
Vol 5 Chapter 282: Incident caused by a car accident

He was not sick and did not stay at the scene more. He just watched the traffic police and the medical car arrived. After taking away the injured and the driver, he went on to the municipal government guest house. /

But today’s events also made him a problem, that is, although the municipal construction of Panshi is good, there are still too few high-tech applications. For example, the traffic lights at this intersection are just ordinary automatic traffic lights, and there is no such thing as Countdown devices and so on, this is a very bad practice.

Because you can’t see the timing, it’s easy to delay things. Although the yellow light in the middle can serve as a warning, but the effect is not good. There will always be people who rush to the yellow light. Yes, the necessity of improving the traffic light device is evident.

The accident tonight was actually caused by both sides rushing for time. It can be said that the injury was very wrong.

This kind of thing, the transportation department also feels a little bit difficult to determine the responsibility of the accident, it can be said that everyone is not easy to do.

Fan Wubing took down the matter, and prepared to let his subordinates conduct an investigation after returning, to improve the traffic light device and add the countdown part. It is not difficult to solve this matter. The key lies in the problem of people's thinking. As long as there is a good idea, it will only take a few days to solve this problem.

When we arrived at the guest house of the municipal government, we found that everyone was chatting freely and lively. The leaders of Panshi City were basically separated, each surrounded by a group of people, talking loudly there.

The guard found Fan Wuyi, but they all recognized Fan Hengdi's youngest son, Fan Wuyi, the big boss of the Fan Investment Group, so he didn't stop him. He asked with a smile and sent him into the building.

The arrival of Fan Wuyao didn't alarm the officials in various cities. On the contrary, the Panshi Airport and Fan's Airline locals immediately found their own big bosses. They immediately surrounded him and began to chat with Fan Wuyao.

This time there was a lot of noise in Japan, so the subordinates were a little worried about the boss's safety. After a little chat, it was confirmed that the boss was intact, and everyone was relieved.

"President Fan. How long can I stay in Panshi this time? We are all waiting for you to guide the work." The person in charge of Panshi Airport said to Fan Wuyao with a smile.

Fan Wubing touched his nose and said. "It's hard to tell. Anyway, because of academic matters. I won't stay for long. I think I will leave Rock within a week. This year we changed the head teacher in our department. I haven't met him yet. I don't want to. Suddenly he was fired by the head teacher in a rage!"

"Haha. A class teacher. There is no right to expel students. You can rest assured, President Fan." Someone immediately replied.

Fan Wubing nodded. I thought this was true. However, the head teacher directly manages his own leadership. Power is not small. If you always make yourself a little trouble. I'm afraid that the leaders of the department are not easy to say anything. This is a bit embarrassing.

He suddenly missed the days of being led by Ren Xiaorou. The beautiful teacher is always able to help him with these little things. Don't worry about it yourself. Now. Just need to think about it. I just don't know who the new class teacher is? I haven't visited during this time. It is estimated that the other party must be very upset in the center of the earth.

They chatted here for a while. It was noticed by the officials.

After all, seeing a young man surrounded by a group of business elites, everyone is always a little curious, especially the young man’s eyebrows seem to be somewhat similar to those of Secretary Fan Heng.

"Who is that young man?" The leader of the inspection team and the deputy governor of a brother province asked Fan Heng in surprise.

Fan Heng replied with a little embarrassment, "That's my ineffective youngest son, Fan Wushu."

"Ah?!" The deputy governor immediately asked in shock, "Secretary Fan's youngest son?! But it is Mr. Fan Wubing, the boss of the famous Fan Investment Group?!"

Regarding the existence of the Fan Investment Group, most senior officials in the country are aware of it, and they all know that this young big boss is the youngest son of Secretary Fan Heng of Panshi, but these are all rumors, and everyone We all know that domestic rumors have always been unreliable. Whether this rumor is true or not is still very doubtful.

Today, he finally encountered the legendary Fan family and his son appearing on the spot. Naturally, he wanted to seize this opportunity to ask questions. This was also considered to satisfy his gossip psychology.

Fan Heng waved his hand and said, "It's nothing more than a fluke. We worry a lot about him every day."

Although Fan Heng did not confirm the identity of Fan Wuyao face-to-face, it was considered tacit consent. The deputy governor looked at Fan Wuyao who was surrounded by everyone there, and his heart was full of emotion, such a young man. If the boss of a multinational group is his own son, how much help will he bring to his career? I can't even think about it

It is said that Fan Hyung can be promoted from an ordinary corporate leader to a high-ranking official at the ministerial level in just ten years. He has a great relationship with his young son. Today, the original estimate is still somewhat conservative.

Everyone chatted there for a while. Fan Heng introduced Fan Wuyao to several important leaders. Everyone enthusiastically invited Fan Wuyao to visit his own site when he had time, and gave Fan Wuyao a guest. Wuyi took a lot of presentation materials from him.

Fan Wubing also said very politely to everyone that if there is a chance, he must visit his house. As for the information, he gave his entourage in a mindful manner. Valuable items are hard to say. After all, there are too many empty talks in such official-style articles, and it takes some time to screen them.

After a while, someone rushed in and found Yang Tianhe, secretary general of the municipal government, and said something to him.

Yang Tianhe's face suddenly became ugly, and then he walked over and said to Fan Heng, "Secretary Fan, something has happened."

Sure enough, something serious happened, and it had something to do with the street car accident that Fan Wuyi encountered tonight.

After being knocked down to the hospital, he was declared dead because of his injuries. However, after his identity was verified, everyone discovered that this person was not a waiter.

His name is Liu Jie, and his public identity is the general manager of Panshi Lotte Co., Ltd. Although this is only a small company with no more than a dozen employees, their energy is still very large. They are now engaged in fund-raising activities and the goal is to open The two mines followed the recent boom in coal and iron mines. At present, the scale of their fund-raising in Panshi has reached 5 or 6 million.

But behind the scenes, this general manager Liu is a gangster, and has a close relationship with loan sharks. According to the information that the Panshi city police have already obtained, most of the funds raised by General Manager Liu for mining mining are used. Go to loan sharks. And the objects he lends are those who really engage in large-scale mining and fund-raising.

The profit they promised to Liu Jie was several times the return Liu Jie gave to his fund-raising clients.

When Fan Heng heard the news, he felt a little headache.

Originally, they were focusing on monitoring this Liu Jie. They only waited for a real deal to be caught and brought him to justice. The funds involved in the case also had to be recovered, but who would have thought that people are not as good as heaven, Liu Jie was hit and killed by a car, and the funds he had in his hands became a headless case. No one could produce evidence to prove where the funds in his hands went.

In this way, the unlucky ones are the fund-raising households, and their money is lost.

Fan Heng could imagine that as soon as the news of Liu Jie's death came out, hundreds of fund-raising investors would take to the streets and demand recovery of their hard-earned money.

"Oh! How could such a thing happen?!" Fan Heng said in a bit of a complaint, then glanced at Fan Wuyi, and said that he originally planned to make an overall plan for the problem of illegal fund-raising and solve it in one fell swoop. But now that this kind of thing happened unexpectedly, the original plan was disrupted all at once, this time it was going to be hurriedly challenged.

Fan Wubing was also a little surprised after hearing this. Obviously, the sudden death of the debtor will have a great impact on the rights and interests of creditors. These debts are likely to become headless debts. The claim cannot be returned.

Those suffering masters have nowhere to complain, and the only thing they can do is to rush to the gate of the city government to demand justice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But this kind of justice is not within the scope of legal protection, how can the city government help them? Get it back?

"The city government needs to control the development of the situation in time." Fan Wuyao suggested to his father Fan Heng, "We must prevent people from taking the opportunity to make troubles and attacking the municipal government and other offices. It is better to mobilize the armed police forces. Come here. At the same time, we need to conduct in-depth investigations to find out the true whereabouts of the funds raised and help the fund-raising households recover the money. Even if they can't get the interest, they can help them to get the principal back. It's a good effort! "

Fan Heng was not optimistic, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this is very difficult to handle. It's really a headless debt!"

As soon as this happened, everyone was no longer interested in eating and drinking. At the moment, some staff members accompany the guests to continue eating and introducing the situation. Several important leaders in the city left early and discussed together. Tomorrow's countermeasures.

After dawn, some fund-raising people who learned the news gathered hundreds of people and went to Liu Jie's home to collect debts. After the debt collection failed, they rushed toward the city government.

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