
Vol 5 Chapter 272: Block the door

Ill walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and followed the direction of the embassy staff. On the lawn opposite the hotel, there are actually a group of Japanese people sitting in traditional samurai decorations, and a white cloth with a red circle painted on their heads. , It is as conspicuous as a sanitary napkin hung on the head. />//

"What's the matter?" Fan Wubing asked in surprise.

The staff of the embassy replied, "Our people have gone to find out the situation. These people are all disciples of the Murata Budo Hall. I heard that they are looking for you to avenge."

Fan Wubing asked with some suspicion, "I've never heard of this guild hall. Why did they find me? Did they make a mistake?"

"That's right, Mr. Fan." The staff explained to Fan Wuyao, "Last time you beat two Japanese men to death in Shanghai, those two men were disciples of this martial arts club. Here comes."

"Oh, then these guys are the brothers of those two dead ghosts?" Fan Wubing asked the staff to prove to the staff while looking sideways at a group of Japanese samurai who were kneeling on the lawn and basking in the sun.

"Or sisters and uncles--" The staff member was also intriguing.

Fan Wubing smiled immediately, "Even the teacher’s aunt and the teacher’s niece are here, and they don’t help their kind of three-legged cat tricks, that is, half of the training class scams money. It’s really about fighting skills. It’s not as good as the performer of the rivers and lakes."

Fan Wubing's words like this are actually justified. Although it looks like a low social status, it may not be without real skill.

Although many people make money by selling poorly effective pills or treating athletes’ beriberi corns, there are also many people who really have some hard work, such as breaking boulders on the chest or rolling nails on the body. It's really just that they have their own know-how in different places, and they are not willing to be outsiders.

Let's talk about the status of the arena. Many performers are of seniority. Not necessarily lower than those qigong masters who entered the land after school. and. Many masters don’t actually have much real skill. It's just a light of identity behind a cultured or famous door. The kung fu on his own body is called a very last minute.

Some of the staff dare not conform to Fan Wuyi's view. He carefully reminded Fan Wuyidao. "Mr. Fan, don't underestimate these guys. Most of them are black belt masters and many of them have multiple skills. Especially when so many people come to the door. Obviously, it is unkind."

Fan Wubing nodded. Knowing that they are also kind. So look at the guys who sit on the lawn and stay awake. I asked the staff again. "Is that lawn the territory of our embassy?"

"Yes. Strictly speaking. They have violated our territory." The staff immediately replied.

"Oh. Then I have to teach them something. Don't worry about them being held accountable under Japanese law?" Fan Wuyao continued to ask.

"There is nothing wrong." The staff nodded in agreement. However, he carefully reminded Fan Wuyidao. "But Mr. Fan. If you really hurt them, they will complain to our government. You may not be held legally accountable here. So you ignore them. Just treat them as a group of flies. "

Fan Wu is not in the mood to pay attention to them. After all, he came out with the business delegation this time. There is no need to cause trouble for the leaders who lead the team. Besides, this time Boss Zhu came out to visit in person. .

So Fan Wuyin chatted with the staff, then returned to his room and ordered some food. After he was full, he drank some red wine, then lay down in the afternoon and went to bed. It was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and woke up. Come here.

After getting up, Fan Wubing wanted to continue to ask Wu Xiaoji to come out, and follow everyone to see the Japanese scenery. According to Wuzhi Xiaoji is now popular in eating female body Sheng, he wants to ask Fan Wuyi to sit and sit with him, and choose a clean one. A little wine shop, a little bit of distinctive food, a little sake, listen to small tunes, and karaoke together.

But when Fan Wuyi got out of the room, he found that everyone was dangling on the window and looking down, talking a lot, so he also leaned in, and looked down, he was very angry. .

It turned out that the group of Japanese samurai still stayed there. Not only did they lie on the lawn all over the place, crushing many flowers and plants, they also pierced two paper figures and placed them there. One was written on the sick man of East Asia. One was written on it with a tortoise with a shrunken head, and the name of Fan Wuyao was written on the forehead of the paper man.

"Too much deception!" Fan Wubing cursed furiously.

When everyone heard such a sound from Fan Wuyao, they immediately discovered that he had come out, and was glaring at the group of Japanese samurai outside. Someone immediately pulled him to persuade him and said, "Mr. Fan, there is no need to be angry with this trash, you are now You don’t need to compete with these rascals.

It's not in China now, it's better to treat it as if you haven't seen it. "

Others complained, "Why don't you ask the guards to blast them out? I don't believe they are not afraid of submachine guns!"

"What you said is improper -" someone immediately retorted, "The embassy is a country's external image. We have always advocated mutual respect and good-neighborly friends in the embassy. What kind of style is it?"

"But it's not proper to let a group of people smash here and make a fool of yourself, right?" Some people disagreed. "The power of the right-wing forces in Japan has expanded rapidly recently. I believe these guys are also supported by them. Everyone. I know that Mr. Fan is our national hero. They are so noisy, they just want to give us a prestige, to see if we are tolerant in all possible ways, or have the courage to teach them a lesson!"

Fan Wubing heard what this person said, but he somewhat agreed that these people must have received the support of the Japanese right-wing forces, otherwise it would not be possible to make things so big, but the person said that he was a national hero and it was a bit embarrassing. .

Although he did kill two Japanese people, and killed them in full view, how can he be regarded as a national hero with this feat? At best, it's just a little national hero, ha ha.

But these people outside are really too shameful. If you don't go out and clean them up, how can you mess around in the future? This is an act of national dignity and national justice!

After Fan Wubing thought about it, he called out his bodyguards, and after giving some pointers, everyone started going downstairs and then went out.

The lobby manager on the first floor saw Fan Wubing walking out towards the Japanese crowd towards the lawn. He was a little flustered and hurried forward to stop him, "Mr. Fan, don’t be familiar with them. This kind of thing is in front of the embassy. It’s often that it’s not worth anger."

"Do these guys often come here to mess around?" Fan Wuyao asked back.

"Yes -" the lobby manager nodded and replied, "The Japanese Budo Hall is actually just a group of ground ruffians and gangsters. They are often controlled by the underworld. Therefore, when right-wing forces are planning some activities, these people often do Be the vanguard! I have seen many of them here several times, and the outfits are different every time!"

Fan Wubing nodded, knowing these things.

The power of the Japanese underworld is quite large. The early underworld figures originated from the half a million unemployed samurai created after the Tokugawa family unified the whole of Japan. Gangs gradually emerged among the people. They monopolized the industries they operated by force and maintained the form of organizations with close internal relations, forming Japanese gangs.

During the Tokugawa shogunate era, the Japanese government vigorously cracked down on the largest organization of unemployed samurai at the time.

The unification of Japan’s economy has developed, and it has created a large number of bankrupt families who are working as construction workers in the city, combining low-level police and performing sumo wrestlers to form gangs seeking more lucrative careers. Some criminals and lower-level civilians have gradually joined and grown. Because of their power, these people are called chivalrous people.

A large number of people are divided into gangs such as merchant gangs and gamblers gangs. The merchant gangs are mainly people who can make money and do business, and the gamblers gangs survive in an organized gambling industry.

These early Japanese gangs had traditional gang forms, strict gang rules, and distinct differences between age and inferiority ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ gave the impression that thieves are also good.

After the nineteenth century, Japanese society has undergone tremendous changes. In the constant social, political and economic turmoil, people who have lost a part of their profits have begun to find other ways when economic legal means cannot achieve their goals. Inferior samurai, Modern Japanese gangs based on bankrupt peasants and gangsters were born.

At the beginning, there was Genyosha, headed by Toyamaman, who was born as a samurai, and then Black Dragonsha, headed by Uchida Ryohei. They were more systematic than the early gangs in terms of organizational guidelines.

Hyunyosha, which is full of mountains, is particularly good at espionage and has a bad reputation in Japan. The Chinese and Russian governments have once protested against the Japanese government on the activities of Hyunyosha abroad and declared that the people of Hyunyosha are not welcome.

After World War II, Japan was basically entrusted by the United States, so the government was greatly weakened. On the contrary, the gang forces have been greatly exhibited. Nowadays, the underworld elements represented by various martial arts halls can be said to be in addition to Outside of the US military stationed in Japan, the largest force in Japanese society.

As for the Self-Defense Forces, it is really not worth mentioning, they will only masturbate.

Today is the second update

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