
Vol 5 Chapter 271: Fan's auto industry

The relationship between Japan has always been very complicated, and the right in the Japanese government has influenced the operation of the entire government. Therefore, the relationship between the two countries has been good and bad, including the honeymoon period of Deng Gong’s visit to Japan in the early 1980s. There was also a period of hostility when Japan later blocked China along with the Western Communist forces. Let ** update the latest novel chapters

In general, in the early stage of reform and opening up, many Japanese companies entered China’s Big 6 investment and invested in many projects. However, now that the international community has begun to pay more attention to China’s Big 6 market, Japanese investment The proportion of possession is much smaller, and the emotions of masturbation and anti-Japanese sentiment are also accompanied by it.

With the resurgence of right-wing forces in Japan, domestic anti-Japanese sentiment is also extremely high, especially the issue of ownership of some islands and reefs such as the Diaoyu Islands, which has caused constant saliva. The top executives are very annoyed.

This time Boss Zhu visited Japan with a large-scale business delegation. On the one hand, he wanted to strengthen economic cooperation. On the other hand, he wanted to suppress the arrogance of right-wing forces in Japan, so as to save them from always distorting and attacking China. From these two perspectives, the trip was quite successful. The Japanese media gave a high evaluation of Boss Zhu’s trip, and the impact on the business community was also relatively large. Some large companies are also considering re-entering the Big 6 market. Invest more technology and exhibition funds.

Boss Zhu could not stay here, so two days later, he returned to the country. The members of the business delegation, some of them went back to China with Boss Zhu, and the other stayed in Tokyo for further investigation. Land survey.

Fan Wubing stayed because he wanted to discuss with Wuzhi Xiaoji about the relocation of the automobile research institute back to China. Many members of the business investigation group who stayed in Japan with him, naturally, for Fan Wubing, who has long admired his name. He has a heart of acceptance, so in the past few days, many celebrities have come to visit and invite him to dinner.

Fan Wubing never refuses these meals. It is also a more important thing to strengthen ties with domestic business figures. Moreover, he also consciously introduces Wuzhi Xiaoji to everyone, this is also for the future of his car. After entering the domestic market, you can have more business cooperation.

Regarding the positioning of the auto industry after returning to China, Fan Wuyao has also seriously considered it. He felt that both high and low prices should be carried out at the same time. It is necessary to meet the needs of the rich people with consumption ability and make some luxury products. It is equipped with high-end cars, and at the same time, it is necessary to produce some cars that can be affordable by the middle-income. In this way, a comprehensive market strategy can be established.

Taking into account the domestic consumption concept, Fan Wubing feels that, for now, it is still necessary to produce high-end cars. Although the sales volume may not necessarily be large, the profits are high, and a successful brand can be built.

As long as the company's popularity starts, and then launch a low-end car series and adopt a low-price strategy, then the resistance encountered when entering the market will be very, very small.

At the beginning of the opening up of the domestic automobile industry. The government has also worked hard. Trade the market for technology. Let China's auto industry grow up quickly. But ten years have passed. People found out in pain. The market is almost divided up. The technology has not been exchanged. The growth rate of the Chinese car market is very high. But this year, over 90% of the car market belongs to the joint venture's production of Diyang brands. China's own brands are less than 10%.

for this problem. Someone also said. It is said that we have entered a vicious circle of "introducing backwardness, introducing backwardness, then introducing backwardness". Many foreign car tycoons even said bluntly. The Chinese partner in the joint venture. The contribution to actual operation and management is almost zero. In other words. The Chinese only act as coolies and salesmen in the auto industry.

The words of foreigners can be regarded as unfaithful. The words are rough but not rough. They provide products and expertise. We provide low-cost labor and sales channels. This is the fact.

In a joint venture. The equity of both China and foreign countries is 50%. However, the foreign party has the right to speak and control in many aspects including products, technology, management, sales network, and after-sales service. China does not. Why is this so? It is because the Chinese cannot master the core technology. There is no core technology in the family car market.

Multinational companies such as GM and Ford cost billions of dollars a year in research. The fastest update_and most of the auto companies in China have less than 2% of their sales.

In view of this situation. The controversy over the place of joint venture has continued. Advocate joint venture said. The joint venture company will not exist for a long time. This is just a transitional arrangement. Endure loneliness for another twenty years. Twenty years later, we will learn what we need to learn. With production capacity, you will naturally have your own brand. but. Many CEOs of auto companies admit. In the past, they were almost blank in the research of independent car products.

Fan Wubing is worried about this. Since he hasn't learned anything in the past ten years, who can guarantee that he will be able to learn in the next ten years? Foreigners are obviously

Outside, it is impossible to give it to the Chinese casually.

At present, the price issue is still the main stepping stone for China's auto market. This is the first problem that car companies need to solve. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the domestic price monopoly can be broken, there will be a blowout in the domestic low-end car market. However, due to the many variables involved, it is not possible for an ordinary enterprise to solve it completely, especially for enterprises without independent intellectual property rights.

The state also supports the automobile industry relatively heavily. By mastering and using the most advanced scientific and technological achievements, increasing the share of special markets is an important way to solve current problems.

In earlier conversations with Wuzhi Xiaoji, Fan Wubing had already drawn up key research directions for them, with the goal of solving domestic rental cars.

As we all know, in China, the harsh conditions of taxi use are the highest in the world. Generally, a private car is about 20,000 kilometers a year, which is only equivalent to the mileage of a taxi for one or two months. In addition to the congestion of Chinese urban traffic roads, the road quality is poor, potholes and dirt roads can be seen everywhere, taxis Frequent movements of steering switches, brakes, and horns are unimaginable in the origin of many foreign cars.

Therefore, the first problem that many foreign car companies have to solve after entering the Chinese market is to carry out a series of modifications to their cars. It is not only necessary to study new universal joints and longer-life drive shafts, but also to make the wheel positioning more accurate to ensure that the car has a better grip.

Wuzhi Xiaoji is confident about this, because he has been in China long enough and his brain is more flexible. He knows what kind of cars are needed in the Chinese market. Therefore, a series of decisions taken in the Japanese production base are all It is aimed at this aspect.

Fan Wubing led more than 20 friends he met during the business inspection group, and accompanied by Wuzhi Xiaoji, he inspected his car factory and laboratory. When they walked into the company's motivation laboratory together, they saw several laboratories lined up. The motivation in the laboratory was roaring, and the computer equipment was connected outside the laboratory to automatically record every change in the experiment.

The director of the laboratory told Fan Wubing and the others that a simulation of the taxi's low, light load power condition, and continuous high power condition test is being done here.

Fan Wubing nodded, expressed his cordial condolences to the researchers, and signaled that Wuzhi Xiaoji should give them some appropriate rewards to encourage everyone's enthusiasm.

When he walked to a worker wearing protective clothing, Fan Wuyin stopped, and wanted to chat with him a few words to show the harmonious relationship between the boss and the employees.

Who knew that when Fan Wuyao patted the employee on the back and called him up, he discovered that this man was actually Chinese and smiled at him.

"Mr. Fan, I saw you on TV. I have been following Boss Zhu." The employee said with a smile.

Fan Wubing asked unexpectedly, "Did you come to Japan last year?"

"It was sent from the headquarters in October last year, and is now working with the technicians to tackle the difficulties of the automatic converter." This employee said to Fan Wuyao, "In this laboratory, there are six of our Chinese technicians, all of whom are using it. For its more important role, the new automatic converter has a prototype, and now it will take a while to test and finalize it, and I believe it will soon be possible to achieve the wish."

Fan Wubing is very happy to hear this. After all, he has made some achievements in technology. Among them, employees in his own country have played a very important role. In fact, what the Chinese lack is only some low-level technologies. It is obviously very good at improving technology.

The employees took a sample of the automatic converter and showed it to Fan Wubing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to let him know how this thing works. Fan Wubing listened to their explanations and demonstrations there with great relish. It’s interesting. Although he doesn’t understand the technical terms and doesn’t know how this thing works, it’s also a kind of enjoyment to just listen. After all, this is a new technology developed by his own company. In the future, it will be used on self-produced cars.

The entrepreneurs who visited around were very envious of this. They all said that Mr. Fan's strength is too strong. The automobile industry is an important industry related to the overall situation of the country's economy. Unexpectedly, Mr. Fan will come out on top again this time.

When everyone returned to the hotel near the embassy, ​​they were still discussing what they had seen and heard, and they all looked happy.

"President Fan, someone is blocking you outside." Fan Wuyi, who had just returned to the hotel, was stopped by an embassy staff member in charge of security work, and said to him with a strange expression.

Uh? What's going on then? Fan Wubing suddenly felt very curious.

************** The first update arrives today. I am going home late for something, and the update is a bit late. Forgive me. ***************

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