
Vol 5 Chapter 278: Fell into the pit

In terms of internal cultivation, Fan Wubing is about to leave Murata Takeo. From the outside, Murata Takeo is much better than Fan Wuying. It seems that if the two fight in one place, it should be half a catty. If you really want to If the fight is endless, it will also take a long time to be able to distinguish the winner.

However, as soon as Fan Wubing shot, Murata Takeo was seriously injured, which caused his combat effectiveness to drop a lot.

The duel of masters was originally one and a half lines behind. The impact of this injury naturally determines the outcome of the battle between the two.

Murata Takeo and Fan Wuyi hit the mountain from the bottom of the mountain, and the cost of this journey is also very high. Although Murata takes a big tone, but he always does not talk about his muscles and bones for his ability. He is already over fifty, how can he win? Is the new Jin Zong Fan who is over eighteen disease-free? Whether it was physical strength, endurance, combat effectiveness, Fan Wuyao outperformed him too much.

If he fights a protracted battle, Murata Takeo is definitely better than Fan Wushu. The only thing he can rely on right now is to find a fighter and take a risk by relying on his familiarity with the terrain of Mount Fuji.

It's a pity that Fan Wubing is not a person who is waiting for a moment. His experience is not comparable to that of an eighteen-year-old. How can he fail to see Murata's careful thinking? Fan Wuyi, who has been in the business world for so many years, is so meticulous that Murata Takeo can never guess.

Murata Takeo slowly retreated to the crater, step by step, and retreated along the crater he had walked for decades. His mind was very simple. He was looking for fighters and opportunities to retreat. Fan Wuyi broke into the crater.

Although Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano, the depth of the crater is very deep, with a height of more than two hundred meters, and it is no problem at all to throw a master-level master to death.

Fan Wubing knew what Murata's thoughts were, but this guy kept retreating towards the crater, and he couldn't help chasing after him, but his movements were abrupt and slow, and his internal force was able to retract and release freely, which already left an eye for attention.

Murata Takeo kept retreating along the winding gravel road, thinking in his heart when it should be difficult for him? He took a look at Fan Wuyi and felt that the other party should have dealt with it carefully.

But Murata also has some confidence. That's why Fan Wubing wanted to defeat himself. Will definitely chase over. As long as he chases over. There is a way to succeed in a sneak attack. After all, I have arranged a lot of hands and feet here.

On the edge of the volcano, a large rock protruding from behind. Murata Takeo himself installed a mechanical device. It can release a kind of high-strength bubble. It is said that this device was developed by the Americans. Used to deal with advancing tanks in the ground.

Once shrouded in front of this bubble. Even the tank was immediately stuck with strong glue. Cover the outer surface with a mucous membrane that is difficult to break free. Therefore, it is inconvenient to move.

Murata Takeo also spent a lot of money to get this kind of thing. I thought that even Fan Wuyi's strength far exceeded his expectations. He also has the confidence to catch him with this device.

Murata Takeo stepped back. He felt that he was very close to installing the big rock on the ground. There are two more steps. step. You can move. Murata Takeo suddenly developed a strong will to victory in the heart of the earth. Facing Fan Wubing, a smile appeared on his face.

But Murata Takeo has a problem. How come Fan Wu's face has such a weird expression on his face?

The expression on Fan Wubing’s face was a little cloudy and sunny, and he hesitated to stretch out a hand, as if he wanted to pull Murata Takeo, but Murata Takeo smiled sullenly, and slid his body back. Prepare to move the mechanism behind the big stone, and put Fan Wuyi into the net.


Murata Takeo suddenly realized that he had stepped on his foot, and the tremendous momentum made his body vacate!

Looking up, Fan Wubing was moving away from him, becoming smaller and smaller!

idiot! What is going on here? ! Murata Takeo didn't know what happened, but he was very certain that he must have fallen into the crater!

Fan Wubing stood on the edge of the crater with an innocent look, spreading his hands at the aerial shooting helicopter, meaning that he had done nothing, and he didn't know why Murata couldn't think of jumping off the cliff.

He also felt a little puzzled at the time. Seeing Murata Takeo stepping back step by step, he seemed to be indifferent to the future. He felt that there was something wrong with his previous judgment? Especially when Murata Takeo jumped, Fan Wuyi was completely stunned.

I have seen people who don’t take their lives seriously, but I’ve never seen anyone who has become a grandmaster and doesn’t take their lives seriously. I really don’t know why Murata Takeo is the source of this?

If it's just for suicide, why come to such a place? Is it for ratings?

Fan Wubing couldn't figure out the truth, it was really weird.

Murata Takeo who fell into the pit

Suddenly, because he couldn't figure out why, why did the big rock that he saw yesterday, and the big rock with the advanced mechanical device installed by himself in the back, suddenly disappeared?

Nobody knows that early in the morning, in order to clean up the scene of this grand master-level battle for them, the TV station specially found a cleaning company to clean up the **** near the crater. When the time came for aerial photography Will affect the visual effect.

The cleaners saw the obtrusive big rock and also saw a lot of **** nearby, so they pushed the big rock down the cliff. Naturally, they don't know how important this is to Murata Takeo, let alone that a life will end because of this. They just feel that they have done what they should do and cleaned up a piece of rubbish.

At this moment, the duel naturally ended without a problem.

People who have understood the whole process through TV pictures can't figure out why Murata Takeo jumped, but now one thing is clear, that is, Fan Wuyi passed this station and finally stepped on the head of the Japanese Budo Master. In the past two decades, he became the Chinese who made the Japanese master of martial arts fall.

The height of Mt. Fuji is quite high, and the surrounding mountains drifted by in the wind, a vast expanse of whiteness.

Fan Wubing looked at the staff rushing from the bottom of the mountain, the helicopters looking for a place to land, and the direction where Murata Takeo, who didn’t know where he fell, was suddenly disappointed. He couldn’t help it. Screaming up to the sky.

Fan Wubing's skill at this time was so profound. With a long roar, the surrounding mountains seemed to be unable to withstand the impact of the huge sound, and quickly dispersed to the surroundings.

After this battle, Fan Wubing was formally appointed as a **** in the martial arts world, and the eighteen-year-old master was officially released.

For several days, the media came to ask for an interview with Fan Wuyi. Fan Wuyi was too annoyed to dismiss him, hid in the hotel, and went on to study the relocation of the automobile production line with Wu Xiaoji.

"Boss, I have already arranged this. I will get two production lines and go back in three months." Wuzhi Xiaoji reported to Fan Wuyihui, "The problem of technical personnel can be solved first. Half of the transfer is the most important thing, and the rest will be transferred within half a year. As for the factories in Japan, only the production lines need to be retained, and all research institutes will be transferred to China University 6."

Fan Wuyao nodded and said, "You do something, I don't worry, this time I have planned for several years, it is really hard for you. Don't worry, the car company will give you 10% of the shares as compensation."

Wuzhi Xiaoji is indeed a good helper for Fan Wuyi. He didn’t save him in vain. At least he knows more about Entubao than many people. To put it in a more vivid sentence, this person is quite ancient, so Fan No disease is not stingy with that little share, after all, this large number of technical talents is very rare, not to mention that I rely on these technical talents and have cultivated many local technical talents for myself. These are the value of money that cannot be used. To estimate.

However, there was news from the country that the senior officials did not agree with Fan Wuyao’s duel, thinking that a character like him is really not suitable for this kind of aggressive activity, especially this time. The fact that even Takeo Murata, one of Japan's three great masters, has fallen, has a certain impact on Sino-Japanese relations.

Although the live video shows that Fan Wubing did not make any small actions, it was Murata Takeo himself who jumped off the cliff, but many people in Japan firmly believe that Fan Wubing must have some witchcraft, otherwise, how could Master Takeo Murata do so? Going back stupidly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and jumping off the cliff?

Regarding this kind of statement, although it is impossible to get on the stage, it is spread very privately, and the disciples of Murata Takeo are also constantly clamoring and clamoring that they want to avenge their master Murata Takeo.

Of course, they can't expect revenge when they fight alone. Even group fights are horrible. To deal with Fan Wuyi, they can only use some non-martial arts tactics.

The staff dispatched by the Ministry of Security overseas received some reports saying that Murata Takeo’s disciples were going to play yin on Fan Wuyi and hire professional killers to deal with him. Therefore Jiang Lue eagerly informed Fan Wuyi of the news. , And advised him to stop staying in Japan this time.

After receiving this news, Fan Wubing also realized that open spears are easy to hide from secret arrows and difficult to prevent. It is time to leave Japan quickly, so he played a beautiful Mingxiu plank road to darken Chen Cang's trick, asking people to pretend to be himself. Staying in the hotel, with a little makeup, took the Van Air International flight back to Panshi.

When I got off the plane, I saw my father Fan Heng standing there waiting for him with an unhappy expression.

Today is the second update

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