
Vol 5 Chapter 1017: The largest single export commodity

The reorganization of the telecommunications industry is more complicated nbsp;nbsp;"Fan Xinshier sees clearly in different ways... said.

The four former paging companies were removed from the original post and telecommunications office to establish the Guoxin paging company. After the Yuedudian branch was established respectively the post office. This reform of the telecommunications bureau can be called the first reorganization of telecommunications.

One year ago, China Mobile was separated from the telecommunications bureau to establish a mobile company nbsp;nbsp;At the same time, the original telecommunications bureau changed its name to the telecommunications company and transferred the Guoxin Paging Company to China Unicom for a reason. Because at that time China Unicom was facing the risk of bankruptcy. Having to save this was a piercing pain for the original China Telecom.

One after another is a small Netcom company. The establishment of Jitong Company began to form a so-called competitive situation in the telecommunications industry market, which can be called the second reorganization of telecommunications.

This is the first time that the telecommunications reorganization took place. The northeast province flies to the five northern provinces and cities, plus Shandong. Henan gathered ten provinces and cities to establish China Netcom except Taiwan Province. The remaining 21 provinces and cities established China Telecom.

The first and second reorganization of telecommunications can be said to be forced.

At that time, the country made several conditions in order to join... One of them is to allow China to open up the telecommunications market. Otherwise, they cannot join...four and be forced to reform. Create conditions for foreigners nbsp;nbsp;The State Council has begun to split telecommunications.

At the time when the telecom reorganization, domestic experts, professors and scholars have rallied to propose vertical dismantling and dismantling, media reporters accepted instructions to keep up with public opinion. What telecommunications monopoly is hyped nbsp;nbsp;It is the clamor on the rise nbsp;nbsp;is nothing more than to split up and create momentum.

In fact, it is nonsense to promote monopoly in China nbsp;nbsp;China Railways. China Power, PetroChina, Sinopec, etc., are not all monopolistic industries?

At that time, it was just a kind of guiding public opinion released to build momentum for the purpose of joining the WTO.

The telecommunications industry is one of the country's leading industries. It has a pivotal impact on the development of the national economy, and the monthly telecommunications industry is a very systematic and networked industry with the characteristics of non-stop throughout the entire network and the entire network. The coverage of the telecommunications industry chain involves thousands of households and every Chinese Communication between a corner, customers and foreign countries can be said to be ubiquitous nbsp;nbsp;In today's world, communication exists as long as there are people.

Telecommunications resources are also the country’s limited resources. Therefore, telecommunications network security and information security involve the unity of national sovereignty and the country’s political and economic aspects. Military security.

The first reorganization of China Telecom this year is to engage in integration.

Fusion Jitong Company was able to recover about 400 million in assets but 14 billion in liabilities. I don’t know where the remaining funds of the country’s investment of tens of billions are. "Fan Heng said depressedly to Fan Wubing nbsp;nbsp;I can think of such a large damage nbsp;nbsp;There is no breeding inside **This fusion nbsp;nbsp;In fact, it is a huge one. Heavy . The burden of being burdened by Qiangqian was left to China Netcom and instead used the establishment of Northern Netcom to cover up their affair. This is where the trickery lies."

Fan Wubing is also relatively speechless. After all, some things are not what you want to intervene and have the ability to intervene. It is difficult for a powerful interest group to act when they want it. This time, the North-South Dismantling Assembly used them as shade cloth umbrellas.

This person's ability to take advantage of the situation is very powerful nbsp;nbsp;" Fan Wuyao couldn't help sighing.

Can borrow to join... a few weeping opportunities nbsp; nbsp; seize the time to salvage the special fishing can also be easily removed from the bow nbsp; nbsp; At the same time, it can also drive a large group of so-called experts and scholars to build momentum for themselves. This is not something that ordinary people can do but is caused by the energy of a group nbsp;nbsp;Even Gao Zuo was forced to accept this result because he was worried that he would be more troublesome.

In fact, the current simple split has no practical significance for eliminating monopoly, and it is not very good for the people of Xi. On the contrary, there has been a larger-scale waste of resources after China Mobile, China Mobile and China Fengxin. China Netcom. China Unicom. Five companies including China Railcom have invested a total of 12,000 billion yuan in the construction of telecommunications infrastructure in the next few years. Due to the lack of overall planning, the problem of repeated investment highlights the low utilization of network resources and the utilization rate of optical cables is only about one-third nbsp;nbsp; ; And increase the company's discount and maintenance costs.

China Telecom and China Netcom have invested more than 50 billion yuan in the establishment of a local telephone network for the company under the condition that there is already a local telephone network in the area dominated by the other party. 50 billion yuan to build a new fixed-line telephone network for the enterprise.

It can be said that the number of repeated constructions is astonishing and a huge waste of labor and money.

Repeated construction leads to waste of base station land for optical cable lines and pipelines. Waste of steel, urban and rural landscapes have been destroyed, increased radiation sources in residential areas, waste of human resources nbsp;nbsp;The waste of maintenance expenses is transferred to users, and the increase in costs, etc. This waste can basically be avoided. "Fan Wubing pointed out nbsp;nbsp;The communication operators are fighting for users nbsp;nbsp;to grab the site. They have exhausted their brains and used their gimmicks. Today’s one, tomorrow’s discount surface, "looks dazzling and dances fiercely." In fact, there are many troubles and disputes over tariffs in the public model, which are endless; deceiving consumers and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers frequently creates disorderly competition in the telecommunications market. "

As Fan Wuyao said, operators are competing for their own interests to restrict each other and compete for construction. Fighting guns and even fighting incidents, the computer room often troubles this ghost and so on.

As a result of constant internal disputes in the industry, it is the consumers who are harmed because of interconnection and intercommunication. The supervision department came forward to mediate, but I don’t know how many red-headed documents have been laid down to regulate the loss of profits and gains. The result is a dead letter that looks so pale and weak.

For the listing, it is not for ordinary people nor for employees, because most employees do not have shares, but CEOs of different levels hold different numbers of shares. Not in China, but listed in Hong Kong and New York separately. Its purpose is nothing more than turning state-owned assets into private domestic money and transferring foreign money to foreign countries. It is more like money laundering for a new interest group. That’s all. "Fan Wuyao's remarks seem to be overwhelming.

It is said that Fan Wubing has always paid little attention to this matter, because it is said that when there is no consensus at the senior level and work together to deal with something, you bring up this kind of thing. It is nothing more than that. It was disgusting, especially when Fan Wuyao knew that some of them had a more obscure appeal for concubines in this matter and had no idea. It's nothing more than the father and son analyze this matter at home

Don't rush and be patient nbsp;nbsp;" Fan Heng also said helplessly.

He also stayed at the top level for a while. Actually, it's the same thing when he saw it off. Therefore, Fan Hyung now also knows very well that he can only do big things from these aspects of his own management. It's nothing to stare at the right that others are holding in his hands. There is no benefit and it can only cause misfortune to himself.

Yao Ming is going to fight the show nbsp;nbsp;" Fan Wubing is unwilling to talk more about this issue. After enjoying the remote control board, he turned on the TV nbsp;nbsp;Then he saw the teenager Yao Ming preparing to go to Chitu.

Well, he was the draft champion of the Show Rookie Game last year. He already signed with the Houston Rockets.

Fan Heng nodded.

Recently, some people have been laughing and saying that the biggest single commodity that China exports abroad this year is a basketball player named Yao Ming. The 2.26-meter-tall Asian giant went to the American Professional Basketball League to play as a draft champion.

Someone settled the bill for him nbsp;nbsp;He can have two in the game. Yi Meiwu's income does not include his huge income from off-site sponsored advertisements. This value alone is equivalent to China’s export of one million tons of rice or 500,000 tons of steel, or 2.4 million televisions, or 6.3 million bicycles, or one million tons, when converted to the value of international commodities at the time. crude. Or 65 million meters of silk.

Yao Ming should be a young man who was classified as a post-80s.Although Wang Zhibu and Battelle had already had Wang Zhibu and Battelle to play in Zhao before, they were mostly cold benches. Now most people are guessing whether Yao Ming will go to Zhao to play this time. If the two previous seniors also joined the bench army

By the way, I really forgot about it if I didn't see this news. "Fan Wuyao scratched his head and said nbsp;nbsp;This is an advertising superstar nbsp;nbsp;Although he has not achieved any results yet. But I am very optimistic that he has to send someone to talk about it later. Sign a long-term advertising contract"

You are so optimistic about him" Fan Hyung seemed curious.

In his opinion, although the height of this teenager is indeed dominant, according to experience nbsp;nbsp;Basketball is not only the height that determines everything, so how far he can go in Peng finally depends on whether his technical growth is impressive. Satisfaction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, Fan Wuyi's eagerness to invest in him was obviously unexpected to Fan Heng.

That's right, this kid is watching Xiji. At first glance, it is the kind of perseverance and lucky look. "Fan Wuyi said to his father Fan Xiang very positively.

Fan Hyung touched his chin and said, nbsp;nbsp;In this case, should I meet him specifically?"

Do you see him doing a bit of a loss," Fan Wuyao said.

It stands to reason nbsp;nbsp;It would not be surprising if Yao Ming was received by a leader like Fan Heng after he had achieved this achievement, but it seems that the time to meet now is a bit inappropriate.

Find him to take a picture of a public service advertisement and walk-like nbsp;nbsp;"Fan Heng said nbsp;nbsp;When he saw his son's strange expression, he added nbsp;nbsp;The public service advertisement is also a light nbsp;nbsp;""

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