
Vol 5 Chapter 295: The first springboard to enter the high-level "Ask a monthly pass"

Alternate members of the Central Committee are elected by the Party’s National Congress and must be at least party standing. The term of office of alternate members of the Central Committee and the Central Committee is also five years. Alternate members of the Central Committee are generally the deputy ministers and deputy directors of the central organs and the State Council; Persons in charge of institutions, persons in charge of people's organizations, leaders of large state-owned enterprises, celebrities from all walks of life, etc.

When a member of the Central Committee becomes vacant, the alternate member of the Central Committee shall fill it in accordance with the number of votes obtained.

At first, Fan Wubing thought that his father, Fan Heng, could skip the rank of alternate committee member in one fell swoop and go directly to the role of a member of the Central Committee. However, after inquiring about it, such a thing was unlikely to happen. It's not that someone is blocking, but that this election process must be followed.

However, before the outbreak of the Chen Wang case, Fan Heng finally nominated an alternate member of the Central Committee, which was reviewed and approved by the Central Standing Committee meeting. Strictly speaking, this was a bit out of order, but after all, it was justified in this special period.

Now due to Chen's downfall, the important cadres in the capital are being investigated very strictly. I believe that many important positions will be vacated. There should still be a few central committee members or alternate members. Everyone’s eyes are fixed on these. In the vacant position, they are all trying to get it. As for Fan Hyung, who has been approved by the high-level and has been supporting it, naturally there is no reason to oppose it.

Election and the basic content of democracy within the elected party. The election laws and regulations in the National Congress system set strict regulations on the election methods of the members of the Central Committee, the central leadership and the leaders of the Central Committee, and alternate members to ensure the democratic and scientific nature of the party leadership and the leadership core.

In fact, sometimes before the National Congress, the problems that need to be solved are solved according to needs or on the basis of the party constitution and relevant laws and regulations.

For example, the political commissars of the Central Committee elected by ** had two vacancies due to some reasons, and alternate members were required to fill them by routine. But at that time there was only one alternate member of the Politburo. This situation is quite special, although after the vacancy of the Politburo members, the remaining work has been arranged for staff to share. However, in terms of procedural procedures, the Seventh Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee may make necessary arrangements for this through supplements, ratification or other methods.

Looking back at history, there is a precedent for solving similar problems through supplements and special discussions. After ten years of turmoil during the Cultural Revolution, when the 11th National Congress of the Party was held, a large number of unjust, false and wrong cases had not been rehabilitated, and many veteran cadres could not come out to take up leadership positions. Due to the work needs and actual conditions at the time, the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the Eleventh Central Committee added 21 members of the Central Committee, and some even entered the Politburo.

The preparatory meeting of the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China discussed an issue and made a formal resolution, and requested the Party’s Twelfth National Congress to confirm this decision. In this way, the addition of these Central Committee members was ratified.

Fan Wubing figured out these problems. He shook his head with a headache. Sure enough, there are many ways to engage in politics. Since it is not suitable for this.

Although the Wuxi Deng Bin case has been closed. The principal culprit Deng Bin was also shot immediately. But because of the Deng Bin case, the Chen Wang case was brought out. It cannot be finished in a short time. After all, the leadership level involved is too high. The impact is too great. It is impossible to close the case hastily.

In this way. Fan Heng has only been waiting for a while. I believe there is no need to wait until the case is closed. Or as long as they are expelled from the Central Committee. Fan Heng could well be added to the Central Committee.

Just when the Chen Wang case has not been officially opened to the public. Panshi launched the largest anti-corruption operation in history.

Feng Jianhong, deputy secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the prefectural commission, was supported by Fan Hengdi. According to reports from the masses. And the Commission for Discipline Inspection has made public and unannounced visits since this time. In one fell swoop, more than a dozen cadres with economic problems were under control. Among them was a deputy mayor who was suspected of taking bribes seriously.

This series of anti-corruption efforts in Panshidi smashed out. It frightened many people. There are many people in the province who intercede with these people. It is a pity that Fan Heng does not have a close relationship with the province. Now he has become an alternate member of the Central Committee. Naturally, not many people dared to find him directly to ask questions. So some people tried every possible means to find Fan Hengdi's family through joints. But after some attempts. I found this more difficult.

Fan Heng is now alone in Panshi, and there is no reason to approach him. His wife and children are in Beijing and Shanghai, and it is even more difficult to approach them. Far cannot quench their thirst.

Therefore, Panshi's handling actions were very fast. After finding out the economic problems of these dozens of cadres, they quickly dealt with them according to the seriousness of the circumstances. The deputy mayor even pursued criminal investigations after double opening. responsibility.

Such a big action caused a lot of shock in Wangtian Province. Originally, many people wanted to cut their heads down, but now seeing this situation, they immediately avoided it.


It’s true that the economic conditions are good. If you get there or you can get a lot of oil in order to get some oil and water and lose your official career, then it’s worth it.

The province’s response to Panshi’s actions was slower, but the central government’s opinion soon came down. The Panshi city government was able to pay attention to anti-corruption work while focusing on economic work and gave a very high evaluation. At the meeting of the Central Standing Committee, several leaders fully affirmed Panshi's approach and placed high hopes on the Panshi leadership group led by Fan Heng.

Affected by this news, the sensitive media immediately spotted Fan Hyung, a rising political star, and noticed that the Rock has developed to a point where the central government can pay attention at any time, so many media have sent Senior reporters came to Panshi to do research, trying to study Panshi's development path.

Under this circumstance, news reports about Panshi have increased, and it has suddenly become a typical city in the country, surpassing the attention paid to many provincial capitals.

At the beginning of December, the members of the Central Committee went to Beijing for a meeting. At the meeting, due to the request of some members, Fan Heng came to power to report to all members on the development of Panshi.

This is the first time for Fan Heng to make a report in the Central Committee. Although Fan Wubing helped him sort out his thoughts before, and gave him ample encouragement, he really stood on the highest level of forum and said no. It is impossible to have mood swings, especially for someone like him who entered the ranks of alternate members of the Central Committee for the first time. He took a deep breath, and then began his first speech here, "From the establishment of Since today, our party has faced two major historical tasks, one is the independence of the nation and the liberation of the people, and the other is the prosperity of the country and the prosperity of the people. The first task has already been completed. So far, we have done three major things, The first is the democratic revolution, saving the country and the people. The second is reforming and building to benefit the country and the people. The third is reform and opening up to strengthen the country and the people. At present, we are doing the third major thing. It is not enough to achieve a strong country and people with a strong sense of development. It is more important to solve the problem of who to develop for and how to develop than to establish a sense of development—"

“Resources are relatively insufficient, and problems such as high energy costs and serious environmental damage have become increasingly prominent. The contradiction between man and nature has never been more prominent than it is today. The inherent fragility of China’s ecological environment. Its fragility is significantly higher than the global average. Sixty-five percent of them are mountains or hills, 70% are affected by monsoons every year, and 33% are arid or desert areas-the cruel reality behind these shocking figures is that five percent The land area of ​​the fifteenth year is not suitable for human life and production.

As for China's per capita water resources, it is only a quarter of the average level. Among more than 600 cities, more than 400 are short of water, of which 110 are severely short of water. The per capita arable land in China is less than 40% of the world average, and the per capita reserves of important mineral resources such as oil, natural gas, copper and aluminum account for only 8.3% and 4.4% of the world per capita level respectively. 1. 25.5% and 9.7%.

From the 1950s to the 1990s, the expanded area of ​​each desertified land increased from 560 square kilometers to 2,460 square kilometers. There were 471 counties in 18 provinces in China with a population of nearly 400 million. Arable land and gardens are being threatened by varying degrees of desertification--"

"China’s current wastewater discharge totals 43.95 billion tons, which is more than 82% of the environmental capacity. The seven major river systems account for 40% of the inferior grade five water quality, and 75%. The lakes are experiencing varying degrees of eutrophication.

A considerable part of China's GDDP figure is obtained by sacrificing future generations. The energy consumed for every dollar of wealth created is 4.3 times that of the United States, 7.7 times that of Germany and France, and 11.5 times that of Japan~www.wuxiaspot.com~China consumes 30% of the world. One raw coal, 30% iron ore, 27% steel and 40% cement create less than 4% of the global GDP. In other words, Zhongxian accounts for less than one hundred and four of the world's total economic output, while its consumption of steel, cement and other materials accounts for about one-third of the global total.

The above situation shows that the road of capital investment for growth has come to an end, and it is imperative to realize a fundamental change in the mode of production—"

The members of the Central Committee in the audience were all stunned. They never thought that when Fan Heng came to the stage, it was not the traditional report of good news or bad news, but a lot of numbers that they didn't know where they got from.

Suddenly the entire venue was silent, and everyone was listening carefully to every number that came out of Fan Heng's mouth.

Among the hundreds of people, a few clear-minded and keen committee members immediately understood that Fan Heng's ascent was an unstoppable trend.

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