
Vol 3 Chapter 91: Conception of Film and Television Creation Base

Xia Xue was impatient. After eating, she took Chen Bisong and Lin Xiaoman to the company, saying that she wanted to perfect the song, and then take a look at how to deal with the soundtrack. It might be a while.

Fan Wubing stayed around and made a phone call to inquire about the progress of the projects under construction in various places, and paid particular attention to the specific conditions of the meat processing base and the Liushi low-voltage electrical appliance production base. The feedback was very good.

The equipment of the meat processing base has been shipped, and the first batch of samples have been produced. After the cooperation of nutrition experts hired from abroad and domestic seasoning masters, the finished products are excellent in color, fragrance, and impressive.

However, the progress in Liushi is slower. The machinery and equipment are in contact and they are already in sight. The factory construction has to wait for a while, but the industrial land has received the full support of the local government. At present, all the forces are Mobilized, one is to engage in infrastructure construction, and the other is to recruit troops and recruit talents.

As for the goods that Wuzhi Xiaoji was detained at the customs, there was still no result.

Xiaoji Wuzhi called in anxiously and asked his boss Fan Wushu whether there would be a trade war between China and the United States.

"This is probably not going to happen, but I'm not sure when the specific day will be reached!" Fan Wuyi was a little helpless, although he knew very well that a large-scale trade war between China and the United States would not explode. , But negotiating this kind of thing, who knows what variables it will produce?

"Always up in the air. It's very annoying." Wu Zhi Xiaoji was a little crazy, his first big overseas business, the progress was so unsatisfactory. Naturally, he was extremely annoyed in his heart.

However, there is also exciting news. The Great Wall Company contacted him and said that the rocket design has been completed, theoretical obstacles have been removed, and they are now being assembled, which may be longer than expected. Enter the shooting state early.

The military also appeared to be more active after getting Fan Wuyao's plan on stealing satellites. A part of professional satellite communications talents were specially selected from the military to assist Fan Wuyao in establishing a satellite communications service company, which was regarded as an exchange of conditions.

In fact, if you hire experts and staff from abroad to set up a satellite communication company, the cost will definitely be much smaller, but Fan Wubing thinks it is unsafe. If someone quits one day, he will be blinded. With the help of this group of experts from the military, I will recruit some graduates of communications majors for training. Although it will take a little longer, they are my direct descendants after all, so I can use them with confidence.

Xia Donghai and his wife have not been in vain during this period, and they have signed more than ten singers worthy of key training, all of whom are young. The main reason is that they have good potential. Although they have not yet become popular, as long as the company is willing to package and meet suitable songs, there is a great possibility of becoming popular. These people have been reviewed by Fan Wuyi, and they are basically pretty good. Some of them are good in appearance and temperament, and they are very suitable for creating idol dramas.

Therefore, not long after the National Day, Fan Wubing talked to everyone about the creation of film and television dramas.

"Is it too early to engage in film and television drama creation now?" Xia Donghai is a typical steady and steady character. Although I think that Fan Wuyi's suggestion is correct. The direction set for the company's exhibition is also correct, but based on the company's current situation. It seems that the strength is still a bit lacking. The screenwriter and director are lacking. I am afraid that I will not be able to create large-scale TV series. As for the film, it cannot be completed in a short while.

"You probably didn't understand what I meant." Fan Wubing had to explain his own statement to everyone in detail. "The existing domestic film and television dramas are basically large-scale productions, high-level, far-reaching, and thought-provoking. The emphasis is on educational significance, speaking of it, the entertainment is relatively poor. Recently, the popular TV dramas are all rural themes, such as women and dogs, women and wells, these do not represent the main theme of the times!"

"The fence woman and the dog, the potter's woman and the well, these are relatively popular TV drama themes!" Xia Donghai felt that Fan Wuyi was a bit too ambitious.

As two rural-themed TV series launched in 19* and 1991, both of them have a very large loyal audience. They are not as degraded by Fan Wubing. The screenwriter Han Zhijun won the Feitian Award and the Golden Eagle Award by virtue of this, and the impact can be described as far-reaching.

"What we need is entertaining! Entertaining!" Fan Wuyao emphasized, knocking on the table.

"What is entertaining?" Xia Xue asked, raising her hand.

"The so-called entertainment is to allow the audience to see the power of the madness! We must integrate all the elements that can make the audience fall into madness and obsession, and create a simple and straightforward TV series that can satisfy the tastes of most audiences. You can pretend to be B, you can pretend to be cool, you can be vulgar, and the only requirement is to be able to make the audience have a strong sense of substitution and make yourself the protagonist in the play, so that you are successful!" Fan Wuyao explained.

"It's so general, there is no sense of direction—" Xia Xue cried bitterly, rubbing the sun with her hand.

In fact, New Silk Road Entertainment Company does not lack scripts. For a long time, the creation of film and television dramas has been basically monopolized by state-owned units, and private companies rarely get involved. This has led to very strict review of scripts, and often they do not conform to the main theme. People will not accept the book.

After the high-profile start of New Silk Road Entertainment, many unscrupulous works began to try to contact them. Therefore, in addition to going to school recently, Xia Xue has been reading scripts day and night, but in terms of romance dramas, domestic steps It is still too slow. Compared with Hong Kong and Taiwan, the competitiveness in this area is really insufficient.

Sense of direction? Fan Wubing thought for a while, and felt right. After all, he couldn’t just point the direction. He was able to enlighten himself, so he said, “For example, ancient costume romance dramas, palace battles and the like. This kind of thing should be It has a very high ratings! Of course, this can only be a TV series, and it should be a long-form. At least 50 or 60 episodes. And movies, heroes and beautiful women are always the main theme, I probably already I'm a little bit eye-catching. I'll show you a notebook in some time."

"This type of film and television drama seems to be difficult to release in the domestic market, right?" Xia Donghai said hesitantly.

"It's man-made." Fan Wuyao has two most suitable books in his mind. One is the long-form TV series "Huanzhugege", and the other is the movie version of "Mythology". These two films were shot. It is estimated that the production of mainland film and television dramas can be fired up, but it is about to cut off the fortunes of Grandma Qiongyao and Uncle Jackie Chan.

However, presumably they don't care about this small amount of money if they are wealthy?

Fan Wubing thought so maliciously, but didn't consider that he actually pulled roots from his body, which was much thicker than his waist. After all, he still feels that Hong Kong and Taiwan film and television dramas have too much influence on the mainland, since he has this opportunity. Of course, it needs to be reversed. This time, it is Qiong Yao and Jackie Chan who are unlucky. Next time, I won't know who they are. Anyway, don't even want to run away from the famous ones on the list.

He even wanted to go to Hollywood to grab business with the Americans. Which blockbuster movie can win the box office. Which blockbuster film can sweep the world, isn't it all in his head?

When the time comes, we will hire a few big-name directors who have strengths and ideas that have not yet reached their goals, and acquire a group of young male and female superstars who have just made their debut. When the time comes, what Hollywood Bollywood is, all go to eat poop!

Fan Wubing thought about it. The saliva flowed down, and I couldn't help but wiped it with my sleeve. It took a long time to come back to my senses, but when I saw that everyone looked like a fool, I couldn't help but smile and said, "I'm sorry, I was lost for a while. "

"I've long been used to it." Xia Xue replied indifferently.

And others just smile. It's just holding back more hard.

"Uh. Generally speaking, geniuses are always easy to be misunderstood by others." Fan Wubing said mockingly. Then I briefly talked about my plan to everyone, and the main body was the routine of "Myth".

"General Meng Yi of the Qin Dynasty escorted North Korean princess Yushu to Qin Weiwei. During the period, they were ambushed by the rebels. The two of them clasped their hands and fell into the waterfall. He was overwhelmed, feeling close and far away, and wanted to find him but couldn't start. One day, my friend AM came to invite to participate in the plan to study the mysterious floating power, and K agreed to go to Disha to explore the secrets, and was separated in distress.

Later, am revealed that the gemstone research results can now resist gravity, and decided to go to the Xi'an Terracotta Warriors Museum to find the truth. K and am took a helicopter to enter the gorge of the waterfall group above Lishan. There is a time tunnel inside, which can lead to suspension. Heavenly Palace! Yushu appeared in front of K alive. After waiting for thousands of years, Yushu thought it was Meng Yi who had kept his promise and came back to find her. He was very touched; K finally ran into the woman he dreamed of, and the two vowed to stay together forever.

Mr. Gu also followed to the Temple of Heaven. It was difficult to use a gun to scare the appearance of gems under inspection. He fought with the enchanted AM. In the chaos, AM accidentally pried the gems from the mechanism. The Temple of Heaven lost its buoyancy. Thousands of terracotta warriors and horses were removed from Falling straight down in the air, mercury gushing out, Mr. Gu was crushed to death by a large stone, and he was buried in the ground. Yu Shu knew that K was not the real Meng Yi at all, and he wanted to stay and continue to wait for the promise to be fulfilled—"

In order to deepen the appeal, Fan Wubing also hummed the mythical theme song, "The person in the dream, the familiar face-you are my gentle waiting-even if tears flood the world-I will not let go -"

To say that it is a bit regrettable, it is that Fan Wubing is not good at sticking words. The lines that should have been sung by Jin Xishan naturally show that they will not taste, but this is also very amazing. Xia Donghai and Feng Xiaonan, Xia Xue and Chen Bisong are present here. , Are already stunned and obsessed there.

"You are the only beautiful myth in my heart——" After Fan Wubing finished singing the last sentence, he realized that his infectious power was too strong, and Xia Xue's eyes were red.

"Hehe, it seems that my talent for telling stories is pretty good?" Fan Wuyao said with a dry smile.

Xia Donghai was also fascinated. "It feels a bit related to the thousand-year-old shooting site "The Love of Ancient and Modern Terracotta Warriors", but the structure is more extensive, especially the two lines of ancient and modern are intertwined. This way of interpretation seems to be very novel! Just not Know whether the audience can accept it."

"Don't look at the audience too high, and don't look at the audience too low, everything depends on the box office." Fan Wuyao said very objectively.

"Are you confident in the box office? I think the investment in such a blockbuster film will be quite large!" Xia Donghai put forward his own views.

According to Fan Wu's description, those palaces, those suspended stairs, and those special effects flying around. It is indeed expensive, and it is difficult for Xia Donghai to make a clearer estimate, but it should be a sky-high investment. Can such a blockbuster really recover the cost?

"Please don't worry about this. I will leave the special effects processing part to the technicians in the United States to operate." Since Fan Wubing decided to make such a blockbuster film. Naturally, many details must be broken down, and it will be a miserable death to expect the current domestic animation special effects production to complete the special effects part of the myth.

It should be noted that "The Love between Ancient and Modern Warriors of the Terracotta Warriors" filmed the previous year, even if it is a relatively popular domestic film, has a considerable box office revenue. It has made Zhang Yimou famous all of a sudden, but when it comes to martial arts scenes and stunt scenes. Fan Wubing can only give an evaluation, which is too miserable.

Regarding the selection of actors, Fan Wubing felt that, except for Princess Yushu's candidates, other candidates were like Jackie Chan. For example, Liang Jiahui, such as Sun Zhou and Yu Rongguang who play villains, do not need to be replaced. Anyway, their current worth is very objective, and they did not expect to be so outrageous in ten years. It is a good time to pick up the bargain.

The only thing that needs to be considered is the issue of the shooting location.

The landscape scene is easy to handle. There are so many great rivers and mountains in China. No need to worry, but the Qin and Han style buildings. It's a very troublesome thing. In addition, Fan Wubing plans to film the TV series "Huan Zhu Ge Ge". This requires a Manchu style building complex. How should we deal with this matter? Can't all rely on computer stunts, right?

Moreover, although computer special effects can produce many effects, the cost is very high and the efficiency is relatively low, so it is not suitable for more use!

"Is it possible that I have to build a palace by myself?" Fan Wubing said so, but there was a glimmer of light in his head. He suddenly remembered one thing, he could really build a film and television base!

It is not that there are no film and television bases in China, but mainly refers to studios, such as Beijing Film, Changying, Xiying, etc. These are powerful state-owned enterprises, but they do not have any decent film and television shooting bases, or the Three Kingdoms City. One, the Grand View Garden is one, but the style is too monotonous, and it does not reflect the magnificent scene at all. However, the Hengdian Film and Television Base that appeared later, most of them started construction around 1997, and they are still there. It is a barren mountain and ridge cropland.

Fan Wuyi once went to the Hengdian Film and Television Base before he was reborn. It was the Hengdian Group invested 3 billion yuan to build a film and television city ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to build Guangzhou Street, Hongkong Street, Ming and Qing Palace, Qin Palace, Qingming Over a dozen of them spanning thousands of years of time and space, including Shanghetu, Dream Valley, Pingyan Cave House, Dazhi Temple, Ming and Qing Folk Residence Expo City, gather together film and television shooting bases with characteristics of the north and south regions and two large modern studios.

The scale of the grand base and the abundant shooting scenes have attracted film and television directors at home and abroad to lead their crews to come to Hengdian for filming. At the same time, an industry that provides various supporting services for film and television shooting has also emerged. It can provide services such as professional scenery making, equipment and vehicle rental, props, costumes and makeup, as well as a huge team of extras.

Later, the Hengdian Actors' Union had more than 2,000 special actors from all over the country. The rise of the film and television industry has also promoted the development of leisure tourism in Hengdian. Whether it is a high-end hotel or a base hotel, the amusement park, nightclub, sauna center, performing arts center, fitness center, bowling alley and other facilities are complete. Visitors can experience film and television and have fun here. Yes, just build a film and television base, which is a sustainable industry!

Thinking of this, Fan Wubing immediately jumped up from his chair and ran out quickly.

"What's wrong with him?" Everyone looked at each other. Although he knew that Fan Wubing was a little nervous besides genius, his role change was a bit too fast, right?

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