
Vol 5 Chapter 284: shocking

In the dormitory area of ​​the fertilizer factory at that time, it was another scene. (

The establishment of the chemical fertilizer plant was not too late. It probably started in 1958. At that time, the whole country was making the Great Leap Forward. In addition to the large-scale steel smelting, it also made full use of other means to increase production. The Panshi Fertilizer Plant was built during that period.

At the beginning, Panshi Chemical Fertilizer Plant produced phosphate fertilizers. By the late 1960s, many fertilizer plants in Wangtian successively introduced synthetic methods to produce hydrogen carbonate. At the end of the Cultural Revolution, the Panshi Chemical Fertilizer Plant had begun to use the spiral flow sieve method to achieve gas-making full-burning carbonized briquettes. The annual output increased from 3,000 tons in the early 1970s to 5,000 tons.

In the early 1980s, the chemical fertilizer plant carried out a comprehensive technological transformation. The coal used for gas production was selected and purified to reduce the impurities in briquettes and increase the amount of carbon. By adjusting the ratio between nitrogen and hydrogen and the pressure and temperature of the reaction gas in the synthesis tower, the conversion rate of raw gas to gas is improved, the degree of reaction is promoted, and the amount of gas generated per unit time is increased. The water cooler and heat exchanger are modified to make heat energy. Make full use to reduce waste.

In the mid-1980s, the Panshi Chemical Fertilizer Plant carried out technical transformation again, citing the Wangtian Provincial Chemical Design Institute heat exchange network technology device, by transforming the circulating hot water to obtain heat from synthesis and supply heat to refining, achieving energy gradual utilization and saving Energy consumption, synthetic annual output increased to 10,000 tons.

Up to now, with the support of the municipal government, the Panshi Fertilizer Plant has continued to improve and reform various supporting projects, so that the annual output of carbonic acid has exceeded 30,000 tons, and the product quality has also reached the national second-level product standard.

It can be said that in the general environment where the entire state-owned enterprise industry is not prosperous, the life of the Panshi Fertilizer Plant is still relatively moist. Of course, this is related to the increasing use of fertilizers in agriculture, and it is also because of the Panshi City Government. A large amount of capital investment has made the technological transformation funds of the fertilizer plant fully guaranteed.

Science and technology are the primary productive forces. There is nothing wrong with this statement. The Panshi Fertilizer Plant is relying on comprehensive technological upgrades and constantly maintaining product quality to be ahead of other enterprises in the province to ensure the operation of the enterprise. The situation and profits are not negatively affected by the general environment.

Although Panshi has gone bankrupt in the past few years, there have been many companies, and the number of laid-off workers has exceeded several thousand, but the market for fertilizer plants is still booming, and the boy's day has been very moist.

Speaking of this, the entire fertilizer plant is going up and down, and I am very grateful to the municipal government for the timely replenishment of the technical reform funds. If it were not for this timely rain, I am afraid that from last year, the Panshi Fertilizer Plant would not be able to open the pot.

It is precisely because of the small life of Panshi Fertilizer Factory. That's why there will be spare money to invest in equity fundraising. Follow Liu Jie to mine. A large number of people are now locked up. At this moment, I was crying without tears.

But overall. The quality of the working class is still relatively high. Although a little flustered. There is no chaos. Even though there are a few people who are fanning the flames and creating factors of instability. But most people still hope that the municipal government will intervene. Solve this matter methodically.

Therefore, a group of leading cadres with Secretary Fan Heng appeared behind the dormitory area of ​​the fertilizer plant. Everyone's emotions are much more stable. And nominated several representatives. The leaders of the city government are presenting what happened.

"Liu Jie turned out to be an employee in the factory. Later after 1992, he left without pay and went to the south. It is said that he had some money." Liu Xiangqian, the director of the fertilizer factory, introduced to everyone. "At the beginning of this year. Liu Jie came back suddenly. He said he had found a good way of making money. But he was alone and weak. It was not easy to use. So he found friends who were familiar with each other to do business together. It is said that he was going there. Mining on the mountain. Liu Jie gave a high interest rate of 50% per annum. It attracted many people. Later, it spread more and more. More and more people participated. The people who invested in the fund-raising were no longer limited to the fertilizer factory. Workers. Many family members and people from outside the factory also joined in."

Asked Yang Tianhe, secretary general of the city government. "How are Liu Jiedi's family members now? Compensation needs to be arranged. They cannot do without them."

Liu Xiangqian, the manager of the fertilizer plant, replied. "Our factory leaders and union leaders have already gone to his house. But his wife Wu Fang is emotionally unstable. It is difficult to communicate." Then he added. "Liu Jie just had an accident last night. People have gone. Wu Fang is still three months pregnant. He has fainted several times."

"This situation should have been told to us earlier." Fan Hyung frowned upon hearing this.

Political workers pay particular attention to some details. Now if you want to completely solve the problem of Liu Jie’s fund-raising case, you must obtain the original receipts in Liu Jie's hands and match them with the receipts held by everyone, so that you can figure it out. The scale of Liu Jie's fund-raising case, and make a decision accordingly.

"Leave some people here to continue to understand the situation. Secretary-General Yang and I will go to Liu Jie's house." Fan Heng decided.

Liu Xiangqian, the director of the fertilizer plant, said with some worry, "

, Secretary-General Yang, you have to be psychologically prepared. If his family members spill over, things will be difficult to handle. "

Yang Tianhe said, "What can happen? A woman who is sloppy is nothing more than grabbing and biting! Isn't she going to stop doing work for fear of being sloppy?!"

Liu Xiangqian said hey, "That's it, I will accompany you over."

Three people started, followed by five or six staff members, and walked towards Liu Jie's house.

Liu Jie’s house was also an ordinary worker’s housing, but later dozens of dormitory buildings were built in the factory, and the original bungalows were vacated, and to catch up with the pilot housing marketization, Liu Jie let the same workers in the factory. His wife, Wu Fang, bought the two bungalows next to her, opened up the three houses, and redecorated them to form a large house of more than 200 square meters.

When Fan Heng and the others walked over, they saw at least fifty people standing in the yard of Liu Jie's house. Listening to the movement, it seemed that there were a lot of people in the house, noisy and chaotic.

"What are you arguing about?! Don't you have to go to work?!" Liu Xiangqian saw at a glance that many people standing in the yard were employees of the factory, so he shouted.

Most of these people are working employees, and they are still very afraid of the authority of the factory director. When Liu Xiangqian yelled here, they immediately dispersed. There were about a dozen people left, but some foreigners.

"Who are you guys? Why don't you walk around here?" Liu Xiangqian looked at these people as raw faces, and then asked harshly.

"For those who want to pay, Liu Jie is dead, ask his wife to refund the money." A person replied.

The rest of the people also clamored, but they also saw that the secretary Fan Heng was present, and what they were doing was very authentic. The husband just died, he came to be surrounded and asked for the account. It's really not very moral.

"Accounting? Do you have a certificate?" Liu Xiangqian looked at the man twice, and then asked.

"Of course there are, all with me!" The man replied immediately.

A dozen people quickly took out the fund-raising receipts in their pockets and let Fan Heng and others watch them.

Fan Heng, Yang Tianhe and the others looked at them and frowned, feeling that this matter is indeed messy.

Among the receipts that everyone took out, there was nothing such as formal IOUs or seals, that is, Liu Jie casually tore off a piece of paper from the primary school students’ workbook, and some of them were written papers, just on the back. Then write down how many yuan you have received from a certain person today, the monthly interest is four cents, the payee Liu Jie, and so on.

There is not even a seal or handprint on this white strip, let alone a notary's testimony.

Yang Tianhe couldn't help sighing after seeing it, "Have you never studied contract law? Even the court can't help you prove that this kind of thing is effective."

"Black and white, how could it be ineffective?" A person raised the white strip in his hand, and asked in a somewhat unbelieving manner.

Fan Heng waved his hand and said to Yang Tianhe, "Forget it, don't talk to them about it. I won't be able to tell this matter for a while. I don't have time to fight this saliva lawsuit. Now we are at least clear about this fund-raising case. The record in is rather chaotic and the situation is very complicated. If you want to understand the real situation, you must reach a consensus with Liu Jie’s wife, Wu Fang, and see where Liu Jie’s original receipt is placed?"

In fact, the receipts in Liu Jie's hands are not all like the Baitiaoer held by these people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the early stage of fundraising, the receipts he provided for the equity fundraising were all formal receipts, not only His own signature and seal, as well as the handprint on it.

But later, as more and more people raised funds to buy shares, and more and more money he received, Liu Jie’s work was also very simple. He often just pulled a piece of paper casually and just took it. The receipt was issued, and the signing of his name was considered a top issue.

Originally, it was unruly to do so, but then many people heard that the return on investment here is very profitable, and they got it through the relationship, so as long as Liu Jie gives his money to his subordinates and promises them to buy shares, everyone will also There is nothing to care about, but I don't know that this will leave a lot of hidden dangers.

After all, the legal effect of these white strips is really between the two.

Fan Heng glanced at the white strips held by the dozens of people, and calculated the total amount of funds above. It turned out to be more than 600,000 yuan. He couldn't help but feel a little worried. Liu Jie died happily, but It left such a big hole for the family and the city government, and I don't know how much money the city needs to pay for them this time!

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