
Vol 5 Chapter 299: Little trick "Ask a monthly pass"

No illness, but he didn't notice the plot of Tong Xiaoyun's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The department head was already waiting for him in the office early the next morning.

The dean’s friend is a middle-aged person in his forties. When his name is Yu Ji, he took a master’s degree student for a while. Recently, he was short of money and didn’t want to work in the school. So he took a dozen students. , Ready to come out to start a company.

When Fan Wubing heard this name, he felt that this person should be from family history, otherwise ordinary people would definitely not be able to give such a high-level name. You should know that most people of their age are named Jianguo or Yuejin. When they were in Ji, they heard it from a source.

However, although this person's name sounds loud, he is a little bit awkward and smiles. He seems to be a more real person, otherwise it would not be possible to bring out more than a dozen students.

Fan Wubing still has a better way of looking at people. After talking with Yu Jishi, he has a similar understanding of this person, so the two people settled the matter.

It is obviously more troublesome to organize a separate department. Fan Wubing meant that Yu Jishi and the students were directly merged into the FANSS club, as the software branch of FANNS in Shanghai, rooted in Shanghai, and developed software. Industry.

When Yu Ji heard about Fan Wubing’s An, he also felt that merging into a large company has many benefits. At least there is no need to type out the name of a small and unknown company, which is very time-consuming. Forceful.

The three people chatted for a while, and they came up with the idea of ​​Yu Jishi's software.

"In fact, this is also the need of the times -" Yu Jishi said frankly, "Take Shanghai as an example. As the city's capacity expands, many problems have arisen in public transportation and traffic management. :

Fan Bing nodded. He naturally knows the benefits. He has a deep understanding of the traffic congestion problem in Shanghai. Computer management is really needed here to improve efficiency. If he can manage the traffic in Shanghai, then the domestic Traffic problems in big cities are not a problem, and this demonstration effect is still worth looking forward to.

Now they are researching and developing places. It is a universal traffic management platform. But if this platform is successfully developed. Only need to set some parameters according to the actual traffic situation in various places. It can be easily transplanted.

It was three thirty in the afternoon. Zhang Mei’s plane landed at Shanghai Airport.

Zhang Mei got off the plane. I was taken aback by the atmosphere of the airport. There are more than twenty brand-new Audi teams parked below. It seemed as if it was the leader of the central government who had come over.

But she soon saw the people standing in a row holding a red banner in their hands. It says a warm welcome to Comrade Zhang Mei's guidance.

"This son. It's really going to mess up--" Zhang Mei shook her head helplessly. In my heart, I was very speechless for Fan Wubing's welcome ceremony for his subordinates. Fortunately, he is picky. Otherwise. Don't let others point to the spine and curse? It is the Minister of Education. I can't enjoy such high-standard treatment.

But Zhang Mei was a little depressed. It's that Fan Wubing didn't show up. The place in charge of receiving her is a foreigner with a high nose and blue eyes. But he speaks Mandarin fluently.

"Madam, Mr. Fan can't get away temporarily because of something. Let us come to greet you. Now we will go to the company headquarters first, and then the company executives will hold a dinner to meet his wife." Davis said to Zhang Mei solemnly.

Zhang Mei looked at the foreigner and felt that something was wrong, so she hesitated and asked, "No! Are you the Davis? Wuyi told me that the daily affairs of the company are where you are in charge. , Why can't he get out of his body anymore?"

Davis immediately explained, "That's the case, because there is an important visitor, Mr. Fan must be personally responsible for the reception work, so just let us pick you up for him."

Zhang Mei sighed. He thought of someone who could make Fan Wubing pay so much attention to him, and even his mother didn't pick it up. Could it be that he was really an incredible person? In her impression, there are so few people, but among the several important high-level people, there are not so domineering people.

All in all, Zhang Mei is confused and a little unhappy.

After all, although Davis and these people are very high in the business world, they are also some billionaires with assets of hundreds of millions, but in Zhang Mei's eyes, they are still inferior to their own sons!

Zhang Mei looked a little depressed as Davis opened the door of a Rolls-Royce and asked her to sit in. She was surprised to find that no one followed and was sitting there. She was very surprised.

But just when she was wondering, the one in front was wearing a baseball cap

He squeezed his throat and asked, "Beauty, where are you going? My car can start at 100 yuan!"

"Ah?!" Zhang Mei was stunned, thinking what was going on, and then he realized that the driver sitting in front was not someone else, but his precious son Fan Wuyi.

Sure enough, I saw Fan Wubing throwing his hat away, then turned around with a big laugh, and looked at his mother's wonderful expression with joy, "How is it, mom? Isn't it a surprise?!"

Zhang Mei unceremoniously grabbed Fan Wuyi's collar, and then grabbed his cheek and squeezed it a few times before exasperatingly said, "Smelly boy, even my mother dared to play, are you so skinny? Is it itchy?"

Fan Wubian rubbed his face and said with a smile, "I just want to make you a little surprise scene for my mother. Who knows to pinch someone's face when he comes over? Don't you know that your son is now the public? Character?"

Fan Wuyao is now a little different before. Since he decided to move from the backstage to the front desk, his exposure in the media has greatly increased. Many important business magazines like to use Fan Wuyao as the cover character because of him. The influence of this industry is too great, and an 18-year-old young rich man has a more selling point in publicity, just to simply increase circulation, but also to hang all kinds of things about Fan Wuyi in a prominent position. As for the in-depth analysis of various companies under the Fan Investment Group, there are countless reports.

For the propaganda of these media, it is true that Fan Wubing is all supported, even he specially set up a propaganda department within the company, mainly to deal with these media, mainly through some information interaction to let them propagate to themselves The company’s favorable news, while suppressing and eliminating those negative unfavorable news.

This kind of public relations propaganda does not actually require the company to pay much. As a large domestic company, the propaganda department of Fan Investment Group only needs to provide the other party with a little valuable information in peacetime, so that the other party can be big. Make an article and attract the attention of readers. It can be said that this is a win-win situation.

For domestic media, Fan Wu's strategy is to treat them differently. The background of these media can be divided into official, quasi-official, and private. In terms of handling methods, Fan Wubing used more formal channels to contact the official quasi-official media, mainly to greet them, to let them know their own affairs, and not to casually release some irresponsible news.

For the non-governmental media, Fan Wuyao also adopted a differentiation policy. For some friendly media, he will provide corresponding support to make them appreciate their own benefits. They usually exchange information with each other and share a lot of important things together. Information, and for malicious media, it is ruthlessly litigating a lawsuit, but it will not beat the opponent to death.

In this way, there are some who say good things about themselves, some who say bad things about themselves, and some who describe them objectively and impartially. The three forms of media news are put together, and everyone is a little confused about Fan Investment Group.

The official media will focus on promoting the physical investment and strong strength of Fanshi Investment Group. The friendly media will praise Fan's Investment Group as a beneficiary of thousands of families, and a pioneer of charity and charity. Hostile media will maliciously slander the Fan Investment Group and use some trivial news to discredit the Fan Investment Group.

As for why we should keep some negative news? Fan Wuyao has some opinions about this. He once said to Davis and others, "A simple angel is not terrible, and a simple devil is easy to deal with. The most troublesome thing is the mixture of angels and demons. It is difficult for you. To figure out his true purpose, this kind of opponent is the most troublesome. We want the media to evaluate ourselves differently ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ is to make people unable to guess our details, you know, always be good people , Will also be bullied."

The executives within the company admire Fan Wu's strategic thinking very much. They really can’t guess how Fan Wu's head grows. He can comprehend such profound rules of life, which is nothing for foreigners. For the Chinese, this kind of middle road, which is neither to the left nor to the right, is the essence of the golden mean advocated by Confucius.

Zhang Mei has long been accustomed to his son’s unconstrained way of thinking, and let Fan Wu~: drove the car and drove herself to the Gemini Office Building of Fan's Investment Group to participate in the welcome hosted by the company’s executives. Reception.

"So much fanfare, it's a bit extravagant." Zhang Mei said to Fan Wuyao a little uncomfortable when he saw the scene of the dinner.

"Get used to it," Fan Wu replied indifferently.

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