
Vol 5 Chapter 283: Officials and old surnames

Chinese people like to join in the fun, which has been fully confirmed in many group incidents.

Under the background of economic restructuring and urbanization process speeding up, system transformation and social transformation, social interest relations have become more complicated, and diversified interest groups will inevitably have competition and conflicts, which will induce social conflicts. Mass emergencies.

It is not that Panshi has not experienced large-scale mass incidents. Just like Fan Heng’s first day when he took office, he encountered the workers of the Panshi Glass Factory who were lying on the rails in an attempt to interfere with the normal transportation of the railway to attract the attention of the leaders. , The thing to solve the problem.

Fortunately, Fan Wuyi had a lot of cash on hand, and he and the three Wang brothers mobilized a portion of the funds, released relief funds on the spot, and dealt with the problem in a timely manner. This helped Fan Heng solve a major issue at the beginning of his tenure.

Later, Panshi also gave birth to small-scale groups. For example, before Panshi's Plain Machinery Factory went bankrupt, the workers did not cooperate and occupied the factory. When Fan Heng went to the scene to appease him, he was also attacked by a sniper set up by the other party. If it weren't for Lin Xiaotong to block a shot for him, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After that, Fan Heng and other city leaders carefully analyzed the past generations of group incidents, deeply understood the causes of these incidents that are most likely to occur at present, and how to properly and quickly quell these incidents and eliminate the impact. , The restoration of social stability and other circumstances have made detailed arrangements, and formed a set of effective management methods.

At present, the most common group incidents in China are enterprise reorganization and restructuring, state-owned enterprise dissolution and bankruptcy, laid-off unemployment, imperfect social security system, widening gap between the rich and the poor, land requisition for municipal construction, old district reconstruction, demolition, and historical legacy A series of group incidents cited by the problem.

In addition, various labor disputes, economic interest disputes, and sensitive issues at home and abroad may also cause group incidents. The appeals involve many aspects and are of a certain extent. At the same time, the subjects involved are not fixed, but they are still specific. For example, municipal construction mainly focuses on relocation of households, and historical issues mainly involve the parties and children involved.

The focus and causes of group events are very complicated, and it is difficult to coordinate and resolve them. Not only are civil, economic, and cultural matters, but they also involve public security, administration, and enterprises. Sometimes they are cross-regional and cross-industry, ranging from a few people to hundreds of people, and as many as tens of thousands of people.

Some group incidents are due to historical cases that have been delayed for a long time and become more and more complicated. Old problems have not been solved, and new problems have emerged. In addition, some people with ulterior motives secretly intervened to provoke incidents, and made the focus of contradictions intricate and intertwined, which caused great difficulties in the resolution work.

The trend is sudden and radical. Participation refers to the mountain. The common problems of mass emergencies are closely related to rights and interests. When individuals or groups with land are violated politically and economically, or cannot be resolved or satisfied. Under the control of the misconception that letters and visits do not believe in the law. Assemble personnel and expand the state of affairs. Count on aggressive behavior to solve the problem. It's easy to give birth.

In some sensitive incidents. Once someone picks the head. It is easy to have a chain reaction. The local people do not understand or have a little knowledge of the policy. hearsay. Always think that the law does not blame the public. Holding things up and making trouble. The more important the leader is, the easier it is to solve the mentality. So the scale of the matter gradually expanded. They even pulled up banners, blocked bridges and blocked roads, and marched and demonstrated. Even violently resisted law enforcement. Land has also evolved into incidents of smashing, smashing and looting.

Once these things are not handled properly. It is easy to be intensified.

Because I have had experience in dealing with unexpected situations many times. The Panshi City Government had a certain estimate of the consequences of Liu Jie's sudden death. So this time there is a way to deal with it. They are divided into three levels to contain and persuade these people. Hope to settle their affairs. Don't aggravate the situation.

Fan Wubing was having breakfast accompanied by Song Qingdi, Fan Hengdi's secretary. Song Qing gave him the early morning oil tea and bread with dried fruits such as raisins and walnuts. There are slices of ham and so on.

"Do you also bake this bread yourself?" Fan Wuyao asked suspiciously.

Although Song Qing was very good at cooking, the bread baking was too good. Fan Wubing doubted that if she had this kind of craftsmanship, it would be more profitable to open a bakery by herself than to be a secretary for the leader.

"Oh, there is an oven in the restaurant, as well as bread crumbs and ingredients. I read the instructions carefully and tried several times before I came up with this kind of bread. How is it, the taste is not bad?" Song Qing has nothing on her face. The special expression looks very plain.

"It's not only good, the French baked it may not be of this level." Fan Wuyao said with a smile. He picked up a piece of bread and took a bite, revealing the dark walnut kernels and raisins inside. Suddenly one thing came to mind.

Song Qing picked up a piece of bread herself, took a small bite, then took a sip of oil tea and chewed slowly. She and Fan Wubing can be considered a life-and-death relationship. Although Fan Wubing has protected her, this kind of thing is often like this. Once the life and death juncture together, no matter how plain the relationship is, the relationship will become difficult. It's the same.

Or, everyone's heart is more concerned with the recollection of the feeling of wandering between life and death at that time. In order to commemorate those moments, so they pay more attention to those who have experienced it together.

"Do you know how the bread with raisins comes from?" Fan Wubing asked.

"How did it come?" Song Qing asked curiously, not knowing what Fan Wubing was going to say.

Fan Wubing shook Song Qing with the bread in his hand, and then said, "A Russian writer wrote in a novel that bread with raisins was a great pioneering work by a baker named Ivan Lipp. At that time, a governor named Arsenizaklevsky bought a piece of fresh bread from him, but the governor found a cockroach in the bread. The baker who was afraid of being questioned by the governor became wise. , Immediately ate the cockroach and said that it was not a roach but raisins, and then he immediately asked his assistants to bake bread mixed with raisins in order to clear himself off in front of the governor. So, there were raisins in it. That’s how the bread came out."

Song Qing listened to the story told by Fan Wubing, and looked at the bread in her hand, as well as the dark walnut kernels and raisins in it. She felt a little nauseous in her heart. Tell people such a disgusting story a long time ago."


After that, Fan Wubing was a little worried about what happened there, so he called Fan Heng, but the office said that Secretary Fan had taken someone to the fertilizer factory.

The place where Liu Jie died was the former employee of the fertilizer plant, and most of the people who invested in the fund-raising were also employees and family members of the fertilizer plant. This time after the news of Liu Jie’s death came out, the first commotion was the employees and the employees of the fertilizer plant who invested in the fund-raising place. Families.

After learning about the identity and background of the death last night, the comrades of the street office have already started operations and are closely watching the situation of the fertilizer plant. Not only did it leak out, but there were also people behind the scenes who made plans, fanning the wind and making wildfires, for fear that the matter would not be caused.

With internal thieves, external ghosts are naturally attracted. So in the middle of the night, some people in the fertilizer factory who participated in the fund-raising began to connect together. Early in the morning, they used bamboo poles to carry banners made from white quilts and rushed out of the fertilizer. The factory dormitory is ready to go to the streets.

Fortunately, the city is also prepared with two hands. In addition to comrades who arranged the street office to pay close attention to the situation, they also arranged police activities around the fertilizer plant. At this time, when someone pulled out of the team, it was naturally to be contained.

Therefore, the teams participating in the fund-raising are now blocked in the alley at the exit of the dormitory of the chemical fertilizer factory. A dozen police cars lined up. A hundred policemen surrounded the alley and the leaders in the city had already rushed. In the past, I was going to do the work of persuasion.

Fan Wubing listened to the office's explanation, and felt that he should also go over and check the situation, and first help his father stabilize the situation before speaking. Although the city government has money, it is inconvenient to spend. It is far worse than making the money whatever they want. Therefore, they only do the work of persuasion there first and cannot solve the problem immediately.

But for most of the people who were worried that they would not be able to get the funds raised because of Liu Jie's death, only the real RMB could appease them, so Fan Wuyao immediately called his subordinates and sent a few cars over. , Pulled two sacks of cash for reserve, ready to launch a money offensive when the conflict is fierce.

Listening to Fan Wubing arranging work on the phone, Song Qing said with some emotion, "The aura of the rich is different! But how much money are these two sacks?"

Fan Wubing was ordering things from his opponents. Hearing Song Qing’s words, he immediately replied with a bit of amusement, "This is our idiot. A sack is worth one million. Of course, he won’t really put it in a sack. ."

The two waited for a while, and Fan Wuyi rushed over. A total of three cars, two Audis, and a Mitsubishi official car, drove Fan Wuyi and Song Qing straight to the dormitory area of ​​the fertilizer factory.

When they came to the alley outside the dormitory area of ​​the fertilizer factory, they found that the area had been completely blocked by the police.

I saw the car of Fan Heng and others parked there from a distance, but they didn’t know where they were going. When Fan Wuyao asked the ground, the people who were guarding outside replied that Secretary Fan and the others had gone deep into the dormitory. Went to have a cordial conversation with the people who gathered to make trouble.

Fan Wubing suddenly disagreed a little. Although it was very necessary to talk with each other, it was a bit unwise to talk without having enough chips in his hand.

After a while, a deputy chief of the police station called Xie Yinsheng came out inside. After seeing Fan Wuyi, he told him about the situation inside. "Secretary Fan went in after eight o'clock and has been To appease the masses, I have just contacted the people inside, and the situation is fairly stable, but the deceased family members are a bit emotional on the contrary, as if they have died unjustly."

"Does the deceased family have anything to say about the fund-raising issue?" Song Qing asked.

Xie Yinsheng recognized Song Qing and replied, "This is the problem. The dead family members do not admit it now, saying that they have no knowledge of Liu Jie's affairs and have no consciousness of assuming the debt repayment responsibility for him. Because of this matter, there is almost nothing in it. When the fight started, a few veteran leaders from the fertilizer factory rushed over, and they finally bluffed the people."

The situation in the dormitory area is still relatively complicated. According to Xie Yinsheng, at this time, as the news spread, more and more people participated in the fundraising. More than 300 people have gathered, all surrounded by the dead Liu Jie’s house. I am willing to go away, and I am very emotional. If it weren’t for the good official voices of the leaders in the city, and the achievements of Panshi in the past few years are obvious to all, everyone’s living standards have been greatly improved. Woke up.

"Who are there? Did the police enter?" Fan Wubing frowned and asked.

Under the current situation, what I fear most is the intensification of contradictions. Fan Wuyi is very worried that the police station will sprinkle a large number of police forces without thinking about it, which will cause everyone to look like a major enemy. This complicates the problem and is not conducive to the resolution of contradictions.

Fortunately, Xie Yinsheng replied, "It was originally intended to arrange for personnel to enter, but Secretary Fan immediately stopped it. He said that the cadres and the people are one body. There is no need to go to war and send police forces because of security issues. I took a dozen cadres, accompanied by several leaders of the fertilizer factory, and went into the dormitory area to understand the situation with the leader and resolve disputes. We were waiting outside, but we were very worried in our hearts, but Secretary Fan There are strict restrictions, and we can only wait for news here. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Fan Wubing nodded and said, "Well, it's okay. The police going in will only complicate the situation."

After clarifying the general situation, Fan Wuyi asked to enter the dormitory area immediately.

"Ms. Fan, this is a bit dangerous, right?" Xie Yinsheng said embarrassedly, "Let's not talk about the above explanation that people can't be let in. You are just a few people who enter rashly, and you are not familiar with the situation inside, which can easily cause misunderstandings. , There were some accidents."

Fan Wubing smiled and waved his hand, "I'm sending money, so why would anyone be embarrassed with us?"

Speaking of Fan Wuyin, he asked Xie Yinsheng to look at the cash he was pulling on his car. After seeing Fan Wuyin’s preparations, Xie Yinsheng was a little bit stunned, and then relieved, but he still sent twenty policemen to help guard him. Around the money-carrying car, in case there will be a sudden accident later.

In this way, Fan Wuyi's motorcade entered the dormitory area of ​​the fertilizer plant.

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