
Vol 5 Chapter 297: The fire in heaven "Ask for a monthly pass"

Coming, it.

Fan Wubing accepted the red envelope that the principal personally sent, but he didn’t want to swallow it alone. After all, it was regarded as the anointing of the people. So on December 9th, after the department’s commemorative activities were completed, he added some money. More than two hundred students in this grade, together with the teachers in the department, were quickly invited to the Jinjiang Hotel and had a nice meal.

Most of the students did not have the opportunity to eat in such a luxurious hotel. This time, thanks to Fan Wuyi's blessing, he finally opened a foreigner, which is considered a great experience.

Several major leaders in the department knew that Fan Wuyi’s father, Fan Heng, had already boarded a helicopter and became a member of the Central Committee in one fell swoop. At this time, Fan Wuyi invited everyone to dinner, which was like a banquet for celebration. So everyone They drank a lot of wine with him very affectionately, and there was not a hint of leadership.

In fact, it is estimated that only a few people can do it for the people who put on the lead in front of Fan Wuyi, and ordinary provincial and ministerial level or central committee members are qualified.

Fan Wubing also drank a little too much, but he had a lot of alcohol, it was nothing more than urinating a few more times. The alcohol content of beer was too low, but when drinking white wine, these students were not very comfortable. Fan Wuyi went to the countryside to follow the customs, so naturally he was just drinking beer with them.

As for the wines in the hotel’s cellar, there is no need to buy them. After all, those things are also famous. If these students are allowed to taste, it would be more meaningful to give them and sweet champagne.

The hotel is very happy. It is rare that there will be so many temporary guests to patronize, and the consumption of drinks alone is a lot, not to mention that the packages selected by Fan Wuyi are the most expensive, and it is hard to see that these are actually student.

Among the teachers who came together, some people are feeling the luxurious life of the rich now, and there are also some depressed people who slander Fan Wushu where the money comes from? He also thought about it, if students majoring in economics have to suffer poverty for their entire lives, then what practical significance does it have to open this major?

Without further ado, Fan Heng became a member of the Central Committee. For Fan Wuyi, he needs to work more for the economic construction and harmonious development of the society in the Mainland.

After all, he instilled the scientific concepts of origin in Fan Heng. However, Fan Hyung refused to make a statement before the Central Committee and gave it to the Central Committee. Although it also added a lot of experience and lessons from Fan Hyung's years of practice. But overall. The routine that Fan Wubing devised succeeded in reaching the top. It is valued by everyone.

What do you want to focus on ensuring benefits. Pay attention to people's livelihood issues. What content to achieve common prosperity. Has been included in the key word database. The senior management wanted to address the Central Committee based on Van Hyung's speech. Sort out some organized content. Then discuss the solution for the department.

As the instigator, Di Fan is not sick. Naturally, it is necessary to find a solution for Dad Fan Hyung. Especially the solution that can adapt to the current overall environment. Use it as a theory to guide Fan Heng's concrete practice in Panshidi. It is hoped that new ideas that can be adapted to the entire domestic environment can be summarized. Serving the reform and opening up.

However, Fan Wuyi was confident to come up with some good things. For example, the use of solar energy. First come out the solar water heater. Where is central heating? You can always save a lot of energy, right? As for the rectification of mines and small iron mines. It is also necessary to regulate Panshi's entire energy market. Focus on the development of low-pollution and high-return technologies. Improve the overall competitiveness of the global market.

Eat to eat. But time to eat. Others are discussing economic issues. Especially the students from the Department of International Trade and Economics. There is often a complementary relationship with the teacher. Regularly discuss some economic issues. Can broaden horizons. Let everyone think more about the current specific issues. More insights. Contribute to academic ground.

One student mentioned the current domestic emphasis on GDP. There are some deviations. "GDP reflects the final result of a country or region's production activities in a certain period of time. It is an important indicator to measure the overall economic development. However, GDP as a comprehensive economic assessment indicator has flaws that cannot be ignored. GDP growth means economic growth. But it does not represent welfare growth. GDP does not reflect whether economic development and social progress are coordinated, and whether cities and rural areas are coordinated. It reflects whether economic and industrial structures are reasonable. It also does not reflect the impact of non-economic factors on economic development. One-sidedness must be opposed. The tendency to pursue GDP. In particular, we must oppose the pursuit of output value at the expense of resources and the environment, damage to resources, and lower efficiency. Films and even fraudulent behavior. We oppose the use of GDP as the only standard approach for evaluating local development and cadres’ performance."

His mentor retorted, "What you said is correct, but the reality forces us to not always choose the right path. I

The current situation determines that we can only one-sidedly pursue GDP growth, and the land entering the forest of a powerful country is like the country’s first pollution and then governance. It is an inevitable process in the high-speed economic development. "

After hearing this, Fan Wubing interrupted and said, "It is obviously wrong to just emphasize GDP, but we cannot go from one extreme to the other, thinking that GDDP is no longer needed. The main purpose of opposing the GDP theory is to prevent certain Some local officials regard GDP as the sole criterion for promotion and carry out unbalanced development regardless of the consequences, but they cannot deny that GDP growth is of great significance to our country’s current and long-term development. In fact, to solve the severe employment pressure facing our country, we must also make GDP The growth rate is maintained at an appropriate rate. In the long run, the realization of the goals of China’s reform and opening up and modernization will depend to a large extent on the sustained and rapid growth of GDDP. We must narrow the gap with developed countries and only develop better than developed countries. Faster."

"Yes, that's what I said." Everyone nodded.

Fan Wubing was happily drinking with everyone, and the phone rang.

Fan Wuyao opened it and saw that it was his mother's call. He couldn't help but feel a little curious, so he connected the phone and asked casually, "Mother, is the old sister not listening to you, or the old brother annoying you. Or is my father's tail up again? No matter what the reason, let it go. I am eating with my classmates now, and finally have such a chance, don't you let me do something disappointing! Donate money I will talk about it when I have time."

"Wow-" Who knows that Zhang Mei, the mother of the phone, suddenly cried, crying fiercely.

Fan Wubing was stunned. It seemed that his mother was caught as an active counter-revolutionary, and she was not so sad, right? What happened today? Could it be that something went wrong with her work? Even if it's like that, it won't be enough, right?

My mother just cried and said, "Last night-there was a big fire in Xinjiang, more than 300 children, more than 300 children -"

"Jiang?! Karamay?!" Fan Wubing listened to his mother's words, and he was taken aback in his mind, and then he remembered something that he had forgotten a long time ago.

On December 8, 1994, the fire broke out in Karamay, Xinjiang.

It's just that I never expected that this incident would have happened.

On the evening of the second day of 1994, the bureaucrats of the Karamay City Education Bureau in Xinjiang welcomed the 25 officials of the compulsory education and literacy assessment and acceptance team sent by their superiors to organize the city’s most beautiful singing and dancing elementary and middle school students 790 Sixteen people held special theatrical performances in the Friendship Hall Theater.

Because the stage screen was too close to the beam of light and burned, it caused a fire. When the burning fire ball kept falling from the stage, officials from the Karamay City Education Bureau came out and said to the students, everyone sit down and don't move! Let the leaders go first!

The students were very obedient. They sat in their seats and waited until all the 26 officials present at the higher-level government and the Education Bureau had retreated from the first row to the exit of the last row before the teachers started. The students were organized to evacuate, but at this time all the lights had been extinguished, the fire had spread to the surroundings of the theater, and the only escape route had been blocked by the raging flames.

At that time, only one security door was opened in the theater, and the other security doors were locked.

As a result, the best time for the students to evacuate from the fire scene and the most critical moment have been missed.

796 teachers and students from 15 primary and secondary schools in the city were all caught in a sea of ​​flames. 323 died and 132 were burned and maimed. Among the dead, 288 were Innocent, beautiful and lovely elementary and middle school students.

There were more than forty teachers present, and 36 of them were killed. Most of them died in the service of protecting students.

There were more than 20 officials above the deputy director level of Karamay at the scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At that time, their location was the closest to the fire source and the farthest from the escape door. There were no casualties, miraculously, and when they walked out of the theater door. All of them are well-dressed.

In fact, the fire lasted only 20. After that, everything is over.

Later, when the bodies of the principal Zhang Li and the teacher Zhang Yan were carried out, they both held the child in their arms, and they were inseparable.

Parents of the children said, don’t divide, since they are born together, they die together.

Fan Wubing took the cellphone and quietly listened to his mother Zhang Mei choking on the phone about what happened thousands of kilometers away. He choked and condemned the irresponsible subordinates. Tears couldn't help but fall from his cheeks. Roll down.

He regrets a bit, why didn't (live in such a thing?

************** The third one is delivered today. Although I decided to write this a long time ago, when I write this, I am always a little uneasy. ************((To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in mm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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