
Vol 5 Chapter 277: Run around the mountain pass

Cai Se Chapter 277 Running Around the Pass

Tian Takeo didn't expect Fan Wubing to be so demeaned. Actually took advantage of it. Because of his anger. The flow of qi in the body is not smooth. Although there are many years of rich experience in response. But because of this obstacle, it slowed down a bit.

It's the first line difference here. Fan Wuyao's fist had already hit Murata's chest firmly.

Fan Wuyi's punch. It's like a huge boulder. It brought a very strong feeling to Murata Takeo. His body is already preparing for it. I also try to dissolve my strength through my years of practicing Jiu-Jitsu. Adjusting the muscles and bones of the middle fist has weakened the impact on the chest. But this-actually hit his chest.

Murata Takeo has specially studied Fan Wuyi Bi video. Think that he has indeed broken through the realm of God change. But when it comes to real kung fu. It is also almost the same as the realm of his own deity. And he is far better than him in experience. That's why he was so determined to defeat Fan Wuyi on Mount Fuji.

Today's Murata Takeo. He has already stood as one of the three people in the highest state of Japanese martial arts, but in the past two decades. There is less fighting experience. Just rely on teaching apprentices in the martial arts hall. It can't add to his reputation. And if you just find someone to come to a duel. It will also make people laugh.

So look for a suitable opponent. Arouse media attention. And it won't make people feel that their behavior is a bit depreciated. It is a very important question. Fan Wuyao is his carefully chosen opponent. It was because Fan Wubing had enough auras on his body. Kung fu is also high enough. Through moderate rendering. Everyone will think that this is indeed a peak showdown in the martial arts world. But Murata Takeo, who didn't feel it, bullied the small.

Unfortunately. Hit his own punch through Fan Bing. Murata Takeo has a problem with no disease. It was not that he had broken through the realm of God change. It's because he feels that he has to go farther than the realm of God Transformation. Fan Wubing caused himself an injury. It is beyond the reach of the two great masters of the Japanese martial arts world.

But after all, Murata Takeo is the famous martial arts master of Fuso. Although Fan Wubing suffers from a face-to-face encounter. But after all, he held on. After being blasted for more than ten meters with a fist by Fan Wubing, he fell precariously on a raised rock like a crane. With both hands open, a golden rooster independent se came out. Looking at Fan Wuyi calmly.

Fan Wuyi made a move. He didn't chase after him. Instead, he stood there with great grace and looked back.

In fact. Fan Wuyi's original realm. It's just breaking through the divine change. Only the previous time I encountered a mudslide in the mountains. The true energy of the whole body almost disappeared without any extravagance. It is in line with the principle of not breaking, not making big, breaking big. Both the zhen qi condensed degree and the total amount and quality of zhen qi have been greatly improved. Internal strength repair is more refined. Inadvertently, his cultivation level took a big step forward and touched the Taoist word a bit.

The Japanese media who were watching at the scene all took a sigh of relief. Although everything just happened too quickly. But watch from a distance. It is also possible to see clearly what happened. I saw a sudden punch from Fan Wuyao. They just blasted Murata Takeo more than ten meters away, which made them feel at a loss.

Is this one of the so-called three masters in the Japanese martial arts world? Has he used the toilet for all these years of practice? ! Simply greatly lost the face of Yamato nation!

There were a lot of media present, and so on. The Asahi Shimbun also sent a team of capable reporters. The TV station has also invested heavily in creating the most advanced filming platform. But no one thought of it. Murata Takeo unexpectedly fell short of the first move. Look at his motionless expression standing there. Everyone wondered if he had been beaten and disabled?

Fan Wubing looked at Takeo Murata. Did not find any loopholes. I kind of admire these masters who have been fighting for a long time.

If the other party fights with himself. There is absolutely no end to it. It's a pity that Murata Takeo is also a smart man. He would rather stay there to take a defensive posture if he was yelled at by the coward. This is also his cleverness.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome. Murata Takeo is not fettered by his reputation. Immediately chose the disposal method that best suits his own interests. This decision-making ability is still very surprising.

In the past, Fan Wuyi watched more CCTV and TVB brain TV dramas. When the Japanese encountered an enemy. It's bound to die hard to the end. But today, through Murata Takeo's battle experience. It completely overthrew this cognition. After all, people have brains. The same goes for the Japanese. It is impossible to perform according to the script you set for him.

But Takeo Murata stood still inside. Fan Wubing, who also made it, was a little embarrassed. If you rushed over by yourself. Obviously it's a bit of a splashy fight. But if you don't do it yourself. That guy can stand there for a day. Where can I spend time with him?

Fan Wubing thought for a while. At once

There are many walnut-sized pebbles on the surface. It was an inspiration. Somersault on the spot. Then stand firmly on the face again. At this time, he had grabbed two stones in his hand. But no one saw it. Because the movement between this turn is too fast. Everyone is farther away. Naturally, I can't see any clues.

then. Fan Wubing made a very human action. His body rotated twice in the original. Increased by the power of rotation. Throw hard with his right hand. Threw the stone in his hand at Murata Takeo.

Murata Takeo was standing opposite Fan Bing. Of course, he can see clearly what he is doing. It's just that he didn't expect it. Fan Wubing would actually make this kind of nonchalant action. Juedong like picking up rocks and hitting people. How can a master-level master's hand be made? This is simply a humiliation to the supreme martial arts!

But he didn't have time to think about these issues. Because Fan Wuyao threw more than one stone.

Although Murata Takeo received a heavy punch from Fan Wuyi. The blood in the whole body was tumbling. But it is a piece of cake to escape the attack of these stones. Jumped up. Just escaped the attack of three stones.

Fan Wubing smiled. Three more stones smashed past. While Murata Takeo was in the air. Of course, he had to hit him a few more times.

Murata Takeo will never reach Fan Wuyi, and then there will be two more. Being in the air naturally cannot change the degree of descent. But his years of practice are not covered. The body shrank immediately. It seems that the whole body has become a ball of flesh. Happened to escape from Fan Wuyi's attack.

He moved like this. It's not enough to notice Fan Wu's movement. It only appeared when Murata Takeo was about to fall. Fan Wubing had already rushed in front of him.

Murata Takeo's eyes are fierce. He is not good at it either. Be Fan Wu disease again and again. Repeated teasing. There has been a real fire. Originally wanted to maintain the demeanor of some masters. It's a pity that Fan Wubing is too cunning. The strength is unfathomable. This time, if I don't try my best, this time. Today is not easy.

"Hayi--" Murata Takeo exhaled. With a long howl, the stale air in his chest was spit out. The Qi machine sank. He stood firmly on the surface. A fist slammed into Fan Wu's fist.

A black light flashed in front of Fan Wu's eyes. It was discovered that Murata Takeo's finger was actually wearing a jet black steel ring stab at some point. Hastily closed his hand and flashed to the side. Then he hurriedly turned around. Avoid this counterattack from Murata Takeo. He lifted a leg and kicked him back.

Murata Takeo immediately replied with a leg. The two finally got in touch at close range. In a blink of an eye, they kicked each other thirty-two feet. Hit sixty-seven punches. All actions such as shoulder bumps, elbows, knees, and head bumps came out. The two were chasing and fighting on the mountain. Soon he left the original party. Gradually move up to =.

The height of Mount Fuji is about 3,700 meters. The Fang where the two people were at that time was already close to the top of the mountain. This chase. Just reached the top of the mountain.

The original studio can no longer keep up with the shooting. TV stations such as TBs have fully taken this into consideration. So the helicopter used for aerial photography began to work. Helicopters coming from three different angles in the air. Start tracking shooting. Images uploaded by helicopter. Everyone can see clearly. Murata Takeo and Fan Wuyi have reached the top of the mountain. It is gradually approaching the crater.

The top of Mount Fuji is a crater. The diameter is over 800 meters. The depth is over two hundred meters. It looks like a very big pit. It is said that if the helicopter is viewed from the sky. It is like a lotus flower in full bloom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so Mount Fuji is also called Furong Peak. It's just that not everyone is lucky enough to see this kind of opportunity.

"You are always tired from running like this!" Fan Wuyao said to Murata Takeo.

At this time, the two people had already stood on the top of the mountain. On one side is the hillside. On one side is the crater. Mountain wind hunting. A bleak scene. There is nowhere to hide. Two people stood facing each other. Look at it.

Murata Takeo looked at Fan Wu and said. "The old man's daily exercise activity is climbing the mountain. This time I come down. It's just a warm-up. Junior. Are you tired of climbing anymore?"

Fan Wubing glanced at Murata Takeo very contemptuously. Said with some disdain. "I am embarrassed to use such a low mountain to warm up. You are just running around Mount Fuji. I run around the Himalaya Pass every day!"

"Nani?" Murata was taken aback for a moment. He saw Fan Wubing rushing over again.

"Baga!" The Aikido master was out of anger.

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