
Vol 5 Chapter 270: Tit for tat

How about going out with me? "Boss Zhu finally asked on the phone

"Oh?" Fan Wubing was taken aback, not knowing what Boss Zhu meant. (Professional provide e-book download

After asking carefully, I found out that Boss Zhu was planning to visit Japan and had to take an economic investigation team there. Some big names in the business world were indispensable, so he thought of Fan Wuyao.

"If necessary, I think I have time." Fan Wuyao replied cautiously.

Of course he has time. Now school has just started, and the homework is not too heavy. After all, he is already a junior, and he has finished basic courses. In fact, he is not very tightly stuck in professional courses. Besides, Fan Wuyi has a cheating weapon. In your hand, how can you worry about something wrong here?

To be able to keep up with Zhu’s boss and go out for a while, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is quite beautiful, but in the eyes of a business crocodile of Fan Wubing’s level, it is pure charity, after all, I go out except for Zhu. The boss has no practical effect other than his strong career. Most of his own business uses his brains, and then arranges his subordinates to operate.

Now there are very, very few projects worthy of Fan Wubing's own actions.

"Then you have waited for my call in the last few days, and it will be out soon." Boss Zhu said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing agreed.

Although Boss Zhu just said this, Fan Wubing had to make some preparations for this, so he went back to the company headquarters to arrange a schedule for the latest period, and then gave Wuzhi in Japan. Xiaoji made a phone call and told him that he was likely to go to Japan in the past few days and asked him to do a good job of reception.

Wuzhi Xiaoji was naturally overjoyed. At the same time, he was very happy to tell Fan Wuyi. Now employees are deployed in the Japanese company. Can already master all the manufacturing technology completely. And some engineers who have mastered the core technology are now imperceptibly. I would also like to come to China to take a look. Settle down for a long time.

To this. Fan Wubing is very happy. After all, the establishment of an automobile production line in the country. Production costs can be reduced a lot. Whether it is export or not. It is also sold in the domestic market. Both have great advantages.

"This matter must be carefully planned. I will send some people over to support your actions." Fan Wuyao instructed Wu Xiaoji. "But you have to be careful about your own safety. Don't go wrong. I will give you the bodyguards. Is it easy to use?"

In order to ensure the safety of Wuzhi small plane in Japan. Fan Wubing used one of his few sea leopard bodyguards. A total of six people were given to him. There are also ten retired members of the special forces recruited in the country. It can be said that the lineup is very strong.

"Very, very good. I'm very touched." Wuzhi Xiaoji cared Fan Wuyi for himself. Still very moved.

Since he met Fan Wuyin, he has benefited a lot, and he has been owed many times to save his life. He feels that he is not retribution. Therefore, Fan Wuyin asked him to go to Japan to preside over the automobile production line and prepare to integrate the automobile research institute and the production line. He moved back to Da-6 to build a factory, and he agreed without hesitation.

It can be said that among these subordinates of Fan Wubing, Wuzhi Xiaoji's loyalty is not lower than that of the three Wang brothers.

As for those Americans, Fan Wuyao felt that they were all united under the influence of rich interests. If there were any signs of irreversible collapse of his business empire, it would definitely be a fall. , These foreign hoots must be the fastest runners.

But Fan Wubing can't have any extravagant demands. After all, people are united under the banner of his Fan Investment Group for the sake of wealth, and he didn't sell his life to himself. Therefore, in the employment policy, he treats them differently. , What kind of people should be used wherever they are, they are all particular about it.

This time when he went to Japan, he brought a few bodyguards that he trusted the most. Although he was walking with the delegation, he didn't have a bodyguard interpreter or something by his side.

As for translation, Fan Wubing originally wanted Wuzhi Xiaoji to find him one or two places, but Wuzhi Xiaoji decided to act as Fan Wuyi’s interpreter himself. In addition to considering how to make the most complete translation If the factory is moved outside of the university, there will be no other big things, so he has time to accompany Fan Wuyi to visit the place.

Boss Zhu didn't let Fan Wuyi wait long, and the delegation was ready in two days.

There were also a dozen people here in Shanghai, so on the plane, Fan Wuyi met many acquaintances. After seeing Fan Wuyi, these people came over to greet him enthusiastically, and the stewardess kept asking. Protest, saying that during the flight, it is best not to walk around at will.

After the plane landed at the Tokyo airport, staff from the embassy came to greet him on the ground.

But some of them are the most conspicuous, they are the employees of the Fan's car factory, which is based on the Wuzhi small machine. There are about fifty people, holding signs and colorful flags that warmly welcome Chairman Fan to visit. Where are they working hard? The ground shook, looking very grabbing.

Fan Wubing is convinced that the domestic gang group will naturally not shoot indiscriminately.

However, foreign media reporters will definitely notice this problem and record this scene with the shooting location.

After all, the team that welcomes Boss Zhu is about a hundred people, and that momentum is not much stronger than the team that welcomes yourself. From the perspective of enthusiasm, both sides have their own merits. Because Fan Wuyi’s welcoming team included both Chinese and Japanese, which seemed to be more influential. Among the team welcoming Boss Zhu, mainly embassy staff and overseas students.

Naturally, representatives of the Japanese government and some friendly organizations, as well as media accounts, are still relatively large. There are about three to four hundred people waiting at the airport.

After the lively welcome ceremony and simple speech, boss Zhu, his entourage and members of the delegation went to the hotel to rest. In the next few days, according to the arrangements of the Japanese and their own requirements, they visited and researched in various places. It is mainly to inspect and learn from some economic entities in Japan, and plans to discuss several larger cooperation projects in the future.

After three days in a row, they were almost there to visit, and they were greeted at the reception site, preparing to express their opinions on this trip to Japan before leaving Japan.

Because there has not been a high-level Chinese visit to Japan for a long time, this time's joke reception attracted a lot of media attention. At the same time, the organizer also deliberately arranged many people of all kinds to prepare to give boss Zhu a start at the joke reception.

Remember that the reception did not last long before it entered the stage of questioning by ordinary people.

At this time, a young woman who looked a little like Sora Aoi stood up and asked, "Yesterday my house was stolen by a thief. Some people said it was a Chinese. What do you think of this matter?"

Boss Zhu didn't even look at her. He twisted his face slightly to one side, and then replied unceremoniously, "There is an old Chinese saying that oranges are in Huainan, and oranges in Huaibei are. The Chinese people are A knowledgeable nation, hardworking and kind-hearted people, created a brilliant Chinese civilization in the land of China. The ancestors of your country had visited the Chinese Empire as early as the Tang Dynasty and learned etiquette and culture. But I think I have experienced thousands of After the baptism of 1 year, your country has forgotten a lot in etiquette, so that the Chinese people who grew up in the ritual gang may lose their heart when they come to your country. I remember that during the Warring States period, Yanzi went to Chu as an envoy and once said Qi Chinese people can live and work in their homeland, but they become thieves in Chu, only because of the folk customs.

Therefore, I suggest that the government of your country should devote itself to the cultivation of people's morals and etiquette. Only when the environment is good can theft be eliminated and the people of your country can fundamentally prevent the people of your country from forgetting etiquette and shame. "

The woman was boring, and sat down. At this time, the short old men stood up again, looking a bit like the pig head captain. He asked, "Many of us in Japan think the Nanjing Massacre is fundamental. Haven't been born before, what do you think of this matter?"

In Japan, talking about the Nanjing Massacre is a taboo topic. The Japanese government, dominated by right-wing forces, has even revised its textbooks time and time again. Naturally, people are not allowed to discuss this issue. Therefore, many young Japanese did not know that there had been such incidents as the Nanjing Massacre. As for the war of aggression against China, it was also beautified as a war of liberation.

Boss Zhu glanced at the old man and said with a serious face, "This is a lie. This question is actually very simple. First of all, your logic is wrong. History is a fact and cannot be changed. It's not that the people of your country think that if there is no birth, there is no birth. . History is history, it’s something that has already been born. Any attempt to hide the ears and steal the bell is futile. If I say that most Chinese people think that Japan is actually a descendant of the Chinese nation, the Japanese nation originated from Wu Dalang, a sesame seed seller in the Song Dynasty of our country. Descendants of the widow, I think your government, people, and you will also think this is a very absurd thing, right?"

Later, someone complained and asked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When will you Chinese stop repeatedly asking us Japanese to apologize to China for the war? "

On this issue, Boss Zhu said uncompromisingly, “Japan has never apologized to the Chinese people in official documents, instead of asking the Japanese to apologize repeatedly. The Chinese people will never forget history, because forgetting history means betrayal. ."

The entire live broadcast was very depressing. Boss Zhu received many hostile questions. It was not until a young Japanese woman asked questions that the atmosphere eased. The lady asked, "What is your favorite song, can you sing it for us? ?"

This question should have no political inclinations, but Boss Zhu asked so many messy questions, he naturally felt a little unhappy in his heart, so he replied, "My favorite is the national anthem. If I sing you all stand up."

Fan Wuyao sat down, watching Boss Zhu, under the siege of everyone, tit-for-tat all sorts of fallacies and heresies without panic, he couldn't help but be filled with admiration. This kind of appearance can be regarded as a great country style.

The third update today

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