
Vol 5 Chapter 296: From the alternate to the official one step "Ask for a monthly pass"

After the end of the second world station, accelerating economic growth has become the world's largest, and mankind has created unprecedented economic growth achievements. However, the traditional view of development in human history generally emphasizes the growth of material wealth, ignores the overall development of humans and the overall progress of society, ignores humanistic, resource, and environmental indicators, and ignores that the natural world is above all human beings rely on for survival and development. Base. Some countries have followed a path of development first and governance later, and have paid a high price for solving the serious problem of the deterioration of the ecological environment. Some countries have poor development quality and insufficient stamina due to unbalanced economic structure and lagging social development. In some countries, problems such as disparity between the rich and the poor, increased unemployment, social turmoil, and political turmoil have emerged. "Fan Hyung stood on the stage and kept speaking for more than two hours. None of the audience in the audience appeared to doze off or lost consciousness. Everyone listened carefully to Fan Hyung's speech there. This was in the meeting. It is also rare in history.

"Therefore, since the middle of this century, many countries have begun to reflect on the history of human development. The development practices of countries around the world have also proved that development is not just economic growth, but should be a comprehensive and coordinated development of economy, politics, culture, and society. It is the sustainable development of harmony between man and nature. More and more people realize that following coordination, comprehensiveness and sustainability is the only correct choice for human development. Through the development trajectory of other countries, especially developed countries, and world research From the results of development theory, people have gradually formed the following consensus. The fundamental goal of development is to improve the material and cultural life of the people and realize the happiness and well-being of all people. We are the largest developing country in the world, and our country must complete industrialization and information The dual task of globalization is facing the dual pressure of promoting economic development, saving resources, and protecting the environment. This determines that we cannot repeat the old path taken by other countries, but must embark on a path of development with Chinese characteristics. Amid the applause, I finally finished speaking.

In the group discussion after the meeting, many committee members invited Fan Heng to discuss in their own group. Some committee members from major coal mining provinces stopped Fan Heng and asked him what his attitude towards the issue of resources is. .

Fan Heng thought for a while and said, “The energy industry has the characteristics of a large economy, high stock value, strong internal demand, and a strong pull on GDP. The development of the energy industry is an important link in expanding domestic demand and maintaining growth. In the long run, energy It is the relationship between national economic development and security. Energy strategy is the top priority of the national economic and social development strategy. A country that cannot control its own energy cannot control its own future. At present, all major countries in the world are formulating or adjusting themselves. China must formulate a long-term, feasible and operable energy development strategy from a global perspective."

Regarding the domestic energy issue, Fan Wubing had carefully discussed with his father Fan Heng for a while. The basic reality of domestic energy is that there is a shortage of oil, less gas and more coal, and the economic level and resource distribution of the east and the west are not balanced. Coal is the main source of energy in China. Although the proportion of coal in the total energy may gradually decrease, the total amount will continue to increase.

Due to insufficient oil and gas resources in the Mainland, the choice of an energy structure based on oil and gas is likely to be severely restricted by economic, international trade, politics and other factors. Coal is a realistic choice for the domestic energy strategy. However, due to the long-term losses of the domestic coal industry, heavy social burdens, untold mining difficulties, policy strength and lack of funds for the development of clean coal technology, coal production and consumption have become a major source of pollution, and environmental problems are facing severe international pressure.

Controlling coal output, strengthening the construction of large-scale coal production bases and strategic coal reserves, and preventing unbalanced mining and destructive overproduction are important issues that the domestic coal industry continues to solve. The domestic coal reserves-to-production ratio is far lower than the international level, and the proven reserves have basically been developed. How to change the concept, utilize domestic and international resources, and put the strategic coal reserves on the agenda, is a good option for proven coal mines. Appropriate storage is imminent.

For example, although domestic coal chemical industry and coal-to-liquid projects are good choices for economic benefits, 50% of the domestic coal resources are located in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, where water is extremely short, while coal chemical and coal-to-liquid projects are both It takes a lot of ground water. One ton of oil requires three or four tons of coal, one ton of thermal coal, and about ten tons of water, which is also quite expensive.

Everyone has been discussing this issue for a long time, and they have all noticed that there is already a big problem with excessive mining, but before the emergence of alternative solutions, there is no way to reverse this phenomenon of waste of resources. After all, all provinces must develop GDP, regardless of Whether it has an irreplaceable effect on employment, taxation, or export, it does not mean that you can stop by stopping.

However, Fan Heng still revealed a bit of information to everyone, "My ineffective son, Fan Wuyi, is now engaged in technical research on solar energy utilization and has made certain progress. If successful, heating in winter As well as daily bathing, solar energy can be used to achieve

And the effect is excellent. "

"This is a good thing!" Someone suddenly realized the benefits of this.

Heating problem in winter. It is a very heavy burden for the entire northern region. Most geothermal heating uses coal burning to obtain thermal energy. You can imagine how much energy is burned every year. But if this solar central heating project is completed. That is equivalent to leaving coal for heating in winter. The meaning contained therein. As long as you are not a fool, you can think of it.

Everyone is very envious. Fan Heng has such a capable place. Why do people give birth to a son who is a genius? And the child born by himself can only be a ya-nei? It's so popular!

Although the meeting was at the beginning. Fan Heng showed a surprising face. But more unexpectedly, things are still to come. The meeting progressed into the next few days. A preliminary decision was made regarding the protagonist of the Chen Wang case. Certainly remove Chen as a member of the Political Bureau. Several members of the Central Committee have been eliminated.

The most unexpected point. It was after these decisions were announced. Fan Heng was nominated as a member of the Central Committee by alternate members of the Central Committee. This proposal was put forward by Chief No. 1 himself. Everyone felt that this time he supported Fan Heng's superior power. In addition, this time Fan Hyung’s report is sobering. It also shows Fan Hengdi's overall view. Therefore, the proposal was passed with high votes immediately.

From the alternate member of the Central Committee to the member of the Central Committee, although this is only one step away, many people have not waited for a lifetime, and it took less than two months for Fan Hyung to take this step, which is really shocking, except for special periods. There has been a similar situation before, and it has never happened since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, even during the war years.

Fan Heng himself was a little shocked when he witnessed this scene. Up to now, he was a little bit disbelieved that he would pass the biggest threshold of his life so smoothly and entered a brand new world from then on.

The principal with the status of a member of the Central Committee, and the ministerial level without the identity of a member of the Central Committee, are just like the imperial minister with a yellow mantle and the imperial minister without a yellow mantle. They have no effect when nothing is wrong. Come, but once something major happens, the roles and power of the two are completely different.

I know that there are thousands of ministerial-level officials in the country, but there are less than two hundred members of the Central Committee. It is clear at a glance which one is more important.

After Fan Wubing heard the news, he didn't feel the slightest surprise. This time the incident of Wang Chen's case was a good opportunity for the political forces to reshuffle.

If high-level officials want to vigorously support Fan Heng as an alternate member of the Central Committee before the meeting, there is no need to force Fan Heng to be elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee. Then there is no such ability to stay in the circle of the Central Committee members.

It's just that Fan Heng has just been elected as a member of the Central Committee, so his status is quite different. It is inevitable for him to have some entertainment, and Fan Wuyi has only stayed in the school for a few days, and the principal visited the dormitory to give condolences.

It’s not a special day at first, but it’s almost the anniversary of the December 9th Movement. The school always carries forward this tradition and organizes some commemorative activities. The department organizes students to organize singing competitions or small programs. , The principal suddenly became interested and said that he would go to the dormitory to see how the students were preparing.

In this way, the administrators of the entire dormitory building are a bit messy. Cleaning and sanitation is definitely indispensable. The department also tells the students not to talk or move around, and if you don't have to talk too much, you will lose it.

So during the inspection, the principal met Fan Wubing by chance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two people hit it off and sat in Fan Wubing’s dormitory for a while, although the class did not have the guts to go in and listen to what they said. Something has happened, but judging from the red light on the face when the principal left, it should have achieved some substantial benefits.

After Fan Wubing sent the principal away, he closed it, and then said helplessly, "It's really cold! I didn't expect this set of ivory towers to be popular now. How long can the academic banner be fought? ?"

Fan Wuyi held a red envelope in his hand, opened it and clicked it. There were two thousand yuan in it.

The principal spoke very sincerely, to the effect of knowing that Fan Wubing is not short of money. However, as a school, it is impossible to ignore such outstanding students, so this is this year's scholarship.

Is there my scholarship this year? Fan Wubing stroked his chin and looked at the twenty blue old heads with a wry smile.

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