary was almost gone. After several reorganizations, some upper-level people behind the scenes made a lot of money. For them, money is the last word.

This has also led to the rapid increase in the salaries of senior executives in the telecommunications industry. It is even worse than that of the senior executives of International Capital. The salary of tens of millions a year is still poor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, at the same time, the grassroots. The income of employees is indeed very small.

Fan Wubing's views on the reorganization of the telecommunications industry are also quite contradictory. In fact, he is also very clear that the current domestic business subdivision method is actually only a geographical division, and it has not achieved any changes to the monopoly business in terms of business. Unless several telecom operators operate all the current telephone and data services at the same time and stand on the same starting line, real competition can be formed. As for now, it's just stealing the ears and stealing the bells. I say that I am not a monopoly industry.

This de facto monopoly is actually more harmful. Low-cost competition is the biggest reason for the lack of vitality of enterprises, and the mobile company that monopolizes the wireless business is dominated by its de facto high-growth monopoly business.

On May 20th, the Eastern Han Democratic Republic was established.

On May 24th, Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President George Walker Bush signed the "Russia-US Treaty on Reduction of Offensive Strategic Forces" in Moscow. On May 25, Taiwan's China Airlines Flight Quotation broke up and crashed off Penghu while en route from Zhongzheng Airport to Hong Kong. All 225 passengers and crew members on board were killed.

On May 31, the first World Cup jointly hosted by the two countries, the Korea-Japan World Cup opened in Seoul.

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