
Vol 5 Chapter 298: Mom is going to pick up her son "Ask a monthly pass"

When people saw Fan Wubing standing there with his mobile phone in tears, they were all a little astonished as to what happened.

Several classmates who knew him ran over to ask what was going on. Fan Wubing shook his head and said, "I just scratched the mustard with my hand and rubbed it in my eyes when I was talking."

Everyone immediately relieved their hearts. No one thought about it. They didn't know that a fire broke out in Karamay, Xinjiang thousands of miles away last night, which caused the largest fire accident in history.

Fan Wuyi wiped his eyes with a napkin, and then returned to the middle of the wine table. While drinking with everyone, he wondered in his heart how many people would be affected by this fire accident?

If it is a few years later, if such a big fire occurs, at least the responsible person will be held criminally responsible. The administrative head of Karamay City will also be forced to take the blame and resign. Even the head of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region needs to do so. I personally went to the State Council to report and accept accountability, but now, it is estimated that none of this will happen.

My mother Zhang Mei is now the director of the Department of Basic Education. Things like this are actually within the scope of her intervention, but if things like this are directly handled by the Ministry of Education, I’m afraid to increase the variables, which will affect the society. Stability is not good, so Fan Wuyi had to suppress his excitement, carefully think about this matter from the overall situation, and see what kind of decision the high-level side will make in the end?

But after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't: _ there is a reason to let this matter lightly, if this matter is really let lightly off, then it can only explain one thing, what is involved in this matter Behind certain characters, there are more powerful figures supporting them.

The education department is difficult to talk about. Like Zhang Mei, although she is only a director, behind her is a husband Fan Heng who is a member of the Central Committee, and there is also a powerful super-rich son like Fan Wuyao.

The proportion of female cadres in the education sector is also the highest, and these female cadres often have strong husbands as their backers. Therefore, it is not so easy to hold specific responsible persons accountable for such matters.

The dean of the department saw that Fan Wubing was still a little depressed, and guessed that it was definitely not as simple as the mustard spiced his eyes just now, but if Fan Wubing himself did not want to mention it, he would not ask too much, so he thought about it. Then, I asked Fan Wuyi a question, "No disease, do you have sufficient funds?"

"Uh. What do you mean?" Fan Wubing turned his head. Looking at the department master curiously and asked.

The director replied. "Friends from the School of Information and Information Technology lead the students to engage in technological innovation. Mainly in computer software. The specific target now is the bus operation dispatching management system. And the urban traffic information monitoring center system general platform these two projects. From now on. We will continue to do some targeted projects with relatively large demand."

It turned out that my friend, the dean of the department, recently went to sea on purpose. I am also worried that my financial resources are not enough. I have a troublesome attitude from standing up. It's like finding a strong boss to rely on. He mentioned it to the department head while chatting. The head of the department saw Fan Wuyi today. Just remembered this thing. I said it by the way.

"These things. Technology alone is not enough. You have to have the ability to coordinate with relevant departments." Fan Wubing replied after hearing this. "All in all. Money won't be a barrier. It's just a bit of a hassle to run a relationship."

The dean nodded in agreement. "It's true. So no one dares to do this kind of project. They are worried that the cost will not be recovered after the investment. They actually deal with government departments. Those of us are still a little worse."

Fan Wubing thought about it in his heart. Probably the head of the department also saw that his father Fan Heng had become a member of the Central Committee. The scenery is infinite. Thinking of having a backer by yourself. Doing these projects is ten to nine. But as far as Fan Wubing is concerned. There are too many lucrative projects. There is not much more than one. One less one. I'm completely in the business of Teacher Gu. So he agreed. "Oh. That's how it is. Then it's okay to start a company in partnership. I can just find someone to do the capital and market channels."

The dean of the department was very happy when he heard that Fan Wubing agreed. Before this, his friends had known many people, and everyone did not support him in doing this. They all said that even if you can get it done in Shanghai, the whole The market capacity is not that big, not to mention how slow this payment problem is, and sometimes it is even impossible to return the payment.

So the two people talked and settled on the matter. The dean said that his friend would come to the office tomorrow to discuss the specific details together. Fan Wubing also nodded in agreement.

After eating and drinking, the sick returned to the dormitory to rest, and made a phone call to my mother.

"I decided to send an official letter to ask about the handling of this matter." Mommy

Said to Fan Wuyao with some anger.

Fan Wubing got a headache when he heard this, but after thinking about it, he objected, "Although you are the director of the Department of Basic Education, it does not mean that you have the right to be directly accountable for this kind of thing. If you feel angry, then I suggest that you just pick up and forget it. This effect is much stronger than what you send out official letters."

After listening to Zhang Mei, she thought for a while and said, "If you pick a child, you will pick a child, and the old lady won't be waiting for you!"

In fact, Fan Wubing did not want his mother to continue to be in the Ministry of Education for a long time. There are many reasons. One is that his mother is not by his father’s side, which is very unfavorable for some things in life. Fan Heng himself I'm already a member of the Central Committee, and I am in charge of Panshi's affairs. I am very busy, and if my life is not well arranged, the impact on my body will be very serious.

Another reason is that the work done by my mother Zhang Mei is not good, and basic education is really not good, although since she took office, she has fully cooperated with her in doing a lot of work, such as building a national education resource bank and donating funds to build schools. Something, but this is not the fundamental way to change.

From a policy perspective, the above handling of basic education is very improper, and investment is seriously insufficient, and the style of teaching and learning has also become worse and worse in the market-oriented economic situation. Fan Wubing does not want his mother to be in this sensitive period. The director of the Department of Basic Education didn't have to dump all the **** and urine jars on his body.

At least the whole basic education is good now. My mother has done a few more practical things. Everyone's reviews are good. It is a good time for the rapids to retreat.

Moreover, if the director of the Basic Education Department resigns because of the fire, it can also put a lot of pressure on the top and bottom. At least Fan Hyung, a new member of the Central Committee, feels like a rising political star. Still have to be cautious.

For reasons of soothing emotions, the upper echelons cannot pretend to be deaf and dumb about this matter.

Therefore, after Fan Wubing thought about the various ways in this, he gave his mother Zhang Mei this tricky suggestion.

"I'll pick you up, tomorrow afternoon I will go to Shanghai to see you." Mom Zhang Mei said to Fan Wuyi.

As soon as I heard what my mother said, I was choked by saliva. After a long cough, I asked, "Why do you want to come to me? Either see the old sister and the old brother, or go to Panshi to accompany your father. Why do you think of coming to me? I am now in school, but you are afraid that it will be inappropriate."

"What's wrong?" Mom Zhang Mei said unhappily, "Your brother and your sister have stiff wings and are disobedient. Are you ready to follow their footsteps and disobey the old lady?"

"My mother, what you said is too ugly--" Fan Wubing smiled bitterly. "Come on, but there is nowhere to go shopping in Shanghai, that is, you can eat more. If you come, I Leading you to eat for a good month, this will always be the result, right?"

After hearing this, Zhang Mei replied with some satisfaction, "That doesn’t take a month, so that it won’t affect your studies. I just want to see you. In addition, I will visit your Aunt Ding. You have been in Shanghai for the past few years. It is right for her to take care of her now that she has time to come over and thank her personally."

"That is, that is." Fan Wuyao nodded slyly.

But Fan Wubing thought in his heart that Aunt Ding took good care of herself. Not only did she take good care of herself, she often went to her house to have a meal, and even her baby daughter was in her own bed. Is it that I dare not let everyone know, otherwise my **** can't be opened?

Fortunately, Zhang Mei won't stay in Shanghai for a few days, otherwise she would be really worried.

However, at 8 o'clock in the evening, Tong Xiaoyun sneaked over.

The two people haven’t seen each other for some time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This meeting is of course to be intimate. After Yun Xieyu is gone, Fan Wubing hugs the child~ on the bed and said to her, "Maybe my mother will be there tomorrow It will be here."

"Your mother is coming?" Tong Xiaoyun felt a little guilty. She already knew that Fan Wuyao had a fiancée, but she still couldn't let go of the relationship. Hearing the news that Zhang Mei was coming over, she naturally felt something uncomfortable in her heart. .

"Well, my mom and your mom are good sisters, so naturally they should move around more often." Fan Wuyao confirmed.

"Isn't she busy with basic education, how come she has time to come over?" Tong Xiaoyun asked curiously.

"Basic education is not as good as your own son, right?" Fan Wuyao replied with a smile.

"Then, do I have to avoid it, I really don't adapt to this kind of big scene--" Tong Xiao mumbled a little gloomily.

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