
Vol 3 Chapter 90: Tailor-made + crazy piracy of "Monthly Pass"

  In fact, for Chen Bisong, joining the New Silk Road Entertainment Company has many benefits.

At present, Fan Wu's satellite launch plan has entered the countdown. Once the satellite ascends to the sky, it means the birth of a media resource tycoon. As a private owner of commercial communications satellites covering most areas of the world, Fan Wu The disease is bound to have a major impact on the film and television media in many parts of the country and even in Southeast Asia, and it will also break the monopoly of the Asia-1 satellite resources monopolized by the Hong Kong Li family on satellite TV programs.

In this case, Fan Wubing will definitely provide satellite services to the outside world. If he spends a lot of money to build the New Silk Road Company, he will definitely become a super predator in the domestic film and television industry, and the funds that can be reflected in the film and television industry. The scale is undoubtedly quite large and quite impressive.

As the first Hong Kong popular movie star to have a good relationship with Fan Wubing and join the New Silk Road Entertainment Company, Chen Bisong’s position does not need to be worried from the beginning, not to mention that there is a small shareholder Xia Xue who is a fan of her. What I have to consider now is nothing more than arranging a role for Chen Bisong more suitable for her image.

   Chen Bisong’s assistant Lin Xiaoman was a bit worried, but when she learned that Fan Wuyin actually had satellite resources, and they could be used soon, she could no longer raise any objections.

  What is the flower city? What is the Hong Kong Li Family? The young and strong faction with huge power and funds like Fan Wubing represents the future development direction! Lin Xiaoman raised both hands in favor of Chen Bisong's job hopping, but she also raised concerns about possible disputes that may arise from the contract with Huacheng Entertainment before the expiry date, and hoped that Fan Wuyao would consider it all.

   "I will leave this matter to the right person to deal with it." Fan Wuyao replied without hesitation, he had already decided on a candidate. It is Qiu Baohua, an old partner from Guangzhou who has kept in touch even though he has not seen each other for so many years.

   Qiu Baohua has been in Hong Kong for a long time, and he has a very complicated background in dealing with this kind of things. It should be the best.

   So Fan Wubing immediately contacted Qiu Baohua. Explain this to him. Let him fix it.

   "Huacheng Company?" Qiu Baohua said easily when he heard it, "This is easy to handle. It's just a small company. I know their boss. Leave it to me, and make sure they can't say anything."

   "Well, thank you very much, I will go to Guangzhou to see you when I have time." Fan Wubing hung up with satisfaction.

   "It's that simple?" Chen Bisong felt very incredible.

   Fan Wuyao shrugged and said, "That guy is also gangster. If you just talk about power, all the big guys in Hong Kong add up and they are not their opponents."

   This is not nonsense. There are many underworld figures in Hong Kong. According to statistics, they accounted for about one-twentieth of Hong Kong residents, which is more than 200,000 people. But among so many people, there are actually too many outsiders. The real black-hearted community members are only tens of thousands of people. Among these tens of thousands, those who can truly be called underworld figures are thousands. And it is also distributed in various halls, large and small. There are not many soldiers available for a mere entrance.

   But each hall passes its own influence. There are a lot of people who can live online. In fact, most of Tangkou is now organized as a community. They use legal identities to cover crime-related operations. Often each Tangkou has its own business, and it is getting bigger and bigger. ,unstoppable.

When the gangsters have made enough money and turned to launder, they can easily win a good reputation through so-called charitable activities, and then spend money from the Queen of England to get a false title such as a justice of the peace to show their innocence. , Everything is done.

As for the underworld brothers on the island of Taiwan, they are even more advanced. They are no longer satisfied to be pure businessmen. Their goal is to enter the political world. At least they have to be a legislator. face.

   Therefore, the British Hong Kong government does not have the ability to eradicate triad organizations, and subsequent successors cannot come up with an effective plan of action for this. This is the truth.

However, it was a little bit beyond Fan Wuyi’s expectations. After a while, Qiu Baohua called again and said annoyedly, “President Fan, Huacheng has just changed bosses, and the main thing is not the old brother. Now it’s a guy named Cheng Kun. This kid has a stern tone. Not only does he disagree, but he also demands that the person be sent back immediately and compensated for the loss of two million!"

   "Damn! This slut, he's crazy! How dare you even dare not look at your face?!" Fan Wuyao immediately cursed.

Qiu Baohua paused for a while and said, "I have found out the background of this kid. He is just a puppet. He has not seen the big scene before, so he is so arrogant, probably because he thought that our influence could not reach Hong Kong before 1997. Yeah, I'm talking about it to their backstage master right now

Fan Wubing said unceremoniously to Qiu Baohua, "Just tell their boss like this, this matter has already provoke me! If they are not convinced now, I will go directly to find a killer from the United States to pacify them! It’s the same after 1997. Either use the military or the American seals! What kind of death method they want to choose, they can choose by themselves! I just offered a reward of one billion eight billion and brought them out with chickens. Duck, pig, and dog are super time together!"

Qiu Baohua over there smiled bitterly when he heard the words, "Mr. Fan, Mr. Fan! You calm down first, it is not worth fighting for such a small matter! Our big boss already knows about it, and he just talked to the other back office boss. After a while, their boss knew that he had offended Mr. Fan, and he was also very frightened. There is nothing wrong with Huacheng. As for the kid Cheng Kun, what do you think about it?"

After hearing this, Fan Wubing nodded and said, "Well, the boss must look like the boss. You can't let the little brothers come out and mess around. Well, it depends on your face. I won’t say more about it. Let me tell you, I can still find twenty or thirty seals!"

"I know. I know!" Qiu Baohua smiled bitterly over there, "but you don't need to be like this. Twenty or thirty seals have gone to Hong Kong, and you have to crush the Flying Tigers one by one! Now, everyone’s face is not too good! Our big boss is now concentrating on politics. If the relationship with that side is too rigid, it is not easy to explain to the above."

  Fan Wuyi suddenly said in a little surprise, "Oh, oh, you're in politics? It's okay to be in politics! When do you need brothers to invest in your precious land or increase your political achievements? Be sure to speak!"

   "That must not be forgotten----" Qiu Baohua knew that Fan Wuyi was taking advantage of the money now, and he couldn't close his mouth with this promise.

   After Fan Wuyi finished talking on the phone, he saw the three women in the house staring at him dumbfounded, as if he had encountered an alien, he couldn't help but ask with some curiosity. "Why do you all have this expression?"

   "How do I feel, you are like the underworld brother now! Can I break the contract?" Chen Bisong smiled bitterly.

   "Then you have to ask her, she keeps the contract." Fan Wubing pointed to Xia Xue.

   "Sister Abi, don't worry, I'm also a shareholder and can protect you!" Xia Xue shook her fist and waved at Fan Wuyao.

   "A table of food hasn't moved much, you don't decide to lose weight collectively?" Fan Wuyao suddenly realized that the food on the table has basically not moved a few chopsticks, so he reminded.

   "I can't eat with excitement!" Xia Xue replied.

   As for Chen Bisong and Lin Xiaoman. I probably have the same idea. After all, there are too many big names in Hong Kong and the competition is too fierce. But this time I met Fan Wuyi by chance. Not only did he easily avoid a flying disaster, but also successfully landed on the mainland. In the market, it's really a fate.

   Fan Wubing pointed to the dishes on the table with some distress and said. "Abalone! I usually don't want to eat it! You can't be too wasteful! Chairman Mao said. Waste is a great crime! You guys who are murderous and criminal!"

   Xia Xue shook her head triumphantly and said, "You can pack it!"

Pack? ! Fan Wubing looked at the table full of wine and food. What did the heart say to me? There was no one to eat the whole table, could it be stuffed in the refrigerator? The refrigerator can't fit in!

   "However, since Sister Abi has joined our company, what do you plan to let her do?" Xia Xue asked a question that all three women are more concerned about.

Fan Wuyao touched his chin, but unfortunately his beard stubble was still a bit sparse. It seemed that he couldn't be anxious. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "It takes a good film to open the market in the country! But it's on the way. Before the domestic entertainment industry, I had to build momentum, so I thought about it, and I had to make Ms. Chen a hit in the pop music world, so that I can take advantage of the trend and I don’t have to worry about popularity in the mainland."

"It's very difficult to sing! And these songs must be tailor-made to make it easy to become popular. Does our company have such original talents?" Chen Bisong's assistant Lin Xiaoman is also more aware of the way. Yan asked immediately.

Fan Wubing smiled immediately when he heard the words, and Xia Xue pushed Fan Wubing out and said to Chen Bisong and Lin Xiaoman, "Our boss is an almighty genius. Of course, song creation is also his strong point. This must be No problem!"

   Both Chen Bisong and Lin Xiaoman looked at Fan Wubing with suspicion. They thought it was a bit weird. How could a person be so successful in all aspects? But seeing the reserved face on Fan Wubing's face and Xia Xue's posture that everything is under control, she couldn't help but believe it. It's really a contradiction!

  Fan Wubing seems to be relatively calm, but he is still hesitating in his heart. He is considering whether there is a song that has not been created yet, and it is suitable for Chen Bisong's voice characteristics. This is the most tangled thing.

   Fortunately, as a karaoke lover before his rebirth, Fan Wuyi's mind has a lot of songs.

   Chen Bisong’s sound quality is good, and he doesn’t plan to use singing as his future development direction. Therefore, Fan Wubing thought about it, but he couldn’t decide, so he just let it go.

   have eaten rice, and the relationship between Xia Xue, Chen Bisong and Lin Xiaoman is getting hotter.

   Xia Xue touched Chen Bisong’s hair, and asked in surprise, “Sister Abi, the fragrance on your hair is so special! What brand of perfume is it?”

   "This is n. A perfume for women produced by the French company R." Chen Bisong replied with a smile, "But this perfume may not be suitable for your age, otherwise I will give you two bottles."

  Poison! Fan Wubing touched his nose and suddenly thought of this question. Dior's poison perfume. Poison perfume that has led fashion for twenty years! It seems to have inspired me a little bit!

correct! Fan Wubing immediately remembered. Perfume is poisonous!

   "Perfume is poisonous!" Fan Wuyao said with some emotion.

   "What?" The three women didn't understand, and asked a little puzzled.

   Fan Wuyi did not answer, but hummed, "I once loved such a man

   He said I am the most beautiful woman in the world

   I keep that naivety for him

   close the door to love others

   is also the man I love deeply

   turned me into the dumbest woman in the world

   I take everything he says seriously

   He said he loves my lips most

   My requirements are not high

   treat me as well as before

   But one day you said the same thing

   embracing others

   you have her perfume

   is the crime of my nose

   shouldn't smell her beauty

   wipe everything off and sleep with you

   you have her perfume

   is your low self-esteem

   The love you want is too perfect

  I will never learn----"

   Fan Wubing sang while he took a pen and paper, and wrote down the numbered musical notation and lyrics, and completed it in a short time, and he also hummed the whole song three times.

   In the end, Fan Wubing wrote the title of the song on the title line, "Perfume is Toxic."

   Chen Bisong listened to Fan Wubing humming three times, and saw another lyrics to the numbered musical notation. At this time, I had mastered the essence of the song, so I took the paper with the lyrics in mind, and then hummed in a low voice.

   It should be said that the song that Fan Wubing remembered is very suitable for Chen Bisong's sound quality. Her voice is quite similar to that of Populus euphratica, and the song has a soft and sweet tone. If you walk away from the ground between the true and false sounds, you will be feasted and unable to be calm for a long time, as if the human mind is suspended between the ups and downs of the valley, unable to fall back.

   Young people who have just stepped into the world of emotions, from ignorance to experience, make complex moods. From this song into the reverie of the future emotional world. Interpreting the artistic conception in the lyrics in the haziness, like understanding. But still need to feel. I have experienced emotional degeneration and changes in the world, and I have come to appreciate this grieving song with a slight feeling of thought. Only in this way can I truly understand and appreciate the meaning of every note and every sentence in it.

   is such a song that makes people who are in love unforgettable after listening to it. Because it is not like a cup of Coke, it leaves only a sweet taste after drinking it, but it looks like a cup of bitter coffee, which will make you have a long aftertaste after tasting it.

Although Chen Bisong is not too old, he has been in the entertainment circle in Hong Kong for almost two years. There are too many prosperous and emotional entanglements. At this time, I carefully savor the taste of this song, as expected. It has a lot of experience, and the performance of the song is also perfect, reaching a height that no one can match. To Fan Wubing, it is enough to be worthy of this song.

"Although I'm crazy about pirating, I can't be too sorry for this song! Fortunately, Chen Bisong can still grasp this song, otherwise I would really be a little uneasy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fan Wuyi is very uneasy. Confession in my heart for a while.

   "Wow-Sister Abi, you sing so beautifully, I'm stuck in it -" Xia Xue started to be idiot again, and said to Chen Bisong, holding her **** in her hands.

Lin Xiaoman is a bit older, still reminiscing about the charm of the song. Hearing Xia Xue's words at this time, he couldn't help but say, "This song was sung by Abi, it's like the sound of nature, I dare Certainly, only this song can establish Abi’s position in the music scene, of course, in the popular music scene in Mandarin."

The sales of Cantonese songs in the mainland are not very good, and although the situation in Hong Kong is good, it can’t hold back the fact that there are more wolves and less meat, so there is not much oil and water. Singers have begun to practice Mandarin, which means they have taken a fancy to the vast mainland market.

   Chen Bisong entered the mainland music scene at this time, which is of course the best choice.

   "I have never seen an almighty genius like Mr. Fan. I really don't know what else you can't do?" After Chen Bisong finished singing, he looked at Fan Wuyao with a lack of consciousness.

   Fan blushed with a rare illness, "Actually, the reason why I am outstanding is that I stand on the shoulders of giants."

   If piracy is also an achievement, then giants are naturally the original authors of these songs.

   Everyone is big, sorry, you have stolen the lyrics again. However, Xiaolang calculated that these words are all out of five thousand words, and Xiaolang would not use the lyrics to make up the numbers. *

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