
Vol 5 Chapter 285: 12 million!

When I came here without illness, I was encountering Fan Heng and the others because of these white streaks.

"Oh, you don't need to be so embarrassed." Fan Wubing said to everyone, "There is always a priority. Now the task is to do the work of the dead family members, let them take out the accounts, and then we will solve them slowly. For these things, as long as someone starts to get the fund-raising funds, it will cause trouble with worry."

Fan Heng pulled his son Fan Wubing aside, frowning and said, "It's not that simple. Just write a few words on a blank sheet of paper and take your money away? That's too much. It's not serious anymore, you can't do this!"

Fan Wubing also replied in a low voice, "I am not that stupid. Everything must be based on the original documents."

Fan Wubing meant that according to the documents that everyone can provide, holders of official documents with seals, signatures and handprints should be given priority to get refunds, and then by analogy, people with fewer items get a refund. The more the batch is later, as for the white strips, it is natural to put them at the end for processing.

It makes sense for him to think this way. When Liu Jie started to raise funds, he definitely involved the most people, but at this time, everyone will not trust him very much, so the amount of investment will not be too much, that is, Most of them cost a few hundred yuan or a few thousand yuan. Most of these people are employees or family members of fertilizer plants. The total amount of funds is only one million at best, which is easy to solve.

But in the later stage, Liu Jie didn’t care much about it. Bai Tiao’er exchanged RMB back for a dozen. He didn’t care how to pay back the money in the future. Fan Wuyi estimated that either he had already found a mine. Either he didn't even have the intention to save and pay back, so he opened the white strips so unscrupulously.

Fan Wubing himself has some experience with this kind of thing. People who know these illegal fund-raising usually have two paths. One way is to flee away with money, and the other way is to survive until the end and cannot hold it. At that time, he was sent to court like Shen Taifu, an illegal fund-raising site, and died.

People like Liu Jie are naturally unable to break away from these two most common roads. According to Fan Wuyi’s view, Liu Jie’s family did not spend lavishly, nor did his relatives and friends find out that Liu Jie had anything to do with it. Special expenses, his money should still exist somewhere, if it is not invested in mining, it must be hidden somewhere.

It is estimated that this guy is probably going to take out the money and flee, Fan Wuyao thought in his heart.

The father and son exchanged opinions. The charter was laid down. First, make every effort to solve the problem of fund-raising for most of the employees in the fertilizer plant. Stabilize the situation. Then solve the problem of white strips in the later stage.

After making this decision. Liu Xiangqian cooperated with Yang Tianhe. Announce the decision of the city through the local broadcast in the factory. Thus. The factory is much quieter.

Wait until Yang Tianhe leads Fan Wu's subordinates. When starting to check the receipts. There is a problem. The local people in the factory are still more serious about the receipt of this fund-raising place. It's basically a formal receipt. Clearly organized. Therefore, it is very convenient to return it.

Just to be prudent. When Yang Tianhe was at the refund place. Just boarded the specific information of the employees. So that you can easily find the original record when there are problems in the future. It can also put an end to the idea of ​​some people fishing in troubled waters.

After the workers at the fertilizer plant heard the news. The mood stabilized immediately.

Since the city government is willing to come forward to understand this matter. Everyone can get the capital back again. That is fortunate. As for things like interest. Don't expect it. Because after the city government announced its decision. I also read out a series of policies and explanations of the central government on illegal fund-raising places. Let everyone know that this kind of behavior is not protected by law. in other words. That is, once there is a deficit in illegal fund-raising. When the debtor is unable to compensate. The government is also helpless.

Therefore, this time the city government is willing to come forward to help everyone recover their losses, it is very difficult to be valuable.

After everyone learned about these inside stories, they consciously began to register, and then received corresponding refunds from Fan Wuyi's subordinates, and the situation outside immediately calmed down.

The only thing that is a little headache now is the people from outside the area who are surrounded by Liu Jie’s home. These people have relatively large amounts of funds raised in the hands. If they are anxious, they are afraid that they will make something that is difficult to estimate. Local things.

So Fan Heng and his son, Yang Tianhe, Liu Xiangqian and others entered Liu Jie's house.

Inside Liu Jie’s home, there was a mess at this time. Liu Jie’s wife, Wu Fang, was crying in the bed. There were six or seven maidens who were all around the bed at this time. The one who came to persuade them was to take the opportunity to pick up the cheap ones. Anyway, these people are not her direct relatives, so it's hard to guess.

There are also many debt collectors in the house, and there are also a lot of people laying on the floor with backpacks on their backs.

The fearless spirit of returning home, anyway, Liu Jie’s house is very large, and the yard|is able to live in them. These people lie on the ground, some smoking, some sleeping, and some playing poker to kill time. There are all kinds of things, the chaos is so messy that the house is full of smoke.

"What kind of style is this?!" Fan Heng said very angrily.

Many people found Fan Heng, and they were a little nervous. After all, this is Panshi's parental officer, a great person who talks about the same, and in the eyes of most ordinary people, that is quite an extraordinary person.

So many people stood up in disbelief, not knowing what to say, but there were also some people who are dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water. An investment from Shaanxi just lay on the ground without moving its nest. , He just blocked the way of everyone.

According to an informed source, he invested 600,000 yuan here. Before a month had passed, he came across news that Liu Jie had suddenly died in a traffic accident. He rushed over from the other side of the Yellow River overnight, just because he was worried about his investment. After hitting the water, staying at Liu Jie's home this time is determined and will never return to Shaanxi without compensation.

"Is he also taking white strips?" Fan Wuyao asked casually.

"It's also a white strip, and it's written in the newspaper." Someone replied, "At that time, Liu Jie was reluctant to collect funds anymore. He found this place with the help of several layers of relationships. Anyway, he invested 600,000 yuan in it. As a result, it hasn't been a month before such a thing happened, unfortunately!"

"Who can I blame for this?" Fan Wubing said in a very contemptuous manner. "You are justified in engaging in illegal fund-raising? I don't know if the country has been cracking down on it now?! If this money goes through normal channels, it will definitely be. Can't get it back!"

The Shaanxi man lying on the ground suddenly jumped up, "What do you say? What do you say? Why can't I get my hungry money?"

Fan Wubing glanced at him and said immediately, "I know this man. He is a well-known fraudster in Shaanxi. He came out because he committed a crime. He didn't expect to run to our Rock, and immediately contacted the police to control him. , Slowly checking his problem!"

The staff immediately responded, twisted the man up, and sent it outside.

The Shaanxi native shouted immediately, "Wrong! Why do you call me a liar! I am a serious businessman!"

But those people didn't care whether he was a serious businessman or not, and dragged him away.

Fan Wubing cleaned up the road as soon as he did it. He looked at the people around him, his eyes were cold, and everyone hid in fright, for fear that this looking very imposing young man would do it to himself. Put a title of a liar, and then ask someone to drag yourself away.

When the road turned aside, Fan Heng and others went to see Wu Fang to express to her the city government’s condolences for her husband’s unfortunate death in a car accident, and to talk about the aftermath of the Liu Jie fund-raising case.

Fan Wubing took his own people to find a table and sat down, and then maintained good order, and began to check the people left in the house, registering the amount of their share capital one by one, so as to make statistics and see. A look at how much money Liu Jie has raised?

This statistics did not take much time. A total of sixty or seventy people came to 66, mainly foreigners and some big households in the city, and the final calculated amount of funds is really let back to check. Yang Tianhe and the others were shocked by the situation. This time the statistics, plus the funds raised by the employees of the chemical fertilizer plant that have almost been released outside, have actually exceeded 12 million yuan. It's pretty amazing!

Fan Wubing took a breath after seeing this number~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His heart was really brave, and he was starving to death!

No one thought that Liu Jie, who was not a big troublemaker in the city, would actually raise more than 12 million yuan. This is simply unimaginable. You must know that there are some fund-raising events in Panshi City, and the limelight is also It's much larger than Liu Jie's, but I don't know whether the amount of money they fund has passed the number of Liu Jie's case and reached a higher amount?

Fan Wubing closed his eyes and thought for a while, and felt that this possibility was too great.

It's no wonder that an old lady in Wuxi can raise 3.2 billion yuan. It is true that this kind of high return profit cannot be resisted by anyone. With a 50% annual interest rate, how many people will it attract?

The people present couldn't help but shook their heads, thinking that this kind of high-interest fund-raising behavior is too harmful. Until now, no one has seen where the coal mine in Liu Jie's mouth is actually opened. This is obvious. It's a scam!

In the face of money, not many people can withstand its temptation.

The third update today

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